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Election 2016 [Mafia] | Everlasting GOPstoppers

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El Topo

No my argument is not based on nothing. Multiple people have reached the same conclusion as me using the same evidence. The evidence against you exists.

There's no evidence. There's "I think he is scum, let's come up with a retroactive explanation that only works if he is scum" talk.

There's "You voted this way and that way" and then if I explain how that makes no sense for mafia, people claim that it would be an inception-like mafia strategy. You have already found your victim (or suspect) and then explain everything retroactively the way you want.

I'm sorry, but with all due respect, that's bullshit.

El Topo

Should I get lynched while I'm asleep, I would like you to know this: You caused this by a poor man's excuse for evidence and reasoning. Don't look for excuses, don't pat yourselves on the back unless you're mafia, don't tell yourselves that everyone could have made that mistake.

I am as unsuspicious as it gets and if you lynch me, you did it because you screwed up.

What do you mean anymore? How do you know nobody is silent today? At least two people haven't posted yet

As far as we know, obviously. No one got silenced yesterday and no one that has posted so far has shown to be silenced.


Spare us the guilt trip Topo you've spent most of the game on pointless role speculation, that's why I'm suspicious of you. The truth is if I went through every one of your posts right now I'd be hard pressed to find any reason to trust you

El Topo

Spare us the guilt trip Topo you've spent most of the game on pointless role speculation, that's why I'm suspicious of you. The truth is if I went through every one of your posts right now I'd be hard pressed to find any reason to trust you

Be so kind and do so, instead of vague, nonsensical excuses of evidence. At least one can explain actual "evidence" instead of the stuff you guys are throwing at me. Be also please so kind and spare me your attempts at building up a defense for after you've lynched me.

"No, you see, he was suspicious to me because he speculated about the roles, mafia members or why no one was silenced. He also told Corn to kill BSP and afterwards to kill whoever he wants. You see? We had to lynch him."


I don't even know what you're saying now. What "evidence" do you expect? Without a cop stepping forward or crazy game mechanics giving us hints we aren't going to get any "evidence". But plenty of people have given their reasons to suspect you and you've answered none of them, instead opting for this ridiculous "I can't be Mafia you'll regret this tomorrow" defense.

If you're really GOP-aligned then do us all a favour and show us anything that suggests we should trust you.
There's no evidence. There's "I think he is scum, let's come up with a retroactive explanation that only works if he is scum" talk.

There's "You voted this way and that way" and then if I explain how that makes no sense for mafia, people claim that it would be an inception-like mafia strategy. You have already found your victim (or suspect) and then explain everything retroactively the way you want.

I'm sorry, but with all due respect, that's bullshit.

Listen. There's never going to be anything beyond circumstantial and behavioral evidence. That's kind of how the game works, barring investigate roles.
btw I made this for you El Topo


because no one lives 4ever

El Topo

Can't sleep, hopefully actual accusations backed by posts instead of "Hurdur, he suspicious" tomorrow.

Will not use your avatar Blarg, sorry. Why not provide insight and help us catch mafia instead?

Quick thoughts ony my day behaviours. It's late, I can't sleep, may not be complete as I don't remember everything:
D1: I notice cabot behaves weird, I am right, but he's town, not mafia. I attack kingkitty's role claim, realize too late he might be telling the truth, get him lynched.
D2: I don't immediately realize cabot is silenced. I press to find out the voting situation, which leads to BSP role claiming. I fake power claim to get her to confess. I get accused by some for apparently disappearing during Champions League. I last-minute vote for Hyper to make sure he's lynched.
D3: I immediately press for lynching Palmer. Most of us don't post much. I later withdraw my vote, but no good alternative and if I vote for CB there is a draw, so I don't cast my vote again. I ask CB to kill BSP, then tell him just to do as he sees fit.

Didn't look it all up, but that's what I vaguely recall. If you lynch me, GOP only loses a non-power role, but I still think we should make the most of the day and examine everyone this time and not let the day go to waste like we did D3. Also might be helpful to look at the votes. If two mafia are left, I'd expect them to split the vote. Of those who voted for CB, a dangerous threat to mafia I might add, only cabot and *Splinter are alive. Salva voted for Blarg.

Maybe someone else can look how others played, I'll try to finally sleep.


Kinda busy here, I am going back home tomorrow in the morning, so I have to sleep early.

