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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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Living in the shadow of Amaz
I've always been a huge fan on Bosman, Jones, and Huber, but Fiasconauts has ignited my Ian love.

Before getting to know Easy Allies, I only knew (and loved) Bosman and Jones' voice.

Eventually, different shows and streams made me love all of the Allies for different reasons. But Ian's special - he's just one of those thoughtful, incredibly talented persons that do stuff no one else does.

Mista Koo

I love Ian and I will fight these haters with my fists if possible.
I love Ian but I hate Easy Update with a passion. Fight me!

(I don't leave nasty comments though. Dislikes at worst.)

I don't know who would want to take and mantain that position. I think my soul will be crushed after just one week.
A third party, someone who doesn't watch their content nor care about them on a personal level.
I had an instructor who let his TA filter the feedback for him (although that had me wonder if my criticsm of him will ever reach him).


Mid-way through Frame Trap and god, I wish Huber would talk about video games like the way he talks about Valerian. I love his passion, obviously but I feel like he's so hyperbolic about video games sometimes that it loses a little impact but everything he said about Valerian (despite not even liking some aspects) was really thoughtful.

I think it only seems that way because Valerian is kinda bad, so him being so-so on it is still being overly postive. :p
Otherwise, it's kind of funny to me that Twitter keeps coming up as an issue when we generally tweet things out most of the time. Maybe there are a few of us that aren't as good about it as others, but the Podcast, Frame Trap, Easy Update, Huber Syndrome, and Reviews all get posts without fail, and most of the streams do too.

You guys do tweet things fairly often, which was why I was surprised to see people saying you should tweet more.


I just finished Frame Trap and man that was one of the jolliest episodes for me. Great topics and questions, Ben. I especially loved the years ending in 7 conversation.

I also just started Nier Automata. I'm loving everything about it so far! I hope y'all do eventually make a spoiler mode for it :)

Also huge thumbs up for Ian's idea of a Detroit Become Human group stream with designated people playing the characters


Yeah that sounds great. Too bad there are only three of them. Would love to have more Until Dawn style streams.

GT Slumber Party was one of the best streams, all the Allies experiencing a game like that for the first time but there was also the issue in Until Dawn of Huber being given the character who got about 30 seconds of playtime haha.

Kind of unavoidable but pretty funny.
GT Slumber Party was one of the best streams, all the Allies experiencing a game like that for the first time but there was also the issue in Until Dawn of Huber being given the character who got about 30 seconds of playtime haha.

Kind of unavoidable but pretty funny.

He really wanted that guy too. It wasn't even that it was a bad luck of the draw, he was locked in for that character.
It kills me that I missed out on that Until Dawn stream live

Didn't want to watch because I had planned on playing the game myself. Now it's such a long stream that I have to really set aside the time to watch it lol

I just caught up with Huber's RE2 Claire A stream earlier. Jolly


GT Slumber Party was one of the best streams, all the Allies experiencing a game like that for the first time but there was also the issue in Until Dawn of Huber being given the character who got about 30 seconds of playtime haha.

Kind of unavoidable but pretty funny.

I really want the allies to try one of these streams again with another new game anyone has ever played.
I just finished Frame Trap and man that was one of the jolliest episodes for me. Great topics and questions, Ben. I especially loved the years ending in 7 conversation.

I also just started Nier Automata. I'm loving everything about it so far! I hope y'all do eventually make a spoiler mode for it :)

Also huge thumbs up for Ian's idea of a Detroit Become Human group stream with designated people playing the characters

I found it a little weird they didn't include 1987 in the years ending in 7 discussion, given how influential some of the franchises that launched that year turned out to be (particularly FF, Metal Gear, Street Fighter and Zelda's western release). But regardless, I disagree with the premise anyway. IMO 2009 crushes 2007, while 1998 was a slightly better year than 1997.

2017 has definitely been the best year so far this gen but hey, maybe next year will be even better, the potential is there based on the games that've already been announced for 2018.

As for the promotion debate, I was surprised by how many people in the Easy Livin' thread had no clue it was happening, so there's definitely some work EZA needs to do there. I use Twitter sparingly, so I can't say anything about that, but I do think they could do a much better job promoting their stuff on their podcasts. As is, their promotions are located in a very skippable part of the podcast and rely heavily on the bet winner actually mentioning them.

Another issue I have is they'll sometimes announce something on the group stream but nothing will be posted on Twitter or Patreon for a day or more (if at all). Take the Easy Livin' schedule, for example. It should've been posted on Patreon the minute they started talking about it on stream but instead, I typed it up for the people who missed the stream and ended up getting a few details wrong. The weirdest part is even after they posted the fancy graphic of the schedule up on Twitter, it still never got posted to Patreon. It all makes it more difficult to keep informed on what's coming up.

Yeah that sounds great. Too bad there are only three of them. Would love to have more Until Dawn style streams.

Hidden Agenda? It isn't quite the same, as I believe you're only playing as two characters, but the multiplayer elements are really interesting.


GT Slumber Party was one of the best streams, all the Allies experiencing a game like that for the first time but there was also the issue in Until Dawn of Huber being given the character who got about 30 seconds of playtime haha.

Kind of unavoidable but pretty funny.

I stayed up so late to watch that but it was such a good stream, no regrets
Citations needed on almost everything Damiani said about Reggie's job at Nintendo. Yikes, what a mess. If you don't know the answer, just say you don't really know.

I mean it's not up to Reggie if a game gets localised...it's up to Japan...

