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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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Is Ben leaving EZA? I just tuned into the Paper Mario stream and caught the end of him thanking people for watching and he says "this is my last day at Easy Allies."

Link here: https://clips.twitch.tv/LitigiousSmellyRamenMVGame

Could've been a joke? Went back in the video a bit and didn't see any context for the joke though.
EDIT: watched the clip, he clearly seems to be jocking. Waiting to hear from someone who watched the stream for confirmation.


Is Ben leaving EZA? I just tuned into the Paper Mario stream and caught the end of him thanking people for watching and he says "this is my last day at Easy Allies."

Link here: https://clips.twitch.tv/LitigiousSmellyRamenMVGame

Could've been a joke? Went back in the video a bit and didn't see any context for the joke though.

How do you even handle watching EZA if you take every random thing they say literally, lol


Is Ben leaving EZA? I just tuned into the Paper Mario stream and caught the end of him thanking people for watching and he says "this is my last day at Easy Allies."

Link here: https://clips.twitch.tv/LitigiousSmellyRamenMVGame

Could've been a joke? Went back in the video a bit and didn't see any context for the joke though.


The manga is better than anime, but both are good. I don't know if it's worth catching up just for the references the Allies make, but if you're interested in Super, then they're absolutely worth watching. Dragon Ball Super is basically Fan Service: The Show.

Super, other than the Future Trunks saga, has kinda stunk IMO
BUT Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z are great, and if you like those you need to watch Super


Is Ben leaving EZA? I just tuned into the Paper Mario stream and caught the end of him thanking people for watching and he says "this is my last day at Easy Allies."

Link here: https://clips.twitch.tv/LitigiousSmellyRamenMVGame

Could've been a joke? Went back in the video a bit and didn't see any context for the joke though.

EDIT: watched the clip, he clearly seems to be jocking. Waiting to hear from someone who watched the stream for confirmation.

Someone who subbed mentioned "Pay Per Month" in reference to "Pay Per View" tv packages, and Ben didn't get the reference for several minutes, and was joking in regards to not catching the reference.
Someone who subbed mentioned "Pay Per Month" in reference to "Pay Per View" tv packages, and Ben didn't get the reference for several minutes, and was joking in regards to not catching the reference.

Ah okay, makes sense.

I'm obviously used to them trolling...but Ben's usually a little more serious and this seemed so out of context that I was confused by it!


Super, other than the Future Trunks saga, has kinda stunk IMO
BUT Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z are great, and if you like those you need to watch Super

I'm really lukewarm on Super, too. I liked the first three arcs the most, but honestly, the I prefer movie versions of the first two. The arc you mentioned had a good premise, and had me interested in the beginning, but they totally botched the execution of that story.


Is Ben leaving EZA? I just tuned into the Paper Mario stream and caught the end of him thanking people for watching and he says "this is my last day at Easy Allies."

Link here: https://clips.twitch.tv/LitigiousSmellyRamenMVGame

Could've been a joke? Went back in the video a bit and didn't see any context for the joke though.

Jesus, i click on the new page and that's the first thing i see. Nearly gave me a heart attack man.


I usually just listen to podcast audio so didn't notice until now, the table is nice but something feels off now about the moderator not having their own chair.

Can Yakuza veterans quell my concerns about how similar the games are between each other? I know Huber has said stuff along the lines of 'coming back to the same place is like coming home' or something but I was wondering how far it goes. There is obvious familiarity between Zero and Kiwami on the surface shown on Ben's stream.
I mean they have made a lot of them and people are still fans so I guess I was curious.


Unconfirmed Member
Just here to report in that DQ11 is probably about as long as persona 5 just doing the main story stuff. The main story continues after credits roll in its postgame. Doing everything in the game will probably take even longer than 100% persona 5 run.
Just here to report in that DQ11 is probably about as long as persona 5 just doing the main story stuff. The main story continues after credits roll in its postgame. Doing everything in the game will probably take even longer than 100% persona 5 run.

Clear my schedule for.......

All of 2018.


Just here to report in that DQ11 is probably about as long as persona 5 just doing the main story stuff. The main story continues after credits roll in its postgame. Doing everything in the game will probably take even longer than 100% persona 5 run.

I'm 40 hours into P5 and that much alone makes it feel like a huge life investment to me - not sure I can handle another game of that length >_<


Unconfirmed Member
I'm 40 hours into P5 and that much alone makes it feel like a huge life investment to me - not sure I can handle another game of that length >_<

For sure a big investment but if one is in the mood to go on an adventure dq11 is the game that oozes the spirit of adventure.


I'm 40 hours into P5 and that much alone makes it feel like a huge life investment to me - not sure I can handle another game of that length >_<

I ask you, and anyone in this thread, what is the most time you've spent with a game and what was it?

For me it's a tie between Skyrim and Civ5, both around the 200 hours area. I know that doesn't hold a candle to people who spend years on MMOs but for me that's a ton to put into single player experiences.
Seeing the Allies talk a lot Dragon Ball lately. Is it worth it to watch through the original Dragon Ball and then Kai to catch up?

Yes. I gradually got through them over the last year and it was a lot of fun.

Get ready to be creeped out by Master Roshi trying to perv on underaged girls though. He's the fucking worst.

Just here to report in that DQ11 is probably about as long as persona 5 just doing the main story stuff. The main story continues after credits roll in its postgame. Doing everything in the game will probably take even longer than 100% persona 5 run.

So it's a 100+ hour game to complete everything? To be honest, that's a little disheartening to hear. I wish more RPGs hit closer to the 50 hour mark.

Have you unlocked Dragon Quest 1 yet, at least?


I ask you, and anyone in this thread, what is the most time you've spent with a game and what was it?

For me it's a tie between Skyrim and Civ5, both around the 200 hours area. I know that doesn't hold a candle to people who spend years on MMOs but for me that's a ton to put into single player experiences.

Probably Smash Bros Melee, but that's usually with friends so I don't feel like I'm wasting time while playing. Alone it might be Dark Souls at around 130 hours. That was right when it came out though so I wasn't really that career focused at the time. These days every hour I play games I feel guilty for it.


Unconfirmed Member
So it's a 100+ hour game to complete everything? To be honest, that's a little disheartening to hear. I wish more RPGs hit closer to the 50 hour mark.

Have you unlocked Dragon Quest 1 yet, at least?

To do everything as in everything I think it's like ~150+ maybe?
But just to do all story stuff around ~100+.
Didn't actually no you can unlock that but I haven't finished it all I'm only in postgame having fun getting best armor and weapons and discovering new story quest/subevents.
To do everything as in everything I think it's like ~150+ maybe?
But just to do all story stuff around ~100+.
Didn't actually no you can unlock that but I haven't finished it all I'm only in postgame having fun getting best armor and weapons and discovering new story quest/subevents.

Well that sounds crazy. I'll probably try and get everything done anyway...

And yeah, apparently when you get DQXI's true ending, a code will pop up in the credits that you can use to get a free version of DQ1. It has its own trophy list on PS4 and everything (no plat though).
I usually just listen to podcast audio so didn't notice until now, the table is nice but something feels off now about the moderator not having their own chair.

Can Yakuza veterans quell my concerns about how similar the games are between each other? I know Huber has said stuff along the lines of 'coming back to the same place is like coming home' or something but I was wondering how far it goes. There is obvious familiarity between Zero and Kiwami on the surface shown on Ben's stream.
I mean they have made a lot of them and people are still fans so I guess I was curious.
I've only played 1 & 2 and I've started 0 so here's my take. Kiwami and zero will look really similar because they were both made around the same time and on the same engine. And they took a lot of the newer mechanics of 0 and put them in Kiwami. In the first game it didn't have fight moves, the level abitlity was less advanced, etc.

