lol you think I'm joking?
So you won't give me a chance to prove my towness during the night phase? Ridiculous.
also I didn't include this bit, but I can check people's alignment...but it's only 50 percent accurate.
oh I can send more than one message, but it's only 50 percent chance.
also I didn't include this bit, but I can check people's alignment...but it's only 50 percent accurate.
oh I can send more than one message, but it's only 50 percent chance.
also I didn't include this bit, but I can check people's alignment...but it's only 50 percent accurate.
oh I can send more than one message, but it's only 50 percent chance.
do you also recite the book of revelations for a 25% of an instant GOP win?
Nah, El Topo went through that god like Kate Archer claim first. What's the worst case scenario here though? We lose the ability to send 1 night message at a 50% chance? That's not that bad at all unless Kingkitty did this ridiculous lie and then he ends up being the doctor or something but I'm done if that's the case.
also I didn't include this bit, but I can check people's alignment...but it's only 50 percent accurate.
oh I can send more than one message, but it's only 50 percent chance.
I would if there wasn't the whole 50/50 bullshit.
sometimes it doesn't pay to be honest in the GOP.
I'm voting Democrat next year, fuck all y'all.
Also nin1000 including that other bit in my pm...I don't know if it would've made it any better. Maybe even worse.
Vote: KingKitty
Sorry... I guess it's the safest thing to do right now.
I'm sorry, but 50% chance? Arbitrarily many messages? Alignment check? It's....huh. In all honesty, after the Ted Cruz stuff, it's slowly starting to make sense.
I didn't include all that other stuff, I thought what I had was enough of a claim for now, while also not making myself a bigger target for night death. But oh well.
Does 50% true alignment check even mean anything?
I should use my 50 percent chance override.
Are you 50% sure?I'm beginning to think kingkitty has a bunch of 50/50 abilities that never would have worked.
Did you just investigate yourself?i'm 50 percent sure i'm not electorate.
Did you just investigate yourself?
I didn't include all that other stuff, I thought what I had was enough of a claim for now, while also not making myself a bigger target for night death. But oh well.
Yeah should've fully claimed up front and relied on a potential doctor.
I really don't know why you thought 'oh I know I'll lead with sending one message!' would have worked.
"kingkitty, could you please give us your stance on illegal immigration and what you would do with regards to a path to citizenship?"
"Why, absolutely, Jon. Firstly, I would subvert expectations. Then, I would fling all of those godless heathens over the wall that I plan to build using illegal immigrant labor. By blessing this wall with God's favor, I imagine it will be the best thing that could ever happen to this county!"
Jon tapped his pen absentmindedly as he quipped, "Did you say, 'subvert expectations?'"
"Yes, Jon. I did. Subvert expectations."
Jon smiled as he tallied the votes. "Well, well, well! kingkitty, you have received a majority of votes!"
Jon pulled a remote from behind his desk and grinned. "No, kingkitty. Something more...liberal..."
He pressed the button, and immediately a horde of baristas descended upon poor kingkitty as they spilled heaping cups of piping hot caramel macchiato, made from fair trade, organic coffee beans that had been delicately ground by hand using a grinder from the 1700s, once touched by the legendary Richard Dawkins himself. kingkitty's screams finally turned into a gurgle as his flesh seared from his body and his charred remnants of hair littered the floor.
kingkitty has been eliminated!
kingkitty said:You are Mike Huckabee, Conduit to God.
You are aligned with the GOP.
You’ve got a hotline to God, and a clear sign that you should run for president. You get two actions per night:
You may pray to God to determine the alignment of a player. PM me DIVINE: <player>.
You may pray to God to convey a message to another player. PM me GOD: <player> <message>.
However, God is like, super busy helping football players score touchdowns and helping movie stars win awards. So his results are only 50% accurate, and the message only has a 50% chance of arriving at its target.
You win when all of the Electorate has been eliminated.
The public game thread is here.![]()
You really should, you didn't even make clear the message wasnt a one shot.
Screw you kitty.
for sorianchoccy hat
kingkitty said:I have no regrets on what happened. And I don't apologize. Apologies are for losers, and for people named Hillary Clinton.
To Kim Davis, ily.
Anyways, here's a pic of me jamming with my bros: