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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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No, something else going on there... anything over about a quarter of a light year requires a full-on hyperspace jump, and those take only seconds.

I'm not sure that "24" you're seeing is minutes.. that may be days. Supercruise is far too slow to travel interstellar distances.

A screenshot might be helpful here.

Oh, and bear in mind there are two different "frame shift drive" buttons.. one for supercruise and one for hyperspace. Make sure you've hit the right one.

here ya go.


I'd like to think the game would have told me if it was the wrong drive. But I really have no idea. The tutorial seemed to progress normally after I entered supercruise.

Yeah, if it's light years away, you need to align with the destination and press your FSD button again. That should put you in hyperspace and jump you to the target.

that did it. tutorial didn't mention that much. zzzzzzzz

ty guys!


Yeah, that's fourteen hours at maximum speed. You're in supercruise and need to make a hyperspace jump. Check your control settings and figure out what the other button is.

EDIT: FWIW, I actually have three buttons set up for FSD. One that handles both, assigned to my HOTAS, but I still have separate controls for hyperspace and supercruise that respond to commands through Voice Attack. So I can still enter supercruise even with a hyperspace target selected.
Glad that helped! That's one of the trickier "basics" to understand. Basically, you have:

Normal speed: This is where you are maneuvering in space at its most macro level. Throttle zero=actual zero. This is only used for travel within a specific destination in a system.
Supercruise: This is where you are traveling at fast speeds (can be many times the speed of light) within a system. Throttle zero=30 km/s. This is only used for travel within a system, but you CAN target, communicate with, and interdict (or be interdicted by) other players.
Hyperspace: This is where you are traveling at hyperspeeds to a different system. This is the only way you can travel to another system.


EDIT: FWIW, I actually have three buttons set up for FSD. One that handles both, assigned to my HOTAS, but I still have separate controls for hyperspace and supercruise that respond to commands through Voice Attack. So I can still enter supercruise even with a hyperspace target selected.
I use a regular button press for the one that depends on my target and an alt+same botton for only-supercruise. Haven't really found a use for an only-hyperspace keybind.
Hyperspace: This is where you are traveling at hyperspeeds to a different system. This is the only way you can travel to another system.

Quickly, you mean? It's my understanding that if Dreams-Visions left the game running for two weeks as pictured above, he would in fact arrive at the system... right?

So I've just recently trained up the Windows speech recognition and purchased VoiceAttack, and after an hour or so, I can't imagine playing any other way. I never want to play this game without VA. It just makes it so much more immersive and futuristic, man. I also dusted off my TrackIR and would not want to go back to playing without it, either. On that note, this may be the game that finally makes me break open the ol' piggy bank and purchase a Rift.

I'm currently playing in Mobius and taking it slow with courier missions. Decided to try stopping by some nav beacons last night and discovered a lot of combat activity around there, helped bring down an high-level criminal and netted nearly 100k for about 30 seconds of work, which absolutely blew my mind at this early juncture in the game with my nearly stock Sidewinder.

Question: is the Hauler worth buying early on for trade runs? I'm slightly worried about getting interdicted and being unable to defend myself... but if I stick to trading between highly secure systems, should I be mostly ok?


Quickly, you mean? It's my understanding that if Dreams-Visions left the game running for two weeks as pictured above, he would in fact arrive at the system... right?

Nope. Entering a new system requires a jump to load that instance, limitation of the game.

Question: is the Hauler worth buying early on for trade runs? I'm slightly worried about getting interdicted and being unable to defend myself... but if I stick to trading between highly secure systems, should I be mostly ok?

Yeah it's a fine early ship for trading. Not sure how it compares to the Adder. High sec systems should be mostly okay but you could always ask one of us to escort you if you're feeling a little unsafe, we're always willing to help.
Yeah, I recall reading or watching someone trying to travel to a different star system, just by using supercruise, and he technically reached the destination, but it didn't work. Unfortunate limitation.

Gah, your post reminds me I need to get Voice Attack.
Grinding my way up from the Cobra by bounty hunting. I have 1.2 million in credits. What's the next ship I'm grinding toward? The Asp?

The Python and Anaconda feel so far away.
Quickly, you mean? It's my understanding that if Dreams-Visions left the game running for two weeks as pictured above, he would in fact arrive at the system... right?