Anyway, I just want to say that bsp flipping electorate does not mean cornburrito is free of suspicion, since in bsp role we can see that the electorade has not way of knowing she was on their side, in the case cb is mafia, he would just be killing a confirmed neutral for the sake of town.

That said, I do believe in cornburrito´s claim and I don´t want him lynched today.

So right now I see El Topo is our main suspect, and to be honest his defense is not that good, I have noticed he keeps appealing to our logic and reason, but we are GOP players, we don´t have that.

I am also worried about blarg, for a replacement he is still really low key. I am following the discussion every chance I can but my internet is unreliable at best and infuriating at worse, as soon as I am home I´ll be more active. I think cabot should lead the town lynch.


1) I have explained again and again cabot, that I don't think you faked your claim and that you are virtually guaranteed town. That shtick is getting old. I do however want to know whether the silencer just gave up or is left alone. I guess we will inevitably know in the end.

2) I also don't quite get why it is suspicious that I tried to get more information out of BSP, even going so far to fake my role. If she was the serial killer, it would've put us at two deaths per night. Chris Christie is a safe claim to "hide behind"? A role that is guaranteed to be given is something you would consider as a fake claim? I'm sorry, are you joking?

3) Do you think I would expose myself this much by repeatedly attacking other players, e.g. Palmer on D3, if I had a power or was mafia? That doesn't make sense. I've role claimed long before others, I've brought forth theories and analyses, I've fake power claimed to get information out of a neutral player.

4) I honestly don't get why anyone would suspect me mafia. At all.

5) I would assume it's "Perform the kill or use ability". Maybe the mafia member gave up, maybe to cause confusion or because cabot showed how to circumvent it, but maybe there are only two mafia members and he therefore cannot use the ability? If there's more, why not keep using it? Why not use it on a fellow mafia member to "prove" that the player is town?

6) No cabot, keep calm, I'm not accusing you, I'm just trying to figure this out.

1) Did I ever make the point that you didn't believe my claim? You'd have to be seriously untrusting of me to not believe it anymore. That wasn't my point at all. The point was you brought up a weird out of nowhere argument that would possibly lead to arousing some suspicion on me, but it definitely was a case of overthinking it and causing confusion. Also, this happened on D2:

You keep throwing pictures and lists at us and it's reached the point where I'm inclined to lynch you. What are you trying to tell us anyway, cabot?

Now why would you say that? even half silenced I was actively involved in most discussion in D2. I found this reaction interesting, trying to raise the point we could lynch a good as confirmed townie because of the hassle of the silence.

2) I read it as extremely suspicious, I know you say it's a pro town move but at the time you know what I thought? If I was townie I wouldn't try it because there's a good chance of a modkill out of it.

As mafia though? Let's be honest Ouro isn't going to modkill a one of three or two over something like a fake claim involving highlights. It was a bold as shit play, and I was impressed, but it never read to me as town. You had every right to find out more about BSP regardless of your alignment. I think this move leans more scum than town.

3) Yes. Yes I do. I went pretty aggressive off the bat and nearly got lynched for it on D1 and I was a PR. There isn't a set way to play anything in this game, it's why playing it again and again is a very fun activity. I don't think this clears you of anything.

4) I laughed at this. Classic El Topo, you had the same mentality in Archer before you we got down to your real role.

5) I think it's more likely a 50/50 or one shot ability. I also strongly believe its your ability, you've brought it up more than anyone else, and I can see you targeting me with it because we have a reasonably strong rivalry going on. I don't know if you expected me to be as active on D2 in spite of the silence, but I do believe you have the ability.

6) I don't think I've shown any strong sense of emotion on this one way or the other. I'm perfectly calm, thanks.

No. I'm serious. I've been very active, I've been very vocal, I've revealed my role name, which (given the scenario) would be a huge risk for mafia. I've lynched town and mafia, I've voted last-minute and I've retracted my vote. I'd be the worst mafia member ever.

Outside of the always existing "But what if he is?" argument, I just don't see it. Heck, cabot's entire argument is weird. Here's the translation:

1)I've always been suspicious to him from the very beginning because of reasons.
2)I've not only revealed my role name, but faked a power to get BSP, now confirmed neutral, to spill the beans. Also I have no power.
3)I wanted to find out if there is a serial killer and who he might be.
4)I've asked questions about roles, flavor and the silencing.
5)He wants to lynch me.

