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Edge Magazine: The 100 Greatest Videogames 2017 Edition


If I was going to make a top 100 list these are the only ones that would feature and not in that order. Not that I would have ever expected there to be much overlap between me and Edge

I find it odd that anyone could think Resogun is one of the greatest games ever made but everyone's entitled to their opinion

They gotta choose a STG, so they picked the only one they've played, the same reason Ultra Street Fighter 4 is on this list.


there is many questionable choices but Batman: Arkham Knight is a fucked choice, that is easily the worst game of the franchise
What about FF7 don't you think has aged well? Graphics I absolutely agree don't look great nowadays, but they're serviceable.

FF7's graphics aren't servieable. Game is damn straight ugly.

But the gameplay itself is still good and the materia system is well thought out.

It's not even the best FF using the ATB system. The pacing of the game is all over the map as well. Lots of QoL features missing versus RPGs of modern times. I actually don't think the game is even remotely balanced for the equipment they throw at you either.

The audio is excellent, as with every Final Fantasy. The story and characters hold up, more so than most other games. The atmosphere, from all of Midgar to Cosmo Canyon is spot-on.

It's not a particularly well written game (the translation anyway) even if it has a charming cast and interesting world. Music is definitely superb though.

FF7 stands the test of time, and I don't think minor issues like graphics and a clunky translation at times should take away from what is a masterpiece.

It's a good game and worthy of a play even in modern times but if you hold it against every single game ever released I actually don't think it missing from this list is shocking or even of note.

Everything I said about FF7 also applies to FF9, except that the latter has a better translation and better graphics and is just better in everything else aside from some questionable character designs and slower battles.

FF9 is a better modern game than FF7 but trying to sell it to an audience without nostalgia is pretty damn tough. Modern games have largely surpassed it as a whole.
It's just way, way, way, wayyyyyyyyyy too soon to rank a new release like BotW on a list of this kind.

Other than that, it's hard for me to argue with the rest

I guess you must have missed Horizon: Zero Dawn then?
And what about stuff like Bloodborne? How much time do you give a game before you can put it on a list?

And are you suggesting the best Zelda game ever made won't have staying power? People will absolutely still be talking about it 20, 30 years from now.
This list is pretty good tbh. Also BotW deserves the praise it gets. People just hate that it was loved as much as it was despite it's issues. It was such a fresh game that blended so many different concepts so well and without numerous glitches that plague open world games
I guess you must have missed Horizon: Zero Dawn then?
And what about stuff like Bloodborne? How much time do you give a game before you can put it on a list?

And are you suggesting the best Zelda game ever made won't have staying power? People will absolutely still be talking about it 20, 30 years from now.

Obviously, I meant all the new games on the list, not just BotW. BotW, however, is ranked #1, which is why it was my example as it exemplifies this issue.

Unless you can see the future, how do you know it will be remembered as fondly in 20, 30 years? Come on now. It's barely 6 months old with new content just released and more coming soon. We're absolutely still in the honeymoon period.
Well, I guess we know EDGE's GOTY now. Unless Mario takes it out. The Switch would then technically have the 2 greatest games of all time according to a pretty reputable publication.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I feel like lists like this should be getting better with repetition and refinement but it appears to be getting worse. This is an poor list.

BOTW Didn't come close to earning "so objectively good it outshines it's flaws" status. It's firmly in the "good but unfortunate flaws drag it down" category.


Gold Member
I love BotW but there are some things that are down right bad. I understand most games even great ones have flaws but I'll take Bloodborne as my number one.


Not really sure about Portal being there instead of Portal 2. And I don't think Final Fantasy really fits their criteria of "no sequels". They're like variations on a theme, not direct sequels to one another. Also, ctrl + f "diablo".


I know it's been said and done a million times before, but The Witcher III being so low discredits the entire list.

You get this conflict of being glad certain games are in the list at all, but then immediately regretful seeing which games EDGE decided warranted a higher place,

(Happy to see Hyper Light Drifter get some recognition)


No Chrono Trigger, yet there is a Far Cry game? Haha wtf. At least the top 2 games are respectable choices. Overall, though, not a great list (imo). Too many classics missing.


I mean.. at least they put the best Mario game in the highest position. Would have put SMG1 over 64 as well, but oh well. No comment on number one, but it's nice to see a Zelda game that isn't Ocarina of time at the #1 spot... Hopefully these lists can more and more move past silly nostalgia and give credit where it's due.


