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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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Thinking about EZA this year and I have come to a realisation that I have already pretty much checked out of the EZA train. Which is a shame as I was a huge fan of their at GT, not a day would go by without me checking out their videos or going back to see their older posts. Whereas now, I let Frametrap slide all the way to Friday to finally start listening to it and the only reason why I did it was because I had a commute ahead. Same can be said about the EZA Podcasts or other shows. I haven't watched a Huber Syndrome in months, for example. The only shows which I do make an effort to check out are Tabletop and Fiasconauts.

I think the main reason why I don't feel as strongly about EZA as I did about GT is their focus on personalities over actual gaming journalism and professional views. Overall, the professionalism that I thought was there during the GT days is gone. The mention of podcasts on this page (ie shooting them late at night while the podcast being the premium content) is just one example of this. Sure, the excuse is, when they'll have studio it'll be different. But honestly, I don''t really see that as much of an excuse when they're getting 43 000 per month from people's money. It should definitely be possible to meet up 2-3 times a week to do a number of shoots.

Their personalities, which seemed interesting, while subtle, at GT days are now getting on my nerves as well. Case in point Ian blatantly making stuff about Zelda and Horizon to prop the game that he likes against the game he doesn't like. I never followed GT during the Damiani days so his personality was brand new to me and I grew to dislike it almost immediately following the "the only good games at E3 each year are Nintendo games" podcast. His utter unwillingness to talk about games that are not Nintendo is ludicrous and one has to wonder why he is invited to things like Frame Trap when he'll sit there for hours, speaking only one or two words. Huber is also quickly becoming a one-note character who seems like a really cool dude to hang out with but not so much to listen to about games and about how Rainbow Six Siege is f2p/was shit/is improved.

On top of that the content that EZA produces leads me to believe they'll be going further and further away from where I would like them to be. The Anime and Film podcasts are something I have absolutely no interest in as I wouldn't consider EZA members to be experts in those fields at all. At some point it gets to a point, where I'm listening listening to opinions of random people about films and anime as opposed to games, where they have worked in the industry and have some knowledge about it.
Further, the Nintendo focus is also super uniteresting to me. Like I said, I didn't experience GT with Damiani, so I'm not sure if he was pushing for Nintendo content on GT as much as well but it simply isn't for me. I can't fault the guy, as he definitely puts in the work to have an hour-long show out every week, but seeing so many Zelda videos and Nintendo podcasts on top of all the Nintendo discussion at the EZA podcasts seems like overkill. This is also happening when the promised Game Sleuths are taking 6 months or more to make. Again, it seems like focus is on where Damiani finds his hobby to be and that's fine, if GS wasn't a promised and paid feature (this goes back to lack of professionalism again).
So overall, the content simply isn't there for me to be interested enough abut EZA. And it's definitely not evolving the way I thought it would when I started giving them money. Shows like Brandon Plays are one-and-done deal (which deal with interesting dicussion of franchises from a newcomers perspective) while movie podcasts, anime podcasts and zelda talks are taking the charge. Overall, it seems as EZA is simply an enthusiast channel and that is not what I liked about GT at all. I'ts much more self-indulgent than professional (just looking at the anniversary celebration to prove my point here).

To be fair they seem to be also quite bad at taking suggestions from the fanbase as well, when shows that many fans are requesting are given excuses as to why they are not happening (trailer score, top 10s, brand plays, kyle's show).

So I guess in the end I'll definitely be checking them out once in a while, if only to fill in the commute time with the podcasts (which by the way is 50% fan questions, which is ridiculous) but all the passion about them is gone. Which is a shame, since just in Janaury I watched 8 hours of EZA content in a day and felt super great about it.

I think, while your complaints and views are understandable, with regards to the Nintendo stuff, I don't think I would make the complaint that it's too Nintendo oriented but that it doesn't have enough of the other stuff to counter balance it.

Because I don't really consume everything EZA puts out. I hard skip the Nintendo stuff and probably won't ever watch it and that's okay. I think the diverse content is great. It appeals to a wider audience.