Now Yakuza as a series has evolutions but doesn't change too much in the base gameplay loop. What separates them from each other is the strong narrative, the ever increasing impressive side missions, the great characters, etc. later in the series they add more playable characters as well


I ask you, and anyone in this thread, what is the most time you've spent with a game and what was it?

For me it's a tie between Skyrim and Civ5, both around the 200 hours area. I know that doesn't hold a candle to people who spend years on MMOs but for me that's a ton to put into single player experiences.
3070 hours Dota 2, from those that I can easily verify. I don't have subscription in Wow now so I can't check. But it's hundreds of days in-game. I'd say atleast double what I spent with Dota 2, that might be lowballing it. I've played since the launch. Haven't bough the new expansion though. Then there's 278 hours in Witcher 3, 266 in Civ5, 252 in NBA2K13. And ofcourse I've spent a lot of time with some games in my youth like Counter-Strike (more than Dota 2 I assume), Tribes, NHL, Master of Orion, Civ 2, Command & Conquer, GoldenEye etc. but don't have times for those.

Edit: Forgot to mention Diablo 3 around 600 hours and don't have playtime for it but Heroes of the storm I'd estimate to be in the ballpark of thousand hours.


I ask you, and anyone in this thread, what is the most time you've spent with a game and what was it?

For me it's a tie between Skyrim and Civ5, both around the 200 hours area. I know that doesn't hold a candle to people who spend years on MMOs but for me that's a ton to put into single player experiences.

I put around 1,200 hours into Team Fortress 2

Can Yakuza veterans quell my concerns about how similar the games are between each other? I know Huber has said stuff along the lines of 'coming back to the same place is like coming home' or something but I was wondering how far it goes. There is obvious familiarity between Zero and Kiwami on the surface shown on Ben's stream.
I mean they have made a lot of them and people are still fans so I guess I was curious.

I've played all the mainline games and they evolve, but it's pretty much the same. The main evolution has been PS2: Black loading screen to fight, PS3: Loading in game PS4 (Yakuza 6) no loading as well as the extra styles and everything.

The stories always go places, so it's not really re-treading old ground that much on that front, but you will be pummeling dudes all day.


I ask you, and anyone in this thread, what is the most time you've spent with a game and what was it?

For me it's a tie between Skyrim and Civ5, both around the 200 hours area. I know that doesn't hold a candle to people who spend years on MMOs but for me that's a ton to put into single player experiences.

From the ones I can verify GTA V on Xbox 360 at around 300 hours, but I am quite sure I have put more hours during the PS1 era and before in games because I didn't buy that many games back them because of money constraints. So I would guess something like NHL 2000 as I did play that game a lot (I played more than 5 full seasons in that one). I never found a way to see the hour I have put into PS3 and PS4 games, so possibly a PS4 game, although I doubt it. Forza Horizon 3 seems to be 255 hours at the moment, so that one potentially will get to the nr 1 spot in some time (as I still play it weekly for the challenges and I still want to 100% the hotwheels DLC (but I am not sure it will happen or not as I don't like that DLC as much as the rest of the game or the other DLCs)).

I have also played a lot of tetris on the original GameBoy and GameBoy pocket, but I don't know if I went past 300 hours or not over the years. It is possible I did, but impossible to know for sure.
Also, now that I think of it, it is possible that I put a lot more hours into Counter-Strike 1.3 to 1.6 and CS Source back in the day, but steam didn't count the hours played back then (and with 1.3 Steam wasn't even a thing yet), so no way to know for sure.


Thanks for the Yakuza input, I suppose these two most recent games have reasons to share a bunch of stuff, but anyway still got hype for Kiwami. Really liked the main story in Zero so hopefully that standard continues.
I liked the cabaret club minigame a lot too though (nice podcast grinding activity too) but Ben thinks it's gone in Kiwami? Suppose doing that again wouldn't be as fresh anyway though.
Good thing I don't mind repetitive fighting, I am a big fan of vanillaware games lol. I think you can find ways to make things stay enjoyable if you try to be creative.

