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Election 2016 [Mafia] | Everlasting GOPstoppers

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Cool, another Electorate down. There should be like 2 left then at most? Good job at clearing yourself, Corn.

I'm kinda clueless now about what to do, or at least definitively not as decided as yesterday :p If I followed my list from yesterday I'd have to target El Topo, but Palmer's mislynch is making me have second thoughts. My plan right now is to read through the thread and provide a reads list again, hopefully we'll be able to deduce something from that. At the very least I think we have plenty of confirmed town players, no?
As people guessed, I used my one shot on BSP. Am ordinary town now sadly. But it seems I was right to target her. Didn't believe her win condition and thought she might turn electorate after launching a second town. Plus if I was wrong it wouldn't have cut our voting power. On mobile so I haven't read it in full yet.


1. LaunchpadMcQ [m] -> Lone_Prodigy Donald Trump - GOP aligned role blocker
2. Hyperactivity [m] Electorate - Message sender
3. CornBurrito [m] Claimed One-Shot Vigilante
4. SalvaPot [m] Claimed night bomb. GOP aligned (unconfirmed)
5. Sorian [m] GOP aligned doctor
6. cabot [m] One-shot alignment check. GOP aligned. Alignment check confirmed
7. Blargonaut [m] ???
8. Burbeting [m] GOP aligned townie
9. El Topo [m] Claimed as townie
10. Kalor [m] Doublevote , GOP aligned (unconfirmed, but he did lead to Hyper's death)
11. Palmer_v1 [m] GOP aligned townie
12. nin1000 [m] GOP aligned townie
13. bananaspaceprincess [f] Neutral no vote with mafia win condition
14. Fireblend [m] ???
15. *Splinter [m] ???
16. kingkitty [m] GOP aligned weak cop and message sender

So today's suspects for me:

CB - Why is he not dead? Why did he target BSP? Wasn't El Topo his most suspicious?
El Topo - Been reading bad to me most of the game, BSPs list doesn't help his case.
Splinter - I need to check this message thing but I've not had a good read on him at all.

I currently believe these people are town:

Blarg - NF was solidly town before he disappeared into the sweet sweet night, and Blarg didn't do much of anything crazy yesterday. BSP reading NF as scummy makes me believe this.
Fireblend - I think Fire has been pro-town most of the time, and he got unlucky with chasing Palmer. I just hope he listens to me more as opposed to being stubborn on his own opinion. You bad pyro!
Salva - He's not been touched since N1, I believe Sorian would try to protect him and subsequently died because of it. I'd like him to step up today though since we've lost one of the most active members in nin.

Alright, I want opinions from everyone, and corrections from my list if you see any incorrect data.


Cool, another Electorate down. There should be like 2 left then at most? Good job at clearing yourself, Corn.

I'm kinda clueless now about what to do, or at least definitively not as decided as yesterday :p If I followed my list from yesterday I'd have to target El Topo, but Palmer's mislynch is making me have second thoughts. My plan right now is to read through the thread and provide a reads list again, hopefully we'll be able to deduce something from that. At the very least I think we have plenty of confirmed town players, no?

What's that? She was neutral with a win condition that relied on mafia, be clear as possible, we can't be muddling things here sunshine.


I wonder if CornBurrito is still alive because Electorate wanted to eliminate a confirmed town over someone who people doubted and planned to lynch. Killing nin at least muddies the waters a bit rather than lower the list of Electorate canidates.


damnit, I read Kalor as town as well because his double vote essentially sent Hyper to death. I've not seen a mafia with a double vote, but bussing Hyper in a smaller game makes little sense.

El Topo

I think there might be at most three mafia members, which is likely why the (only ?) neutral player had no power. If there are only two mafia members, that would explain why no one has been silenced anymore.


Well, I guess that confirms Corn's ability. I'm not going to 100% trust his alignment though, he presumably didn't know any more about BSP than we did, in which case he wouldn't have known he was killing an ally.