So I've just recently trained up the Windows speech recognition and purchased VoiceAttack, and after an hour or so, I can't imagine playing any other way. I never want to play this game without VA. It just makes it so much more immersive and futuristic, man. I also dusted off my TrackIR and would not want to go back to playing without it, either. On that note, this may be the game that finally makes me break open the ol' piggy bank and purchase a Rift.

I'm currently playing in Mobius and taking it slow with courier missions. Decided to try stopping by some nav beacons last night and discovered a lot of combat activity around there, helped bring down an high-level criminal and netted nearly 100k for about 30 seconds of work, which absolutely blew my mind at this early juncture in the game with my nearly stock Sidewinder.

Question: is the Hauler worth buying early on for trade runs? I'm slightly worried about getting interdicted and being unable to defend myself... but if I stick to trading between highly secure systems, should I be mostly ok?

If your that worried about being interdicted stick to solo for trade runs, it can still happen but a lot less. If you do get interdicted just boost out of there and hit the FSD (for weeks I thought it said 'friendship drive charging, I was disapointed when I found out it wasn't!).

Also with regards to the sidewinder, upgrade the power side of it first before weapons. This will make a big difference. I was able to rank up to competent in mine using that method, though you still have to be careful. I almost miss not having to worry about it going bang as it was cheap enough that it didn't matter.

For anyone new to the game I recommend watching some of adoredtv on youtubes starter videos. Go's through a bunch of stuff, though a few maybe out dated.

Also if anyone has an xbox 360 pad kicking around the game plays fine with it. I'm struggling to justify jumping to a hotas to be fair since getting it.
Grinding my way up from the Cobra by bounty hunting. I have 1.2 million in credits. What's the next ship I'm grinding toward? The Asp?

The Python and Anaconda feel so far away.

It depends on what you want to do. If you want to a multi-purpose ship, especially if you are looking to explore, the Asp would be a good next step. It has one of the largest potential jump ranges, it has pretty good cargo capacity and it is ok at combat, though it's not all that maneuverable.

If you want to focus on combat exclusively the Vulture would be the next step.

If you want to trade to move up the food chain, the Type 6 would be the next step, and then the Asp. There was a time when trading was the only feasible way to make money at a reasonable pace to move up to larger ships but now exploration, bounty hunting and combat earning potential has been buffed significantly so trading isn't as critical. It still has the highest potential as you step from ship to bigger ship but the difference isn't so enormous anymore. Skipping the Type 6 makes sense now if your not looking to trade, obviously.

I wouldn't look to much at the Python or Anaconda at this stage. They are months of gameplay away. Personally, I think those that focus too hard on ship progression are the ones that burn out. The bigger ships will come. I've been playing a lot since January and in just the last few weeks, the Python has become a ship I could buy and upgrade to a nice level. If I sold everything, I think I'd have enough for a base Anaconda but I'm forever away from a well upgraded one. I haven't been focussed completely on grinding credits, though. I've done a little of everything and am more concerned with immersing myself in the space flight fantasy than anything else really. I know that's not for everyone.


I wouldn't look to much at the Python or Anaconda at this stage. They are months of gameplay away. Personally, I think those that focus too hard on ship progression are the ones that burn out.

Yeah, and ironically a lot (not all..) of the people with those kinds of ships got them because they exploited loopholes the game have frequently had ("luxury goods" was just one). Frontier has at last now upped the bounties so you can get a little of money doing that. But before they did that I shot down over 1,000 pirates, did a lot of exploring and some missions, and I still barely managed to buy an ASP..
I've started using the Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X Flight Stick, does anybody know what I can set the landing gear function to without mucking anything up? By default no button has the landing gear function assigned.
Don't commit any Imperial crimes so no one can collect your imperial bounty? Passive resistance, but probably not very effective.

I'm grinding Empire rank because I want full access to all systems. I'm a mercenary with agile morals. Though I avoid trading slaves.
Easiest 56k bounty I made was the other night. Leaving the station I'm currently at I notice laser fire through the docking port. Making my way outside I see some poor sod under attack from the local police. Checking that he was a)wanted and b)outside the fire zone I opened up with three shots from my beam lasers. 2 minutes later he went pop and I had the bounty. Easiest work I've done in Elite!
So is it normal for your FPS to drop to <10 due to number of other players? In think there were like 20 or more people around in Supercruise and as soon as I dropped out it went back to 100+ FPS.
So is it normal for your FPS to drop to <10 due to number of other players? In think there were like 20 or more people around in Supercruise and as soon as I dropped out it went back to 100+ FPS.