I don't understand this post at all? I was pretty clear in my reasons, and you've actually twisted my words. Your point 2 completely ignores the fact I alluded to BSP's read list which read you as very town. Now knowing BSP's true role, you conveniently removing that from your 'translation' wonderfully suspicious. Anyone BSP reads as town is instantly suspicious now, because she had an active reason to keep mafia alive.

And no cabot, I don't think you're mafia. Your D1 role claim would have been insane for mafia, the flavor was on-spot and Ouro would have told us if your highlighted phrase was not an ability.

Oh right that's good then, I'll just back the fuck off you now because you think I'm town. Best friends forever.


The fact that you think I am town proves nothing other than you're not super silly.

No, I get that, but it was an insane last day and I didn't want my vote to sit around that day. Who knows what could've happened? Maybe some players switch their vote and suddenly BSP dies.

I don't think a last-minute vote clears me, I'm trying to showcase that if I was mafia, I'd be incredibly inconsistent and bad, because I've done multiple things that put me in the spotlight.

Again, this is from the mindset that you can only play as mafia one particular way. Need I remind you of DR where CzarTim was one of the highest posters, and was read by town by the vast majority of people in the game right up until the point he used his ability and revealed his alignment?

Can't use reason and logic when you're starting point is a faulty premise.

How the hell am I supposed to defend myself if the main argument against me is "Well, mafia could do anything to blend in and have fake role claims"?

With all due respect, that's bullshit reasoning.

I don't know you seem to be doing a pretty good job of ignoring most of the actual reasons to suspect you.

We have multiple players that haven't come forward, we have players with dubious claims, but suddenly I'm the main suspect? Are you kidding me?

This has not been sudden, the attention has just naturally focused to you today as we lessen the numbers.

Quick thoughts ony my day behaviours. It's late, I can't sleep, may not be complete as I don't remember everything:
D1: I notice cabot behaves weird, I am right, but he's town, not mafia. I attack kingkitty's role claim, realize too late he might be telling the truth, get him lynched.
D2: I don't immediately realize cabot is silenced. I press to find out the voting situation, which leads to BSP role claiming. I fake power claim to get her to confess. I get accused by some for apparently disappearing during Champions League. I last-minute vote for Hyper to make sure he's lynched.
D3: I immediately press for lynching Palmer. Most of us don't post much. I later withdraw my vote, but no good alternative and if I vote for CB there is a draw, so I don't cast my vote again. I ask CB to kill BSP, then tell him just to do as he sees fit.

Is this the 'look at all these pro-town things I did' defense? Because it's weak.

D1: Yeah well done you saw I was behaving differently, and for that you almost lynched me. You know who else read my different play and assumed (correctly) that I'm probably town/PR and we should absolutely not lynch me on D1? Launch. You saw one thing and went the wrong way about it. I also keep in mind your view on D1 behaviour (ie it's mostly worthless), and using this to try and justify yourself is amusing to me.

D2: The quote I referenced in this post was quite far into D2, well after everyone was aware of my silence. It's why I was even more confused by it. I've covered my feelings on the fake claim. Voting on Hyper proves nothing as you've said because of the circumstances of your vote.

D3: What's pro-town about not even putting forward a vote in a day phase? As a claimed ordinary townie, it's your only power. You've actively not used your only power in the game. Nonsense.

What's next, America?

El Topo

At some point I will find time to answer cabot, but I'd just like to point out that there are two players with wonky (i.e. non-candidate) claims, whereas absolutely no one that has been lynched was a non-candidate. Their stories back each other, so lynching one of them would give us more information and if CB is really a normal townie now, we wouldn't lose anything. Lynching me benefits mafia and nets you absolutely nothing.

El topo, may I ask what you think of Blarg?

Has contributed absolutely nothing since he joined, has he? Claimed to be bulletproof and presented himself as target for CB, backed out later.

El Topo

1) Did I ever make the point that you didn't believe my claim? You'd have to be seriously untrusting of me to not believe it anymore. That wasn't my point at all. The point was you brought up a weird out of nowhere argument that would possibly lead to arousing some suspicion on me, but it definitely was a case of overthinking it and causing confusion. Also, this happened on D2:

Confusion? The point is that it could be a hint at only two mafia players and that someone with a very noticeable power stopped using it. I think everyone has posted by now and no one was silenced. Again.

