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Eidos=nuts? (Shellshock Nam 67 delay related)

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
"Hey,the season is weak now,so lets delay it til September" /Eidos

Too bad there are 3 other Vietnam games coming out around same time:
Conflict Vietnam:September,Men of Valor September,Vietcong Late August.

And the question is,are they nuts?


I just don't get some games...



This makes no sense. This season is so weak in terms of releases, and they want to move it to the fall?! Are they crazy? There must be a reason behind this.
You know, I was actually interested in Shellshock...Was definitely going to buy it...Now in September, I don't know if I'll buy it. In fact, let's take a look at September and late August...

Sly 2: Band of Thieves
Star Wars: Battlefront
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Viewtiful Joe (PS2)
Advent Rising
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Second Sight
Men of Valor
Half-Life 2 (Maybe?)
Pikmin 2
Donkey Konga
Pokemon Red and Green
Boktai 2
Kingdom Hears: Chain of Memories
Everquest II
The Sims 2
Shellshock: Nam 67

Will I still buy Shellshock in September? I'm not sure, but if it had come out this month, I sure as hell would have.


IF you can get a lot of hype going for your title, releasing in the summer doesn't make a lot of sense ... the market IS dead this time of year, even for top titles. If you're not planning on spending a lot on marketing, and are hoping for a sleeper hit, releasing in the fall is suicide.

I guess Eidos thinks they can get the hype going behind Shellshock ... we shall see. In a way it's good news, it indicates they feel good about the game.
Fifty said:
This makes no sense. This season is so weak in terms of releases, and they want to move it to the fall?! Are they crazy? There must be a reason behind this.

September is generally the time when games sales pick up after the summer low spell. However, it's not entirely clear how much of this is a catch-22 situation. Do games sales pick up because more games are released during these periods, or do games get released because game sales pick up? And with the summer, do games sales fall because no games are released or are no games released because sales have fallen. I suspect it's a bit of both, with each feeding into the other, until you end up with everyone trying to crowd there games into specific times of year (mid-Feb to early April and September to December).

Of course as people have already said, there are competing games at that time, and I think something that is slowly starting to happen, with this polarisations of times of high release volumes and low release volumes is that many smaller games are being squeezed out.

However some publisher seem to cling to the logic that because these are the high sales times, that you can throw a game out and it'll do alright on its own. All I can say is, Eidos better have plans to advertise this one heavily.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Didn't they delay TS2 in order to add features (read: drop features, like the online mode) and it ended up getting mauled by Nightfire (probably its closest direct competition at the time) and the other 2002 fall releases.

I guess it doesn't matter since I'm likely to not buy anything they publish again after the travesty of DX2. Asshats.
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