I guess my top suspect right now would have to be Topo, will do some re-reading (especially on BSP) before I come to a vote though


By my reckoning, we have one mislynch before we have to hit scum, and frankly I am willing to let CB slide today because his kill was useful to us.

Without further ado,

VOTE: El Topo

1) You've been reading suspicious to me all game
2) Your non-roleclaim which was initially super abstract (no doubt your favourite thing you mathematician filth) and then became a very very underhanded ordinary claim is something a mafia can hide behind
3) You were pretty intent on finding the SK/Vigi in D2, and as Mafia you would have an active reason to do so
4) You suggest some weird things, like me faking my D2 meme thing because..... ??? The only reason to bring that up is to try and cause confusion/suspicion on me.
5) I honestly wanted cabot vs El Topo 2: Germanic Boogaloo.

It's Archer all over again.
I assume I am alive because my ability was one shot. And people are/were willing to vote for me. Hell, Cabot still is. I believe Cabot is town but also think he is playing into scum hands since scum is probably banking on me being lynched today.

I also still don't trust El Topo. He withdrew his vote against Palmer and never placed one on me. I suppose he knew both of us were town and didn't want to get blamed for a town lynxh after his suspicious behavior with the hyper vote. He is my vote for today.

As for why BSP instead of topo? BSP was safer as a choice. Neutral with no vote. Her dying either way didn't hurt us. Meanwhile I had a feeling she might be electorate aligned. The flavor was certainly not GOP. And we were wasting discussion time on BSP. I wanted her out of the way so we could move on.
I think there might be at most three mafia members, which is likely why the (only ?) neutral player had no power. If there are only two mafia members, that would explain why no one has been silenced anymore.

Sorry I am not following. What does the amount of scum left have to do with the silencing?
damnit, I read Kalor as town as well because his double vote essentially sent Hyper to death. I've not seen a mafia with a double vote, but bussing Hyper in a smaller game makes little sense.

Yeah I can't imagine double vote being scum aligned. But I couldn't discount it which is why when he revealed it I asked if there's been a Gafia game with a scum double vote. But eh. If we start to suspect Kalor he's a last resort vote. We have far better suspects at present I feel.

Vote: El Topo



since its only a 5 majority, I don't want to contribute to a potential turbo right now.

I'm going for Topo today, count on it.

That fox is mine....again

El Topo

I have explained again and again cabot, that I don't think you faked your claim and that you are virtually guaranteed town. That shtick is getting old. I do however want to know whether the silencer just gave up or is left alone. I guess we will inevitably know in the end.

I also don't quite get why it is suspicious that I tried to get more information out of BSP, even going so far to fake my role. If she was the serial killer, it would've put us at two deaths per night. Chris Christie is a safe claim to "hide behind"? A role that is guaranteed to be given is something you would consider as a fake claim? I'm sorry, are you joking?

Do you think I would expose myself this much by repeatedly attacking other players, e.g. Palmer on D3, if I had a power or was mafia? That doesn't make sense. I've role claimed long before others, I've brought forth theories and analyses, I've fake power claimed to get information out of a neutral player.

I honestly don't get why anyone would suspect me mafia. At all.

Sorry I am not following. What does the amount of scum left have to do with the silencing?

I would assume it's "Perform the kill or use ability". Maybe the mafia member gave up, maybe to cause confusion or because cabot showed how to circumvent it, but maybe there are only two mafia members and he therefore cannot use the ability? If there's more, why not keep using it? Why not use it on a fellow mafia member to "prove" that the player is town?

No cabot, keep calm, I'm not accusing you, I'm just trying to figure this out.
Is it possible silencer was a joke role? Idk I can't imagine it being a one shot given how low powered it was. Unless it wasn't meant to be serious. Which would explain why you could use test image macros.

El Topo

Is it possible silencer was a joke role? Idk I can't imagine it being a one shot given how low powered it was. Unless it wasn't meant to be serious. Which would explain why you could use test image macros.

