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Ebgames quarterly profits double

Some notes from the conference call:

Big sellers for past quarter May-July - ESPN, Spiderman 2, NCAA, FSW, Driv3r

Big sellers for next quarter Aug-Oct - GTA:SA, NBA Live, Fable, Madden

Tie Ratios software/hardware 20-1 PS2, 17-1 Xbox, 21-1 GCN, 6-1 GBA

Planned software dates
GTA: SA (Q3)
Half-Life 2 (Not planning on for this year - which Q4 is Nov-Jan 31)
Doom 3 (planned, but looks shaky)
MGS3 (comfortable w Q4)
GT4 (comfortable w/ Q4)

Will use new trade in ideas (DVD's, music already - will add something else within the next 2 quarters ??)

Hardware shortages - no new hardware from Sony for several months up until recently.
Sony told them it will be tight through August, but Sept, October should be much better.
Sony said that will hit their previous hardware targets.
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