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Election 2016 [Mafia] | Everlasting GOPstoppers

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Alright. I'm here. It's a shame Palmer has pretty much said nothing today. About Corn... I don't believe your claim, but it's also difficult for me to believe one of two scum left would expose themselves so eagerly, specially with some hours to go until the day ended. I thought Blarg could be a second scum bussing him when he asked to be targeted tonight, but it's such a risky thing to do for the only scum left that it sounds crazy to me. Maybe it's a desperate tactic to throw us off since we're on the right track?

I still believe that there's scum in my list from when the day started, and Palmer being in that list and not really having convinced me of his innocence makes me keep my vote there (and I know that if he flips town I'll be the one responsible for it and am willing to accept that responsibility), but now I think Corn could be a decent choice too since either way I'd be removing one of my main suspects...

Which one between Corn and Palmer you guys think would yield us the most info?

Difficult situation really =/

Both will give us information.

But if we lynch Palmer today, CB gets the chance to proof his claim. Whatever happens he stays a save lynch for tmr. So I do think this scenario gives us a little bit more information than the other way round. Does that make sense???


Guys, I'm super drunk. I'm hoping we make it in the end. Disaster.

How are you all? Let's talk issues.

Are we all okay out there?
Alright. I'm here. It's a shame Palmer has pretty much said nothing today. About Corn... I don't believe your claim, but it's also difficult for me to believe one of two scum left would expose themselves so eagerly, specially with some hours to go until the day ended. I thought Blarg could be a second scum bussing him when he asked to be targeted tonight, but it's such a risky thing to do for the only scum left that it sounds crazy to me. Maybe it's a desperate tactic to throw us off since we're on the right track?

I still believe that there's scum in my list from when the day started, and Palmer being in that list and not really having convinced me of his innocence makes me keep my vote there (and I know that if he flips town I'll be the one responsible for it and am willing to accept that responsibility), but now I think Corn could be a decent choice too since either way I'd be removing one of my main suspects...

Which one between Corn and Palmer you guys think would yield us the most info?

Difficult situation really =/

Corn just royally fumbled in the last few posts and you're all gonna notice it by tomorrow. He's going to get lynched tomorrow whether he actually has his claimed power or not. FYI, I'm not Bulletproof, so I'll be dead if he targets me.

As for why Palmer?

Corn just royally fumbled in the last few posts and you're all gonna notice it by tomorrow. He's going to get lynched tomorrow whether he actually has his claimed power or not. FYI, I'm not Bulletproof, so I'll be dead if he targets me.

As for why Palmer?


I wasn't really going to target you Blarg. I don't feel you are scum aligned. And I wasn't going to take that risk. My offer still stands that cabot or nin can make the decision on who to kill.

And if scum kills me tomorrow, whatever. I'll have hopefully killed one of them before dying.

El Topo

You know what CB? If you really have an ability, just use it how you see fit. If you're GOP, you're trustworthy enough, if you're mafia, you're gonna be dead soon.
I wasn't really going to target you Blarg. I don't feel you are scum aligned. And I wasn't going to take that risk. My offer still stands that cabot or nin can make the decision on who to kill.

And if scum kills me tomorrow, whatever. I'll have hopefully killed one of them before dying.

They're going to frame you either way, Corn

It's all set up

A man chooses, a slave obeys



Palmer_v1, exhausted after his constant yelling, dropped his arms to his side reluctantly. "Fine," he said. "I withdraw my candidacy." He turned to Jon. "Please just let me leave with my dignity intact."
Jon tilted his head to the side. "Dignity? Did you ever have it?"
"Please...just let me go. I know you're gonna try something that has to do with my last name. I really don't want that...please!!"
"Now, why would we go the obvious route? If you would, could you stand a little bit to the left?" Jon motioned.
Palmer sighed. Time to face the music. He stepped to the left, and put on a brave face.
Jon raised his right arm, and shouted, "ready...aim...fire!"
Palmer braced himself as something wet and fleshy careened into his face. He glanced down at the missile, and was horrified. "Is this...is this a baby?"
"Of course not. It's a fetus. Hold still. FIRE!"
As the words left Jon lips, several hundred cannons could be heard firing, and several hundred fetuses rammed directly into Palmer's body. Bones cracked.
Skin ripped off.
Blood covered every inch of Palmer as he eventually crumpled into the quickly-amassing pile of fetuses.
"See? We didn't go the obvious route." Jon said, walking away from the carnage.

