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Oddworld Stranger 2 already on the cards? "We're talking with EA about it now," developer boss tells us

12:31 Oddworld Inhabitants president Lorne Lanning has exclusively revealed to us that his development team is already discussing the possibility of an Oddworld Stranger sequel with publisher EA.

When we asked about future Stranger episodes at this week's London's EGN event, the company boss enthusiastically told us: "We really hope so. We hope you'll all be happy with it [Oddworld Stranger] and want to build a sequel."

And for the final icing on the cake, he added: "We're talking with EA about it right now."

Obviously there's no news on what form the sequel might take, but assuming that Oddworld Inhabitants decides to keep with Oddworld Stranger's spaghetti western theme, we're speculating on possible titles.

How about The Weird Bunch? The Good, The Bad And The Rather Odd? High Plains Stranger? Once Upon A Time In The Oddworld? The Lone Stranger? How The Oddworld Was Won...?

Okay, we'll shut up now...

Oddworld Stranger, which expands the franchise from platform adventure into a non-linear, totally bizarre, third-person action game, releases on Xbox and PS2 next Spring. We will bring you our full Lorne Lanning interview in the very, very near future.

In the meantime, you can read about our first look here.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Saw this yesterday. I've never been left speechless after a presentation. NEVER.

It's simply awesome. 80% of the problems I have with action adventures = fixed. And the CGs are incredible. Pixar/Dreamworks standard stuff. The reputation stuff, healing, live ammo and upgrades are all phenomenal. GOTY (next year) easily.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I saw a presentation video that was released maybe a month ago, and was very impressed. It looks to have so much more of that whacky Oddworld spirit than Munch did. Anyone who has seen the scene where the Stranger 'ruffles the feathers' a bit to much in that chicken city, will know what I'm talking about :p


boutrosinit said:
Saw this yesterday. I've never been left speechless after a presentation. NEVER.

It's simply awesome. 80% of the problems I have with action adventures = fixed. And the CGs are incredible. Pixar/Dreamworks standard stuff. The reputation stuff, healing, live ammo and upgrades are all phenomenal. GOTY (next year) easily.

Why did MS drop this game, then?? Pretty strange...


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Marconelly said:
I saw a presentation video that was released maybe a month ago, and was very impressed. It looks to have so much more of that whacky Oddworld spirit than Munch did. Anyone who has seen the scene where the Stranger 'ruffles the feathers' a bit to much in that chicken city, will know what I'm talking about :p

Yeah. :) If you go to the next village and they've heard about you beating up the villagers in the last town, they run into their houses and open fire on yer ass ;)


I have a hard time believing an Oddsworld game can be spectacular.

But hell, after the amount of times they've tried, you figure they have to hit gold eventually.
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