I have over 500 hours confirmed in Top Spin 4 thanks to those psn emails a while back but I wouldn't be surprised if I had the most time in Diablo 2.


Oh yeah, the story now goes places in Yakuza 1. I've been thinking recently that 0 is a great prequel in the sense of it doesn't telegraph what happens in the original, but really contextualises it, even by spoiling parts of it in the credits sequence. Yakuza 1 is a crazy ride.

Mista Koo

I've decided I'm going to play Yakuza 0 after all. Two of my friends are still playing it, and two have beaten it not too long ago. One is going to start it soon alongside me.


I've decided I'm going to play Yakuza 0 after all. Two of my friends are still playing it, and two have beaten it not too long ago. One is going to start it soon alongside me.


You won't regret it. It was my first Yakuza game back in January and I still think about it. The game is equal parts bonkers and heartfelt and I still haven't figured out how they balance it so well.
Elyse is so awesome. They should do more crossover things with the "other guys" just to get some Elyse on the EZA channel :)

(There was that one EasyUpdate but I think that's it so far?)
I ask you, and anyone in this thread, what is the most time you've spent with a game and what was it?

For me it's a tie between Skyrim and Civ5, both around the 200 hours area. I know that doesn't hold a candle to people who spend years on MMOs but for me that's a ton to put into single player experiences.

FFXII on PS2. 150 hours and never completed it. Played the remastered and completed it in 50 hours. It's my favourite game of all time actually.
I usually just listen to podcast audio so didn't notice until now, the table is nice but something feels off now about the moderator not having their own chair.

Can Yakuza veterans quell my concerns about how similar the games are between each other? I know Huber has said stuff along the lines of 'coming back to the same place is like coming home' or something but I was wondering how far it goes. There is obvious familiarity between Zero and Kiwami on the surface shown on Ben's stream.
I mean they have made a lot of them and people are still fans so I guess I was curious.

The ps3 titles have all different locations and then they all share kamurocho. It's like a nice return to home base every time you go back.

I'm sadly not a fan of 0 for several reasons, easily my least liked entry on the series, but I look forward to kiwami. I hope it's a return to the previous games mechanics and a more streamlined combat. I still have to watch ben's stream. I hope it's good and not filler before 6.


0 is my favourite, but I think you'll be disappointed with Kiwami then. Kiryus fighting styles from 0 return.

It's basically putting the 1 story in the 0 engine and keeping the 0 sensibilities.


I ask you, and anyone in this thread, what is the most time you've spent with a game and what was it?

For me it's a tie between Skyrim and Civ5, both around the 200 hours area. I know that doesn't hold a candle to people who spend years on MMOs but for me that's a ton to put into single player experiences.

Definitely world of warcraft, sadly haha. Easily put over 3000 hours into that game over the years.
0 is my favourite, but I think you'll be disappointed with Kiwami then. Kiryus fighting styles from 0 return.

It's basically putting the 1 story in the 0 engine and keeping the 0 sensibilities.

Oh, that's sad to hear. I know 0 is widely loved, and it really reached a new audience, but it really messed up a lot of things I loved of previous yakuza games. Just to mention one of those, they fucked the karaoke...


Elyse is so awesome. They should do more crossover things with the "other guys" just to get some Elyse on the EZA channel :)

(There was that one EasyUpdate but I think that's it so far?)

Yeah it's really weird to me how that's the only collab they've had in over a year now, I really hope they're all still good friends with Elyse after she left

I've seen a few tweet exchanges so I think they are

Mikey Jr.

Yeah it's really weird to me how that's the only collab they've had in over a year now, I really hope they're all still good friends with Elyse after she left

I've seen a few tweet exchanges so I think they are

I don't think fun house or whatever their called allow her.
EZA is a competitor.


I don't think fun house or whatever their called allow her.
EZA is a competitor.

They've done collabs with other places before, but I'm guessing RoosterTeeth management don't see it as a mutually beneficial thing as in terms of audience, FunHaus is a step up.
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