Palmer_v1 said:
You are Rick Santorum, Loser

You are aligned with the GOP.

You’ve got no chance power, but you can still vote!

You win when all of the Electorate has been eliminated.

The public game thread is here.


Day 4 begins at:


I don't appreciate the lack of confidence in taking this man. I've cracked my fists. Here we go. This is the last time he will talk to himself in a Glasgow toilet. Palmer was innocent fuck you all.

Side note I'm at egx this week so I light be quieter than usual



Jon Stewart cried at his desk. Alejandra had told him such uplifting stories about how they were going to escape the horrors that the drug cartels had wrought upon their upended city of Torreón. Her husband died while crossing the street, simply trying to collect a toy that her daughter, Gabriela, had lost, gunned down by a roving band of gang members who wanted nothing more than to cause havoc.
After burying her husband in the nearest cemetary, among the very few friends and family she had left, she strengthened her resolve for freedom. She gathered what articles of clothing, food, and money that she had and stole into the night with her daughter...towards the border of the United States. She was able to catch a ride here and there from some unscrupulous characters, some of which desired such a form of payment that she forced her daughter to close her eyes and ears and hum the soft tunes her mother had sung to her as she was coddled to sleep as an infant.
It took eight days, but finally she had reached the border, herself and Gabriela nestled in the back of a pickup truck, hidden by a series of tarps and toolboxes. They held their breath - their hearts raced as they could hear the customs officers mumbling to themselves. With a little luck, and a lot of prayer, they made it across the border. Freedom had never felt so grand.
Over the next few months Alejandra worked various jobs as a cleaning lady for an elderly couple, a dishwasher for a local Texan Mexican restaurant, and even selling flowers that she managed to steal from a local garden from time to time. Life was difficult, but it wasn't dangerous. And at least Gabriela would grow up without knowing the pain and suffering that had been left behind.
Gabriela eventually turned five years old and was able to attend kindergarten. Thankfully undocumented children were allowed to attend public school in this wonderful country. She even came home from time to time with pictures she had drawn of herself and her mother standing next to the American flag. Alejandra was so proud of her daughter.
Alejandra tried desperately to find better work though, even deciding to go by a more American-sounding name, "bananaspaceprincess." While slowly learning English she managed to get some slightly better work providing cleaning for people who were a little more well-off, it was still mostly just enough to get by. She even managed to get the paperwork for full citizenship started.
One day, while she was out on her front porch watching Gabriela play on the sidewalk, a large black SUV pulled up in front of her home, and out walked several Immigration officials. Frightened, bananaspaceprincess took Gabriela in her arms as the men walked closer.
"bananaspaceprincess...or should I say, Alejandra?"
"We're here to escort you to the border. You've been living off of the taxpayer's dime for too long. You are here illegally, and we are here to fix that." They grabbed her arm, while another officer scooped Gabriela into his arms and carried her to the SUV.
"No, you can't do this! We just wanted to come here and be free!" bananaspaceprincess shouted.
"Mama!" Gabriela squealed, as she was shoved into the vehicle.
The ride was sullen. bananaspaceprincess weeped into her sleeves, despondent over the loss of what could have been a bright future for her and her daughter.
As they pulled up alongside the nearest border station, they were pushed out of the SUV and onto the street. In front of them, a group of GOP candidates stood, wringing their hands together gleefully.
"You didn't think you'd get away with it, did you?" They grinned.
bananaspaceprincess looked across the border. Coming over the horizon were a group of vehicles that suspiciously looked like they belonged to cartel members. The same vehicle that had killed her husband long ago. "Please, don't do this. I even applied to be a citizen!"
"It doesn't matter. You can wait for the paperwork to finish back where you came from!" They shoved her and Gabriela menacingly toward the border. "Get going," they sneered.
bananaspaceprincess and Gabriela were brought to tears once more as they began to walk towards the oncoming vehicles. Unsure of where to hide in the middle of the desert, they desperately tried to find somewhere...anywhere.
The convoy grew closer.
The GOP members, satisfied that they had secured the country once more, hopped into their vehicles.
"It's hot out...roll down the window, would ya?" One of them prodded the other.
The windows rolled down, and the car began to drive away.
In the distance, they heard a gunshot.
A scream.
A second gunshot.

bananaspaceprincess has been eliminated from the game!

bananaspaceprincess said:
You are an Undocumented Immigrant.

