So, what if Salva was lying about his "50-50 chance to kill someone who visits him" ability? It's a pretty safe claim for scum to make since it explains why he hasn't been NK'd yet.
How would the flavor for the downsize command fit if I was electorate? It makes sense for my role name (As a (ex)CEO), but not for any electorate member I can think of. I know, details, but it's something. And it'd be pretty bad for mafia to let a town leader live for as long as Cabot did. That theory is pretty far out in comparison to the simplest explanation. I don't reject the theory that maybe scum can perform to night kills, but obviously I know I have nothing to do with that if it is the case.
And this may sound paranoid (or cause some laughs at the death thread), but it's impressive how you came up with the possibility that I can somehow use my command a second time on the same target to kill them. How common is that? When have you seen a similar role? You sure thought that up quickly, unless you prepared that hypothesis knowing there'd be a second kill last night... Ugh, I seriously don't know who I distrust the most right now. Might as well RNG my vote because other than Blarg you all are suspicious in one way or another and even Blarg could be scum since he hasn't posted all that much.
The electorate has us on the palm of their hands.
IndeedUgh, I seriously don't know who I distrust the most right now.
Yesterday when Blarg posted his crazy plan for you I honestly thought he was going to NK you so he could fake being silent (whether you silenced him or not) and send the rest of us on a wild goose chase
It's a bit late for free passes :/ He actually joined late D1 didn't he? He just kept a low profile.It'd be lame if Blarg was scum, not having been here for half of the time we've been playing (and more than half of the amount of posts, if I'm not mistaken). I guess partly that's why I'm sort of giving him a pass when thinking about potential lynch candidates for today, but I acknowledge he very well could be scum too.
Wait... I reread Hyper's role PM and it says scum wins if they outnumber or equal GOP.
If there is a neutral SK that means there is 2 town, 1 neutral, 2 scum. If this is the case I assume we haven't lost because while scum technically equals town in number, neutral could theoretically lynch scum and make it 2 town, 1 neutral, 1 scum.
But that means that if we DO vote out neutral today, scum automatically wins? Because then it is 2 town, 2 scum.
I mean, if their win condition is that their number equals GOP, then if there was 2 GOP, 1 Neutral and 2 Scum, they would have already won, no? Since that ignores neutral players entirely.
So I'd say that points towards there being 3 town and 2 scum active right now.
inb4 win condition changeThat might be an oversight from Ouro?
inb4 win condition change
But seriously, if there was a serial killer and a 2/2 split, couldn't they pull a Makai?
El Topo said:Kill roy. Was here.
Ouro, would the game be already over if we were at 2 town, 1 neutral and 2 scum?
Well, a common undestading through this game is that it seemed scum had really weak powers besides killing, while town had a lot of weird powers that relied on chances. I think based on this we can deduce that scum could very likely have access to a second one-shot kill for balancing purposes.
I want to type in some scenarios, I want to make it clear that:
-Again, I think there is no neutral in this game.
-Even if there was a neutral (I am not neutral, so say someone else), for town is not a priority, we have to hit scum today.
Not sure I buy that. Only Kitty's role relied on chances that we can confirm completely. You claim yours does too, but as I said you might as well have added that to make a fake claim more believable after Kitty flipped. Either way that's hardly "a lot of powers that relied on chances".
Not sure I buy that. Only Kitty's role relied on chances that we can confirm completely. You claim yours does too, but as I said you might as well have added that to make a fake claim more believable after Kitty flipped. Either way that's hardly "a lot of powers that relied on chances".
Didn´t bsp relied on chances too? Ouro never tells us how exactly she was going to reunite with her electorade friends.
Well, moving on, what happened to blarg? Did he got hit by downsize?
Lets see:
KK - chance
Salva - chance
2/9th chance based. Possibly 1/5th if Splinter's role isn't chance based.
"A lot" is a stretch. But he might mean "for Ouro" since nobody who played an Ouro game before seemed to believe there'd be any at all.
You are an Undocumented Immigrant.
You are aligned with the No one.
Sorry man, but you dont exist...on paper. You cant even vote! But, the GOP needs their numbers so if you are investigated you will ALWAYS show up as GOP.
However, you only win if the Electorate wins. They have no idea who you are (you are undocumented, after all), but youve been reading up on them.
The Electorate consists of [REDACTED].
You win when the Electorate wins.
The public game thread is here.
Hmm, good point, but also we don´t know if Electorade roles have a random element to it. Even under the assumption that only 2 roles have a chance element, my point stand that with the amount of roles the game seems unbalanced if there is only 1 scum left, so I think it is really likely we have 2 scum to find yet.
Even if there was only 1 scum left, there's no reason not to assume there's 2. Why lower our guard like that? We *have* to play like a mislynch will lose us the game.
I´ll hardly call her neutral, since her role is 100% against GOP, that is an Electorade role, even if she is officially aligned with no one.
surrounded by killers
VOTE: CornBurrito
surrounded by killers didn´t hit you with downsize?
No? I said yesterday I wouldn't and today again that I didn't.
Just making sure.
Hmm... OK.
Can we all make a list from scummiest to townniest?
Was waiting for Salva/Blarg to show up. I'm thinking about Blarg and Corn at the momentSure.
...I'm too busy at work to form a proper opinion, and as I said I'm utterly confused right now. I'll make a list later. I would like to hear more from *Splinter though.
I'd be willing to bet it's either what he's checking for or what he's implying. I don't know which thoughAlso Blarg, if you are not scum, you do realize that assuming there's other 2 scum players left, if Corn isn't scum they could just rush the vote right now, cause majority and win, right? that what you're checking for?
Also Blarg, if you are not scum, you do realize that assuming there's other 2 scum players left, if Corn isn't scum they could just rush the vote right now, cause majority and win, right? that what you're checking for?
Also Blarg, if you are not scum, you do realize that assuming there's other 2 scum players left, if Corn isn't scum they could just rush the vote right now, cause majority and win, right? that what you're checking for?