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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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Might as well stay with the A. The difference in price between C and A is negligible at best, at most a 100k+ credits. Having those 25 minutes of O2 I think is important.

I'd rather not have another situation where my cockpit gets breached and I make it to station w/ literally 5 seconds of O2 to spare.

On another note, I'll get to the Fer De Lance!! Eventually!! lol

Nah, there is never a reason for a combat ship to need 25 minutes of O2. That's an explorer thing when you've jumped 20 minutes away from the nearest station and get in trouble somehow. On a combat ship, you're always in or around a system with a port because RES sites and CZs are always in populated systems. Either the 10 minute or 15 minute Life Support system is all you'll ever need, and you save precious power that you can put towards upgrades in other essential areas.

I used to get canopy blowouts all the time (in fact, I was famous for refusing to leave CZs or RES sites until it happened). 10 minutes is plenty assuming you leave right away. 15 minutes if you want to stay to kill the sommbitch who blew out your canopy in the first place.

It's the power draw he's concerned about, not the price.

Edit: Though in this case, it looks like an A wouldn't push it over.

Edit 2: Actually, life support will turn off with deployment.... That doesn't seem like it's intended.

definitely not intended. I'm not in my FdL at the moment to see the exact config, but you get the idea. You'd want to chip away at things you feel comfortable chipping away at until you get under the limit. Candidates:

- Reducing the class of the shield boosters to 3x 0D boosters will get you there http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...70702070700004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==
- Going with 0C boosters with an all fixed loadout http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...60606020600004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==

Difference is minimal, IMO. Not sure if anyone would miss not having that extra 12% of shields, but it's nice to get for free if you know you wanted a fixed loadout in the first place.

And on the topic, you can go up to an A-rated life support on either. There really isn't anything else you can or would want to upgrade if you wanted to go with a multicannon config so you can consider it free. Pretty much spec'd out right here.


Alternately, a Fixed and Gimbaled Pulse laser set up. It's a solid build from my experiences if you prefer lasers as your primary source of damage output (probably recommended if you're focusing on PvE farming where you don't want to have to leave a good spawning RES due to low ammo):

Fixed: http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...a0504020400004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==

Gimbaled: http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...b0504020400004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==

No differences between them in terms of compromises. Going with a Gimbaled cannon will force you to walk one of the shield boosters down from A to B. But yea, a laser config can give you almost +20% shielding...though that's sort of a wash because you have to have 4 pips to weapons for a laser loadout where you can have 2.5-3 or so to shields with a multicannon setup. Blah blah blah. Either works.

I will say that C2 Bursts disappointed the fuck out of me. Completely ignore on this ship and every other ship.


yea I found that out tonight too. I thought maybe the lifesupport resets its timer to max after you cycle hardpoint deployments. nope. so basically, you're limiting yourself to 5-25 minutes of combat before you have to go back to a space station.

absolutely awful. do NOT recommend to anyone. Get a standard C-grade life support. go with something like this:


if you want to run all fixed (only recommended for PvP or "fun").

Alternately, go for the mixed gimbaled + fixed (for general PvE and PvP) setup like one of these:

A) http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...70702070600004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBh1MumuI== (weaker shield boosters but you get to keep the heat sink launcher and everything else.)

B) http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...2706-060700004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBh1MumuI== (if you want to skip the heat sink launcher. slightly better boosters. and both offer sensors that are *not* ass.)

I usually run one of the later 2 depending on how much guaranteed damage I want vs the "fun" of aiming. I tend to get my aiming jollies from my C4 Plasma Accelerator. Every time I get a hit to a subsystem with that thing, I'm like

But yea, the Shifty build (compromised Life Support) is a definite no-go. Either of these 2 above will be much more enjoyable.

You forgot to change the Life Support power priority. These builds won't work when deployed. Not unless you disable a chaff launcher and a SCB/alternate when empty.


You forgot to change the Life Support power priority. These builds won't work when deployed. Not unless you disable a chaff launcher and a SCB/alternate when empty.

Yep, when I was going through them I was like, wow... that's more free power than I was expecting. Then I looked at the bottom and realized the life support was dead on deployment. So much for free power.