I got this as well in LS 3447. This is a computer that can run GW2 on Max settings without blinking. I can only assume it's trying to render stuff far out.


I hate those slaving Imperials. Is there a way we can screw this community goal for the Empire.
At least the Empire is open about it. Plus, imperial slaves are volunteers who sold themselves into slavery to pay off debts, and are well looked after.

Slavery in the Federation however....Sure, the government publicly opposes it, yet they don't seem to try overly hard to stop the flourishing Federation slave trade.

In other news, the 6th planet in Facece has RES's! Made 1.5m in an hour last night, so up to 6m contribution so far which was good for top 5% when I logged off last night.
Almost lost my Eagle right from the start. I decided to put two multi-cannons and a pulse laser with a kill warrant scanner. I didn't realize you had to worry about power. Right when I got out of the station I deployed my hardpoints because I want to see my new fancy toys. Everything shut down! I went crashing into the station and was left with 15% hull integrity. Upgraded my power plant real fast after that.

I'm such a noob. :(


Almost lost my Eagle right from the start. I decided to put two multi-cannons and a pulse laser with a kill warrant scanner. I didn't realize you had to worry about power. Right when I got out of the station I deployed my hardpoints because I want to see my new fancy toys. Everything shut down! I went crashing into the station and was left with 15% hull integrity. Upgraded my power plant real fast after that.

I'm such a noob. :(
Go into you modules and change your module priorities too. No need for cargo hatch, FSD or interdictor during combat, so set them to priority 2 or 3. That way they'll shut off when you deploy hardpoints so won't use power.


Almost lost my Eagle right from the start. I decided to put two multi-cannons and a pulse laser with a kill warrant scanner. I didn't realize you had to worry about power. Right when I got out of the station I deployed my hardpoints because I want to see my new fancy toys. Everything shut down! I went crashing into the station and was left with 15% hull integrity. Upgraded my power plant real fast after that.

I'm such a noob. :(

If you open the right UI panel and go to Modules, you can set priority levels for certain systems. You can completely turn off cargo hatch (unless you need to operate the cargo scoop) and put the FSD to priority 2. Meaning that when your guns come out, the FSD is shut down until you retract hardpoints. It's a neat system that you really need to take advantage with the smaller fighter craft. We've all been there. :)

Edit: Damn you Shifty. Every time!


Almost lost my Eagle right from the start. I decided to put two multi-cannons and a pulse laser with a kill warrant scanner. I didn't realize you had to worry about power. Right when I got out of the station I deployed my hardpoints because I want to see my new fancy toys. Everything shut down! I went crashing into the station and was left with 15% hull integrity. Upgraded my power plant real fast after that.

I'm such a noob. :(

Your lucky you tested near the station. I hyper jumped to another system, then proceeded to pull out my fancy new weapons to take out a pirate, cue the engine shutting down, oxygen kicking in and me flying right into the pirate.

I was swiftly taking care off.

Huge learning curve, but I have came to love this sim/game.
Go into you modules and change your module priorities too. No need for cargo hatch, FSD or interdictor during combat, so set them to priority 2 or 3. That way they'll shut off when you deploy hardpoints so won't use power.

If you open the right UI panel and go to Modules, you can set priority levels for certain systems. You can completely turn off cargo hatch (unless you need to operate the cargo scoop) and put the FSD to priority 2. Meaning that when your guns come out, the FSD is shut down until you retract hardpoints. It's a neat system that you really need to take advantage with the smaller fighter craft. We've all been there. :)

Edit: Damn you Shifty. Every time!

Thanks for the help guys. I'll make sure to do that next time I'm in-game.

Your lucky you tested near the station. I hyper jumped to another system, then proceeded to pull out my fancy new weapons to take out a pirate, cue the engine shutting down, oxygen kicking in and me flying right into the pirate.

I was swiftly taking care off.

Huge learning curve, but I have came to love this sim/game.

lol now I don't feel so bad.


