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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Police ships can and do kill steal, just not as frequently as CMDRs. Bastards. Lost a 250k anaconda bounty to them just last night.

I always turn off reporting when I'm RES hunting. The less fuzz the better.

I'm not sure I agree. I've been bounty hunting in my Asp for about a week now in RES's and I've come to love the aid of the police ships. Their help allows me to take down much larger ships than I would be able to do on my own (Anaconda's & Pythons). I haven't had a single instance where I didn't get a bounty even when some other ship got the killing blow instead of me.

I could have sworn I read in a patch awhile back where FDev changed it so that NPC ships could not kill steal from players any more? From my experience that does indeed seem to be true.
Police ships can and do kill steal, just not as frequently as CMDRs. Bastards. Lost a 250k anaconda bounty to them just last night.

Actually, I don't think that's accurate. I believe only other Commanders can steal kills. I've never had a police ship get credit for a kill on a ship I had been autoattacking. Didn't happen once last night. The only kills I didn't get (a couple of Anacondas) happened when another Commander appeared.

If possible I'd go straight for the vulture instead of the viper as an in-between. The large hardpoints are such a big upgrade I think you'll make more money just from the increased damage.


Anyway, tried out a combination of beam and pulse laser on my vulture. The beam was a fixed hardpoint and I think I'l go back to two gimbaled pulse lasers. The beam laser is great to chew through shields quickly but with only one gimbaled pulse it takes me longer to take down power plants so overall it takes me longer to kill stuff. If I can find a gimbaled beam laser I'll give it another shot though. There are large gimbaled beam lasers, right?

If you're going at that same rate, I suspect by next week you'll have around 8-10 million.

It really depends on what you want to do.

Bounty hunting/combat? Vulture. If you're not sure what you want to do but want a great ship at that price point, go Asp. Can be fitted for exploration or combat and is a decent cargo ship compared to anything else at or below it's price point, outside of the Type-6.

Conversely, you could completely deck out a Cobra or Viper with that kind of money, if you wanted.

okay ty guys. vulture savings begins now.


Seek victory, not fairness
Here's a tricky question I haven't been able to find an answer to - are larger or smaller lasers more efficient for damage vs capacitor drain, or is it a constant ratio on all classes for a laser type? Trying to figure out how to max out the sustained laser damage output on an anaconda - I can't put pulse lasers in every slot (too much drain), so the question becomes which slots should I keep as pulse lasers and which should become kinetic weapons.
Sorry, another question: Is there no way to SAVE favorite locations? I'm sure I can always just...write down locations so that I can type the name in the galaxy map to search for a star...but I'd be nice if I could add a star/system to my *favorites* list for quick recall.

I was somewhere last night with like 7 ringed planets. I left the system because the starport didn't have weapons for sale and I needed to dump my non-gimbaled cannons (worst idea ever!) and couldn't find it again on the star map. I just couldn't remember the name of it. And what was sad was I was only a few jumps away from it but yea...just couldn't figure out where it was anymore.
Yeah, some in-game notes or a favorites/bookmarks type tab for locations on the galaxy map would be really convenient. This is the first game in a long time that actually had me breaking out the pen and paper last night. Captain's Log, y'all.

Here's a tricky question I haven't been able to find an answer to - are larger or smaller lasers more efficient for damage vs capacitor drain, or is it a constant ratio on all classes for a laser type? Trying to figure out how to max out the sustained laser damage output on an anaconda - I can't put pulse lasers in every slot (too much drain), so the question becomes which slots should I keep as pulse lasers and which should become kinetic weapons.

http://edshipyard.com/#/L=606,mpY5QG5QG,2-DIBkAA8cDIDI8I,0AA08c7UwmpT072mpW2Uc02M - Base Anaconda link

If I'm understanding your question correctly, it really boils down to your selection of power plant + power coupling. There's no set ratio. The power plant provides the overall power, and the coupling determines how much of that power is available for your weapons. The larger the laser, the more power it draws, with slight variances depending on the way they're attached (fixed, gimbaled, turreted). You can play with the options in the link above to determine your overall power requirements and to see which power plant/coupling you'll need to meet those requirements. Try outfitting it with all small lasers or all large lasers and see how your proposed DPS/power requirements will stack up.


Seek victory, not fairness
http://edshipyard.com/#/L=606,mpY5QG5QG,2-DIBkAA8cDIDI8I,0AA08c7UwmpT072mpW2Uc02M - Base Anaconda link

If I'm understanding your question correctly, it really boils down to your selection of power plant + power coupling. There's no set ratio. The power plant provides the overall power, and the coupling determines how much of that power is available for your weapons. The larger the laser, the more power it draws, with slight variances depending on the way they're attached (fixed, gimbaled, turreted). You can play with the options in the link above to determine your overall power requirements and to see which power plant/coupling you'll need to meet those requirements. Try outfitting it with all small lasers or all large lasers and see how your proposed DPS/power requirements will stack up.

Say a class 3 gimbaled pulse laser was measured to do 4x the DPS of a class 1 gimbaled pulse laser. The question would be whether the four small lasers could continuously fire longer than the single large laser, all else being equal. (Not talking about the power budget on the stats page, but the observed drops in the bars per shot)

Damage/Drain = Efficiency


or more efficient with size:

4/2 = 2
2/1.5 = 1.33
1/1 = 1

or less efficient with size:

4/4.5 = 0.88
2/2.2 = 0.91
1/1 = 1


I'm not sure I agree. I've been bounty hunting in my Asp for about a week now in RES's and I've come to love the aid of the police ships. Their help allows me to take down much larger ships than I would be able to do on my own (Anaconda's & Pythons). I haven't had a single instance where I didn't get a bounty even when some other ship got the killing blow instead of me.

I could have sworn I read in a patch awhile back where FDev changed it so that NPC ships could not kill steal from players any more? From my experience that does indeed seem to be true.

They did change it but it doesn't 100% prevent it.

It 100% for sure happened to me last night as I distinctly remember looking at the bounty and licking my chops. Zero kill reward when it went pop and there were zero other CMDRs present. Doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

Guess I'll have to fire up FRAPS and try to get an example recorded.

Gotchya. I'm not sure where to find stats about the speed at which they drain power... anyone?

Found this on the Frontier forums, may prove helpful:
Source of above image: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=20484

Two other posts that may generally help:


Sorry, another question: Is there no way to SAVE favorite locations? I'm sure I can always just...write down locations so that I can type the name in the galaxy map to search for a star...but I'd be nice if I could add a star/system to my *favorites* list for quick recall.

I was somewhere last night with like 7 ringed planets. I left the system because the starport didn't have weapons for sale and I needed to dump my non-gimbaled cannons (worst idea ever!) and couldn't find it again on the star map. I just couldn't remember the name of it. And what was sad was I was only a few jumps away from it but yea...just couldn't figure out where it was anymore.

I've heard some people say that the best current boookmark is leaving a parked sidewinder: it will always show in the galaxy map.


For someone who doesn't really know what this game is about, except that it's a space game, can anyone sum up what the incentives for playing are? Is it about gaining money to upgrade stuff (By, I assume, transporting stuff from one point to another, hunting pirates for cash rewards, etc.), and, if so, how is the upgrade system? Can you mine, place NPC's/scripted units to do stuff for you? Can you build a station and outfit it with stuff?


For someone who doesn't really know what this game is about, except that it's a space game, can anyone sum up what the incentives for playing are? Is it about gaining money to upgrade stuff (By, I assume, transporting stuff from one point to another, hunting pirates for cash rewards, etc.), and, if so, how is the upgrade system? Can you mine, place NPC's/scripted units to do stuff for you? Can you build a station and outfit it with stuff?

Highly recommend reading the Ars Technica review and deciding from there if the game is for you.

Yes regarding your question about upgrading, no to the others. It's not EVE.
I reached 21 mil cr in Imperial Bounty for the community goal. That puts me in the top 15% for now but I don't think it will hold until the end. Did a little too much grinding for this one. The 4 days of Bulletin Board missions just to reach the system might have been a bad idea but I now have access to every major faction system in the game except for founders world. I'm a sucker for the combat community goals.


