Did they do anything for the Arms Direct or should I just watch the nintendo stream?
Did they do anything for the Arms Direct or should I just watch the nintendo stream?
Hey, with other conferences moving out the way, it might not have a clash! Sweet! The fullest coverage!
Are you talking about the Patron RSS feed? The file was too large to upload to Patreon, so you have to get it through the normal Frame Trap feed. The Patreon feed is largely for early access episodes anyways, and Frame Trap doesn't have early access.
You know, It'd be nice not to have Jones as a regular anymore. No offense against Jones, just have 3 randoms might be a good change of pace, including Jones in there once in a while.
I think I want to sometime soon try to match up the voices of the Allies to their faces since I haven't watched any of their video content before and just realized that I assumed Blood was Ben Moore.
Omg this is fascinating to me. I wish you could like make a chart of their pictures and who you think each one is before you find out
Is this everyone that appears on the EZA podcast?
If so I'll draw over the image with the names later.
Is this everyone that appears on the EZA podcast?
Not quite, one is missing. I think this was made by a Gaffer and posted here earlier, it has all of them. Don in the middle doesn't participate in Podcasts though. Hopefully the descriptions don't tip you off =P
Edit: Seems like most of the faces are cut from that picture =D
Ian is Ian. Also smug BloodThat image of all them all sitting down is the least Easy Allies picture of the Allies. I'm not quite sure why but each pose isn't representative of any of them, ahah
This image is a spoiler let's be real. Don't look at the alignments!
Huber looks so wrong.That image of all them all sitting down is the least Easy Allies picture of the Allies. I'm not quite sure why but each pose isn't representative of any of them, ahah
Yeah, could have done a quick edit to cover those myself. Might be too late now. It's just the only picture I could find where they are all featured.
Edit: And I did! Hopefully they didn't get to read those aligments yet.
Got rid of it in my post too XD
Boo, Jones is the manYou know, It'd be nice not to have Jones as a regular anymore. No offense against Jones, just have 3 randoms might be a good change of pace, including Jones in there once in a while.
This is all wrong isn't it?
Like 100% besides Kyle?
So is there no way to have every podcast on the podcast app or do i need to add another link? (sorry again i have no idea about podcasts).
Ok, here we go:
In terms of my confidence, before I realized I was totally off about Ben Moore (which inspired this experiment) I was absolutely certain he was Blood. Blood looks like the reserved Japanese game lover. That isn't an insult, Ben's taste of games is 70% of the reason I love EZA in my few months listening. Likewise whoever that is at the bottom left I would have assumed is Blood because of his voice.
I picked that Ally for Ian because he also seems like he'd be more on the timid side.
If you told me I got Huber and Jones backwards I would believe that. Obviously they look the most alike out of the Allies.
My final name assignment (thus the one I was the least sure about) is Brad. I had to listen to a recent introduction segment of the EZA podcast to know who I was missing and his goofiness there makes me think I could have a decent fit.
This is all wrong isn't it?
Edit: Sorry if the write up could have been more elaborate. I have done all of this at work XD
Ok, here we go:
In terms of my confidence, before I realized I was totally off about Ben Moore (which inspired this experiment) I was absolutely certain he was Blood. Blood looks like the reserved Japanese game lover. That isn't an insult, Ben's taste of games is 70% of the reason I love EZA in my few months listening. Likewise whoever that is at the bottom left I would have assumed is Blood because of his voice.
I picked that Ally for Ian because he also seems like he'd be more on the timid side.
If you told me I got Huber and Jones backwards I would believe that. Obviously they look the most alike out of the Allies.
My final name assignment (thus the one I was the least sure about) is Brad. I had to listen to a recent introduction segment of the EZA podcast to know who I was missing and his goofiness there makes me think I could have a decent fit.
This is all wrong isn't it?
Edit: Sorry if the write up could have been more elaborate. I have done all of this at work XD
Out of interest, were you matching the faces to voices/things the Allies had said? Or the other way around?
For example, were you thinking, that man that emphasises his words heavily when he brings up any game mechanic like "REGENERATIVE. HEALTH." must be Brandon Jones?
You know, It'd be nice not to have Jones as a regular anymore. No offense against Jones, just have 3 randoms might be a good change of pace, including Jones in there once in a while.
Blood please make sure the other allies see this chart
Not quite, one is missing. I think this was made by a Gaffer and posted here earlier, it has all of them. Don in the middle doesn't participate in Podcasts though.
Ok, here we go:
In terms of my confidence, before I realized I was totally off about Ben Moore (which inspired this experiment) I was absolutely certain he was Blood. Blood looks like the reserved Japanese game lover. That isn't an insult, Ben's taste of games is 70% of the reason I love EZA in my few months listening. Likewise whoever that is at the bottom left I would have assumed is Blood because of his deeper, silky radio voice.
I picked that Ally for Ian because he also seems like he'd be more on the timid side.
If you told me I got Huber and Jones backwards I would believe that. Obviously they look the most alike out of the Allies.
My final name assignment (thus the one I was the least sure about) is Brad. I had to listen to a recent introduction segment of the EZA podcast to know who I was missing and his goofiness there makes me think I could have a decent fit.
This is all wrong isn't it?
Edit: Sorry if the write up could have been more elaborate. I have done all of this at work XD
Ok, here we go:
In terms of my confidence, before I realized I was totally off about Ben Moore (which inspired this experiment) I was absolutely certain he was Blood. Blood looks like the reserved Japanese game lover. That isn't an insult, Ben's taste of games is 70% of the reason I love EZA in my few months listening. Likewise whoever that is at the bottom left I would have assumed is Blood because of his deeper, silky radio voice.
I picked that Ally for Ian because he also seems like he'd be more on the timid side.
If you told me I got Huber and Jones backwards I would believe that. Obviously they look the most alike out of the Allies.
My final name assignment (thus the one I was the least sure about) is Brad. I had to listen to a recent introduction segment of the EZA podcast to know who I was missing and his goofiness there makes me think I could have a decent fit.
This is all wrong isn't it?
Edit: Sorry if the write up could have been more elaborate. I have done all of this at work XD
Lol that's hilarious Dangansona.
Makes me wonder how weird it would be to have Allies dub over each other for some nonsense video.
Just trying to imagine Jones, the Official Voice, as anyone else is a mindfuck
What about Alice.
The closest we'll have is...
Not Hyped For Delays - The Final Bosman
The Future of Survival Horror - Huber Hype
The closest we'll have is...
Not Hyped For Delays - The Final Bosman
The Future of Survival Horror - Huber Hype
I was going to say if anyone could match Hubers voice it would have been Bosman. I wish I hadn't seen Final Bosman a couple of times before the experiment lol.
Edit: You have my permission to use my chart for the next OT and confuse everyone.
Edit 2: Absolute final comment from me. Real life Brandon Jones is a little bit too pretty for his voice. I expected more of a Jeff Canata. That's why i ultimately gave his face to Huber.
Easy Allies review: The lead character is too pretty.