..So Nintendo Europe went rogue and paid to localise Xenoblade, Last Story, Disaster and Pandoras themselves behind Japan's back.
Something that just came to my mind right now

I wish anytime Bosman is on vacation they would, instead of doing a L&R episode, just let Ben guest-host the podcast.

It would be a fun change of pace.

(But I do enjoy the L&R only episodes, anyway)


Something that just came to my mind right now

I wish anytime Bosman is on vacation they would, instead of doing a L&R episode, just let Ben guest-host the podcast.

It would be a fun change of pace.

(But I do enjoy the L&R only episodes, anyway)

What about Huber doing a Bosman impression like on that one episode of Final Bosman?
Something that just came to my mind right now

I wish anytime Bosman is on vacation they would, instead of doing a L&R episode, just let Ben guest-host the podcast.

It would be a fun change of pace.

(But I do enjoy the L&R only episodes, anyway)

Ben was on vacation too. But yeah, I agree.

What about Huber doing a Bosman impression like on that one episode of Final Bosman?

That's what I was about to say:


Citations needed on almost everything Damiani said about Reggie's job at Nintendo. Yikes, what a mess. If you don't know the answer, just say you don't really know.

I mean it's not up to Reggie if a game gets localised...it's up to Japan...

..So Nintendo Europe went rogue and paid to localise Xenoblade, Last Story, Disaster and Pandoras themselves behind Japan's back.

Yes, Japan get the final say. I don't understand how that would be hard to grasp looking at Nintendo? Of course NoE didn't go rogue, they either asked and showed how the market would want these, or they already decided in Kyoto. Hell, the western development teams are even picked out by the Japan office

If you need an example of how it works when regions act autonomously, see Sega where there were shouting matches between SoA developing a Sonic game because Sonic Team weren't bothering and they know they needed it, even pitching competing console designs for the Dreamcast while Europe just published games... Until they went 3rd party and they decided to just sign Football Manager, Worms and Total War,


now i dont know how to trust... a games journalist with over a decade over covering nintendo stuff, who's stood on stage during their e3 presentation to demonstrate zelda... or a guy from the eza neogaf thread....
It was probably Japan that finally did the deal with GameStop for exclusive release of Xenoblade and getting Xseed to publish Last Story and Pandora.

Reggie and NOA had no input in the release of those games at all.


now i dont know how to trust... a games journalist with over a decade over covering nintendo stuff, who's stood on stage during their e3 presentation to demonstrate zelda... or a guy from the eza neogaf thread....

I think we need to find a random nerd on YouTube to be the true voice of objectivity.


It was probably Japan that finally did the deal with GameStop for exclusive release of Xenoblade and getting Xseed to publish Last Story and Pandora.

Reggie and NOA had no input in the release of those games at all.

There's a massive difference between "input" and "final decision" that you don't seem to be grasping.


Citations needed on almost everything Damiani said about Reggie's job at Nintendo. Yikes, what a mess. If you don't know the answer, just say you don't really know.

I mean it's not up to Reggie if a game gets localised...it's up to Japan...

..So Nintendo Europe went rogue and paid to localise Xenoblade, Last Story, Disaster and Pandoras themselves behind Japan's back.

Literally a quote from Damiani:

"He gets a lot of the blame for why [X] games don't come out in our territory... No one at Nintendo of America has the say in that. That's Japan... if they say no to North America..."

Sounds like he agrees with you to me. Citation needed for your claim that Reggie and NOA have "no input at all."

EDIT: Whoops, you were probably being sarcastic. Don't think that was super clear in your post but I got it eventually.

EDIT2: He also says that he thinks Reggie probably gives presentations about games he thinks should come over. That sounds an awful lot like input to me. So Damiani is saying he has input but Nintendo Japan makes the final decision


Don't know Reggie's deal, but execs generally don't just get to make decisions all by themselves. I'm sure Reggie could advocate for localization but there are probably career implications if he pushes too hard for an investment that doesn't work out, so he has to hedge his bets a bit.
IIRC Nintendo of Japan and Nintendo of America are joined at the hip in a way that Nintendo of Europe isn't -- the latter has more autonomy, but less resources.

But the takeaway from that isn't "NoA gets a free pass", it's "blame Nintendo (J+A)". I don't think it makes sense to consider them as a separate entity for localization purposes when past evidence suggests they aren't.

(Not sure how much might've changed in the post-iwata shakeup)
Kyle trolling the review process at the end of the podcast and Brandon's and Damiani's reaction really made me laugh. One of the rare moments where I had to pull up the video on Youtube, because I wanted to see it, too. Great moment.


I just remembered this when Damiani was spelling out his twitter handle on the podcast.

I didn't get into GT until after Damiani had already left. He was still mentioned by the other guys fairly frequently, but I only ever heard him called "Damiani."

Pretty much until Easy Allies started, I thought his name was Don Miani.


I just remembered this when Damiani was spelling out his twitter handle on the podcast.

I didn't get into GT until after Damiani had already left. He was still mentioned by the other guys fairly frequently, but I only ever heard him called "Damiani."

Pretty much until Easy Allies started, I thought his name was Don Miani.
This gave me an audible chuckle. Maybe a new betting persona? =D


Seeing the Allies talk a lot Dragon Ball lately. Is it worth it to watch through the original Dragon Ball and then Kai to catch up?
The manga is better than anime, but both are good. I don't know if it's worth catching up just for the references the Allies make, but if you're interested in Super, then they're absolutely worth watching. Dragon Ball Super is basically Fan Service: The Show.
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