I hadn't thought of that, but then why not come forward? Unless it's mafia. Possible I guess and cabot showed how useless it is. Makes sense.
I hadn't thought of that, but then why not come forward? Unless it's mafia. Possible I guess and cabot showed how useless it is. Makes sense.

I imagine the silencer would be summarily lynched. Since it is likely they are scum. Silencing Cabot wasn't a town move. It was either a joke move from a joke role, or scum like you said.

Axtually we can probably figure out who the silencer likely is. Ie: Fireblend, you, splinter.

El Topo

I imagine the silencer would be summarily lynched. Since it is likely they are scum. Silencing Cabot wasn't a town move. It was either a joke move from a joke role, or scum like you said.

Axtually we can probably figure out who the silencer likely is. Ie: Fireblend, you, splinter.

Is there a reason you're excluding Blarg?


Ok so today I mostly want to look at El Topo v CornBurrito, first though I've come across this post that got me thinking:

I want to throw something in the room that was bothering me about Salvas RC. I generally find Salvas role a little odd. First of all it is extremely self centered and does not really benefit anyone except for himself. I mean he did accidentally kill our doctor. And also now that it's out in the open the chance that he would ever need to use it again is close to zero, right? The only thing it brought us was an end to the SK hunt. He is basically immune to NK atm which of course is good for us but I still think there is something fishy going on here.

I don't really know what to make off it at all. Even for me it does not make any sense that he saved me. My theory until this morning was that he actually saved L_P and just made it look like he RC just for my benefit. I hope he will say some more about it today and clear those things up a little.

Fireblend, I like your idea of going through those people because it gives us something to work with for today. I will comment in more detail tmr when I have more time.
Now BSP knew who the scum were, so the obvious reaction to this post is "Salva is probably town as BSP wants to cast doubt on him". However, I've also been thinking further about Salva saving BSP the day before. Is it possible that BSP hinted at her alignment and the electorate figured it out? There was a case in the DR game where two unknown partners identified each other by sneaking in quotes from their role pm - impossible for anyone else to spot and in that case it was successful.

To lay out my theory:
1) BSP hints at true alignment, scum take the hint
2) Salva saves BSP by role claiming
3) BSP is still under suspicion and so begins putting distance between herself and Salva.

As a slight aside to this theory: if Salva flips scum, that would give me reason to trust Corn, since in this scenario the scum knew BSP's alignment and I doubt Corn (if scum) would have willingly killed a teammate last night.


Ok so today I mostly want to look at El Topo v CornBurrito, first though I've come across this post that got me thinking:

Now BSP knew who the scum were, so the obvious reaction to this post is "Salva is probably town as BSP wants to cast doubt on him". However, I've also been thinking further about Salva saving BSP the day before. Is it possible that BSP hinted at her alignment and the electorate figured it out? There was a case in the DR game where two unknown partners identified each other by sneaking in quotes from their role pm - impossible for anyone else to spot and in that case it was successful.

To lay out my theory:
1) BSP hints at true alignment, scum take the hint
2) Salva saves BSP by role claiming
3) BSP is still under suspicion and so begins putting distance between herself and Salva.

As a slight aside to this theory: if Salva flips scum, that would give me reason to trust Corn, since in this scenario the scum knew BSP's alignment and I doubt Corn (if scum) would have willingly killed a teammate last night.

We could probably figure out if BSP hinted at her role by comparing her role to all the posts she made before SalvaPot saved her. Based on her role pm, it doesn't seem like there is much that could be used to hint towards being Electorate aligned.


We could probably figure out if BSP hinted at her role by comparing her role to all the posts she made before SalvaPot saved her. Based on her role pm, it doesn't seem like there is much that could be used to hint towards being Electorate aligned.
Ah, good point... It's not the only way to hint at something but it's probably the most reliable... I'm not sure that theory works without it.
Just from memory BSP kept putting playful votes on fireblend to show she was voteless. Could that have meant anything? I actually don't think so, but we could try digging through her posts and seeing if there might be anything else.