I've started using the Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X Flight Stick, does anybody know what I can set the landing gear function to without mucking anything up? By default no button has the landing gear function assigned.
Incidental controls like that are what Voice Attack excels at. No need to clutter up your stick's valuable real estate with stuff you don't use often, or don't need to use in combat. Pretty much the only thing I have mapped to HOTAS are flight controls, targeting, and weapons. Everything else is voice.
I can get a new ship! I was looking for some black boxes.
Was completely lost.
I saw some feds attacking an Anaconda, so I helped. Almost 100k!

That's pretty much exactly what happened to me the other night, and for less than a minute of my time. Jaw dropped. I danced my way to the kitchen for a celebratory beer.

Oh, and when looking for that elusive cargo without much more direction in the mission description than the system where they're located, just supercruise around the system and search for signal sources. You'll eventually find them. When it's time to deliver them, you'll want to line yourself up for docking at a considerable distance from the station, then fly in as fast as possible and request docking at the last moment to avoid being scanned and fined for the illegal cargo.

You may want to consider VoiceAttack. It's really useful for functions like that. http://www.voiceattack.com/
For any new folks, this. So much this. VA is phenomenal for this game. I can look over to my left UI panel on the Contacts page when in range of my desired station, say "Request Docking" and bam, docking request sent. Approach landing pad and say "deploy landing gear." In the middle of combat, "power to engines" or "power to shields" or "power to weapons" and I never have to take my eyes off the enemy or lose any amount of concentration trying to remember which buttons I've set for those. "Target next," "target previous," "target high threat," etc. Short of having the ship read your mind, it's the best control scheme imaginable for the 4th millennium C.E.

I'm about to set up some HAL-9000 soundbites so VA can play those back to me as confirmations for various commands. Lovin' it.
Jumped in to the game yesterday, pretty overwhelming at first but a lot of fun once you get used to it. Pilot's name is Xaric Endryn if anyone want's to add me up. Will probably go for the Bounty Hunter style gameplay once I can afford some better fittings on my ship.
Just got back from a ~6 day exploration trip. Made 1.6 million but only got into top 70% of goal. Man, the exploration incentive kinda pales compared to the other Community Goals.

Still, discovered over 20 worlds, including a few water worlds.

Sold my Cobra and awaiting the Asp discount. Back to the Vulture.


Just got back from a ~6 day exploration trip. Made 1.6 million but only got into top 70% of goal. Man, the exploration incentive kinda pales compared to the other Community Goals.

Still, discovered over 20 worlds, including a few water worlds.

Sold my Cobra and awaiting the Asp discount. Back to the Vulture.

Didn't partake in the event but did go exploring, came across this on my way to the horsehead nebula.
Finally learned how to use the cargo scoop. I did a mission where I had to get three transmission canisters. I go to the system, find an unidentified signal, which had five of them. Then I sat there for a while thinking, ok how do I actually get them. Went to wiki! Sure enough there it was. I think I have most of the basics down now.

Definitely glad I bought the game, it's a lot of fun so far. Trying to learn everything has been quite enjoyable.


Okay. I've been VERY interested in this game, since its kickstarter. Had my eyes on this and Star Citizen. Elite's release on Steam was the breaking point and I went with that.

Alright. Now I own Elite Dangerous. Goddamn. Now what? The only controls I have at my disposal are a 360 controller, a PS4 controller and mouse & keyboard. So... I'm going with the 360 controller for my control of choice for this game.

I've managed to get past the first few training missions... But then I get to the sidewinder mission. I just get utterly destroyed. I don't know what to do against that enemy. I've tried juggling my energy resources to the best of my ability, but I just can't manage.

I do not feel confident at all with diving into the actual game itself. I feel I should complete all the training missions to be able to stand.... somewhat of a chance in the actual game.
I don't want to be a sitting duck.

Did I make the wrong decision in going with Elite Dangerous with a 360 controller?
Okay. I've been VERY interested in this game, since its kickstarter. Had my eyes on this and Star Citizen. Elite's release on Steam was the breaking point and I went with that.

Alright. Now I own Elite Dangerous. Goddamn. Now what? The only controls I have at my disposal are a 360 controller, a PS4 controller and mouse & keyboard. So... I'm going with the 360 controller for my control of choice for this game.

I've managed to get past the first few training missions... But then I get to the sidewinder mission. I just get utterly destroyed. I don't know what to do against that enemy. I've tried juggling my energy resources to the best of my ability, but I just can't manage.