Now why would you say that? even half silenced I was actively involved in most discussion in D2. I found this reaction interesting, trying to raise the point we could lynch a good as confirmed townie because of the hassle of the silence.

I posted it because your damn memes and large pictures were starting to get seriously annoying and I hadn't figured out that you had been silenced. You didn't post like that in the NX thread, so until someone pointed out the silence thing, I assumed you were on some weird trip.

2) I read it as extremely suspicious, I know you say it's a pro town move but at the time you know what I thought? If I was townie I wouldn't try it because there's a good chance of a modkill out of it.

I didn't even know it was against the rules, nor did the thought of a modkill ever cross my mind. I even apologized for breaking the rules. I assume your assumption is that I knew it was a "risky" (re:modkill) move and that only a mafia member would do it, thinking Ouro wouldn't modkill mafia, but that requires a lot more suspension of disbelief than me just being a town member, trying to squeeze out information.

As mafia though? Let's be honest Ouro isn't going to modkill a one of three or two over something like a fake claim involving highlights. It was a bold as shit play, and I was impressed, but it never read to me as town. You had every right to find out more about BSP regardless of your alignment. I think this move leans more scum than town.

Again, this meta (re:modkill) argument requires more mental hoops to jump through. It's not the most reasonable conclusion. You assume I'm scum and then retroactively construct an explanation for that move.

3) Yes. Yes I do. I went pretty aggressive off the bat and nearly got lynched for it on D1 and I was a PR. There isn't a set way to play anything in this game, it's why playing it again and again is a very fun activity. I don't think this clears you of anything.

It wasn't exactly a brilliant play by you there, cabot. Although it got all of us off the back of nin and you, it would've been more useful later in the game to corrobate (or refute) someone's claim. One can debate whether you were at fault for the suspicion you got (by me and others) or not of course, or whether you should have revealed at that point. Pointless to do now I guess.

I find the whole "There isn't a set way to play anything" nonsensical. Of course there is. General rule is that active or vocal players get more attention and are more likely to be killed (or at least lynched), which is something that mafia or power roles would rather avoid. General rule is that a power role should never role claim unless necessary. Just because someone occasionally gets away with a weird move doesn't mean there are not generally reasonable behaviour rules. Throwing out all reason because of that is bad.

5) I think it's more likely a 50/50 or one shot ability. I also strongly believe its your ability, you've brought it up more than anyone else, and I can see you targeting me with it because we have a reasonably strong rivalry going on. I don't know if you expected me to be as active on D2 in spite of the silence, but I do believe you have the ability.

This is going to sound mean, but if I had that ability, I honestly wouldn't target you. I also don't know how a 50/50 or one-shot ability would work, both balancewise and flavorwise.

We don't really have a rivalry. I don't even get how you would think that. Me and roy have a cheerful rivalry though. Me and you? Because we were in the same game? No. Heck, if that is your logic, even you must admit that I'd have a much stronger rivalry with Palmer.

I don't understand this post at all? I was pretty clear in my reasons, and you've actually twisted my words. Your point 2 completely ignores the fact I alluded to BSP's read list which read you as very town. Now knowing BSP's true role, you conveniently removing that from your 'translation' wonderfully suspicious. Anyone BSP reads as town is instantly suspicious now, because she had an active reason to keep mafia alive.

In what world is a read list by a neutral who knows nothing and is aligned with the Electorate in any way helpful? In no way, that's how helpful it is.

Again, this is from the mindset that you can only play as mafia one particular way. Need I remind you of DR where CzarTim was one of the highest posters, and was read by town by the vast majority of people in the game right up until the point he used his ability and revealed his alignment?

Can't use reason and logic when you're starting point is a faulty premise.

What is unreasonable is to use the exceptions and claim that there are no general guidelines, just because some play differently. At this point you're basically saying "Sure, 95% of players do this, but because of those 5% over there, we cannot assume anything".

Regarding Tim, without even looking far, first thing I found using Google is a post by Crab on how he gets more suspicious every day on the second day of the game. He used his ability to save himself on D3, where he would have gotten lynched, then died on D4. I'm sorry, horrible example that only helps my case. I think Crab also called Tim's D3 "one of the worst ever days of mafia i have ever seen".

I don't know you seem to be doing a pretty good job of ignoring most of the actual reasons to suspect you.