For someone who doesn't really know what this game is about, except that it's a space game, can anyone sum up what the incentives for playing are?
It depends on what you mean by incentives. The major problem that new players have with the game, especially those that never read anything or watched videos, etc, is that the game will NOT tell you what to do. Ever. There is no story, there is no "go here, do this", there is no goal, there is no "beating the game" or even "winning" at anything other than a dogfight. You start the game and you're sitting in your ship's cockpit. That's it. What happens after that is entirely up to you. I mean that in the most literal sense.. the game will give you nothing to go on. Your incentives and your goals are yours, and yours alone. Want to go bounty hunting? No problem, but the game won't tell you how. Want to go exploring to see a black hole up close? No problem, but the game won't tell you where it is or how to get there. Want to just trade and get filthy rich? No problem, but the game won't tell you where the good routes or items are.

In general, I almost want to be a prick and just say "If you have to ask, then you won't like it", but it's more or less true. I can't think of a single positive impression that came from a player that went in completely blind. Do your homework, read all the reviews, and go watch about ten or twelve hours of gameplay on Twitch. Then decide if it's something you want to jump into. This is not like other games being made today, by any stretch of the imagination. Some consider that a good thing (myself included), because no one can tell me that I'm "playing it wrong". Others consider it a bad thing, those who have gotten used to linear stories and handholding in today's industry.


Somehow I managed to get my vulture destroyed yesterday. Engaged an anaconda, we were duking it out and suddenly I hear: Eject! Eject, and my ship went boom. No idea what happened, I didn't take much damage from the anaconda and I wasn't in front of her either.


Somehow I managed to get my vulture destroyed yesterday. Engaged an anaconda, we were duking it out and suddenly I hear: Eject! Eject, and my ship went boom. No idea what happened, I didn't take much damage from the anaconda and I wasn't in front of her either.
I see you already ruled out the particle accelerator. In that case... humm... Either your power plant blew up, you got rammed from behind or... maybe connection issues, I guess, if there were other players nearby.


I see you already ruled out the particle accelerator. In that case... humm... Either your power plant blew up, you got rammed from behind or... maybe connection issues, I guess, if there were other players nearby.

Yeah, no way it was the anaconda. I still had shields and I was only taking minor laser fire with pips in shields. I figure it could only have been another npc ramming me from behind or that I hit an asteroid but I'm pretty sure it wasn't an asteroid. I wasn't even going that fast and I've hit stuff before in worse circumstances without blowing up. Not that big a deal though, it was just weird how suddenly it happened.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Yeah, no way it was the anaconda. I still had shields and I was only taking minor laser fire with pips in shields. I figure it could only have been another npc ramming me from behind or that I hit an asteroid but I'm pretty sure it wasn't an asteroid. I wasn't even going that fast and I've hit stuff before in worse circumstances without blowing up. Not that big a deal though, it was just weird how suddenly it happened.

I glanced an asteroid last night in my Asp while taking down an Anaconda and it instantly dropped my shields and took my hull down to 45%. I did glance it pretty hard, and I felt like an idiot afterwards, but man had I hit it straight on at that speed I might have had the same experience that you did. I'm guessing you plowed into an asteroid from the sound of it.

Man do I love bounty hunting in asteroid rings. Makes me feel like I'm flying the Millenium Falcon in The Empire Strikes Back trying to evade the Empire!!!


Some Fer-de-lance gameplay I recorded last night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm7l8-LzUYM&feature=youtu.be

Showcases the power of the huge Plasma (not particle) Accelerator quite well, including a 1 shot kill on a shielded cobra.

Regarding the police kill stealing: It apparently can happen if your kill shot hit a subsystem rather than hull. That'd explain what happened to me the other night as I'm always aiming for power plants.


1.2.07 change log

- Added vibrant paint jobs for all ships except Anaconda (available for purchase from the store soon)
- Crash fix for star system generation
- Fix for crash in TrackIR caused by the disconnect function incorrectly handling the case when the TrackIR is in an error state. Also applied the same fix to FreeTrack
- Adjusted terraforming meta data to prevent server error
- When getting close to a capital ship while neutral, it will warn you at ~1KM away and then turn hostile at a few hundred metres
- Treat capital ships like players for assigning kills
- Don’t allow NPCs to kill steal by them hitting the powerplant
- Prevent docking after the police 'notice' that a player is wanted. This is the same reaction with committing a violent crime near the station.
- Network fix to catch some messages delivery bugs
- Fix a case where a ship with damage regions and no shields could try to save a game before its defense data has been initialised, resulting in showing in the GUI as a ship that's unrepairable at 0% health
- Adfjusted Type 7 and Viper collision mesh to make them a bit harder to get stuck in the starport entrance cage
- Various text fixes

Server-side Changes:

- Decriminalise Limpets
- When changing station ownership after a conflict, always treat system controlling stations as more valuable than anything else
- Fix Commander Stats for selling level 2 and level 3 survey scans
- Various performance and reliability improvements


Somehow I managed to get my vulture destroyed yesterday. Engaged an anaconda, we were duking it out and suddenly I hear: Eject! Eject, and my ship went boom. No idea what happened, I didn't take much damage from the anaconda and I wasn't in front of her either.