But along the lines of your complaint, as of now, yea, Nintendo fans do just have more content to consume. But I do think that's just how it worked out and wasn't really something done intentionally.

Regardless, still sucks that you feel this way.


Fun stream from the bits and pieces I was able to watch. Loved the salt & the fact that they were even playing a basketball game lol. Good times. Not to mention
the shadow drop


The YouTube comments on the community comments video that went up today were out of control. Is it possible to block specific accounts from commenting on a channel? Multiple cases of "go kill yourself " comments and uses of the word f*gg*ts. It's sad to see that kind of stuff being the majority.
Thinking about EZA this year and I have come to a realisation that I have already pretty much checked out of the EZA train. Which is a shame as I was a huge fan of their at GT, not a day would go by without me checking out their videos or going back to see their older posts. Whereas now, I let Frametrap slide all the way to Friday to finally start listening to it and the only reason why I did it was because I had a commute ahead. Same can be said about the EZA Podcasts or other shows. I haven't watched a Huber Syndrome in months, for example. The only shows which I do make an effort to check out are Tabletop and Fiasconauts.

I think the main reason why I don't feel as strongly about EZA as I did about GT is their focus on personalities over actual gaming journalism and professional views. Overall, the professionalism that I thought was there during the GT days is gone. The mention of podcasts on this page (ie shooting them late at night while the podcast being the premium content) is just one example of this. Sure, the excuse is, when they'll have studio it'll be different. But honestly, I don''t really see that as much of an excuse when they're getting 43 000 per month from people's money. It should definitely be possible to meet up 2-3 times a week to do a number of shoots.

Their personalities, which seemed interesting, while subtle, at GT days are now getting on my nerves as well. Case in point Ian blatantly making stuff about Zelda and Horizon to prop the game that he likes against the game he doesn't like. I never followed GT during the Damiani days so his personality was brand new to me and I grew to dislike it almost immediately following the "the only good games at E3 each year are Nintendo games" podcast. His utter unwillingness to talk about games that are not Nintendo is ludicrous and one has to wonder why he is invited to things like Frame Trap when he'll sit there for hours, speaking only one or two words. Huber is also quickly becoming a one-note character who seems like a really cool dude to hang out with but not so much to listen to about games and about how Rainbow Six Siege is f2p/was shit/is improved.

On top of that the content that EZA produces leads me to believe they'll be going further and further away from where I would like them to be. The Anime and Film podcasts are something I have absolutely no interest in as I wouldn't consider EZA members to be experts in those fields at all. At some point it gets to a point, where I'm listening listening to opinions of random people about films and anime as opposed to games, where they have worked in the industry and have some knowledge about it.
Further, the Nintendo focus is also super uniteresting to me. Like I said, I didn't experience GT with Damiani, so I'm not sure if he was pushing for Nintendo content on GT as much as well but it simply isn't for me. I can't fault the guy, as he definitely puts in the work to have an hour-long show out every week, but seeing so many Zelda videos and Nintendo podcasts on top of all the Nintendo discussion at the EZA podcasts seems like overkill. This is also happening when the promised Game Sleuths are taking 6 months or more to make. Again, it seems like focus is on where Damiani finds his hobby to be and that's fine, if GS wasn't a promised and paid feature (this goes back to lack of professionalism again).
So overall, the content simply isn't there for me to be interested enough abut EZA. And it's definitely not evolving the way I thought it would when I started giving them money. Shows like Brandon Plays are one-and-done deal (which deal with interesting dicussion of franchises from a newcomers perspective) while movie podcasts, anime podcasts and zelda talks are taking the charge. Overall, it seems as EZA is simply an enthusiast channel and that is not what I liked about GT at all. I'ts much more self-indulgent than professional (just looking at the anniversary celebration to prove my point here).

To be fair they seem to be also quite bad at taking suggestions from the fanbase as well, when shows that many fans are requesting are given excuses as to why they are not happening (trailer score, top 10s, brand plays, kyle's show).

