My plan hinged on that NOT being true ;_;
nvm Fireblend
If you want you can do it for laughs, but the dream is dead
nvm Fireblend
If you want you can do it for laughs, but the dream is dead
I don't make mistakes
Well he did say he was working on a big post.
Yeah. Well I'm proud of him. He noticed something I didn't. "Secondly, BSP's non-reaction to your bloody feint."
It was staring us in the face ever since her flip lol. Didn't she "town" read El Topo too? That's why she didn't give a fuck about his fake claim. She knew he wasn't Chris Christie.
Vote: El Topo
Bye scum!
It's like people don't read what I say. I said this yesterday were being serious? I thought that was a crazy scum gambit?My plan hinged on that NOT being true ;_;
nvm Fireblend
If you want you can do it for laughs, but the dream is dead
I'm town. You get nothing from lynching me. There's dubious candidates with actual suspicious behaviour or claims. Fireblend tried to save Hyper on D2, yet you guys are willing to lynch me? For being on BSP's list? How is that in any way reliable?
"Oh, come on!" El Topo screamed as he honked his horn. The cars in front of him were at a standstill, and the ones behind him fared no better. "I swear to God this is some grade-A bullshit!"
Frustrated and in desperate need of bladder relief, El Topo leaned his car seat back and cranked up the radio.
...and that was "Chucklefucks" by Palmer and the Crabs. Ah, a classic song, right folks? We'll be right back with more music, after these messages.
Have you ever been locked in traffic?
El Topo perked up, listening.
Have you ever sat in traffic, leaning back in your chair, and shit just started exploding all around you?
El Topo squealed as the car to the right of him spontaneously combusted. The pregnant woman who was driving was turned to ash. All around him, cars began to explode, one by one. Soon, there was nothing around him but fiery scraps of metal and corpses.
Have you ever made an enemy, but never considered that they'd come back, looking for you?
Well then you need RoyTheOne! It's got everything you need! Even Jon Stewart uses it from time to time!
El Topo froze. "Oh, no." He muttered, as a giant mecha came down the road, a maniacal laugh cackling from its chassis.
"I'VE COME FOR YOU, EL TOPO...IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO DIE!" The mecha soon reached the car that El Topo sat in. He scrambled to unbuckle his seat belt, but he couldn't reach his arm around his belly in order to reach the release.
El Topo screamed just as roytheone's giant mechanical leg crushed his car into a metal pancake.
El Topo has been eliminated from the game!
El Topo said:You are Chris Christie, Loser
You are aligned with the GOP.
You’ve got nochancepower, but you can still vote!
You win when all of the Electorate has been eliminated.
The public game thread is here.![]()
I assume El Topo was stuck in traffic on the George Washington Bridge.
You guys care if we start a little early?
I mean the people that are alive, dead man.
I mean the people that are alive, dead man.
I mean the people that are alive, dead man.
Jon Stewart, halfway through a bottle of whiskey, stared at the TV through his drunken haze. After hearing that a large bipedal robot wandered down the GW bridge and crushed Chris Christie, he needed a few belts to unwind. The news was on, but even that didn't bother him as he mostly concentrated on not passing out.
"...and after a long investigation, it turns out that Phyllis Schlafly had a penis all along!"
"I guess we should call her Phallus Schlafly now, eh?"
"Oh-hohohohoho! You are such a card!"
"No, I'm a reporter."
"It's a figure of spe- you know what, never mind. On to other news - the GOP presidential candidate list has just shortened yet again!"
"Yes, apparently cabot, out hiking in the wilderness, was set upon by a rabid pack of...beavers? Am I reading this right?"
"Yes, Tom. A wild colony of beavers caught cabot as he was relieving himself over a log, and they mistook his...member as kindling. After noticing their mistake, they took their anger out on the rest of him, tearing him limb from limb."
"Incredible, Tara. Did they at least make use of the body?"
"Absolutely, Tom. cabot is now barricading a small portion of Athabasca River!"
"Dam those beavers!"
"Indeed, Tom."
cabot has been eliminated from the game!
cabot said:You are Ted Cruz, Climate Change Denier.
You are aligned with the GOP.
Those studies are all faked. I mean, when it’s winter, there’s still snow outside, right? Sheesh. Once per game, during the Day Phase, you may post BUT THERE’S SNOW OUTSIDE in the thread to ask the moderator if the person with the most amount of votes is GOP or not. The moderator will post the following in the thread:
If the player is GOP, you will receive the message: I KNOW, RIGHT?
If the player is not GOP, you will receive the message: SEEMS A LITTLE WARM.
You win when all of the Electorate has been eliminated.
The public game thread is here.![]()
"But that's not all, Tara."
"What do you mean?"
"Kalor seems to have met an untimely doom as well."
"Oh no!"
"Yes, apparently Kalor committed suicide in a rather...tragic fashion."
"Well, something like that. He was tricked into killing himself. Apparently his optometrist was a lesbian vegan who added a charm to her bracelet every time she had an abortion, and prescribed Kalor magnifying glasses instead of actual prescription lenses."
"Oh my word!"
"Yes, and the moment Kalor went outside, seeking guidance from the heavens, he burned his eyes and the back of his skull out the moment he looked into the sun."
"That's horrible! How could he have ever seen that coming!"
"Oh-hohohoho, now Tara, YOU are a card."
"Oh, Tom, you rascal!"
Kalor has been eliminated from the game!
Kalor said:You are Rick Perry, Smart Guy
You are aligned with the GOP.
Through your efforts to disenfranchise the American Voter, your votes have increased in value through scarcity. You may doublevote 2 times per game. Use the command DOUBLEVOTE: <player> during the day to make your vote count twice. You may use this command as many times as you want during the same day - only the latest vote will count twice.
You win when all of the Electorate has been eliminated.
The public game thread is here.![]()
Well it's the "unless he's lying" part I'm interested in. For both of you, that isIt wasn't me...
But it couldn't be Salva unless he's lying. Neither cabot nor Kalor had a night target action.
Well it's the "unless he's lying" part I'm interested in. For both of you, that is
If there is a SK why were there nights with only 1 kill? That doesn't make sense.
I didn't.Unless Blarg is silenced. Fireblend did you silence Blarg?
Maybe to throw us off? I mean, what else could have triggered his death (other than that or a 1-shot scum ability)? He didn't have any actions that could backfire, so it was obviously provoked by someone else.
What is for certain is that it was caused by someone not on the GOP faction, because they chose to kill the closest to a "cleared town" player we had after Cabot.
Unless I'm mistaken, N2 was the only night with 1 kill.