Happenned to me once in my Viper... I think I hit a space debris. There was some pretty intense fighting around and broken ship parts everywhere.


Some Fer-de-lance gameplay I recorded last night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm7l8-LzUYM&feature=youtu.be

Showcases the power of the huge Plasma (not particle) Accelerator quite well, including a 1 shot kill on a shielded cobra.

Regarding the police kill stealing: It apparently can happen if your kill shot hit a subsystem rather than hull. That'd explain what happened to me the other night as I'm always aiming for power plants.

Just saw the cobra kill. Disgusting. I wish I had the cash to afford this.


I just knew this RES was going to be great after internal security brought in an anaconda within the first minute. Almost 2 mil in bounties in under 30 minutes. But of course this one security vessel just has to fly directly into my line of fire. I really hope they'll implement a way to pay off smaller bounties without having to go to a station.
My pie in the sky hope for power play is that it adds NPC pilots that you can hire as part of your personal fleet. You provide the ships and outfitting. You can send them out on missions or trade routes for profit or have them accompany you in a wing. That's likely too much to hope for but that kind of fleet management would add a ton to the game I think.
My pie in the sky hope for power play is that it adds NPC pilots that you can hire as part of your personal fleet. You provide the ships and outfitting. You can send them out on missions or trade routes for profit or have them accompany you in a wing. That's likely too much to hope for but that kind of fleet management would add a ton to the game I think.

I want a piece of that pie, too. I can't imagine something like this won't eventually be in the game, if not in the PP update, because nothing you described is overly ambitious. Background trading/economies are already simulated, and NPCs can already spawn in their own wings... doesn't seem like too much to ask to include NPC support for the player. If Frontier never gives us anything to that effect, they'll be missing out on a huge opportunity to enrich not only the solo player's experience, but also those of the lone online players who have no real-life E:D friends to wing up with.
My Thrustmaster arrived. Anyone have some tips? It's definitely something to get used to coming from a 360 controller.

I just knew this RES was going to be great after internal security brought in an anaconda within the first minute. Almost 2 mil in bounties in under 30 minutes. But of course this one security vessel just has to fly directly into my line of fire. I really hope they'll implement a way to pay off smaller bounties without having to go to a station.

With the latest update, I have no idea how I'm supposed to pay off my bounties since as soon as security scans me, docking will be locked off.


My Thrustmaster arrived. Anyone have some tips? It's definitely something to get used to coming from a 360 controller.

That's the one I'm using and it's great.

With the latest update, I have no idea how I'm supposed to pay off my bounties since as soon as security scans me, docking will be locked off.

Never really been into pirating but it's definitely something I'm going to do sometime. Question about rep and bounties though: Bounties on you disappear after you die and rep doesn't reset, but if you keep collecting bounties in a system will it ever get to a point where you are getting attacked on sight? I mean, will you eventually be attacked without npcs even scanning you? And can you get your rep back to neutral or friendly? I guess I can live with local authorities being unfriendly but I guess trying to get your rep with the major factions back to normal is kind of hard when you have to sneak into every station?


Never really been into pirating but it's definitely something I'm going to do sometime. Question about rep and bounties though: Bounties on you disappear after you die and rep doesn't reset, but if you keep collecting bounties in a system will it ever get to a point where you are getting attacked on sight? I mean, will you eventually be attacked without npcs even scanning you? And can you get your rep back to neutral or friendly? I guess I can live with local authorities being unfriendly but I guess trying to get your rep with the major factions back to normal is kind of hard when you have to sneak into every station?

I'm not a pirate, actually. I was thinking of those instances where an accidental shot connects. You're right, of course. It would reset when I'm killed, but I was hoping to avoid that in those situations.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
With the latest update, I have no idea how I'm supposed to pay off my bounties since as soon as security scans me, docking will be locked off.

