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Easy Allies |EZOT| Good Vibes and Good Hype

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Hah yeah, I feel the same way. BozWoz was not made for the east coast.
I'm sure, I'm central time so that's slightly better but once you pass 3am it's a matter of time before I pass out. A month ago he was regularly streaming them for like 2.5 hours and it was nuts.
Bosman v Wozniak is my favourite EZA stream by far. The bits and stories are hilarious. I don't watch for the quality Tetris I just like the entertainment.
It's like you're watching Kyle's brain work as you're getting his commentary and bits. It's fascinating

Take that and combine it with the hype of high scores

It's a perfect program


i have no interest in the franchise whatsoever although liking my few hours with the first one, but I think the E3-demo killed what little buzz there might have been. Was it liked by fans? Sure, i dunno, but for the majority, especially compared to Fallout's presentation a year prior, that felt pretty much flat. Maybe I am wrong, is there much hype aside from "the media" not liking it

Nothing grabbed me about Fallout 4 e3 outside of the timing between reveal and release. Fallout 4 ended up being the most disappointing AAA title I played last year.

Crossing my fingers dishonored turns out to be another Doom and not Fallout. No one was especially hyped for doom leading up to launch. Then people got their hands on it and it got a big push through word of mouth.
Kinda bummed that they bagged on Dishonored 2 in the EZA podcast. I feel like most games and movies I like either barely get discussed or get trashed when they get brought up on the 2 Easy Allies podcasts.

Dude I felt the same way. The Recore shade, Xbox shade, and Shooter shade sucks.


Nothing grabbed me about Fallout 4 e3 outside of the timing between reveal and release. Fallout 4 ended up being the most disappointing AAA title I played last year.
That's certainly not true of the general videogame public and media, though. The Reveal and Release-thingy did huge for them additionally, true. Dishonored has neither from what i can tell or at least Reveal-Release didn't give them a bonus.
Also regarding Dishonored 2, I'm exactly like Damiani with first person games.
I can't enjoy them as much and I easily get motion sickness with them.

I own Dishonored 1, but never got to play past the tutorial for that very reason.

Dishonored is one of the best stealth games ever made with one of the worst few hours in gaming. Everything in the prologue and 1st mission isn't indicative of the rest of the game.
It's really about zipping around taking taking down baddies with super powers. Teleportation, mind controlling animals and the bending of time are just some of your tools.
I get people don't like FPS stealth because they feel 'boxed" in but Dishonored later gives you Dark Vision which is basically Arkham Batman vision and sidesteps that boxed I'm feeling. But like I said, unfortunately this stuff comes into play a few hours in.

I hope Arkane don't pull that again with the sequel or with Prey. That game looks fun as hell with its even crazier super scifi powers, but making you play as Mr Vanilla for a few hours might just give the wrong impression again.


Dishonored is one of the best stealth games ever made with one of the worst few hours in gaming. Everything in the prologue and 1st mission isn't indicative of the rest of the game.
It's really about zipping around taking taking down baddies with super powers. Teleportation, mind controlling animals and the bending of time are just some of your tools.
I get people don't like FPS stealth because they feel 'boxed" in but Dishonored later gives you Dark Vision which is basically Arkham Batman vision and sidesteps that boxed I'm feeling. But like I said, unfortunately this stuff comes into play a few hours in.

I hope Arkane don't pull that again with the sequel or with Prey. That game looks fun as hell with its even crazier super scifi powers, but making you play as Mr Vanilla for a few hours might just give the wrong impression again.

I think for me, it goes even beyond the motion sickness and spatial awareness that first person restricts.
I just like FP less, because if i don't see my character move on screen, i just enjoy it less, and can relate with them less (i know it's a paradox, as FP should be the most immersive of things).
Maybe it's because i'm into drawing/animations, and so seeing the character animate on screen has always been an important part of my enjoyment of a game (i do have a problem loving games with really bad animations, for example).
Even games that are clearly designed around first person, i try to play as much as i can in 3rd (thinking of Morrowind/Bethesda games, now).

I know some people are the complete opposite, and always ask for a first person mode (see: GTAV) though.

3 hour Fiasco episode?? I can't wait to dive in



the GT Fiasco episodes are some of the best content they had on their site.
Idiots of the Southern Wild and the Suburbia episodes in particular are just gold.


"That escalated quickly" doesn't even BEGIN to describe that Fiasco scenario, hahaha.

And Kyle forcing Ian to be a racist "I hate you Kyle *sadface*" too good...


Listening to Easy Allies podcast and they didn't mention how Super Mario Maker 3DS could download Wii U stages. Still listening so maybe they correct themselves but that seems pretty important to mention.


Listening to Easy Allies podcast and they didn't mention how Super Mario Maker 3DS could download Wii U stages. Still listening so maybe they correct themselves but that seems pretty important to mention.

You can't. They're used in 100 Mario challenges. You couldn't just logon and specifically download levels I've made on Wii U for example.
That's because the captain outfit isn't useful! :p

Something that cool *has* to have a +5 Charisma buff :p

Bosman's Tetris play is kinda frustrating the last couple of Bosman V. Wozniaks. It seems he's kind of plateau'd and is just waiting to get lucky with the RNG, but there's still room to actually improve.

He should probably keep going for Tetrises slightly longer, just one more tetris at a high level would have put him over 400K several times already.

I also think also psyching himself out too much with the square blocks, just because sometimes there's no good place for them doesn't mean you have to put in the worst place.


Wozniak reigns supreme


Fiasco was superb.
The two guys from Massive Chalice were a bit stiff, but not everyone can be talented at improv just like that, and they loosened up a bit by the end.

To which i'll say Ben is just a natural at this, i was bent over laughing at all his characters.

I don't know if he enjoys doing fiasco or not, but i hope he does, because he's really good at that type of comedy and i am impressed by how quickly he can just whip up a new character like that.

Not to sound like an ass, since we just got a massive episode, but i hope this is a recurring thing.
Maybe once every other month or something like that.

And perhaps try to rotate the rest of the allies in it.
Really want to see Brandon give a go at Fiasco.
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