Yeah, know about the star classification, but that guide... I just don't know how to read it, lol. What am I looking at?
Either way, I was able to reach Earth but I will definitely want to go and find more planets later on. Neither the Sidewinder nor the Eagle have space for both the scanner and the fuel scoop. Wonder what's the cheapest ship that lets you have both.
Edit: I see you changed the pic. I assume the hypergiants, supergiants and maybe some more can be scooped, but what's the actual bottom limit for scoop-able stars?
I started in LHS 3447, right next to Eravate. Still there trading meat to eventually afford better weapons and head out.Hey I'm in Eravati too I think it at least I was there yesterday. I'm not 100 LYs from every GAFer! ^^ (Cmdr Tunesmith). Thinking of heading to Ho Shi though, that sounds like a fun idea working for Jet Comms and making a civil war.
I started in LHS 3447 too.
You know what annoys me? Having to fly to one of those very small stations (With only two docking bays) on a mission to have to sit there ages because there's a load of NPCs and players all wanting to dock. They should implement a docking clearance queue so you don't have to sit there spamming the request docking command.
Scanning is kind of pain, having to train your ship's reticle overmoving targets in cruising mode seems... kind of convoluted? Is there any easier way to scan a system than manually moving around it to look at things like a certain North Korean dictator?
Also why is it stealing if I loot stuff free floating on space? Why is it illegal being a trash collector?
That's why I picked up my eagle, grabbed a fuel scoop and headed to empire space so I can get rep and eventually get the clipper. Nobody's out here.
this guy. this guy gets it.
Everyone appears to be starting around LHS 3447 and Eravate. gtfo of there asap![]()
Bit difficult if you have no idea where to go though![]()
Bit difficult if you have no idea where to go though![]()
Is there an explanation why Federal ships can start suddenly to attack one? I was out bounty hunting, shooting some wanted ships and suddenly without warning the Feds were attacking me as well, I had not hit them by accident during the fight and I was not carrying anything illegal.
"I've been DESPERATELY looking for a new space combat game to satisfy my voracious appetite for a new game in the genre. However, I have has numerous people on here tell me this isn't really much like those games. Its clearly more MP focused than SP focused.
I can clearly see this isn't some narrative campaign driven product. However, does that mean it has no appeal? Is anyone who is a fan of those games playing this and enjoying it?"
I wouldn't say it's MP focused. It's really not, at all. The size of the game means that you're not actually encountering players that often. However, it is not a story or campaign driven game. It is a sandbox game. Elite is/was one of the "original" sandbox games. It basically drops you in the middle of nowhere with a ship and some money and says "Go!"
I mean, you can play a very combat oriented game just running around and being a bounty hunter, working for one of the factions in conflict zones, or maybe interdicting NPCs/players (pirating). So if you just want combat, you can do that. But the structure of the game isn't similar to the North American space sims.
I am quoting you because you seem to know exactly what I want to know. Can you compare this to EVE at all? What I have been reading/hearing is that this is basically DayZ in space? I am perfectly happy with that, but I do not want to buy this and then it not be what expected. I really want to get this game, but I have been disappointed so much recently :/
Bummer, would cost 599 not including tax for the combination now. Are there any cheaper pedals of similar quality that you can recommend? Paying for these at least partially with my 500 dollar Christmas bonus so it doesn't really matter but any savings are good.2-3 weeks ago Newegg had some bundles with Warthog + Saitek Pedals for $483.
That's one very important thing to note if you don't already know... The warthog does not have twist on the stick. You NEED pedals in addition to the Warthog.
What have you read that makes you think that this is DayZ in space? What are you looking for in the game? Details help us give you the info you need.
How many of you are currently playing in the "single mode" (the one with just the NPCs)?
Just curiosity.
DayZ and Elite Dangerous are nothing alike.
How many of you are currently playing in the "single mode" (the one with just the NPCs)?
Just curiosity.
Is there an explanation why Federal ships can start suddenly to attack one? I was out bounty hunting, shooting some wanted ships and suddenly without warning the Feds were attacking me as well, I had not hit them by accident during the fight and I was not carrying anything illegal.
Anyone know where I can buy an interdictor around Charunder?
Your best bet is to find a system in the Galaxy Map with a High Tech economy. If you can't immediately see them, turn on the trade routes for technology.
Servers are going down in 15 mins for a new update.
Ah right, cheers. Got this mission to hunt down a Lord Johnson and 28 hours to do so. Though I think I need an interdictor and probably a kill warrant scanner to do this properly.
Hi everyone,
Day 2 of Elite: Dangerous being out there in the real world, and we already have a little update for you all. See the full change log below:
• Removed "Elite: Dangerous" version text
• Fix one cause of disconnections during hyperspace when server load is high
• Fix a system map crash related to data associates with specific systems
• Fix some debug strings being shown in slave-related mission descriptions
• Fix some ambiguous galaxy data in a small number of regions
• Fix two different very rare networking crashes
• Diagnostics to help track down one cause of disconnections following server island migration
• Diagnostics to help understand some graphics memory allocation failures
• Diagnostics to help track down systems with possibly inconsistent minor faction data
• Diagnostics to help understand if some bounties aren't being awarded
Hope everyone's enjoying the game - thank you so much for playing! The development team are still hard at work, and appreciate every tiny bit of feedback seen on the forums. Thanks again.
Actually you don't. You will find him in Unidentified Signal Sources.
He will also be flying a fully decked out Python or Anaconda. Depending on what you are bringing, he will probably blow you straight out of the sky.
Patch Notes:
Since it got buried on the last page, how often do you run into other players? Is it like EVE where there are major trade hubs of players or is it just running across a person now and then?
Since it got buried on the last page, how often do you run into other players? Is it like EVE where there are major trade hubs of players or is it just running across a person now and then?
Oh, and a Mass Effect playlist on Spotify seals the deal
Since it got buried on the last page, how often do you run into other players? Is it like EVE where there are major trade hubs of players or is it just running across a person now and then?
There is a pretty good Eliteangerous User playlist on there. A lot of great space themed music.
Patch not pushed to the launcher yet?
Re-log. Patching as we speak.
Holy shit when that capital ship comes into view. Amazing.We need to discuss how fucking amazing this space battle looks: