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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Made it to the Cat's Paw nebula and back. Around 1200 new systems visited. Only performed discovery scans, no detail scans. Total final reward of the 12000 LY trip: 8000000 credits, and sitting at Pathfinder rank.

When I started exploring I used to surface scan everything. Now I've changed my routine to skip surface scanning icy moons but still surface scanning all planets. I'm beginning to think though that it would be much faster and more efficient to only surface scan worlds, suns, and high metal planets, and just discovery scan everything else with a ping. Basically just go high value planet hunting and skip everything else. I may try it out to see if I like that or not.
Based on what you're looking for, the Vulture. Just as maneuverable as the Viper, if not more so (though it's slower, overall), the damage upgrade w/large hardpoints is HUGE, and shields that match the Python's. However, it has the same power management issues as the Viper and 2 hardpoints limits your creativity.

Thanks, I needed something to work towards. My Viper is essentially maxed out at this point.
Found this on reddit:


Thanks, I needed something to work towards. My Viper is essentially maxed out at this point.

There are 2-3 Community Goals that end on Friday that you may want to get in on. Some of them have prizes in the millions: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=113495
Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn at that eighth tier reward jump (it was 750k at seventh tier):


I was a low percentile (70%) but looks like I'll get 1mil credits. Time to buy an Asp!


Anyone know where I can find some combat stabilizers near the Empire comm goal right now? Galaxy map is straight up lying to me.
Seeing reward money like that makes me wish I had more time for this game, ugh. I've only just outfitted my Sidewinder with a KWS and better power coupling/boosters last night. Gonna slowly bounty hunt my way into a ship fit for deep exploration and sail away for a few months. Can't wait.

Do the reflective bulkheads help out with fuel scooping, like if I get too close to the star?
Where they're originating.

Damn. Sounds like a bug.

Seeing reward money like that makes me wish I had more time for this game, ugh. I've only just outfitted my Sidewinder with a KWS and better power coupling/boosters last night. Gonna slowly bounty hunt my way into a ship fit for deep exploration and sail away for a few months. Can't wait.

Do the reflective bulkheads help out with fuel scooping, like if I get too close to the star?

Reflective bulkheads only help resistance against laser/thermal weapons--nothing else.

I wouldn't spend too much on your Sidewinder, unless you're making it a point to. Upgrade to an Eagle when you can and you'll be much better suited to bounty hunting.
My Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas got here yesterday. Taking a while to get use to, but it's a huge improvement. Still learning this game the hard way though. Did a mission where a station wanted tea. I find a system that has tea and I go and buy it. Then I go to jump....and I can't. Realized cargo limits your jump ranges. Try to find an alternate route, but there are none. So I just end up taking a loss and selling the tea back.
Guys I still feel really lost about what to do and how to do it. I've now traveled about 100Ly away from the starting areas because the competition with other Commanders for bounty kills was getting too frustrating. I'm just...I'm making about 50K/hour at best and not getting much of anything done. Is there anyone I can follow around or something? Perhaps a video you all might recommend? I'm enjoying myself not even getting anything done...but I'd really like to get something done at the same time.

Also learned the hard way just how bad cannons are vs small ships. Jesus christ. Give me rail guns every day of the week over these things.

Lastly: I highly recommend the CH Products HOTAs setup to all who can afford it and are willing to wait for it to come in. I am amazed every day.
Reflective bulkheads only help resistance against laser/thermal weapons--nothing else.
That's ridiculous.

I'm not going overboard on the Sidewinder upgrades, just doing some small improvements to help the money flow in more quickly. I still have more than enough for an Eagle, though, so I'll check that out when I get home. Thanks!
That's ridiculous.

I'm not going overboard on the Sidewinder upgrades, just doing some small improvements to help the money flow in more quickly. I still have more than enough for an Eagle, though, so I'll check that out when I get home. Thanks!

Nice. I hopped pretty quickly from the Eagle to a Viper, too.

Guys I still feel really lost about what to do and how to do it. I've now traveled about 100Ly away from the starting areas because the competition with other Commanders for bounty kills was getting too frustrating. I'm just...I'm making about 50K/hour at best and not getting much of anything done. Is there anyone I can follow around or something? Perhaps a video you all might recommend? I'm enjoying myself not even getting anything done...but I'd really like to get something done at the same time.

Also learned the hard way just how bad cannons are vs small ships. Jesus christ. Give me rail guns every day of the week over these things.

Lastly: I highly recommend the CH Products HOTAs setup to all who can afford it and are willing to wait for it to come in. I am amazed every day.

Man, only 50k an hour? You should be getting that every ~15 mins when bounty hunting, at least. Any reason why you haven't just switched to Solo mode to get some money for yourself?

Most profitable combat spots, IMO:

1) High Intensity Conflict Zones WITH a Capital Class ship: You can either straight up cheese this by putting turrets on your ship, parking basically ON the cap ship, and going AFK. Your turrets will automatically acquire and "tag" targets, and the cap ship and other ships will finish them off. Because you already shot them at least once, you'll get credit. Should easily make at least 1 million in an hour, if not more. Oh, and even if you don't want to cheese, having the cap class ship nearby certainly makes it easier to take down ships faster.
2) Resource Extraction Sites: I only list these second because they can be hit or miss, based on the RNG gods. As Shifty noted, if you can find a good one, you can clean UP (I think his screen showed 3+ million earned in an hour), but sometimes your luck is bad and you'll "only" make a few hundred thousand credits in an hour.
3) Conflict Zones (Low or High): Although combat bonds are almost always less than bounties, the sheer number of ships you can kill ensures you'll always be making money.
4) Nav Beacon: Hit or miss, like RES, but more extreme. These CAN be lucrative, but again, you're relying on RNG and there seem to be a lot more lull time in between ship arrivals

Strong Signal Sources are great to hit up if you're OP, a master pilot, OR in a Wing, too, as the enemies who attack you there typically have 100k+ bounties, or you have multiple ships with 30k+ bounties.

Which system are you in now, btw?
Wow. I am having the worst luck tonight. First I can't get a good instance in a RES and then I quit and rejoin and my ship immediately explodes. 750k in Imperial Bounty alone and 1.5 mil in rebuy costs. What the fuck...


Guys I still feel really lost about what to do and how to do it. I've now traveled about 100Ly away from the starting areas because the competition with other Commanders for bounty kills was getting too frustrating. I'm just...I'm making about 50K/hour at best and not getting much of anything done. Is there anyone I can follow around or something? Perhaps a video you all might recommend? I'm enjoying myself not even getting anything done...but I'd really like to get something done at the same time.

Also learned the hard way just how bad cannons are vs small ships. Jesus christ. Give me rail guns every day of the week over these things.

Lastly: I highly recommend the CH Products HOTAs setup to all who can afford it and are willing to wait for it to come in. I am amazed every day.

Shoot me a friend request: Shifty76.
Probably won't be able to help much tonight as I'll be in Facece finishing up the community goal there, but any other time works


I'm unsure what to do at my current spot and wanted to see what the experienced crowd has to say. I've got 28 million credits after the Lugh event and a decently outfitted fighter so I'm covered for that at the moment. I was wondering if it is worth focusing on trading again to work towards a Type-7/9 like I was doing before the event or maybe try exploration?

I've looked at the galaxy map thinking about exploration but I'm confused about how it works. Are all of the systems that have names already found/explored? Even if another player found it already does it still give a monetary reward for bringing back the scan data? I don't mind spending the money to outfit an Asp so I'm not concerned about breaking even and am just curious about that part.

I'm leaning towards exploration over freight because it will be more interesting but at the same time I could possibly make some decent money with a Type-7 if I have enough to get started. Plus if I explore I'd be wanting to find out more about how to outfit a ship for that so it will take longer than just finding a Type-7. What do you think I should do?
Ah, the Asp. Really like it so far, though I've pretty much only used it for trading (I wanted to buy it while it was on sale and it can carry the most cargo of any of my ships).

Really like its shape and how it catches light.

Related: the Local Community mission only has two days left and needs a lot of help.

"Local Community Goals" and Colonization of the First Player Backed NPC Faction

Frontier is allowing our group (the Mercs of Mikunn) to test out a new type of CG, called a Local Community Goal. A local community goal is a CG that is only displayed on the local galnet and doesn’t appear on the galaxy wide galnet. It is up to players to organize others to jump on board. I suspect these will be used for smaller events - not everything is galactic news worthy.

In our scenario, our group “The Mercs of Mikunn” have adopted the faction “The Dukes of Mikunn”. Due to a multitude of bugs that have kept our faction from expanding, we have been unable to capture a station, and our system has “expanded” into empty space resulting in nothing several times. This probably largely contributed to the reason the developers chose our group.
The Local Community goal currently running out of Herreschoff Gateway in Kwatee, asks that the Dukes provide building materials (any and all metals) for a new station that will be used to colonize a new system. This will be the first colonization attempt by a player backed faction! Come and participate! We have already grabbed all the material we need to build the station, and are now working on upgrading it. Many more tiers to go! (And I'm interested in seeing what the rewards are)

In order to determine what is possible for different sized groups I separated our test into three phases.
First phase: Attempt to do the goal as a small group (First 24 – 36 hours)
Second phase: Continue as a small group who has called allies (Another 24 -36 hours)
Third phase: Continue goal as a small group with allies that has managed to mobilize part of reddit and those on frontiers forums.

The tonnage moved will be measured over each time frame and used to extrapolate where that group size would be if it had the whole week. This way people will know what is possible for different sized groups. We are currently on the third phase. Show them what you can do reddit!

So come and see how this new version of community goal works! (And be part of our little experiment!)

System: Kwatee
Station: Herreschoff Gateway
Transport: All Metals

The Mercs of Mikunn are a bug testing group organized to test the background simulator and colonization. Our goal is to improve the game for everyone, even if only in a small way. If you are interested in bugtesting the background simulator and colonization, come and join us here!

Stations with metal and largepads

I think this is a little out of date, but we're at Tier 3 with 2 days to go.


I'm unsure what to do at my current spot and wanted to see what the experienced crowd has to say. I've got 28 million credits after the Lugh event and a decently outfitted fighter so I'm covered for that at the moment. I was wondering if it is worth focusing on trading again to work towards a Type-7/9 like I was doing before the event or maybe try exploration?

I've looked at the galaxy map thinking about exploration but I'm confused about how it works. Are all of the systems that have names already found/explored? Even if another player found it already does it still give a monetary reward for bringing back the scan data? I don't mind spending the money to outfit an Asp so I'm not concerned about breaking even and am just curious about that part.

I'm leaning towards exploration over freight because it will be more interesting but at the same time I could possibly make some decent money with a Type-7 if I have enough to get started. Plus if I explore I'd be wanting to find out more about how to outfit a ship for that so it will take longer than just finding a Type-7. What do you think I should do?

I would take your current ship and use it to grind empire rep until you reach baron. By that point you should have accumulated another 5m or so, so I would take that and buy an imperial clipper. Blows away the type 7 in every aspect (more cargo / shields / faster / more weapons) plus it makes a solid explorer
Nice. I hopped pretty quickly from the Eagle to a Viper, too.
Just netted 434k from RES bounties in my little ship that could... certainly helped having like 6 friendly fed fighters on my side. The shipyard where I'm currently docked has a Viper... that would be a big step up for combat, but it doesn't seem to support the sort of range I want out of a dual-purpose combat/exploration type ship in my budget. I think I'm about to pull the trigger on a Cobra as my first new ship. Big purchase for me right now. Decisions, decisions.

How do you experienced guys feel about the Cobra as an entry-level ship?

Ugh. This game is too damned good.


Just netted 434k from RES bounties in my little ship that could... certainly helped having like 6 friendly fed fighters on my side. The shipyard where I'm currently docked has a Viper... that would be a big step up for combat, but it doesn't seem to support the sort of range I want out of a dual-purpose combat/exploration type ship in my budget. I think I'm about to pull the trigger on a Cobra as my first new ship. Big purchase for me right now. Decisions, decisions.

How do you experienced guys feel about the Cobra as an entry-level ship?

Ugh. This game is too damned good.

Cobra is very capable. You'll want gimballed weapons on it though as the hardpoints are spaced pretty far apart, making fixed weapons tough to hit with both at once.

27.3m is my contribution to the empire bounty hunting goal, yet it's only good for top 15% right now! Gotta head out on another run or 4 I guess...


Wow, killed a 190k bounty python yesterday. I didn't even know npc bounties went that hight.

Guys I still feel really lost about what to do and how to do it. I've now traveled about 100Ly away from the starting areas because the competition with other Commanders for bounty kills was getting too frustrating. I'm just...I'm making about 50K/hour at best and not getting much of anything done. Is there anyone I can follow around or something? Perhaps a video you all might recommend? I'm enjoying myself not even getting anything done...but I'd really like to get something done at the same time.

Also learned the hard way just how bad cannons are vs small ships. Jesus christ. Give me rail guns every day of the week over these things.

Lastly: I highly recommend the CH Products HOTAs setup to all who can afford it and are willing to wait for it to come in. I am amazed every day.

Resource extraction sites were already mentioned, I just want to say that you can reset the instance if rng only gives you crap bounties. Go into a RES, kill a couple of ships and if no bigger ships start to turn up just quit back to the main menu and start again. You'll be exactly where you left of but get a new instance.
Are you in an eagle? I used to fly an eagle with two gimbaled cannons and liked it a lot. You just have to get close and know when you can get guaranteed hits. Always target the power plant, it really helps get the larger ships down faster.
So this can happen now.



DERRIM system, just off Derrim B 2. 90,000 Ls away from the star.

