I got my Federation rank up just by randomly checking the mission board, and occasionally a federation mission would be there. Didn't take long for the Sol permit mission to pop up. I'm not sure if anything in particular triggers it or not. Just do all the missions for the Federation you can find! Sol is a good system for me, great RESs, lots of stations and it's relatively close to a lot of other systems that have great benefits. And it's cool to fly around our home system and look at the in-game representation.I took the easy way out and looked up where to buy mine on the wiki. Now the downside to that is that the station I got mine at in LHS 3447 (Dalton Gateway) was a loooooong way away from the star so I am going to regret it when I go back to get my Type-6. That one is closer to where I remember starting so I'm not sure how close to Sol that is.
Seeing everyone on here talk about doing all this stuff at Sol makes me want to get my permit. I'm wanting to get it just to see the system and to try out this Jupiter RES. I guess I should look into getting some more rank with the Federation. Does anyone have any tips or generic advice (I may have asked this a while back)? I have been running trade missions for the past few weeks so that may have worked against me if kills are needed to help trigger missions. I'm working in the conflict zone on the side that is alligned with them currently so hopefully that will help out (and crossing my fingers to see a capital ship at some point!).
I think it's mostly random what shows up in a RES, but I've noticed more Clippers, Dropships, Anacondas and Pythons in higher populated systems. In sparsely populated systems it's mostly Sidewinders and Cobras in my experience.Are specific RES like the Jupiter one mentioned preferred over just going to a random one in a system or do they all spawn big ships eventually?
Most of the ships congregate around the actual RES waypoint. So when you drop out of supercruise, head towards the marker for the RES and as you approach it, tons of ships should start popping up.Thanks for the tips on RES. I will experiment this weekend and see what I come up with. The only time I have gone into a RES was when I was near my starting area and I'm thinking I had to fly around a bit to find ships (or look for weapons fire in the distance). I'm going to stay in the conflict zones for a while to have some fun (and want to try the high intensity one) but after that I will look for a nearby RES to see if I can get lucky hunting bigger ships like those..
Wings Update 1.2.04 Incoming
Hi everyone,
Another quick update for you before the weekend. The servers will be down from 4PM for around 30 minutes, but allow some extra time just in case.
See the change log below:
• Fixed the stellar forge data for Te Kaha
• Moved the 'Stepping Stone Base' out from the gas giant in HIP 8396
• Fixed some issues with head-tracking, causing the camera to clip through cockpits
• Added telemetry to help identify causes of unexpected docking offences
And a server-side update:
• Claiming a bounty or combat bond for a faction should now affect Commanders' reputation
• Reduce faction influence changes from trading activities
Thanks everyone,
Imperial Courier concept (from Newsletter):
Enjoy it, you bourgeois scum.
Imperial Courier concept (from Newsletter):
Enjoy it, you bourgeois scum.
New Update:
Thank goodness for that bolded. It was getting very annoying.
Imperial Courier concept (from Newsletter):
Enjoy it, you bourgeois scum.
As a reminder, Courier cockpit:
Yeah, GREAT trailer, other than occasionally cheesy chatter (nothing near Ubi demo levels or anything, though). Entertaining and gives a good rundown of the features.
This was posted in reddit as opposing community goals, but I'm not sure if it's any more than selecting a faction-specific mission for war bonds.
So for the Vulture folks, what kind of cargo space/laden range are you looking at with a combat kit?
Playing around ED Shipyard it looks like the Vulture has the same power management problems as the Viper? You can't really "have it all" in terms of modules without some serious compromises.
It totally makes sense, but the kid inside me wants to kit everything to the brim and get away with it.
I want the cake, and to eat it.
Wreav, don't tell me you're a pirate.
Wreav, don't tell me you're a pirate.
This was posted in reddit as opposing community goals, but I'm not sure if it's any more than selecting a faction-specific mission for war bonds.
Pirate is such a complicated word.
I think of myself as more of a Reaver.
Did anyone attend Pax East and play the game there? Looking for the HOTAS they were using.
From the photos I saw of the event, it's the Saitek X-52 Pro, which, as was mentioned above, is what the in-game flight stick is modeled after.Did anyone attend Pax East and play the game there? Looking for the HOTAS they were using.
Ooft, started a fresh save, wanted a wipe when getting back into it. Made 160k from just a "Kill 6 pirates mission". Not bad really.
Also, it's amusing when the fine you get for carrying illegal goods into a station is dwarfed by the profits from that station's black market. Felt like I should have been revoked the landing privileges.
All this time I've been silent running to get in with illegal goods
You're telling me I can just pay a small fine and NOT get shot at or something?
Same just happened to me. XDDying with 1.2m in bounties because I rammed an asteroid hidden in the shadow of another asteroid at full speed.