Yep, when I was going through them I was like, wow... that's more free power than I was expecting. Then I looked at the bottom and realized the life support was dead on deployment. So much for free power.

Sacrificing the 1 chaff isn't terrible but yeah, not ideal. FDL has some surprising power issues, coming from a Python. Guess I was spoiled.


Sacrificing the 1 chaff isn't terrible but yeah, not ideal. FDL has some surprising power issues, coming from a Python. Guess I was spoiled.

I think the Python and Anaconda are the only ships where power is seemingly never an issue. You have to really try to overload them.


I think the Python and Anaconda are the only ships where power is seemingly never an issue. You have to really try to overload them.

Zalus why can't I just have the hardpoint setup and power/tankiness of a Python, shields of an FDL and the maneuverability of an Imperial Courier? Is it really that much to ask?


Zalus why can't I just have the hardpoint setup and power/tankiness of a Python, shields of an FDL and the maneuverability of an Imperial Courier? Is it really that much to ask?

Throw in the cargo capacity of the 'Conda while you're at it. They should make it! Price it at a few trillion credits. See how long it takes people to obtain one. The rebuy cost alone will make people think twice about using it - even it it would be the ultimate ship.
You forgot to change the Life Support power priority. These builds won't work when deployed. Not unless you disable a chaff launcher and a SCB/alternate when empty.

Yes they do. Or, they work in this tool. I can't get in game to test them at the moment.

edit: hmm. i see it now. it changed when i refreshed. i'll see what i can do here.
okay, should be okay this time

Gimbaled multicannon setups:

a.) 1 less booster, added KW scanner: http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...70n02060700004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==
b.) slightly better booster combo, empty slot (thus, lighter!): http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...27-02060600004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==
c.) same booster setup from A, but with 2x heat sink launchers: http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...70202060700004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==

Fixed multicannon setups:

a.) Slightly weaker boosters, better KW scanner: http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...60m02040700004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==
b.) Good boosters, worst KW scanner: http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...60n02040600004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==
c.) Good boosters, sensors upgraded to B: http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...26-02040600004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==
d.) Good boosters, 2x heat sink launchers: http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...60202060400004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==

You can take off the heat sink launchers and go with 3x 0C boosters, but I wouldn't recommend it. That extra 8% shielding is no where near as valuable as a heat sink launcher if you need/want to go silent running or otherwise break radar and gimbals. But go with what you feel more comfortable with.

Gimbaled/Fixed pulse setups:

a.) 2x A boosters, 2x heat sink launchers, A sensors: http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...b0202040400004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==
b.) 2x A boosters, 1 heatsink launcher, 1 KW scanner: http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...b0l02040400004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==
c.) 3x boosters, 1 heat sink launcher: http://coriolis.io/outfit/fer_de_la...b0206040400004a5e5e2o66.Iw1-gDKQ.EwBhrSuzmI==

Since the power draw for gimbaled and fixed pulse lasers is exactly the same, the builds are exactly the same. I wouldn't recommend other utility configurations, tbh. Adding really low powered boosters are a waste of module space. If missiles and mines ever become relevant, you might want/need to consider a Point Defense or ECM in place of one of the chaffs or heat sink launchers. Until then, these 3 are probably your best bets. Also, for most of these replacing a fixed Cannon with a gimbaled one would require only a class drop in a booster or something. Not a big deal.

Note: Making that class 4 slot into a C3 Beam or Burst introduces a host of compromises in the pulse build, but there are no problems doing so in the multicannon build. Still, you bought an FdL for the badass C4 hardpoint. Use a C4 weapon in the slot.

If there are still errors, charge it to being early in the morning. I'm still tired. Enjoy your paralysis of analysis.

edit: upgraded life support to A since it's still free; moved scoop down to priority 3 and made some slight adjustments from there.

edit: revised again. done with this shit. I'm not getting work done fucking with this. lol
also, before I forget, i still want to say:

1.) A 2A fuel scoop on an FdL is the definition of suffering. FdL has inefficient cooling, so you'll be spending 2-3 minutes circling stars to get a fill up. Think Vulture, for those who own or have owned one. Same awful experience. When at all possible, I recommend dropping a 4A fuel scoop in to get where you're going, then swapping it back to a booster and a 2A scoop.