Dev update today--they threw us a bone!

Hi everyone,

First, I want to thank everyone who helped make our game the number one bestseller on Steam, and to all our players who helped welcome new Commanders into the community. We’re working hard on the game, and it’s great for the team to see so much passion from players.

For those of you who already own Elite: Dangerous from our store and asked about getting the game in your Steam collection: we hear you and we’re looking into it. We can’t speak for other cases where the same question has come up, but turning EliteDangerous.com customers into Steam customers unfortunately isn't 100 percent our decision and isn’t free for us in the context of the game’s ongoing growth and development. It could take a few weeks to work through, but we hear your feedback and addressing it is a priority for all of us.

For the Mac beta we’ve been receiving some excellent feedback, so as always, thanks to you all for that. A new Mac beta client will be released early next week.

Looking further ahead we have the Powerplay update, the big announcement is still a couple of weeks away but I can reveal a bit more of what will form part of the wider update and that is a major overhaul for the missions system. This isn’t directly part of the new Powerplay feature, but does supplement it. We’ve been working on this since the game’s initial release to provide us with a mission system that will support the game as we keep adding new features and content and improve your experience with all missions.

We’ve focused on a few clear goals for this revamp. The first is being able to provide a wider range of missions and in a method we can easily add to and increase variation within the mission type. We’re also adding the ability to select mission locations and targets (where applicable) in the galaxy and system map. Greater use of the player inbox will be used to support mission branches, making them easier to manage.

One of the limitations of the current system is that missions tended to be a good option for starting players, but not so much for later on in the game. The overhaul will address this issue by making missions available for more experienced players as well as specific missions for higher ranks or status – such as being a Founder level member. The system will also expand the influence of reputation on missions to reward players who build a high reputation with minor factions.

As with any major update we will take the opportunity to add some incidental improvements to the game. One such improvement is that the maximum loan value for ship rebuys will scale according to your Pilots Federation ranking, allowing a greater safety net as you progress through the game. For ship customisation you will also be able to fit more than one fuel tank to your ship – although this obviously takes up space you could have used on other modules!



Kinda crazy that the overhaul to the missions system is only a supplementary feature to Powerplay. What the fuck is Powerplay?


I have been trading and exploring since the game came out but i have not really tried out the combat in this game yet. I have 2 million in the bank right now. What would be a good starter ship to cut my teeth on? Should i trick out an Eagle? Or perhaps go all in and get a viper?
The mission overhaul is one of the major needs that the game has, I'm glad to see it's coming in the not too distant future. Reaching Empire Count rank recently really highlighted how unsatisfying and tedious the current mission system is. I'm extremely interested in 1.3 and what the hell power play is if a mission overhaul is just supplementary.

Also, you'd think a major engagement between capital ships would initiate all out open war.

I have been trading and exploring since the game came out but i have not really tried out the combat in this game yet. I have 2 million in the bank right now. What would be a good starter ship to cut my teeth on? Should i trick out an Eagle? Or perhaps go all in and get a viper?

Viper for sure.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Thanks, excellent tip!

Mission system revamp sounds great, especially the deeper integration with the maps. And more than one fuel tank! Awesome.

Yeah the coming update sounds really cool. I haven't really bothered with missions since the first month of release, other than community goals. They just aren't worth it for the most part. Hopefully the update fixes that.

As for mounting extra fuel tanks, I'd actually probably do that for long exploration trips. Cool idea. I haven't done much exploring lately though, been too engrossed in bounty hunting within planetary rings.

I think I might store the Asp and buy a Vulture this weekend to see what all the hubbub is about. The Asp is a versatile ship and I can (and have) easily re-configured it for various roles, but I'm thinking now I want to own three ships: the Asp for exploring, maybe a Vulture for combat, and either a Type 6 or a Type 9 for trading. Yeah I can do it all in the Asp but flying a different ship now and then is fun and refreshing. Plus not having to constantly sell and buy modules all the time is convenient. Once I get a ship tweaked to where I like it I hate messing it up to do something else. Plus it gives me stuff to spend credits on and more things to work for!


Yeah, I'm saving for a trading python (that may or may not also see some combat use once I can afford to outfit it) as well as an explorer-outfitted clipper (a guys gotta explore in style, y'know?) The extra fuel tank option will be a blessing for that.

FDL will remain my main combat ship. Managed to 1-shot a few unshielded Fed dropships last night. <3 my huge PA.
Also, you'd think a major engagement between capital ships would initiate all out open war.

I wonder how intentional it was. Apparently the Fed beat the Imperials, because the Imperial ship wasn't rotated enough to have its main guns hit.

Really hope these ships are actually somewhat mobile and more active in combat soon.