El Topo

"I honestly don't get why anyone would suspect me mafia. At all."
-every Mafia player ever (regardless of alignment)

No. I'm serious. I've been very active, I've been very vocal, I've revealed my role name, which (given the scenario) would be a huge risk for mafia. I've lynched town and mafia, I've voted last-minute and I've retracted my vote. I'd be the worst mafia member ever.

Outside of the always existing "But what if he is?" argument, I just don't see it. Heck, cabot's entire argument is weird. Here's the translation:

1)I've always been suspicious to him from the very beginning because of reasons.
2)I've not only revealed my role name, but faked a power to get BSP, now confirmed neutral, to spill the beans. Also I have no power.
3)I wanted to find out if there is a serial killer and who he might be.
4)I've asked questions about roles, flavor and the silencing.
5)He wants to lynch me.
No. I'm serious. I've been very active, I've been very vocal, I've revealed my role name, which (given the scenario) would be a huge risk for mafia. I've lynched town and mafia, I've voted last-minute and I've retracted my vote. I'd be the worst mafia member ever.

Outside of the always existing "But what if he is?" argument, I just don't see it. Heck, cabot's entire argument is weird. Here's the translation:

1)I've always been suspicious to him from the very beginning because of reasons.
2)I've not only revealed my role name, but faked a power to get BSP, now confirmed neutral, to spill the beans. Also I have no power.
3)I wanted to find out if there is a serial killer and who he might be.
4)I've asked questions about roles, flavor and the silencing.
5)He wants to lynch me.

Your vote against Hyper was like a minute before the day end and wasn't even needed to shift Hyper in the majority. It is hardly compelling.

El Topo

And no cabot, I don't think you're mafia. Your D1 role claim would have been insane for mafia, the flavor was on-spot and Ouro would have told us if your highlighted phrase was not an ability.


No. I'm serious. I've been very active, I've been very vocal, I've revealed my role name, which (given the scenario) would be a huge risk for mafia. I've lynched town and mafia, I've voted last-minute and I've retracted my vote. I'd be the worst mafia member ever.

Outside of the always existing "But what if he is?" argument, I just don't see it. Heck, cabot's entire argument is weird. Here's the translation:

1)I've always been suspicious to him from the very beginning because of reasons.
2)I've not only revealed my role name, but faked a power to get BSP, now confirmed neutral, to spill the beans. Also I have no power.
3)I wanted to find out if there is a serial killer and who he might be.
4)I've asked questions about roles, flavor and the silencing.
5)He wants to lynch me.
I wasn't implying you weren't being serious. I think it's common for people to think they are beyond suspicion, we've already had Palmer and Never Forever make similar statements this game. Hell I thought the same thing sometimes in my first game despite being scum.

And Cabot is hardly the only one who is/has been suspicious of you
I think someone else mentioned this, but don't scum in themed games typically get fake names to use in role claims? Claiming Chris Christie might not be the big risk you want us to think it is.

El Topo

I mean i am not saying it IS, but it certainly looks like a last minute attempt to bus Hyper and distance yourself from him.

No, I get that, but it was an insane last day and I didn't want my vote to sit around that day. Who knows what could've happened? Maybe some players switch their vote and suddenly BSP dies.

I don't think a last-minute vote clears me, I'm trying to showcase that if I was mafia, I'd be incredibly inconsistent and bad, because I've done multiple things that put me in the spotlight.
As a slight aside to this theory: if Salva flips scum, that would give me reason to trust Corn, since in this scenario the scum knew BSP's alignment and I doubt Corn (if scum) would have willingly killed a teammate last night.

Missed this on my first read. And no. Lynching salva would be so dumb. If he is telling the truth (and I believe it. How else did we get two kills that day?) then he is the closest to NK immune we have. The risk with lynching him is way too high at this point. That's a worse choice than Kalor.

El Topo

I think someone else mentioned this, but don't scum in themed games typically get fake names to use in role claims? Claiming Chris Christie might not be the big risk you want us to think it is.