2.) All of those builds have expensive-ass armor for no reason at all. Until armor gets a buff from FD, it's a waste of money, serving only to increase your buyback cost while also reducing your speed by adding 38 tons of weight. If you're thinking about spending tens or hundreds of millions on armor for PvE...I suggest you just get better at the game. NPCs aren't that big of a threat. Manage those boosters and chaff...take good fights...know when it's time to boost away. Save weight and put that money towards a new ship. Or save that money for the day when armor covers modules.
Sorry if this is an old discussion point, but I've just seen on the Frontier forums that there will probably be a wipe for Xbox One players when the final version releases.

I had no idea this was even a possibility! I kind of get why they may need to, but it has killed my enthusiasm to keep going. I should have looked into what I was buying I suppose.

Anyone know for sure this is happening? I suppose PC players may have already gone through this.


Sorry if this is an old discussion point, but I've just seen on the Frontier forums that there will probably be a wipe for Xbox One players when the final version releases.

I had no idea this was even a possibility! I kind of get why they may need to, but it has killed my enthusiasm to keep going. I should have looked into what I was buying I suppose.

Anyone know for sure this is happening? I suppose PC players may have already gone through this.

The wipe will be so they can integrate with the PC universe, it's a bit shit, but the benefit to the overall universe is a benefit, I've been a couple of hundred lys out from eravate since the first night and I've not seen another soul, the power play is running on AI nominations which are a bit shit so actually getting into a universe where we can collaborate our efforts on either platform is a positive to me

From above link

All Categories » Xbox One - Game Preview Support
Will my Game preview progress carry over to the final release?
At this time we are still looking into the possibility of carrying over some of your characters progress (credits, ranking) from the XBox One game preview to the final release. This is something that our development team are still discussing.

Keep in mind however, that this release is a game preview and similar to a beta, it is not always possible to continue playing on final release without a save game wipe.

All achievements earned and gamerscore added are permanent and will not be removed.

Help Topics: Xbox One Game Preview / Lost Items, Xbox One Game Preview
The wipe will be so they can integrate with the PC universe, it's a bit shit, but the benefit to the overall universe is a benefit, I've been a couple of hundred lys out from eravate since the first night and I've not seen another soul, the power play is running on AI nominations which are a bit shit so actually getting into a universe where we can collaborate our efforts on either platform is a positive to me

From above link

Yeah, I can see the benefits. But... Fuck.

Sorry, on my phone and not sure how to link properly..

Edit Seems to work.

Ah. From a link in that link:

At this time we are still looking into the possibility of carrying over some of your characters progress (credits, ranking) from the XBox One game preview to the final release. This is something that our development team are still discussing.

Keep in mind however, that this release is a game preview and similar to a beta, it is not always possible to continue playing on final release without a save game wipe.

All achievements earned and gamerscore added are permanent and will not be removed.

Help Topics: Xbox One Game Preview / Lost Items, Xbox One Game Preview

Weeeeell, guess I'll just stop playing until we get more details. Way too much up in the air for me to invest much in it right now.


To be fair, credits and rankings are pretty much the only things that matter outside of people into exploration. With enough credits you can be right back to where you were with little effort. At most you'd have to spend some time sourcing components for outfitting, but that's a drop in the bucket compared to the time spent making the money in the first place.
To be fair, credits and rankings are pretty much the only things that matter outside of people into exploration. With enough credits you can be right back to where you were with little effort. At most you'd have to spend some time sourcing components for outfitting, but that's a drop in the bucket compared to the time spent making the money in the first place.

That's true to an extent. I'd be happy if credits do roll over, but that would still make the game unbalanced for new players which I assume is one reason for the wipe in the first place.

A timescale and details would be helpful.


That's true to an extent. I'd be happy if credits do roll over, but that would still make the game unbalanced for new players which I assume is one reason for the wipe in the first place.

