THey planning playing LAN games on PS3?No they're rotating the first game.
Look at this setup!
THey planning playing LAN games on PS3?
Jesus Christ, I'm on the Twitch chat with Damiani and that Otoshi dude keeps spamming the chat just repeating what Damiani says in capitals. I don't know how to ignore users on the chat for fuck's sake lol.
Checked out the stream for the first time and my god how annoying that is.
The person is odd...always shows up in stream, click the name then right side you can block them. IDK how im going to consume the stream there will be alot of hours to watch...
Well Twitch chat is certainly the right place to do it =DIt's funny cause I've seen OtoshiGami post on YouTube and Patreon and he seems to be very insightful. Then he just gets on Twitch and goes "derp", doesn't really annoy me though.
I can't watch the stream properly because Twitch site is being fucking weird for me. The chat stops showing new messages for me after a while and the whole site stops working for me if I click on chat and start to type a message out. None of the buttons on the Twitch site (clips, subscribe etc) work after this. I have to F5 every 5 minutes to watch. It's bumming me out.
Not just for you, exact same thing is happening to me as well on my MacBook. The stream itself runs fine though - so I don't mind.
So my boss went on holiday for a few weeks, gave me a bunch of extra time to play games -- a lot of podcast games as it so happena. At this point I had realized I hadn't watched/listened to any of Tabletop Escapades. Over the last two weeks I binged all 68 episodes. Boy has this been a ride, there's so many things I could cherry pick to bring up and laugh about, but I'm sure you've all covered that in the thread week to week, I'll be able join y'all now in up to date discussions. There's been some marvelous character work thus far, and I'm fascinated to see where it goes, this main arc has to wrap up really soon. Really looking forward to seeing what Kyle does in the coming episodes especially, he's in an interesting place.
I've never played D&D, but I really want to run a campaign with some friends soon. I've got a group of about 3/4 lads with whom I get together with to play a smattering of obscure board games over bevs every few weeks. Probably wouldn't be too hard to convince them to play. Although I'd be crazy overwhelmed, I imagine I'd have to DM, and I have no fucking clue what I'm doing, what books I need to buy, how much custom world and quest building I'd have to undertake to get set up.
Although despite these potential problems in getting going, this series had super inspired me to get into this stuff, cheers to Brad, Kyle, Huber, Ian, and especially Ben for this series, it's been just the best.
For real! It was hilarious!1 - The ending of the last podcast is pure golden and goes to show how great the chemistry between the Allies is right now.
Might as well go third party.Patreon is down to $42k, I guess the bounce back from the start of the month hasn't happened yet.
The armor it wears seems brittle...
I did not know SotC could do that
It queued up the wrong text at the end of the boss fightI don't get it/didnt get it.
Easy Update - Ian and Don hit the beach
edit: omg 11:30 is the greatest thing ever
Look for meetups in your area online. I met more or less all of my current friends through a gaming message board.I am mad jealous right now, wish I could spend a weekend playing games at a beach house with my friends
I wish I had friends
It's funny cause I've seen OtoshiGami post on YouTube and Patreon and he seems to be very insightful. Then he just gets on Twitch and goes "derp", doesn't really annoy me though.
Easy Update - Ian and Don hit the beach
edit: omg 11:30 is the greatest thing ever
On the spectrum perhaps. I always hesitate in calling out stuff like this just in case.
Yea. Last night when it was announced on stream he was super excitedBrandon Jones is going to be so fucking hype for Dragon Quest builders2 on Switch. Didnt he say on a recent podcast that DQB on Switch would be a nightmare cause it would take over his life?
The sub-heading on the anniversary t-shirts say "One Year Strong", I think I'm just gonna use that as the OT3 title.
Easy Allies |EZOT3| "I think I'm just gonna use that as the OT3 title." - Auctopus
That would actually be better. Never a fan if the non tongue in cheek titles. Maybe even 'You Dastards"
That would actually be better. Never a fan if the non tongue in cheek titles. Maybe even 'You Dastards"
Memes suck. There, I said it!
Memes suck. There, I said it!