Not really. Until you, no one today bothered to construct an argument. Instead it was all just "He's suspicious and what is unsuspicious is suspicious because mafia would do that if they knew that we knew".

This has not been sudden, the attention has just naturally focused to you today as we lessen the numbers.

Three votes (though you unvoted) within the first two or three hours is pretty damn sudden for this game.

Is this the 'look at all these pro-town things I did' defense? Because it's weak.

Do me a favor and do a similar list for other players, just to see how weak your argument actually is.

D1: Yeah well done you saw I was behaving differently, and for that you almost lynched me. You know who else read my different play and assumed (correctly) that I'm probably town/PR and we should absolutely not lynch me on D1? Launch. You saw one thing and went the wrong way about it. I also keep in mind your view on D1 behaviour (ie it's mostly worthless), and using this to try and justify yourself is amusing to me.

I'm honestly getting annoyed that you keep failing to understand this. Same in the Archer thread. Day 1 behaviour is by itself worthless, it is only helpful with context (e.g. additional "evidence" from other days), in my case I argued that you gave me a very different feel from Archer. That turned out to be correct, but in a different way.

D2: The quote I referenced in this post was quite far into D2, well after everyone was aware of my silence. It's why I was even more confused by it. I've covered my feelings on the fake claim. Voting on Hyper proves nothing as you've said because of the circumstances of your vote.

Honest question: Which voting behaviour is "unsuspicious"?

D3: What's pro-town about not even putting forward a vote in a day phase? As a claimed ordinary townie, it's your only power. You've actively not used your only power in the game. Nonsense.

Nonsense. Causing a stalemate is pointless. Voting for someone you realize might be town is also pointless and not pro-town. There was no alternative to CB and Palmer and to cast the lone vote for someone else is pointless as well.

What's next, America?

El Topo

Wait, hold on Corn, something doesn't make sense. You claimed that my role reveal was bullshit because mafia could have a list of candidate names, but then why did Hyper come up with such a bullshit fake claim? Why would Ouro leave someone like Bobby Jindal in the game, but put Chris Christie on the candidacy list? I don't think any "big" name was on a list in his Archer game, was there?


If you weren't aware it was rule breaking then it's less bold and more a clever move, doesn't really paint it as more town.

Disregarding BSP's opinion now we know she had an active reason to save mafia is a strange thing to take.

It wasn't the greatest play but it wasn't bad either. I'll say it again and again until this game ends or I die, I did the read list to move the game from flavour to mafia. It worked, it just also sort of backfired on me.

There is not a set way to play. Kark and batsnacks playing their PRs in NX didn't follow the usual PR patterns. It is absolutely up to the player.

Difference of opinion on the ability use, not much to do either way apart from I believe this and you don't.

Did you give a reason for your no vote on D3? did that happen?

El Topo

VOTE: El Topo

not satisfied with those answers.

Well then do me a favor and see if other players fit these "criteria". At this point I get the feeling you're trying to lynch me less because you think I am mafia, but because you want me to be mafia.


Wait, hold on Corn, something doesn't make sense. You claimed that my role reveal was bullshit because mafia could have a list of candidate names, but then why did Hyper come up with such a bullshit fake claim? Why would Ouro leave someone like Bobby Jindal in the game, but put Chris Christie on the candidacy list? I don't think any "big" name was on a list in his Archer game, was there?

I'm certain there was, though I think that was revealed in the dead thread. Palmer also brought this up.


Well then do me a favor and see if other players fit these "criteria". At this point I get the feeling you're trying to lynch me less because you think I am mafia, but because you want me to be mafia.

I've been pretty open with my feelings on other players, I posted at the start of the day.

El Topo

If you weren't aware it was rule breaking then it's less bold and more a clever move, doesn't really paint it as more town.

As evidenced by multiple apologies.

Disregarding BSP's opinion now we know she had an active reason to save mafia is a strange thing to take.

I'm disregarding her opinion because as far as we know, she didn't know the mafia members. Her list is unreliable either way.

It wasn't the greatest play but it wasn't bad either. I'll say it again and again until this game ends or I die, I did the read list to move the game from flavour to mafia. It worked, it just also sort of backfired on me.

Wasn't even the worst move of that day.

There is not a set way to play. Kark and batsnacks playing their PRs in NX didn't follow the usual PR patterns. It is absolutely up to the player.

If you go that route, you turn this into a completely random game without reason or logic.