I think they want to change the backbone of the mission system. That means we may don't get the rewards for 1.3 but things will get better later on.
Just netted 434k from RES bounties in my little ship that could... certainly helped having like 6 friendly fed fighters on my side. The shipyard where I'm currently docked has a Viper... that would be a big step up for combat, but it doesn't seem to support the sort of range I want out of a dual-purpose combat/exploration type ship in my budget. I think I'm about to pull the trigger on a Cobra as my first new ship. Big purchase for me right now. Decisions, decisions.

How do you experienced guys feel about the Cobra as an entry-level ship?

Ugh. This game is too damned good.

Rule of thumb is don't fly what you can't afford to replace. I went from Sidewinder to Cobra pretty much. Since then I haven't felt entirely comfortable as more is at stake now obviously. One of the great joys of the over looked sidey is that you can throw it around and it doesn't matter if/when it goes pop. So far I've lost three Cobra's (two to bad luck, and one to my own stupidity). Every time I feel like I'm getting some where with the thing some s**t happens and it goes bang.
I did it. I found an extraction site where I can farm ships without competition and with like 5 police ships around, I need to do very little work. I was getting around...maybe 2.5 million/hour before I stopped last night.

I imagine I'll be farming there for a long, long time. Took me way too long to find a reliable farming spot to leave now.


dreams make sure you have "report crimes against me" turned to OFF in your right panel

it should be in the last tab where you have the ship options and stuff

that will ensure that the police don't show up every time somebody attacks you

edit: unless you want the police there!
dreams make sure you have "report crimes against me" turned to OFF in your right panel

it should be in the last tab where you have the ship options and stuff

that will ensure that the police don't show up every time somebody attacks you

edit: unless you want the police there!

oh snap! *takes mental note*

Is there a situation where I wouldn't want the police to come? Since the police can't "kill steal" like another human can, the only concern would be if they kill off a Wanted target before I can get to it, no?


oh snap! *takes mental note*

Is there a situation where I wouldn't want the police to come? Since the police can't "kill steal" like another human can, the only concern would be if they kill off a Wanted target before I can get to it, no?

once you're in a better ship and can handle most prey easily, the cops are more of a nuisance than a help

they end up getting in your firing line and accidentally giving you wanted status, killing wanted ships before you can, etc.
oh snap! *takes mental note*

Is there a situation where I wouldn't want the police to come? Since the police can't "kill steal" like another human can, the only concern would be if they kill off a Wanted target before I can get to it, no?

Turning off "Report crimes against me" was a bigger deal at release, as simply accidentally shooting an NPC would result in a bounty. Now, if they have shields, it's just a fine.

It can also be a pain if you're carrying illegal cargo OR are Wanted in a different system, as they've inevitably scan you once the battle is over.
once you're in a better ship and can handle most prey easily, the cops are more of a nuisance than a help

they end up getting in your firing line and accidentally giving you wanted status, killing wanted ships before you can, etc.

Turning off "Report crimes against me" was a bigger deal at release, as simply accidentally shooting an NPC would result in a bounty. Now, if they have shields, it's just a fine.

It can also be a pain if you're carrying illegal cargo OR are Wanted in a different system, as they've inevitably scan you once the battle is over.
*takes furious notes*

ty guys!

I figure by next week I may be able to afford an upgraded ship at this pace. Any recommendations?
If you're going at that same rate, I suspect by next week you'll have around 8-10 million.

It really depends on what you want to do.

Bounty hunting/combat? Vulture. If you're not sure what you want to do but want a great ship at that price point, go Asp. Can be fitted for exploration or combat and is a decent cargo ship compared to anything else at or below it's price point, outside of the Type-6.

Conversely, you could completely deck out a Cobra or Viper with that kind of money, if you wanted.


If possible I'd go straight for the vulture instead of the viper as an in-between. The large hardpoints are such a big upgrade I think you'll make more money just from the increased damage.


Anyway, tried out a combination of beam and pulse laser on my vulture. The beam was a fixed hardpoint and I think I'l go back to two gimbaled pulse lasers. The beam laser is great to chew through shields quickly but with only one gimbaled pulse it takes me longer to take down power plants so overall it takes me longer to kill stuff. If I can find a gimbaled beam laser I'll give it another shot though. There are large gimbaled beam lasers, right?


oh snap! *takes mental note*

Is there a situation where I wouldn't want the police to come? Since the police can't "kill steal" like another human can, the only concern would be if they kill off a Wanted target before I can get to it, no?

Police ships can and do kill steal, just not as frequently as CMDRs. Bastards. Lost a 250k anaconda bounty to them just last night.
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