So I guess in the end I'll definitely be checking them out once in a while, if only to fill in the commute time with the podcasts (which by the way is 50% fan questions, which is ridiculous) but all the passion about them is gone. Which is a shame, since just in Janaury I watched 8 hours of EZA content in a day and felt super great about it.

I do miss the $$$ Pr0duCtiOn VaLuEs $$$ of GT days (even for something as minor as the review video intro, now it's just the solid black and PowerPoint slide effects). I don't like watching the group streams because it's so hard to hear everyone talking. I hope the studio comes sooner rather than later.

RE: personalities, I'm all over the place. During GT days for some reason I could not stand Ian but now I love him. I have no problem with his elitist sense about game X over game Y. Love Brandon, Blood, Brad. I think Huber goes too far with his enthusiasm, which is already making me roll my eyes in advance of E3. Ben's cool. Damiani as well. I'm really sour with Kyle. Like, really.

RE: content, in for EZA Podcast despite Kyle, listen to Frame Trap only by skipping around and listening to parts about specific games, loveeeeee the new movie podcast, and then occasional stream VODs if it's a game I'm interested in. Nothing else, rarely watch streams live. (Brandon please do GoldenEye at some point!)

Here's hoping they go all out for E3 year two.


I think, while your complaints and views are understandable, with regards to the Nintendo stuff, I don't think I would make the complaint that it's too Nintendo oriented but that it doesn't have enough of the other stuff to counter balance it.

Because I don't really consume everything EZA puts out. I hard skip the Nintendo stuff and probably won't ever watch it and that's okay. I think the diverse content is great. It appeals to a wider audience.

But along the lines of your complaint, as of now, yea, Nintendo fans do just have more content to consume. But I do think that's just how it worked out and wasn't really something done intentionally.

Regardless, still sucks that you feel this way.

I can agree that the way you put it was probably better phrased than what I have said. I'm not so much disappointed at them putting out Nintendo content but rather that it seems to take up a lot more of the weekly releases than I'd like and thus lowers the content that I'd like to watch from EZA.

I do miss the $$$ Pr0duCtiOn VaLuEs $$$ of GT days (even for something as minor as the review video intro, now it's just the solid black and PowerPoint slide effects). I don't like watching the group streams because it's so hard to hear everyone talking. I hope the studio comes sooner rather than later.

RE: personalities, I'm all over the place. During GT days for some reason I could not stand Ian but now I love him. I have no problem with his elitist sense about game X over game Y. Love Brandon, Blood, Brad. I think Huber goes too far with his enthusiasm, which is already making me roll my eyes in advance of E3. Ben's cool. Damiani as well. I'm really sour with Kyle. Like, really.

RE: content, in for EZA Podcast despite Kyle, listen to Frame Trap only by skipping around and listening to parts about specific games, loveeeeee the new movie podcast, and then occasional stream VODs if it's a game I'm interested in. Nothing else, rarely watch streams live. (Brandon please do GoldenEye at some point!)

Here's hoping they go all out for E3 year two.

I'll definitely be there for E3 as I know the nine guys and thus know their taste and can discern what games would be for me what games wouldn't be.

Also one more point that really soured me on EZA over the year is putting certain games on a pedestal and basically creating an echo chamber of this is a good game, this a bad game. There was a time last year or at the beginning of this year when no game could be mentioned without mentioning Dark Souls. Hell, even Bersek EZAnime got a Dark Souls section. Same is happening right now with Zelda and I'm just afraid that going to the future we'll be stuck with "this game isn't Dark Souls or Zelda" and thus is not good. Now, this is not a problem for all allies, but some definitely can throw around the same sentiment.
Similalry, an echo chamber is created this way within EZA where things like "Wildlands is shit" or "Horizon is shit", or "I'm worried about FFXV shwoing at E3 despite it getting best E3 RPG award" or "Hitman will be crap episodically" (at GT) happen. And I have no problem with them holding these opinions but there is no one there to counterbalance it. I mean Jones had to Wildlands and Horizon preview by himself whereas Namco preview got three Allies sitting down for a talk. I guess, they could use a Matt Blair telling them to calm down and really think about things like he did with Hitman.


