So, I figure this is the most appropriate place to post my first rave story (I hope):
I went to life in color, and man, I got soaked in paint. I was dancing and loving life for a good moment, IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! For a few hours--until my roll just turned to shit. I got bad vibes from some girl I knew, and ever since that moment, I was on downhill trajectory. Nobody wanted to talk to me, or be around me (for good reason). I was so negative that I ended up almost ruining the night for a friend that I had just met. I felt so bad because I'm not that guy usually, and this guys was super down to earth and he even gave me my first candy bracelets. Anyway, despite that, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be a full on raver. I absolutely LOVE the lifestyle, the whole plur thing, to me at first, seemed like nonsense, but now I get it and want nothing else!
Edit: omg, fuck menthols.