Robin Hood IS an Archer!Never underestimate Ouro. He put Robin Hood in the Archer game.
Robin Hood IS an Archer!Never underestimate Ouro. He put Robin Hood in the Archer game.
Back to the grave with youShould've been Kate Archer
Seriously, Cabot, could you please consider us players with PTSD? Now I need to go back into my safe corner and cry for half an hour![]()
But was there ever a SK aligned with town?
Ok I give you the flavor of my role if you think it helps to better understand my win conditions.
If scum is killed during the day, the assumption is near, that I "actively" tried to help GOP to track it down -> I fulfilled obligation for my country -> GOP approves my visa -> I have a chance to win the game.
If scum is killed during the night, I did nothing to help GOP -> I don't benefit my country -> they don't approve my visa -> I will not be able to win the game since I have no power and no alignment.
So yes, of course I want to help town because more than anything I really want to place a vote for real.
Not necessarily, it sounds like it wouldn't give BSP a vote but that doesn't mean she's be locked out on future scum kills.That sounds hard to believe. There's an SK roaming around. A scum could have died by chance N1. Locked out of a win on N1 as a possbility?
Ahh ok. Yes, that does make sense. But still this is a very unstable assumption. I would say considering this it is maybe a 60% chance we have a Vigilante and 40% for the SK.
But was there ever a SK aligned with town? Because I think even an "insane person with gun" would support GOP flavor wise, since they do support gun obsession.
I'd just like to point out that Burbeting was killed by his totally legal housekeeper Esperanza. If there is an illegal immigrant role, would Ouro use this to give us a hint or just as a joke?
None of the flavors of anyone's role have anything to do with anyone else's.
And besides, it was the Louisiana's education system that killed him.
Launch was weird and they both have the same roleAnyway, why exactly was Lone_Prodigy accused in the first place? I don't think he has put up much of a defense, but it's weird nonetheless.
Launch was weird and they both have the same role
Well by "weird" I mean "suspicious", and I doubt it was intentional. Obviously Mafia wouldn't act suspiciously on purpose (well, maybe) but what else are we supposed to look for?Yeah, but why would mafia act *that* weird? Launch even claimed to have a special role.
Well by "weird" I mean "suspicious", and I doubt it was intentional. Obviously Mafia wouldn't act suspiciously on purpose (well, maybe) but what else are we supposed to look for?
For the record: personally I was undecided on Launch, but willing to wait to get a better read on his intentions. With L_P I'm slightly less hopeful about his future contributions, so I'm forced to think more carefully about his (and Launch's) behaviour
I'm not changing my vote. We stand to learn a lot from her flip.
What kind of flip do you expect?
A backflip?
In his defense though, l have a bad feeling with you aswell. It smells like scum. Nothing concrete but out of all players you just post enough to stay visible and the contributions are not that productive. Of course it is only me and I could be wrong but well.... I dont know about you.He also went after me a bit yesterday, but basically said it was gut feelings without being able to point to much.
Well what hinders you from agreeing to go on with the plan then? Why not wait?Any flip from her is useful to us. She's either non-standard Town, which tells us more about our own team, she's neutral, which can give us info about a lot of stuff, or she's scum, which is just a pure win for us.
Well what hinders you from agreeing to go on with the plan then? Why not wait?
It saddens me to disagree with you today
In his defense though, l have a bad feeling with you aswell. It smells like scum. Nothing concrete but out of all players you just post enough to stay visible and the contributions are not that productive. Of course it is only me and I could be wrong but well.... I dont know about you.
Well what hinders you from agreeing to go on with the plan then? Why not wait?
I honestly don't trust Palmer and if I could justify it, I would've campaigned to lynch him. He's one of those guys that just fly under your radar.
Oh, is the plan to roleblock her? That makes several assumptions.
1. Do we actually have a role blocker? If so, how do we confirm anything without outing them?
I think we might have a role blocker but it likely has some twist on it like most of the roles we know of so far. At this point in the day all we can do is guess as it would be too risky for them to claim now.
I don't think they are a sk as their role and flavor has made sense in the context of the game. If you have a neutral role in a politics themed guy, why wouldn't you have a neutral illigal immigrate? Though the argument of lynching them so tomorrows discussion is taken up with this is valid.
cabot - I think assuming he's town is a pretty strong bet. He's been active and contributing even after having been semi-silenced.
nin1000 - It would be a huge coincidence if he wasn't town and was some sort of stealth mafia player instead, so also most likely town, even though he's done/said things that would have gotten him lynched by now if cabot hadn't used his power on him.
El Topo - Strong town vibes. Or, at least if he isn't he's moving the conversation forward in a good way - I don't think a scum player would be so willing to share his thoughts here (for example the way he narrowed down the list to find the voteless player).
Palmer_v1 - I have my doubts about him. He pushed Ouro hard for info on the vote confusion thing and cabot's silence, but those weren't posts that are going to be super useful later nor was he engaging with anyone - scum could make posts like that to seem active while not really revealing anything important. However, that's hardly enough to start a case against him and I feel he's brought up some points since. 50/50, leaning very slightly scum. I think he plays how scum trying to seem active would.