Land at outposts to pay off your bounties, not stations. It's much easier that way. Or just sneak into stations, which can be like playing Russian roulette with your spaceship!
Land at outposts to pay off your bounties, not stations. It's much easier that way. Or just sneak into stations, which can be like playing Russian roulette with your spaceship!

Would silent running reduce my likelihood of being scanned?

Do outposts have much lower security?


There is literally no reason to play all these games to avoid getting scanned. Line yourself up with the slot from about 8km out, and boost your way through the maelstrom.


I would take your current ship and use it to grind empire rep until you reach baron. By that point you should have accumulated another 5m or so, so I would take that and buy an imperial clipper. Blows away the type 7 in every aspect (more cargo / shields / faster / more weapons) plus it makes a solid explorer

Not to seem like a needy idiot but do you have any suggestions on where to go? Just find a spot in Empire space with an RES and start working on bounties and/or missions? (In a Vulture with zero cargo space at the moment).

I tried my luck at the Jupiter rings a for a few hours the past 2 days and haven't had any luck with decent spawns (just eagles and cobras). I'm thinking I saw it mentioned that it is just random and to keep resetting it by logging in and out but I didn't know if there were any other factors (solo or online, region that might affect spawns etc) to take into account or if it is just the luck of the draw? I guess I'm getting bummed out trying to bounty hunt reading all the money people are making and then I can't ever get an RES with anything big in it.

I'm thinking you've mentioned a good spot in Empire space before but that it required a permit if my memory is correct so if that is a solution to my struggle then I will have to grind my way up to it.
I thought the shield in my FDL seemed a little fragile. I accidently equipped an A4 in the A5 slot. I finally had a chance to put sometime into it (I took a Vulture to the Imperial community goal because I didn't want to deal with the rebuy cost). I got the most ridiculous bounty instance. 5 million in one trip. It was raining Anacondas, Dropships, Clippers and Pythons. I am in love with this ship. I miss the Vulture maneuverability but the FDL outclasses it any every other way especially speed and firepower. Time to find an A5 shield generator now.


Not to seem like a needy idiot but do you have any suggestions on where to go? Just find a spot in Empire space with an RES and start working on bounties and/or missions? (In a Vulture with zero cargo space at the moment).

I tried my luck at the Jupiter rings a for a few hours the past 2 days and haven't had any luck with decent spawns (just eagles and cobras). I'm thinking I saw it mentioned that it is just random and to keep resetting it by logging in and out but I didn't know if there were any other factors (solo or online, region that might affect spawns etc) to take into account or if it is just the luck of the draw? I guess I'm getting bummed out trying to bounty hunt reading all the money people are making and then I can't ever get an RES with anything big in it.

I'm thinking you've mentioned a good spot in Empire space before but that it required a permit if my memory is correct so if that is a solution to my struggle then I will have to grind my way up to it.
Where are you at right now? Still Sol? I'm up there now turning in the fed/alliance bounties earned during the community goal if you want to wing up. Hit me up if interested (same name as here)

Apam Napat and Othel are both ridiculously good open space Empire hunting locations if you wanted to try those.
Winging up with Felix in a few at Jupiter though if you wanted to join us.


Where are you at right now? Still Sol? I'm up there now turning in the fed/alliance bounties earned during the community goal if you want to wing up. Hit me up if interested (same name as here)

Apam Napat and Othel are both ridiculously good open space Empire hunting locations if you wanted to try those.
Winging up with Felix in a few at Jupiter though if you wanted to join us.

I'm in Sol currently. Sorry for missing the action but didn't expect that kind of timing and location so I called it a night. I can try to make it to a wing sometime though.

Okay, I'm thinking Apam Napat is the place you'd mentioned before. Maybe I was thinking of another one that was in a permit. I'll stay in Sol for now unless I need to head to a midway point or a meeting place sometime.


There is literally no reason to play all these games to avoid getting scanned. Line yourself up with the slot from about 8km out, and boost your way through the maelstrom.
If you fuck this up at all you could be scrap metal on the side of the station.

Safest way to do it is pop silent running from a few KM out. Unless you were already at 80% heat, you should be fine. You can usually turn it off when you are over the pad and shouldn't get scanned, and complete your landing safely.

Plus your boost method may not work for larger, slower ships.

I still wonder why these stations in the future have just one tiny mail slot entrance.
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