Did you give a reason for your no vote on D3? did that happen?

Multiple times.


You understand now my feelings when you're arguing logic and reasoning and you've shown some logic fails throughout this game?

You're going to have to try and win over the others, because I'm set here.

El Topo

I'm certain there was, though I think that was revealed in the dead thread. Palmer also brought this up.

No. I looked it up. Biggest cover role was Woodhouse. I'd also like to add that if they had cover roles, why did Hyper choose one that had an article (the XYZ), when no other role had? Why one without a candidate name? Why mix one with his real power?

I don't think they have cover names.

El Topo

Didn't notice that she knew the mafia members. Still don't see how me being town on that list is in any way reliable or evidence.

You understand now my feelings when you're arguing logic and reasoning and you've shown some logic fails throughout this game?

Some day you may be able to point me to them.


OK guys had a trawl through D2 with Hyper and Splinter and I finally have the quotes to backup Splinter's message send, which does seem to paint him in a nice townie colour:

We'll start with Palmer bringing it up in more detail after alluding to it in D3:

Oh, I see Cabot posted something about Splinter while I was typing.

I would like everyone to evaluate what I mean by him being cleared. I can't seem to post a decent explanation of it.

Basically, Hyper is scum.
He can send a message each night.
N1, he claims to have sent one to splinter and that splinter was supposed to do something in his first post.(need to go look at this again)

Assuming Hyper sent one, there's no reason to send it to a fellow scum, right? He didn't have any appreciable heat on him when D1 ended.
So presumably, we know whoever received his message is not scum, right?

We have no way to confirm if Splinter did receive it, but as long as nobody else claims to have received it, it means he's PROBABLY not scum. There's a vague chance he's neutral, or that something else weird like a role block or switch happened, but chances are he's good.

If someone else DOES claim to have received it, we have issues. It could be a scum CC, it could have been a switcher, or it could be the real target(but why wouldn't Hyper just name them instead?)

So I kept meaning to go back to this as this all slipped by me in D2. I only saw Hyper claim he sent a message already to someone. I never saw anyone confirm that and I looked for it during the D2 madness.

Here is what Hyper said:

There's some flavor text

Then I told him to "lead and know your brethren

And speak gods words I know myself at the earliest possible timr

That's why I doubted him yesterday

Look I can send a message to one of you
I have someone to corroborate my story

(Except he's in Spain dammit)

I already said el topi

I told him to day the specific words
I know myself

In his first pist

I then saw Splinter quote the entire message sent to him in the following post, which was on D3. This was why I was having trouble finding it (Never thought to look at D3 for this message):

Sorry for missing end of yesterday (also fuck you Salva, no need for that to happen so late)

I see my name came up, I can confirm I received a message from "God", as follows:

I wasn't sure who sent it but figured I might as well play along for now. You can see my first post of yesterday (the one you quoted, Palmer) had the phrase "I know myself" shoehorned in there. I didn't spot any further clues from Hyper or anyone else throughout the day.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've had some NASTY cheap pizza and now I just want to vom or something.

Down with Palmer (scummy)
Down with CornBurrito (seems to be playing a caricature of himself, will elaborate later)

Quote is in the post just click through to it.

That was all well and good, but we still don't have the D2 confirmation that Splinter actually said this phrase, so I continued to trawl through and eventually I hit it, one of his first posts of the day:

Start as you mean to go on I guess

Serious note: has Cabbeh been silenced, only posting gifs I think. I know myself I love me some gifs, but he literally hasn't said a word. I think. Right?

So that's the great message mystery solved.

Feelings on it? I think this mostly paints Splinter as town. Palmer's logic makes sense, and he flipped town so we can assume there was no malicious intent or double bluff to try and paint a scum Splinter as town.

It's not absolutely definitive, but we'll never have anything that is with the PRs we've lost. I'm just glad to have finally got back and checked up on it enough to put my confusion to rest.


At least Palmer has been pretty consistent in telling us to lynch BSP. A few minutes left, for now:

UNVOTE: Palmer_v1

Eh? What was the point of this unvote?

You brought the count down from 5 v 3 to 4 v 3 in Palmer's favour.

You said you didn't want to risk a stalemate but all I can see here is you bringing it closer to a stalemate situation for no real reason?