The YouTube comments on the community comments video that went up today were out of control. Is it possible to block specific accounts from commenting on a channel? Multiple cases of "go kill yourself " comments and uses of the word f*gg*ts. It's sad to see that kind of stuff being the majority.

It's the majority of YouTube in general. Rule of thumb is to not look at them like you wouldn't look at 4Chan or something.


Thinking about EZA this year and I have come to a realisation that I have already pretty much checked out of the EZA train. Which is a shame as I was a huge fan of their at GT, not a day would go by without me checking out their videos or going back to see their older posts. Whereas now, I let Frametrap slide all the way to Friday to finally start listening to it and the only reason why I did it was because I had a commute ahead. Same can be said about the EZA Podcasts or other shows. I haven't watched a Huber Syndrome in months, for example. The only shows which I do make an effort to check out are Tabletop and Fiasconauts.

I think the main reason why I don't feel as strongly about EZA as I did about GT is their focus on personalities over actual gaming journalism and professional views. Overall, the professionalism that I thought was there during the GT days is gone. The mention of podcasts on this page (ie shooting them late at night while the podcast being the premium content) is just one example of this. Sure, the excuse is, when they'll have studio it'll be different. But honestly, I don''t really see that as much of an excuse when they're getting 43 000 per month from people's money. It should definitely be possible to meet up 2-3 times a week to do a number of shoots.

Their personalities, which seemed interesting, while subtle, at GT days are now getting on my nerves as well. Case in point Ian blatantly making stuff about Zelda and Horizon to prop the game that he likes against the game he doesn't like. I never followed GT during the Damiani days so his personality was brand new to me and I grew to dislike it almost immediately following the "the only good games at E3 each year are Nintendo games" podcast. His utter unwillingness to talk about games that are not Nintendo is ludicrous and one has to wonder why he is invited to things like Frame Trap when he'll sit there for hours, speaking only one or two words. Huber is also quickly becoming a one-note character who seems like a really cool dude to hang out with but not so much to listen to about games and about how Rainbow Six Siege is f2p/was shit/is improved.

On top of that the content that EZA produces leads me to believe they'll be going further and further away from where I would like them to be. The Anime and Film podcasts are something I have absolutely no interest in as I wouldn't consider EZA members to be experts in those fields at all. At some point it gets to a point, where I'm listening listening to opinions of random people about films and anime as opposed to games, where they have worked in the industry and have some knowledge about it.
Further, the Nintendo focus is also super uniteresting to me. Like I said, I didn't experience GT with Damiani, so I'm not sure if he was pushing for Nintendo content on GT as much as well but it simply isn't for me. I can't fault the guy, as he definitely puts in the work to have an hour-long show out every week, but seeing so many Zelda videos and Nintendo podcasts on top of all the Nintendo discussion at the EZA podcasts seems like overkill. This is also happening when the promised Game Sleuths are taking 6 months or more to make. Again, it seems like focus is on where Damiani finds his hobby to be and that's fine, if GS wasn't a promised and paid feature (this goes back to lack of professionalism again).
So overall, the content simply isn't there for me to be interested enough abut EZA. And it's definitely not evolving the way I thought it would when I started giving them money. Shows like Brandon Plays are one-and-done deal (which deal with interesting dicussion of franchises from a newcomers perspective) while movie podcasts, anime podcasts and zelda talks are taking the charge. Overall, it seems as EZA is simply an enthusiast channel and that is not what I liked about GT at all. I'ts much more self-indulgent than professional (just looking at the anniversary celebration to prove my point here).

To be fair they seem to be also quite bad at taking suggestions from the fanbase as well, when shows that many fans are requesting are given excuses as to why they are not happening (trailer score, top 10s, brand plays, kyle's show).

So I guess in the end I'll definitely be checking them out once in a while, if only to fill in the commute time with the podcasts (which by the way is 50% fan questions, which is ridiculous) but all the passion about them is gone. Which is a shame, since just in Janaury I watched 8 hours of EZA content in a day and felt super great about it.

I definitely understand how you feel.
I consume hours of EZA content every week and i'm fully satisfied by that, hell i'd even up my pledge if i wasnt a piss poor student, but i'm starting to following them more like i'm listening to some friends talking rather than some journalists.
Not saying that they aren't or that they don't publish content that count as such, they still have very good reviews and opinions especially on podcast, only that i'm more and more following them for their personalities and friendly vibes rather than the professional aspect (which yeah sometimes feels a bit lacking though i'm uncapable of pinpoint exactly what's the problem).

Maybe just take a break from EZA, and then come back watching less weekly content and see how you will feel about them.

Still it's always good when even negative opinions are discussed in a civil way.



Unconfirmed Member
I love reactions shots as someone that doesn't really watch a lot of movies. The podcasts exposes me to stuff I generally wouldn't touch out of my own volition.
Also happy that it deep dives on movies and isn't just movie news talk and punditry, I feel like for me personally I got that covered already by what the Collider channel puts up.

Also a possibly dumb and very uninformed opinion as I'm just not that exposed to other movie podcast but I feel like Spoiler mode for games could take certain cues from reaction shots maybe.

Mista Koo

The YouTube comments on the community comments video that went up today were out of control. Is it possible to block specific accounts from commenting on a channel? Multiple cases of "go kill yourself " comments and uses of the word f*gg*ts. It's sad to see that kind of stuff being the majority.
If you like to interact with comments I suggest using the Patreon comments.

I think it's healthy to be less obsessed, makes it easier to accept whatever they do. I know I'm less angry when I'm not too eagerly waiting on stuff.

Having said that they are Easy Allies now not Game Trailers. And it's tricky to keep that in mind since most of their fan base are the same. So on one hand some people long for trailer scores or game sleuths while I as a new fan don't care about that at all. I also have to mention the shows that share names but nothing else since they didn't even know what they were gonna be when they launched EZA.
In addition they are trying to form their new identity and they haven't matured enough yet. Hence a lot of their content is just them doing what they want to do (within what they can do) since that want wasn't always an option at GT. Understandably it leads to shows that don't necessarily have a lot to do with each other and not necessarily target the same people. That in turn leads to the personalities since it's the glue that keeps it together and is a big reason people want to watch the different stuff. Case in point a freaking Gundam building stream is an ongoing stream!
And I'm waiting on that Huber haircut stream!


I can agree that the way you put it was probably better phrased than what I have said. I'm not so much disappointed at them putting out Nintendo content but rather that it seems to take up a lot more of the weekly releases than I'd like and thus lowers the content that I'd like to watch from EZA.

I'll definitely be there for E3 as I know the nine guys and thus know their taste and can discern what games would be for me what games wouldn't be.

Also one more point that really soured me on EZA over the year is putting certain games on a pedestal and basically creating an echo chamber of this is a good game, this a bad game. There was a time last year or at the beginning of this year when no game could be mentioned without mentioning Dark Souls. Hell, even Bersek EZAnime got a Dark Souls section. Same is happening right now with Zelda and I'm just afraid that going to the future we'll be stuck with "this game isn't Dark Souls or Zelda" and thus is not good. Now, this is not a problem for all allies, but some definitely can throw around the same sentiment.
Similalry, an echo chamber is created this way within EZA where things like "Wildlands is shit" or "Horizon is shit", or "I'm worried about FFXV shwoing at E3 despite it getting best E3 RPG award" or "Hitman will be crap episodically" (at GT) happen. And I have no problem with them holding these opinions but there is no one there to counterbalance it. I mean Jones had to Wildlands and Horizon preview by himself whereas Namco preview got three Allies sitting down for a talk. I guess, they could use a Matt Blair telling them to calm down and really think about things like he did with Hitman.

I think this is generally an issue with your tastes not aligning, which is fine. There are a lot of Zelda and Dark Souls fans in EZA, so If you have no interest in these franchises, I can get that you feel like you're losing interest.