A timescale and details would be helpful.

If you start playing the game on PC now, you'll be playing with people that have well over a billion credits. If what players have in their bank can unbalance the game, then the game's balance itself is screwed. In the PC's case, I'd argue that the insurance reductions that alpha/beta players get on their ships is more unbalancing than the bank accounts that long term players have accrued. Xbox players wont have to deal with that.
To be fair, credits and rankings are pretty much the only things that matter outside of people into exploration. With enough credits you can be right back to where you were with little effort. At most you'd have to spend some time sourcing components for outfitting, but that's a drop in the bucket compared to the time spent making the money in the first place.

If they credit your current worth (credits + ship cost/credit), I'd play. Otherwise, I'm in no rush to lose a few million, especially since I play pretty casually on X1.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Too bad ice rings aren't resource-heavy :( Would LOVE to have some battles in those settings.

Yeah, I wish they'd give us some reason, ANY reason, to actually enter ice rings. Currently they are just worthless for anything other than scenery. Some kind of miner exclusive ore found only in ice rings would be sweet honestly.


Switched out the mining part of my python and made it full combat. Undecided whether I prefer it or the FDL. Python certainly cost double, and I didn't even come close to losing shields, but that applies to the FDL too.

Guess I'll fly it off to where my FDL is parked and fly each for an hour or so as I don't see the need to have both. Will sell one of em and start working on outfitting an anaconda I think. Might have to go hit up Founders world now that I have the permit.
Ran into some douchebags that tried to take me out at a res site because they didn't have the damage to kill targets. But ya boy is not so easily killed in his Python despite them attacking me while my back was turned attacking a wanted target. So many flavors and yet they chose to be salty. Fixed my ship up and came right back.

It really is pretty low to just attack a ship not looking to fight you out of jealousy and while their back is turned. But that's what "PvP" is to some pilots. Attack when people aren't looking to fight; run like bitches when they come back at you.

Anyway, now sitting on about $100 mill cash trying to decide what the next move is. Invest in Arissa and farm it all back and then some With the level 5 bounty bonus, then stack chips until the Cutter or Fed gunboat come out? Probably.

Switched out the mining part of my python and made it full combat. Undecided whether I prefer it or the FDL. Python certainly cost double, and I didn't even come close to losing shields, but that applies to the FDL too.

Guess I'll fly it off to where my FDL is parked and fly each for an hour or so as I don't see the need to have both. Will sell one of em and start working on outfitting an anaconda I think. Might have to go hit up Founders world now that I have the permit.
I think the discount in one of the PP faction's space is better than the Founder's World discount. It's like 20% on all ships and modules and you don't have to be in the faction.

As for selling one of them...I think the Python is the obvious choice. The Conda and Python are both multi-role ships. I'm not sure if there is an occasion where you'd want both, but I don't have a Conda. Python is certainly more mobile and can land at Outposts, so maybe selling it now and planning on rebuying it later for trade runs that go through outposts? And for when you want to do some bounty hunting with more mobility than a Conda affords and more tank than an FdL can offer? Idk.

Is a Conda even safe to undock if you haven't put at least $350 mill into it? Or does that not apply to trading builds?


Ran into some douchebags that tried to take me out at a res site because they didn't have the damage to kill targets. But ya boy is not so easily killed in his Python despite them attacking me while my back was turned attacking a wanted target. So many flavors and yet they chose to be salty. Fixed my ship up and came right back.

It really is pretty low to just attack a ship not looking to fight you out of jealousy and while their back is turned. But that's what "PvP" is to some pilots. Attack when people aren't looking to fight; run like bitches when they come back at you.

Anyway, now sitting on about $100 mill cash trying to decide what the next move is. Invest in Arissa and farm it all back and then some With the level 5 bounty bonus, then stack chips until the Cutter or Fed gunboat come out? Probably.

I think the discount in one of the PP faction's space is better than the Founder's World discount. It's like 20% on all ships and modules and you don't have to be in the faction.

As for selling one of them...I think the Python is the obvious choice. The Conda and Python are both multi-role ships. I'm not sure if there is an occasion where you'd want both, but I don't have a Conda. Python is certainly more mobile and can land at Outposts, so maybe selling it now and planning on rebuying it later for trade runs that go through outposts? And for when you want to do some bounty hunting with more mobility than a Conda affords and more tank than an FdL can offer? Idk.

Is a Conda even safe to undock if you haven't put at least $350 mill into it? Or does that not apply to trading builds?

Since you're mad as hell, did you have another delicious sandwich?


Is a Conda even safe to undock if you haven't put at least $350 mill into it? Or does that not apply to trading builds?

Trade builds are far under that. Less than 200 even. This is my build which is kind of a balance between offense, defense, and trade range. It's not going to survive a fight against a well armed player, but that's where you enjoy the fact that you can't be masslocked. For NPCs on the other hand, it's more than enough. Weapon loadouts can be tweaked to user preference, but this is mostly a deploy and let the NPC kill themselves sort of build.
Since you're mad as hell, did you have another delicious sandwich?

lol. only cereal so far today. but it really was a WTF moment. no communication; just shooting in the back.

Trade builds are far under that. Less than 200 even. This is my build which is kind of a balance between offense, defense, and trade range. It's not going to survive a fight against a well armed player, but that's where you enjoy the fact that you can't be masslocked. For NPCs on the other hand, it's more than enough. Weapon loadouts can be tweaked to user preference, but this is mostly a deploy and let the NPC kill themselves sort of build.

word. I can't see the price on that, but it can't be much with all those E class parts. Especially considering you can get a Conda for $117 mill on discounts, I'd guess $150 mill or so will get you trading in comfort. not bad.

edit: on i see the price now. there's a tab for "retrofit costs" and "costs". So yea, $155 mill with discounts.


word. I can't see the price on that, but it can't be much with all those E class parts. Especially considering you can get a Conda for $117 mill on discounts, I'd guess $150 mill or so will get you trading in comfort. not bad.

edit: on i see the price now. there's a tab for "retrofit costs" and "costs". So yea, $155 mill with discounts.

There's no E class on there unless you're talking the cargo racks. =P All internals are D or A. E is cheap, but way too heavy.


Trade builds are far under that. Less than 200 even. This is my build which is kind of a balance between offense, defense, and trade range. It's not going to survive a fight against a well armed player, but that's where you enjoy the fact that you can't be masslocked. For NPCs on the other hand, it's more than enough. Weapon loadouts can be tweaked to user preference, but this is mostly a deploy and let the NPC kill themselves sort of build.

Yeah, if I sell the python I'll have ~300m which I figure is plenty for a tradeconda.

Li Yong Rui's systems (15% disc on ships/parts) don't have them though.

Where is that 20% discount at? Founders is only 10% IIRC.


Welp, at this price I couldn't resist it. Binet Port in LTT 15449 if anyone is interested.
Don't seem to have discounts on parts though, so I'll just buy a big FSD then head back to Goldstein Port to outfit it.

Yeah, if I sell the python I'll have ~300m which I figure is plenty for a tradeconda.

Li Yong Rui's systems (15% disc on ships/parts) don't have them though.

Where is that 20% discount at? Founders is only 10% IIRC.


Welp, at this price I couldn't resist it. Binet Port in LTT 15449 if anyone is interested.
Don't seem to have discounts on parts though, so I'll just buy a big FSD then head back to Goldstein Port to outfit it.

LHS 3447, Dalton Gateway - 20% ship discount and parts
Bhritzameno, Feynman Terminal - 20% ship discount and parts

Hudson's control systems all seem to have 20% discounts on outfitting and looks like 20% or slightly more off ships? Conda is only 117 mill there. Example: LTT 15449, Binet Port.

edit: okay you're already in there. cool.

Go to systems controlled by Li Young-Rui to get good discounts on parts/ships as well.


Pfft, discounts. Real men throw money away on full priced versions. (Was too lazy to search out the discount systems when buying the 'Conda. Not that it matters in the end as a few tens of millions is a rounding error in the grand scheme of a billion credits.)