El Topo

That's not a mystery cabot, nor does it necessarily prove that *Splinter is town. Revealing this after Hyper got lynched is pointless. The message didn't stand out by itself. I think it's likely that *Splinter is town, it seems like a reasonable move for mafia to build a defense, but you yourself claimed that mafia might play completely unpredictably.

I'd also emphasize that BSP and her list are not reliable. Hyper once suspected me and criticized my fake power claim, does that make me town?

I'd like to once more, none of you seems to care, ask why nin1000 was killed? I'm pretty sure he would've been on my side. Is that why he got killed, instead of e.g. Kalor?

I also haven't gotten an answer on why Hyper's claim had so many flaws, if they presumably have fake covers.

El Topo

Eh? What was the point of this unvote?

You brought the count down from 5 v 3 to 4 v 3 in Palmer's favour.

You said you didn't want to risk a stalemate but all I can see here is you bringing it closer to a stalemate situation for no real reason?

I said voting for CB would have caused a stalemante and that voting for anyone but the two would have been pointless. Obviously I would've been forced to vote in case of a looming stalemate.

Stop throwing "Doomed if you do, doomed if you don't" shit at me, cabot.


You keep talking of proof, we're never going to get proof, which I made perfectly clear.

The best is what we have with the evidence available, which is an analysis of the situation from a confirmed townie, a confirmation of sending the message and the specific thing asked from a confirmed mafia who at the time was trying to role claim town, and the claim being locked with Splinter saying the phrase and posting the message sent.

It's frankly insulting I have to say the same thing over and over again, I said all of this in my post El Topo. Get a grip.

Also considering how many times you've slipped over posts, I'm not going to apologise for highlighting something I at least was unsure of.


I said voting for CB would have caused a stalemante and that voting for anyone but the two would have been pointless. Obviously I would've been forced to vote in case of a looming stalemate.

Stop throwing "Doomed if you do, doomed if you don't" shit at me, cabot.

Nonsense. Causing a stalemate is pointless. Voting for someone you realize might be town is also pointless and not pro-town. There was no alternative to CB and Palmer and to cast the lone vote for someone else is pointless as well.

Oh we're to assume from that single sentence that you assumed Palmer was town?

See, I assumed exactly what you said, which was an observation that Palmer was intent on lynching BSP. You say nothing of what that actually means.


I feel like we're making a mistake. I don't know, but it's a bit too quiet, too smooth.

Well this was your previous post. This is still a lot of hot nothing. You'll be saying I'm giving you bad juju next.

You should be absolutely clear on the unvote.

El Topo

The best is what we have with the evidence available, which is an analysis of the situation from a confirmed townie, a confirmation of sending the message and the specific thing asked from a confirmed mafia who at the time was trying to role claim town, and the claim being locked with Splinter saying the phrase and posting the message sent.

Again, you yourself previously claimed, when presented with the idea that it would be absolutely unfathomably stupid for mafia to play like me, that basically any strategy is possible. I mean, you even admit that you're dead set.

It's frankly insulting I have to say the same thing over and over again, I said all of this in my post El Topo. Get a grip.

What's frankly insulting is your honestly poor "analysis", your willful ignorance of my defense and questions brought up, the flaws in your "analysis", your highly inconsistent reasoning.

Time and time again you either deliberately or (which would be sad) inadvertently misread my statements and twist anything beyond even the most reasonable doubt to fit your delusional theory.
Wait, hold on Corn, something doesn't make sense. You claimed that my role reveal was bullshit because mafia could have a list of candidate names, but then why did Hyper come up with such a bullshit fake claim? Why would Ouro leave someone like Bobby Jindal in the game, but put Chris Christie on the candidacy list? I don't think any "big" name was on a list in his Archer game, was there?

That's... A valid point actually.

Maybe that's what your whole fake PR stunt was though? Nobody claimed Chris Christie at that time despite you using a line from him. I think even Hyper or someone else said "hey isn't that Chris Christie?"

With no counter claim.... You were testing out out weren't you?

El Topo

Oh we're to assume from that single sentence that you assumed Palmer was town?

See, I assumed exactly what you said, which was an observation that Palmer was intent on lynching BSP. You say nothing of what that actually means.

What? Please elaborate how that sentence is an observation that Palmer was intent on lynching BSP. I'm sorry, but you're honestly borderline delusional at this point.


Well it's good now. You're really playing like GOP.

Just unleashing personal attacks.

We're done El Topo. I have nothing more to say.
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