While I agree that the negativity surrounding Wildlands reached "echo chamber" levels, I'm not sure how you can call their coverage off Horizon and FFXV negative echo chambers.

Regarding FFXV, they can only report on what they saw at E3. I don't know about you, but the Titan fight demo killed the hype of many people, including myself. The FFXV demo they had people play at E3 had horrible performance and crashes. If I remember correctly, the Allies even prefaced their E3 2016 FFXV discussion with "take this with a grain of salt, it's a demo and this will probably get fixed". That doesn't seem like an echo chamber to me. They also weren't the only outlet with negative impressions of FFXV after E3 2016. Them all having blind faith in FFXV despite a bad showing - that would be an echo chamber.

There was some negativity surrounding Horizon when they started to think that the Tallnecks were just Ubisoft Towers (strongest from Ian and Huber iirc), but it never reached "Horizon is shit" levels, and it was countered by Brandon's strong positivity. Most allies are positive about the game now - except for Ian I think.





Also, time to retire the Shenmue 3 as an excitement gif


I love that Blood is so engrossed in his Kirby toy too
I quite like that the movie podcast is not a "news" podcast, there are SO many of those already, I don't need another one.
What they have going on is a lot more interesting (to me), "deep dives" into specific topics.
I get what some of you guys are saying, that it reminds you of sitting in class. It reminds me of that too, but in a good way! haha.

Really enjoyed the Mad Max commentary track as well.


Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Damiani vs Huber last night:

I too have found myself watching fewer EZA streams because the novelty has worn off on people playing stuff alone in their bedrooms. Frame Trap, Tabletop, and the Gundam stream remain my favourites. Gundam because it brings back the chill out full playthrough friday vibes which we rarely get now. I'd probably watch the Group Stream more often if it wasn't continually broadcasted at stupid twat o' clock with no sign of that changing.

They're missing the boat bigtime on Spoiler Modes though. No Nioh, Nier, or Persona and E3 is in a months time so...??? Anticipating what Kyles next thing after Tetris is because that boy has been coasting since LWYTG. The VR stream was good though, more of that. Their Vive goes pretty unused.

I assume Zelda Talk has an end point planned like Brandon Plays Pokemon so it's not just some continual attempt to twist EZA into a nest for fansite merch shill shows. "This episode I read aloud the ingredients of the Nintendo Cereal System and laugh piercingly at every other nutritional value percentage."


Damiani vs Huber last night:

I too have found myself watching fewer EZA streams because the novelty has worn off on people playing stuff alone in their bedrooms. Frame Trap, Tabletop, and the Gundam stream remain my favourites. Gundam because it brings back the chill out full playthrough friday vibes which we rarely get now. I'd probably watch the Group Stream more often if it wasn't continually broadcasted at stupid twat o' clock with no sign of that changing.

They're missing the boat bigtime on Spoiler Modes though. No Nioh, Nier, or Persona and E3 is in a months time so...??? Anticipating what Kyles next thing after Tetris is because that boy has been coasting since LWYTG. The VR stream was good though, more of that. Their Vive goes pretty unused.

I assume Zelda Talk has an end point planned like Brandon Plays Pokemon so it's not just some continual attempt to twist EZA into a nest for fansite merch shill shows. "This episode I read aloud the ingredients of the Nintendo Cereal System and laugh piercingly at every other nutritional value percentage."

The main issue with spoiler mode is they need enough people to play and finish the games. And many allies dabble but don't finish. I would die for some more but I understand why it's hard to coordinate :/

Also @mario your frustrations are understandable but I do want to counter one thing you said which was "even the Beserk podcast talked about Dark Souls" and, well, that was clearly a special case and the reason why it was picked first, because that anime has such a strong influence on the creation of that game. They'd have been remiss not to mention it.

Mista Koo

Yay for good cam. Now they probably shouldn't have the game be full screen and feature the cam more prominently.

That game was pretty bad. I couldn't stand watching all of that let alone playing a freaking 10 minute match. That much time was even too much for a Mario Kart match which is an excellent game. After the second match I skipped to the latter third of the final.


