Jon Stewart cried at his desk. Alejandra had told him such uplifting stories about how they were going to escape the horrors that the drug cartels had wrought upon their upended city of Torreón. Her husband died while crossing the street, simply trying to collect a toy that her daughter, Gabriela, had lost, gunned down by a roving band of gang members who wanted nothing more than to cause havoc.
After burying her husband in the nearest cemetary, among the very few friends and family she had left, she strengthened her resolve for freedom. She gathered what articles of clothing, food, and money that she had and stole into the night with her daughter...towards the border of the United States. She was able to catch a ride here and there from some unscrupulous characters, some of which desired such a form of payment that she forced her daughter to close her eyes and ears and hum the soft tunes her mother had sung to her as she was coddled to sleep as an infant.
It took eight days, but finally she had reached the border, herself and Gabriela nestled in the back of a pickup truck, hidden by a series of tarps and toolboxes. They held their breath - their hearts raced as they could hear the customs officers mumbling to themselves. With a little luck, and a lot of prayer, they made it across the border. Freedom had never felt so grand.
Over the next few months Alejandra worked various jobs as a cleaning lady for an elderly couple, a dishwasher for a local Texan Mexican restaurant, and even selling flowers that she managed to steal from a local garden from time to time. Life was difficult, but it wasn't dangerous. And at least Gabriela would grow up without knowing the pain and suffering that had been left behind.
Gabriela eventually turned five years old and was able to attend kindergarten. Thankfully undocumented children were allowed to attend public school in this wonderful country. She even came home from time to time with pictures she had drawn of herself and her mother standing next to the American flag. Alejandra was so proud of her daughter.
Alejandra tried desperately to find better work though, even deciding to go by a more American-sounding name, "bananaspaceprincess." While slowly learning English she managed to get some slightly better work providing cleaning for people who were a little more well-off, it was still mostly just enough to get by. She even managed to get the paperwork for full citizenship started.
One day, while she was out on her front porch watching Gabriela play on the sidewalk, a large black SUV pulled up in front of her home, and out walked several Immigration officials. Frightened, bananaspaceprincess took Gabriela in her arms as the men walked closer.
"bananaspaceprincess...or should I say, Alejandra?"
"We're here to escort you to the border. You've been living off of the taxpayer's dime for too long. You are here illegally, and we are here to fix that." They grabbed her arm, while another officer scooped Gabriela into his arms and carried her to the SUV.
"No, you can't do this! We just wanted to come here and be free!" bananaspaceprincess shouted.
"Mama!" Gabriela squealed, as she was shoved into the vehicle.
The ride was sullen. bananaspaceprincess weeped into her sleeves, despondent over the loss of what could have been a bright future for her and her daughter.
As they pulled up alongside the nearest border station, they were pushed out of the SUV and onto the street. In front of them, a group of GOP candidates stood, wringing their hands together gleefully.
"You didn't think you'd get away with it, did you?" They grinned.
bananaspaceprincess looked across the border. Coming over the horizon were a group of vehicles that suspiciously looked like they belonged to cartel members. The same vehicle that had killed her husband long ago. "Please, don't do this. I even applied to be a citizen!"
"It doesn't matter. You can wait for the paperwork to finish back where you came from!" They shoved her and Gabriela menacingly toward the border. "Get going," they sneered.
bananaspaceprincess and Gabriela were brought to tears once more as they began to walk towards the oncoming vehicles. Unsure of where to hide in the middle of the desert, they desperately tried to find somewhere...anywhere.
The convoy grew closer.
The GOP members, satisfied that they had secured the country once more, hopped into their vehicles.
"It's hot out...roll down the window, would ya?" One of them prodded the other.
The windows rolled down, and the car began to drive away.
In the distance, they heard a gunshot.
A scream.
A second gunshot.
bananaspaceprincess has been eliminated from the game!
bananaspaceprincess said:
You are
an Undocumented Immigrant.
You are aligned with the
No one.
Sorry man, but you dont exist...on paper.
You cant even vote! But, the GOP needs their numbers so if you are investigated you will ALWAYS show up as GOP.
However, you only win if the Electorate wins. They have no idea who you are (you are undocumented, after all), but youve been reading up on them.
The Electorate consists of [REDACTED].
You win when the Electorate wins.
The public game thread is
Oh, and nin1000 was eaten by wolves. Yes, wolves.
nin1000 said:
You are
Lindsey Graham, Loser
You are aligned with the
Youve got no
chance power, but you can still vote!
You win when all of the Electorate has been eliminated.
The public game thread is
nin1000 has been eliminated from the game!