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Edge interview with Kaz Yamauchi - "Online mode is done"


Edge went to Polyphony's new HQ somewhere near Yokohama, to find out what has been happening with the long-delayed GT4.

In B-spec (management) mode you can follow the race either from replay view, or a statistics screen that shows the positions of all the cars and their tyre / fuel status in real-time. You can enter tuned (garage) cars in the races, and time can be accelerated.

PD considered releasing a 'GT3: B-spec' including the management mode, to follow 'GT3: A-spec' in Japan, but decided that a second game with the same cars and tracks wouldn't be original enough to sell.

The GT4 network code is fully developed. The excuses given for not rolling it out are that it's not a big deal in Japan (?) and that it will take a lot of time and effort to set up a suitable network of servers to support online play, especially in Europe. 'First we need to sell GT4, and then we'll work on building an online play service with adequate play conditions'.

Basically, Sony doesn't have anything like Xbox live, and without that it's going to take PD ages to set up their own servers worldwide.

But there's worse: "The online version will not be released any time soon after GT4, because we want to maximise the game sales".

In any case, it seems like they haven't even started sorting out suitable servers. I will be surprised if PD manage to produce GT4 Online before Sony launch PS3, especially in Europe...

Better news - 'GT 1 to 3 shared the same physics engine, but we've rebuilt it from scratch for GT4'. Also, the AI is said to be less aggressive, more natural, and more polite. I guess this means cars not grinding into each other as they converge on the first corner, but falling into line. Yamauchi-san reckons that the car physics are now 'good enough', and it's time to work on the AI. B-spec is as much as anything, an ongoing 'laboratory' for them to improve AI. But don't expect too much - he reckons that GT4 AI is at 'one or two percent of what would be a satisfying level', and that it will take the next ten years to get really good AI. Er... right then.

GT4 on PSP is planned to have the same physics, but the reduced graphical power may mean that the number of cars on track is reduced to 4, or maybe only 2 or 3.

Cars - 650 cars, including 'more than 200' from previous games.

GT development - at all points in the game's development, it is playable. So GT4 has been progressively 'evolved' from GT3, presumably going through various intermediate points on the way.

There are lots of pics of the new HQ as well as a few from the game, showing drag racing etc.
Having picked up the mag today and read the interview there are a few things I would like to mention.

Edge: Why did you decide to remove the online features?
Kazunori Yamauchi: I have to be honest with you. The online feature is up and running in our office. I mean it is already working in GT4. ......

Then please give it to us, if SCEE doesn't have the infastructure use someone elses. As samhot mentions he says it not a big deal in Japan and that the infrastructure isn't there yet in Europe. Strangely no mention of the US/Canada Rolling Eyes Kazunori also goes onto say that more than a 1Mbps broadband connection is prefered when asked what sort of set-up will be needed to play the game effictively when it finally goes online.

I was also supprised to hear that "The greatest achievement of this version of GT is certainly the B-Spec mode. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time and I had to wait until the right moment" Clearly no last minute inclusion then.

Apparently a designer will spend one month on each model, surely enough time to model enough of the cockpit to give us a drivable and much more realistic view point Confused

Finally only 80 people working on GT4. Suprising, I thought that figure would be quite a bit bigger.

Posted on another site by Thomas and Nismo. Ignore if already posted here.

Sho Nuff

"Not a big deal, huh?! Come with me! I'm gonna show you something!"*

*Not funny to people who don't watch South Park


works for Gamestop (lol)
"The GT4 network code is fully developed. The excuses given for not rolling it out are that it's not a big deal in Japan (?) and that it will take a lot of time and effort to set up a suitable network of servers to support online play, especially in Europe. 'First we need to sell GT4, and then we'll work on building an online play service with adequate play conditions'."

Sounds like they're holding off online play till Sony finds a viable way to bill players to play online and charge for downloadable content like Xbox Live

Anyone remember those Sony surverys about charging users for downloadable content?


And even i am moderately surprised
"Anyone remember those Sony surverys about charging users for downloadable content?"

that was scary...

"would you consider paying a small fee to purchase a car part in the game?"

or something similar to that.


Great...without the online multiplayer, we're going to have to deal with the shitty AI once again.

1-2% of what they expect the AI to be?! wtf is that shit?

The AI in F355 challenge was superior to GT3 eventhough they always finished in the same order, the other cars actually reacted to you when u got too close or had the proper racing line they would back off.

Ranger X

This really is starting to sound like my "why sell you an all done game when i can sell you 2 games easily".
They are so full of shit. The server excuse must be complete crap. Since when it's difficult getting a game online for big shots like Sony and Polyphony? Since when do they have to hold big expensive servers to connect people???? We can all connect together and be our servers. We could be like supernodes. Man this is complete bullshit.

GT4 = sales. You will all buy it without online. And after that, when you're hooked on the game and want more: here comes GT4 online. GT4 online = enough to make people buy online gaming. Simple equation. Fuck you Poly and Sony. Give a call to codemasters if you don't know how to put a great racer online with 20 cars at the same time and for a LOW cost.

People really, play TOCA2.


Less aggressive AI? They're already pretty damn passive. Are they trying for the complete other end of the spectrum from PGR2?

B-spec mode sounds really good, but not unlike a game called Grand Prix Wolrd from a few years ago. Only this one doesn't have F1 driver personalities.


1mbps is bollocks. most people have 256k upload. So If I'm playing a 2 player game, I only need 256k down max (I already know my own data).

So why not just release a two player online mode?


Gold Member
Sales geniuses - selling three games instead of one:

GT3 - 2001
GT3 Concept - 2002

GT4 Prologue - 2004
GT4 - 2005
GT4 Online -2006

They should just go EA and name it GT 2004, GT 2005 etc. - and then just add in the new features as they are done. Would save a lot of hate.


GT4 on PSP is planned to have the same physics, but the reduced graphical power may mean that the number of cars on track is reduced to 4, or maybe only 2 or 3.

Weren't they hyping up the PSP to be "pound for pund MORE powerful then PS2"! ??? Typical Sony tactic to lie about specs and then not to deliver. I wouldn't be surprised if the screen is significantly downgraded from the ones we've seen. Just look what they promised and then didn't deliver with the PSX! See this type shit pisses me off.
"Weren't they hyping up the PSP to be "pound for pund MORE powerful then PS2"! ???"

No. All Kutaragi ever said is that it can make games look cleaner than PS2 games. Other people (not Sony) have said its more powerful than the PS2.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
He doesn't say that. He says that physics can be done exactly the same as they are in GT4 on PSP, but if you want to port the graphics as they are on PSP it would take a loss in the numers of cars on track. So it wont obivously be a *perfect* port grahics wise.
MrparisSM said:
Weren't they hyping up the PSP to be "pound for pund MORE powerful then PS2"! ???
I don't think that PSP is more capable overall than PS2, but isn't GT4 Mobile going to be a first gen PSP title while GT4 PS2 is going to be released 4+ years after the system's launch?

The logical comparison should be first gen PS2 titles, not one of PS2's graphics flagship titles for 2004/5.
"The online version will not be released any time soon after GT4, because we want to maximise the game sales".

What a greedy slut, just release the game when its done fucker.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Weren't they hyping up the PSP to be "pound for pund MORE powerful then PS2"! ???
PSP weights less (in pounds) than PS2!


What exactly did you expect from that quote? It was obvious to mean that PSP has some functions better (that it can apply some effects on a polygon easily, where PS2 can't) but that PS2 is more powerful overall. If you had a game with the same number of polygons on both, you could do some things with them better on PSP, but PS2 will obviously be able of drawing more polygons.
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