I think they did in the Archer game. Is that a common thing? But yeah, I can't argue against that.


No, I get that, but it was an insane last day and I didn't want my vote to sit around that day. Who knows what could've happened? Maybe some players switch their vote and suddenly BSP dies.

I don't think a last-minute vote clears me, I'm trying to showcase that if I was mafia, I'd be incredibly inconsistent and bad, because I've done multiple things that put me in the spotlight.
So your argument is "I can't be Mafia because if I was Mafia I'd do x y and z"? That's not very compelling...

VOTE: El Topo
No, I get that, but it was an insane last day and I didn't want my vote to sit around that day. Who knows what could've happened? Maybe some players switch their vote and suddenly BSP dies.

I don't think a last-minute vote clears me, I'm trying to showcase that if I was mafia, I'd be incredibly inconsistent and bad, because I've done multiple things that put me in the spotlight.

To borrow a phrase I just learned. This is WIFOM scenario. Maria would apparently never act like you, so you can't be mafia. Except if mafia can trick us into thinking they will act a certain way all they need to do is subvert that expectation.


Missed this on my first read. And no. Lynching salva would be so dumb. If he is telling the truth (and I believe it. How else did we get two kills that day?) then he is the closest to NK immune we have. The risk with lynching him is way too high at this point. That's a worse choice than Kalor.
I'm not voting him today, but I don't trust him either

El Topo

How the hell am I supposed to defend myself if the main argument against me is "Well, mafia could do anything to blend in and have fake role claims"?

With all due respect, that's bullshit reasoning.
I'm not voting him today, but I don't trust him either

Ok then if Salva is lying why were there two deaths that day? Unless you think his alignment is what he lied about. But then why bus Hyper? He was the first vote on Hyper with like almost no time left in the day. This is like tin foil hat level conspiracy.
How the hell am I supposed to defend myself if the main argument against me is "Well, mafia could do anything to blend in and have fake role claims"?

With all due respect, that's bullshit reasoning.

It's unfortunate if you are town. I played a scummy looking game and was saved because people were willing to let me prove my role claim. If you don't have that then there's really nothing you can do. It's the nature of the beast. But I just honestly can't see you as being town. Sorry.


Ok then if Salva is lying why were there two deaths that day? Unless you think his alignment is what he lied about. But then why bus Hyper? He was the first vote on Hyper with like almost no time left in the day. This is like tin foil hat level conspiracy.
N1: 2 kills
N2: 1 kill
N3: 2 kills
You and Salva together have provided one explanation for this, but it's not the only possibility

Also I think I said this yesterday, but Salva probably didn't expect his vote to kill Hyper. It was the first vote with very little time left and Salva was far from our most trusted player. From memory it was Kalor's double vote following Salva that caused the swing onto Hyper

El Topo

We have multiple players that haven't come forward, we have players with dubious claims, but suddenly I'm the main suspect? Are you kidding me?

It's unfortunate if you are town. I played a scummy looking game and was saved because people were willing to let me prove my role claim. If you don't have that then there's really nothing you can do. It's the nature of the beast. But I just honestly can't see you as being town. Sorry.

I'm sorry, but that's not a very convincing strategy and the entire argument against me is based on virtually nothing. It's like saying "Yeah, but what if mafia knows that you know that mafia knows that you know mafia would play that way" or something like that. I can't believe someone would honestly claim that to be a viable strategy in a mafia game.
We have multiple players that haven't come forward, we have players with dubious claims, but suddenly I'm the main suspect? Are you kidding me?

I'm sorry, but that's not a very convincing strategy and the entire argument against me is based on virtually nothing. It's like saying "Yeah, but what if mafia knows that you know that mafia knows that you know mafia would play that way" or something like that. I can't believe someone would honestly claim that to be a viable strategy in a mafia game.

No my argument is not based on nothing. Multiple people have reached the same conclusion as me using the same evidence. The evidence against you exists.
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