I do not feel confident at all with diving into the actual game itself. I feel I should complete all the training missions to be able to stand.... somewhat of a chance in the actual game.
I don't want to be a sitting duck.

Did I make the wrong decision in going with Elite Dangerous with a 360 controller?

I'm currently sitting at rank competent in a cobra mkIII with a few million credits in the bank. All achieved with a 360 controller so I'd say no. If you are not sure what you are doing on that mission have a look on youtube and see how they did it.


In the past day I've bought a mic (my first) and the Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X.

The T-Flight Hotas is ridiculously good for the price it's going for. I was using a Logitech force feedback stick that cost like four times as much before I got T-Flight and I like it a lot more than the logitech stick.


Okay. I've been VERY interested in this game, since its kickstarter. Had my eyes on this and Star Citizen. Elite's release on Steam was the breaking point and I went with that.

Alright. Now I own Elite Dangerous. Goddamn. Now what? The only controls I have at my disposal are a 360 controller, a PS4 controller and mouse & keyboard. So... I'm going with the 360 controller for my control of choice for this game.

I've managed to get past the first few training missions... But then I get to the sidewinder mission. I just get utterly destroyed. I don't know what to do against that enemy. I've tried juggling my energy resources to the best of my ability, but I just can't manage.

I do not feel confident at all with diving into the actual game itself. I feel I should complete all the training missions to be able to stand.... somewhat of a chance in the actual game.
I don't want to be a sitting duck.

Did I make the wrong decision in going with Elite Dangerous with a 360 controller?

Some of the devs play the game with a 360 controller, so it's definitely doable. However getting yourself a HOTAS stick will improve things no end. The T-Flight HOTAS from Thrustmaster is relatively inexpensive (I have one).
Took the advice from the thread and I did a pirate kill mission, went better than I expected. Had to kill three targets, my multi-cannons and pulse laser absolutely destroyed two of them in seconds. The last guy I probably shouldn't have messed with, he was in a Python. Luckily he was busy trying to kill someone else, so he wasn't really focusing me, my hull integrity still went all the way down to 30%. However, it was worth it. He was worth 75k. So I got over +100k from the three targets, plus 13k for the mission.


At long last I've finally reached the halfway point in my grand exploration adventure. The funny thing is that I didn't even go that far, I'm less than 1000ly out, but I'm stopping to scan every object in every system I stop in, so it's taking for-goddamn-ever. It'll still take weeks to get home now that I'm starting the return journey. On the plus side, I should be a rich motherfucker when I get back. I'm definitely going to need a break from the slow play, which probably means a Vulture and some serious time spent bounty hunting.
Over the last few weeks the only ship I've flying has been the Vulture, but this weekend I've been flying my Asp, grinding rep with Bulletin Board missions. Lots of docking and launching, docking and launching.

So I guess I started getting careless boosting off my pad to the exit. Well, with the Vulture, if you aren't quite aligned, you can make some decent adjustments while boosting to line up before reaching the exit. However, once the Asp starts boosting in one direction, there isn't a whole lot you can do to change it. I boosted myself from a rear pad towards the exit, I noticed I was coming in a little low, and before I realized I wasn't going to be able to correct it, I slammed into the station wall, meters below the exit and immediately exploded. I can't believe I didn't get 4 pips to shields. I have not lost a ship in a very long time.

1.5 mil rebuy and 3 missions failed. Since, I recently spent most of my cash on a FDL, 1.5 mil is a painful price to pay especially since I've been making absolutely no money doing these missions. I can still afford buy back on my ships but if I lose the FDL, I'll be hurting very badly.

What a boneheaded mistake.
I've been playing the past couple days fumbling my way through. Really fun game but pretty overwhelming with the complexity it offers. Couple questions of things I keep running in to:

While flying around I find lots of things like beacons, and signals, 90% of the time I enter one of these there doesn't seem to be anything there or going on. For instance last night I found a beacon that had some traders inside, when I jumped in they were just floating there and I couldn't see anyway to interact with them. Is this just one of those things were I could pirate them if I wanted or move on?

Is there a way to see what is on a bulletin board at a station before docking there? I keep jumping to different stations looking for missions only to find I can't actually take any of them.
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