Re: EZA not being like GT. I'd argue the opposite, or rather tangential? I'd say EZA is pretty much exactly where GT was heading in its last few months, the direction they've taken, the shift to personality driven stuff, was all there in that last run-up. It's understandable if people feel otherwise though, especially if all they did was mainly follow the content that was posted on gametrailers.com.

But I think to folks who were closely following their content on both the website and twitch in the last days, where they are now, should not be that much of a surprise in general.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
If the point of the latest Game Sleuth was to kill off said show and responsibility by making me never want to watch another one again, then bravo sirs.
I can agree that the way you put it was probably better phrased than what I have said. I'm not so much disappointed at them putting out Nintendo content but rather that it seems to take up a lot more of the weekly releases than I'd like and thus lowers the content that I'd like to watch from EZA.

I'll definitely be there for E3 as I know the nine guys and thus know their taste and can discern what games would be for me what games wouldn't be.

Also one more point that really soured me on EZA over the year is putting certain games on a pedestal and basically creating an echo chamber of this is a good game, this a bad game. There was a time last year or at the beginning of this year when no game could be mentioned without mentioning Dark Souls. Hell, even Bersek EZAnime got a Dark Souls section. Same is happening right now with Zelda and I'm just afraid that going to the future we'll be stuck with "this game isn't Dark Souls or Zelda" and thus is not good. Now, this is not a problem for all allies, but some definitely can throw around the same sentiment.
Similalry, an echo chamber is created this way within EZA where things like "Wildlands is shit" or "Horizon is shit", or "I'm worried about FFXV shwoing at E3 despite it getting best E3 RPG award" or "Hitman will be crap episodically" (at GT) happen. And I have no problem with them holding these opinions but there is no one there to counterbalance it. I mean Jones had to Wildlands and Horizon preview by himself whereas Namco preview got three Allies sitting down for a talk. I guess, they could use a Matt Blair telling them to calm down and really think about things like he did with Hitman.

This seems like a very skewed version of the way things actually went down. It wasn't like other allies didn't want to go to Horizon or Wildlands preview opportunities, that's just how it worked out with scheduling. There was nothing more to it. Huber, Kyle, and myself have expressed enthusiasm for Horizon on multiple occasions, yet there's still this weird idea that we strongly dislike the game.

Regarding the FFXV demo at E3, it was as I described. All I can do is report on what I played. Opinions can and will change over time as it clearly did with the final release. We expressed skepticism that seemed very warranted. EZA is sometimes labeled as a group of people that all think the same thing, but I think we've done a fine job representing different opinions regarding prominent games when those different opinions pop up. Blood and Damiani feel very differently about FFXV than Huber, Brad, and I do. Huber and Ian feel very differently about the Last Guardian. We don't shut down differences of opinion but do what we can when we can to elaborate on them.

I can understand being sick of everything being compared to Dark Souls. I'm sick of it too which is why I've made a conscious effort to tone it down. Yet there are times when the comparison is intelligently warranted and jumping down someone's throat for merely mentioning the series is silly. The ties between Dark Souls and Berserk are very clear. It's not something we did just because we have to slap Dark Souls on everything. Similarly, I don't think the Zelda talk is an echo chamber as the upcoming spoiler discussion will prove. Yet it is a game that left a big impression on the group overall (all nine allies, which almost never happens) and because of that I don't think it's a poor thing to focus on. The more perspectives the better.

I think it's absolutely fine to not like us for one reason or another and there are many things to point to that we can improve on, but it gets under my skin when the narrative being played up is not accurate.

EDIT: Since I cannot find my Wildlands impressions that I'm thinking of, I removed that part of the post. I don't want to paint a picture that I can't prove. If I do find them I'll update again.

EDIT 2: The wording on the Horizon part wasn't accurate. Changed "nearly all" to "Huber, Kyle, and myself".


