The market will force lower prices.
The market forces prices in whichever direction leads to the greatest profits. It will only force lower prices if sufficient numbers of gamers refuse to pay what's asked and it's determined that when prices are lowered, enough gamers will buy it to pick up the slack, i.e. it's an elastic good. If those conditions aren't met, the price stays the same or goes up. The invisible hand works both ways.
The amount of content available to consumers will be orders of magnitude above what they would otherwise have access to via retail and that means hugely increased competition.
In regards to "increased competition," you'll need to clarify. Are you referring to increased competition across media (in other words, why buy an expensive game on this console when you can get several cheaper games on iPhone?) or within the same medium (in other words, third-party developers competing for your dollars on the console?) If the latter, it's far more likely that the game developers will collude to have similar prices than compete in that respect. They'd rather try and win over buyers with the promise of quality than good price.
If you mean the former, it's very difficult to compare in this respect, but you may be right. Would people rather buy two DS games than a single game on PS3? (Not trying to incite console wars here, just using this as an example) I'm not sure. But I think different media in this regard are pretty much an apples and oranges argument...or at least two different species of apple, one of which is good for sauces and the other of which is good for pies. ...I'm not good at analogies.