I think it's a really weak list. Many recent games that are just ok, and many missing, influential classics who still are amazing today and were super influential.

I don't agree even the order they put games of several series.


No WoW or Chrono Trigger? or a single Mega Man game? Really?



There are some really great games on this list. It's missing a few classics and the ordering is objectionable but a great list nonetheless.
Wow, I have never seen a list like this and disagreed with it more. I can't believe a game like Chrono Trigger was left off the list and even if BOTW ends up as #1 I think it is too early to call it at this point. Just my opinion but I think you have to let the hype on a game settle for a bit before declaring it the greatest of all time.

I also think it is dumb that they say they only will include one game from a franchise that has sequels, yet there are 5 Zelda games and 5 Mario games. Just because they aren't numbered sequels doesn't mean they are not the successors, I feel like they didn't even follow their own rules. I'd give them Mario Maker because it is a massively different game but Mario World to 64 to Galaxy and so on are all really technically sequels. Same with Zelda with LttP to OOT to MM to WW to BotW. If they are basing it on it not having a story that follows through each game then its dumb that Final Fantasy is excluded just because they number their games. Ugh, sorry, I feel like this list has weird hazy rules that it hardly follows and it annoys me. I'll go away now.


Obviously, I meant all the new games on the list, not just BotW. BotW, however, is ranked #1, which is why it was my example as it exemplifies this issue.

Unless you can see the future, how do you know it will be remembered as fondly in 20, 30 years? Come on now. It's barely 6 months old with new content just released and more coming soon. We're absolutely still in the honeymoon period.

lol, the Switch 2 will be out and we'll still be in the honeymoon period according to you


I actually surprised they choose Uncharted 4 over 2

2 for me is the pinnacle of the franchise, better action, better set pieces and less bloated.

As much as I enjoyed 4, 2 is a very very special game.
I see Okami, Wind Waker, and Breath of the Wild on that list. I'm down with it. BoTW is currently my #1 favorite game of all time so I'd agree with the placement as well.

I actually surprised they choose Uncharted 4 over 2

2 for me is the pinnacle of the franchise, better action, better set prices and less bloated.

As much as I enjoyed 4, 2 is a very very special game.

As much as I loved Uncharted 4, I'd have to agree with this. If only because 4 just doesn't feel like it stands on its own the same way that 2 does. Though in terms of ranking that series I'd put 4 ahead of 2.
Horizon being on this list at all is incredibly embarrassing for everyone
Oh please.

There is disagreeing with the list and certain games, fair enough, different opinions and tastes etc but this kind of over the top reaction is ridiculous.....why would a game that sold well and reviewed well be "an embarrassment for everyone". Just because you don't like it?

I can't roll my eyes hard enough at this or some other comments here.


Hahaha how fucking stupid would you have to be to pay £16 for this? Youtube commenters could come up with a better list than this.


SM3DW at 48


Anyway, this "100 best games" format just creates too much argument. It squishes everything into a numbered qualitative and then says that number 24, which may be a platformed, is objectively better than 29, which is a RTS.

I prefer the "if you can only play 100 games, these are the ones you should choose" kinda thing. Doesn't pit games against each other and highlights the diversity of the medium.

Yeah thats the format I prefer numbering games into a order is dog shit, but it causes 'debate' and gets people talking as we can see from this thread lol


Every game on this list is literally the worst game ever and everyone involved should be embarrassed. These games are simultaneously too new to be on here and too old to be good anymore.


Yes, EDGE are respected, but it's just list put together by a bunch of people. Quite a few of my favourite games haven't made the list, but I just can't get mad about it. Everyone's gonna have their own top 100 of all time based on the games they grew up with.


Too heavily skewed toward more recent and bigger budget games for my tastes. Surprising coming from uber-elitist Edge Magazine.


I'm baffled that Tearaway is above Modern Warfare and Bioshock. In no world is Tearaway the 80th greatest video game (and this is coming from someone that enjoyed it and platinumed it).
Hell yeah, Spelunky, Fez, and Hyper Light Drifter.

Lists are lists. Whatever. I still wish I understood why people are so fond of Bayonetta 2. I thought it was fine, but not especially mind-blowing, I understand I'm in the minority, though.
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