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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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You mean to say he could be autistic?

Yes. I'm gonna plead ignorance if I've spoke (typed?) out of turn.

There was also a person (not sure if it's the same one) who would quote literally every line out of their mouths e.g. "blah blah blah", Kyle Bosman 2017, even when they were just mundane sentences.


Yes. I'm gonna plead ignorance if I've spoke (typed?) out of turn.

There was also a person (not sure if it's the same one) who would quote literally every line out of their mouths e.g. "blah blah blah", Kyle Bosman 2017, even when they were just mundane sentences.
That sounds like Otoshi_Gami =D


I've been busy between Cold Steel PC and a The Wire rewatch recently, so I haven't been catching Easy Livin' liking I've wanted. Finally jumping in just to watch Jones play some chill GTA:Online. Cool, cool. I'll have to watch the archives later on.

That sounds like Otoshi_Gami =D

Yep, I follow along with the quote stuff in the chat too all the time. He embraces the looseness of Twitch chat and rolls with it. I don't see anything wrong with that


Yep, I follow along with the quote stuff in the chat too all the time. He embraces the looseness of Twitch chat and rolls with it. I don't see anything wrong with that
Yeah, it's quite fascinating to see what lines Otoshi picks. I don't usually keep the chat visible (not because of Otoshi_Gami, I just don't like Twitch chat) but sometimes I do check it when I get a hunch if they will quote something.
Always remember:

This isn't some private thread that only members can read. If someone googles their name this site is probably going to pop up first. It's also the thread of a community they follow

Talk shit if you want but be prepared for that person to see it


Yeah not gonna draw this out, just gonna wrap up by saying I wasn't coming from a place of malice. That behaviour just reminded me of people I've known in real life.


I really should play through Dishonored 2, I've had it since last christmas and only played like the first mission. Adored the first one but somehow I just haven't got around to playing it. Probably because the stressfulness of it.


I really should play through Dishonored 2, I've had it since last christmas and only played like the first mission. Adored the first one but somehow I just haven't got around to playing it. Probably because the stressfulness of it.

Literally finished it for the first time this morning! Got a 1080ti and could brute force my way through all the PC versions issues.

Mikey Jr.

I really should play through Dishonored 2, I've had it since last christmas and only played like the first mission. Adored the first one but somehow I just haven't got around to playing it. Probably because the stressfulness of it.

Stealth games and first person don't mix for me. It's why I couldn't get into dishonored. Really wish there was a third person view for that.


Big Bang Theory

Kyle sometimes does a shtick where he acts like he's getting mad because someone might be spoiling BBT, even though they're talking about something else entirely.
He says stuff like "Are you spoiling BBT for me?" and "No BBT spoilers!"

That didn't actually happen when I posted that. I think he was agitated because he didn't think Screencheat deaths should be added to the death counter since it's a multiplayer game.
I'm going to remind everyone that Hasney said Tekken 7 would be a bad group stream game. Shame! Shaaaame!

Rage Arts and the last second slowmo make it a really fun game to watch.


Can I call the OT... |OT3| Gundams & Dragons

If not, I'll make a disgusting Frankenstein Meme title with as many references as the character limit will allow... out of spite.

Mista Koo

|OT3| Pander Express

Watching Ben playing Sonic is too stressful, he plays too carefully. If you're not trying to go as fast as possible and dying when suddenly a platforming section/an enemy pops out of nowhere it's not sonic.


Tekken part didn't get saved? Not seeing it on their twitch channel.

It will. I'm assuming Blood just crashed out once they finished.

I'm going to remind everyone that Hasney said Tekken 7 would be a bad group stream game. Shame! Shaaaame!

Rage Arts and the last second slowmo make it a really fun game to watch.

Yea. This is why I was pushing Tekken 7. So much better to watch than Arms.

It was alright, but I still preferred the methodical pace of ARMS

Are they planning on uploading the full thing in like a Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 style format?

I doubt it since every game is there and uploaded separately.


After watching the Jackbox stream, I am heartily in favour of "Cum For Free"

"He's a deceased man! He's a deceased man" is underrated
Man, I'm watching the Shadow of the Colossus bit of the stream now and it has me wishing (even though they said the game wouldn't be altered) that the time attack items were collectables spread across the world to reward exploration.


Hah. funny that Sterling made the "Shexy Shelob" video. Bloodworth called the design (complete overhaul would be more accurate) out in this thread much earlier!
Edit: Regarding the new Shadow of Mordor game.


The Tekken 7 tournament was great fun, but it's one of those games I like watching a lot more than I like playing.

I guess it could be because it's my first Tekken game and so different from the type of fighting games I'm used to playing the most, like Street Fighter, Skullgirls, and Last Blade. I think the thing that causes me the most problems is that in those games I know when I'm attacking high or low, but in Tekken 7 I can only really make educated guesses most of the time for if I'm about to attack high, low, or middle. The LP, MP, HP, LK, MK, HK mechanic in Street Fighter-esque games also makes it easier to predict how long it takes for my attacks to come out than with the system in Tekken 7.

Obviously I could learn all that if I just put in the time, especially if I just picked a character and stuck with it. But I like to switch characters a lot in almost all games, and while I do still enjoy Tekken 7, I sort of just wanna play a different fighting game whenever I've played it for a while.
Watching Damiani playing SotC turned out more frustrating than I thought it would be. That travel to the 7th colossus took way longer than it should have because he wasn't paying attention.

Mista Koo

Just finished watching the tournament, that was fun. Huber and Brad picking Kuma and Panda is just perfect.

Obviously I could learn all that if I just put in the time, especially if I just picked a character and stuck with it. But I like to switch characters a lot in almost all games, and while I do still enjoy Tekken 7, I sort of just wanna play a different fighting game whenever I've played it for a while.
That's an interesting take. For me it's the opposite, in 2D games unless I'm playing a shoto I can never remember each characters moves to switch characters as often as I would like. In Tekken it's the easiest thing for me.


Did Kyle's stream tonight get canceled? I thought he said he was doing a "grab-bag" stream rather than starting a new Fun Game Monday but I don't see it on the schedule.


Really hope Ian and Brad continue the jolly co-op playthrough someday, preferably on group stream night as it wouldn't be as fun without the other allies chatting away in the background about it.


Unconfirmed Member
Did Kyle's stream tonight get canceled? I thought he said he was doing a "grab-bag" stream rather than starting a new Fun Game Monday but I don't see it on the schedule.

The Twitch schedule shows him with a "Mystery Double Header" tonight.

Well, more accurately it says "Double Hearder," but hey, they're tired.
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