Not quite sure I follow -- but maybe it's just because I'm not familiar with the specifics of production. Are you saying there's a silver bullet equipment solution that's affordable and would allow them to have great production values without hiring someone on to operate it (or converting someone on the team into that role full time)?
Because if you told me that exists, I'm not sure I'd believe you.
No, but they haven't exactly shown they put much effort or care into these kind of things, they had a super blurry camera for a year and now still using a camera from way back GT days era. I'm sure there are constantly new solutions being introduced to the market and new ways to streamline the production. That's why I think it'd be valuable to have someone with the know-how and interest in that kind of stuff to come in and make the case for the investment and specifically show the right things to get and how to set those things up.