Never Forever - Kind of disappointing in terms of posting frequency. I was actually surprised to see how little he's posted today, I thought it was more. Hasn't said anything of value really; he distrusts banana a bit, I could see him as a surprisingly good lynch candidate for D3 if he doesn't become more active.
Hyperactivity - He and I have been kind of on the same page today. We both went after L_P in some form or another because we had our suspicions about Launch yesterday, and isn't 100% buying banana's claim, or at least that's what I gather from his posts today which are mostly about her. I think he was at some point considered for lynching because of inactivity, but I think he's posted enough that there are better targets if we decided to go that route. Still, 50/50, slightly leaning town.
CornBurrito - He's been defending banana pretty fiercely lately; I have my doubts about him ever since the beginning of the day when he defended me from nin's single vote. He said he was also defending himself but he could have done so by quoting any of the other posts that claimed to be suspicious of the kitty voters - I believe there was some intent to gain my trust there. 50/50.
SalvaPot - Hard to read. His interactions have mostly revolved around Hyper and L_P, first voting for Hyper for going after L_P and talking about how he knew Launch and they were buddies and he knew his playstyle and whatnot (which worries me), but then he kind of turned around and conceded that L_P was a decent lynch choice if based around his inactivity, going so far as to vote for him at one point. That'd be a very aggressive play if it was mafia bussing each other, specially when others were thinking of L_P as a lynch candidate. 50/50
Kalor - Another popular lynch candidate today. I don't think he's been acting particularly suspicious but that's because I'd agree with anyone that said his inactivity alone makes him a good lynch target. He's said next to nothing today and had no original thoughts other than a post about a potential SK variation and some posts against L_P. Our calls for him to post more have gone unanswered. Leaning scum.
*Splinter - Another player I'm finding it difficult to read. He's sort of flying under the radar. His most "substantial" post was a short list of reads where curiously he says he thinks well of me. Another attempt of earning some good will with me, or am I too paranoid? He does lightly point some fingers at people, so that's good. Either way, I can see where people willing to lynch him are coming from. 50/50, super slightly leaning scum but mostly because of inactivity rather than what he's said.
Lone_Prodigy - I have already posted why I feel uncomfortable with him having replaced Launch, but it really isn't his fault and I do think he deserves a fighting chance. Launch may just have been playing aggressively yesterday - I do think he would have been a better lynch target than Kitty, but now it's going to be very hard to build a case about L_P and obviously hindsight is always 20/20. I'm going to say 60-40 leaning scum, but it's mostly a gut feeling now that Launch is gone.
And here's the cherry on top:
VOTE: bananaspaceprincess
I'm sorry. I believe you're neutral, but there's 2 reasons I think you're the way to go today:
1. We aren't losing any actual voting power by lynching you. Maybe if we hadn't just lost 3 GOP members I would consider letting you live, but we're already severely underpowered compared to yesterday.
2. You've been the center of discussion today. I believe that by figuring out whether you've been telling the truth or not, we're going to have the most amount of info to work with tomorrow. Even if you have been telling the truth, the fact that most of us have given our thoughts on your claim makes me think you'll yield useful info.
Since I think this will be an unpopular opinion, I think good alternatives would be Kalor, and maaaybe Lone_Prodigy, but I urge you guys to consider it.
Chose your side then, your vote on hyper does not help anyone atm.
Lone_Prodigy (5)
El Topo
Players in the list above (and *Splinter): Please, respond to the reasons I provided for voting bsp in my reads list above. I'm interested in your arguments to make me change my mind.
The vote difference is still super narrow and we have to avoid a tie at all costs.
How did he survive the night? Did mafia decide he was bluffing? Did he actually survive an attack by using his ability/power? If so, why did L_P bring it up? Could it be that he actually has a power role and is trying not to reveal much, maybe because it doesn't sound plausible?I can guarantee you my role in this game will have me acting completely differently than I did in NX or AC before. It's not a great indication to just say a person should be acting a certain way, therefore the reason must be mafia. I'm not mafia, so it's not necessarily true that Carrot is either.
BSP defended herself a lot better than L_P did. She was more useful than he was. L_P just gave up.
Here's the thing: I don't really want to lynch either player. I normally wouldn't believe BSP, but the role seems like something that could come from Ouru's twisted mind and there wasn't *that* much reason for her to come forward in the first place. Her reaction to my fake power claim was also fairly believable to me. Regarding L_P, I simply feel like he hasn't told us much, instead he simply claimed that he wasn't responsible for Launchpad's behaviour.
L_P even showed us one of Launchpad's posts, where he basically claimed to have a power role. See below:
How did he survive the night? Did mafia decide he was bluffing? Did he actually survive an attack by using his ability/power? If so, why did L_P bring it up? Could it be that he actually has a power role and is trying not to reveal much, maybe because it doesn't sound plausible?
I don't know. BSP is definitely the safe choice though.
Can you address my points for voting for her? Do you think they're less valid than the fact that she defended herself "well"? Or do you concede they are good points and can't refute them?
If L_P is town he could always just give us his real name, even without the power.