You are aligned with the No one.

Sorry man, but you don’t exist...on paper. You can’t even vote! But, the GOP needs their numbers so if you are investigated you will ALWAYS show up as “GOP.”
However, you only win if the Electorate wins. They have no idea who you are (you are undocumented, after all), but you’ve been reading up on them.

The Electorate consists of [REDACTED].

You win when the Electorate wins.

The public game thread is here.

Oh, and nin1000 was eaten by wolves. Yes, wolves.

nin1000 said:
You are Lindsey Graham, Loser

You are aligned with the GOP.

You’ve got no chance power, but you can still vote!

You win when all of the Electorate has been eliminated.

The public game thread is here.

nin1000 has been eliminated from the game!


Day 4 ends at:

5 votes are needed for majority.


Well, I'm inclinced to believe CornBurrito now unless Electorate have a one shot second kill.

If I have to guess, Bananaspaceprincess was CornBurrito's kill as nin was confirmed town so they would have no reason to target him.


Here are my comments on the list, with some additions from myself.

Palmer_v1 and Fireblend: I honestly have to say that I put you too in the same box together since D1 labeling it with “The once who yell the very loudest (at me)”. And there are some other parallels in your play style. Both of you are aggressive and pushy players and also both of you are kind of able to lead discussions and lead opinions into specific directions. This is not a problem at all if you are both town but you know what they say: sometimes the once yelling loudest turn out to be scum in the end! (
If it's an not actual saying, it sure as hell should be! ^^

The first Mafia game I ever followed was CoC and you two just remind me so hard of nin1000 and the Worthy Edge bickering with each other and in the end flip scum together :D :D
So yes right now you are leading the conversation so it's hard for anyone to stand up against one of you, especially if you can't vote. For me both of you are suspicious and I hope all other players just not forget about that saying ;)

Now, CornBurrito: At the end of the day, he was just a feather in the wind. I do think you might be onto something with his hesitation to vote for Hyper but I got to say that I myself was confused as hell yesterday and for the first time I was just happy not be able to vote within this insanity. Also Salva’s explanation from today definitely would have helped making a decision at that point but I get why he kept it till today.

El Topo: El Topo is the one I feel most likely to be town from the people on this list. And it has to do with Kalor putting his double vote on him. Kalor RCed because if he wouldn’t have he sure would be dead by now. Since at this point we have no clue about Kalors alignment he could also be scum. And following that theory he sure would not have targeted EL Topo if he would be scum as well. Does that make any sense? A lot of assumptions here of course and it shows that the players who did vote for Hyper are not of the hook yet either.

*Splinter: I do not have an opinion of him. I do think he just missed the crazy phase yesterday since his vote was still on me even after there were other main targets to aim at that point.

Never Forever: I put Never Forever in the box right opposite of the Fireblend/Palmer box. His box is labeled “quite and slippery”. I know he was making a decent amount of posts so far in the game but there was never something that got stuck to my mind. He was just slipping through the days, mostly unnoticed. There is another saying: sometimes the once being quitest turn out to be scum in the end. I’m sure Blarg has a different play style and let’s not rush into something like the Launchpad/L_P situation!

Now back to me: CB I don’t know when I will turn into a valuable player. It says if scum is killed during the day I might get my visa approved. At the beginning I thought it depends on how many we kill but seeing all that 50/50 shit in this game I do believe now that Ouro just flips a coin every time.

Also I inform you that I will not have access to a computer until tmr evening. I should be back to see the end of the day turn mad again but if I'm not, be gentle!

Oh and something else. Did everybody post something already or do we have to assume there is another silenced player here today?

This BSP list could show some useful information now we know she knew who the electorate were and she needed them to win.

She says both Palmer and Fireblend are suspicious - Palmer already flipped town and I've been town reading Fireblend so far.

She doesn't really say anything on CB but she did want him to survive the day. I'm still weary on CB myself, if he was town aligned, why isn't he dead?

El Topo as the most town? Topo has been suspicious to me for a while, he says he claimed but it was done in such an abstract way and he claims to be ordinary, which is a good place for a mafia to go. Topo's a good shot at a lynch today for me.

Has no opinion on Splinter but sticks up for him anyway. I need to go back at that message thing just to make sure I know where I stand.

Reads NF as scum, and she has no reason to lead anyone to actual scum, so I'm going to say Blarg is town for now.
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