If you have the DK2 you should be able to make use of the pos tracking. That is weird.
1. Do the color mod i showed you earlier. With green or light blue text instead of the orange you should be able to read everything in the DK2.
2. If everything is plugged in like it should be, adapter power, all cables securely in position, you might want to try to change USB port for your DK2 tracking camera. I experienced a lot of problems with my pos track (only in Elite Dangerous for some odd reason..), and literally went through all my USB ports, and luckily the last one I hadn't tried solved my positional tracking problem (in E

) (and yes: it's a bizarre way to solve such a problem, but it worked..). For some people turning of hyperthreading in the BIOS also helps. I don't know if this is your problem, but there you have a couple of tips anyway if you need them.
Edit: Wait, is it a DK2, or a DK1..?