"EZA is always positive to everything and not critic enough"
"why EZA always shits on this game I like"
"the whole group never discuss games"
"why won't everybody in EZA shut up about Zelda"

Easy Allies is officially Nintendo status.
If the point of the latest Game Sleuth was to kill off said show and responsibility by making me never want to watch another one again, then bravo sirs.
I haven't seen it yet so, based on this post, I'm assuming it was a 15 minute compilation of abortion footage

Shame, Damiani! I thought this show was about video games!




I haven't seen it yet so, based on this post, I'm assuming it was a 15 minute compilation of abortion footage

Shame, Damiani! I thought this show was about video games!

I mean, it was about an anime game. It's bad enough!

I thought it was a really interesting dive about some shit DS game and a bunch of DVDs that never came out.

I assume Zelda Talk has an end point planned like Brandon Plays Pokemon so it's not just some continual attempt to twist EZA into a nest for fansite merch shill shows. "This episode I read aloud the ingredients of the Nintendo Cereal System and laugh piercingly at every other nutritional value percentage."

I've never seen anyone ever more deserving of their tag on these forums. Bravo, good sir!
The best part about Berserk/Souls comparisons is that not only did Miyazaki comment on how he drew inspiration from the anime/manga but that the games themselves proudly wear that inspiration on their sleeve.


It's time to binge some TTE.
I'd like to beg that the Allies stop bringing up the mlb glitch that I had thought I'd forgotten about until they've started bringing it up again. It's legit making me question if I can watch their stuff it's going to be brought up throughout the year. There's some irrational phobia it triggers for me.


I'd like to beg that the Allies stop bringing up the mlb glitch that I had thought I'd forgotten about until they've started bringing it up again. It's legit making me question if I can watch their stuff it's going to be brought up throughout the year. There's some irrational phobia it triggers for me.

I don't think they've done it since Frame Trap, so you're safe unless I missed it. Don't worry, Huber is going through the same hell.

Mikey Jr.

I won't lie, that Gamesleuth was......bizarre.

Like, some really really obscure Dragon tv show that probably nobody has even heard about, and finding out if it has cheat codes for the equally obscure DS game?


Kinda hard to find answers to questions and theories about that game when almost no one gives a fuck about it.

But yeah, not gonna question Damiani and Jones, because I guess they know what they were working on.

Not sure you'll garner too much interest in the general public.


You can't make pie and beans without salt!

(I agree with both of his post btw, just not the snark. Also I'm not a Game Sleuth fan so I guess this might be what people want?)

I only just realized y'all are talking about a new episode. It hasn't been out on the YouTube channel so i was thinking this was about the Bigfoot one.


I only just realized y'all are talking about a new episode. It hasn't been out on the YouTube channel so i was thinking this was about the Bigfoot one.

They shadowdropped it at the end of the group stream. I hope they do more obscure shit that I've not even ever heard of, but by the reaction here, I doubt that'll be the case.

I mostly adore that it was from one fan writing in back in the Pop Fiction days.

Mista Koo

The shadow dropping is the only reason I watched it. Again I don't even watch the positively received episodes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: I think they need to find a way to streamline the Twitch > Youtube stuff. Many people don't realize that they can watch the archived stream on Twitch.
I wonder if they can automate it with something like IFTTT?

Mikey Jr.

The shadow dropping is the only reason I watched it. Again I don't even watch the positively received episodes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: I think they need to find a way to streamline the Twitch > Youtube stuff. Many people don't realize that they can watch the archived stream on Twitch.
I wonder if they can automate it with something like IFTTT?

I despise the twitch player.

Half the time, the video literally doesn't even start. Just stays at the black screen.


The shadow dropping is the only reason I watched it. Again I don't even watch the positively received episodes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: I think they need to find a way to streamline the Twitch > Youtube stuff. Many people don't realize that they can watch the archived stream on Twitch.
I wonder if they can automate it with something like IFTTT?

How do you mean streamline? Like link to it somewhere?

There's an automated upload thing from Twitch highlights to YouTube, which I assume Blood is using then adding a thumbnail and description. You just set the highlight to edit, then send it. I don't think the upload process can be streamlined more, unless there was a way to do the thumbnails and everything from there.
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