Now that i have begun to break in my newly minted Asp, i think it will take long long time for me to outfit it...and money as well....50 mil? Natural my next point of progression will be Fer-de-Lance, as it falls with in my preference of ship performance (mid range) and it most likely be my final ship from current roster.

This brings up a question. What is the content roadmap for this game? Has its been hinted on to when planet landing will come in effect and when more ships are due to come in to effect?

I play games for two purposes...social and progression objectives. Sadly ED does have minimal social interaction outside of being PK'd or asking when dock will become free because some CMDR Smuggler is afraid to get busted, and FDL would be final stop once its upgraded.
This brings up a question. What is the content roadmap for this game? Has its been hinted on to when planet landing will come in effect and when more ships are due to come in to effect?

They recently stated they have no plans to publish a roadmap (publicly) :-|


They recently stated they have no plans to publish a roadmap (publicly) :-|

Well lets hope that this wont turn in to quick cash grab by these guys by being first to market before main competition arrives. ED is a very good game with amazing foundation but lacks in content...while i understand that this game is made for people to make their own story...it be nice for it to offer much more then it does now.

To be frank, my peers and many outlets already criticize the game as is, if they don't do much from this point on it will get worse when SC/NML duo arrives next year. There will always be niche market for it, even it they stop right now right here, but that's not how you build a market share with the brand...especially at helm of space sim renaissance.

PS: Just so we clear, i like this game a lot and only criticism is provided from constructive point of view, so don't jump on me for it.


PS: Just so we clear, i like this game a lot and only criticism is provided from constructive point of view, so don't jump on me for it.

Nobody is going to jump on you for it. Pretty much everybody here acknowledges that the game has shortcomings. At this point we're just hoping for the game's potential to be realized before it becomes too late. If properly handled, the game can stand on its own and coexist with SC. If they flub, then either SC will cannibalize it, or FD will run out of money.

While I'm far more invested in SC, I want ED to succeed. Here's to hoping.
Pfft, discounts. Real men throw money away on full priced versions. (Was too lazy to search out the discount systems when buying the 'Conda. Not that it matters in the end as a few tens of millions is a rounding error in the grand scheme of a billion credits.)

i suppose so, but starting with an extra $40 million can certainly accelerate your growth curve.


i suppose so, but starting with an extra $40 million can certainly accelerate your growth curve.
It doesn't really change growth at all though.

If you can afford to cram your cargo hold full of imperial slaves (along with insurance and enough to cover another cargo load on top of that), you're going to see the same profit per hour as you would with hundreds of millions in the bank. All that extra money can't really be reinvested like it could in the real world. So really, the extra $40 million just sits there either as a safety net or as funds to spend on other things. It'll never actually make you money.

Don't get me wrong, saving money is saving money. It's not a bad thing (unlike the initial sarcasm in my other post suggested). Just in the grand scheme of things it's not that big of a deal. If you're targeting Elite for trading, you're going to have over a billion credits and not much in options to really spend it all on. You'll end up wasting more than 40 million on other things you don't need just because you have nothing better to do with it all.

Uff duh

Is there any known fix for the stutter when approaching planets and space stations? Just got the game a few weeks ago and this is driving me crazy. I have turned the settings down and it still happens so I don't think its my pc. For reference I have a FX-8320 @4.4 and a GTX 780ti with win 8.1 and 16 gigs of ddr3. any incite into this would be very helpful.
It doesn't really change growth at all though.

If you can afford to cram your cargo hold full of imperial slaves (along with insurance and enough to cover another cargo load on top of that), you're going to see the same profit per hour as you would with hundreds of millions in the bank. All that extra money can't really be reinvested like it could in the real world. So really, the extra $40 million just sits there either as a safety net or as funds to spend on other things. It'll never actually make you money.

Don't get me wrong, saving money is saving money. It's not a bad thing (unlike the initial sarcasm in my other post suggested). Just in the grand scheme of things it's not that big of a deal. If you're targeting Elite for trading, you're going to have over a billion credits and not much in options to really spend it all on. You'll end up wasting more than 40 million on other things you don't need just because you have nothing better to do with it all.



Here's all you chaps talking about having a spare 40 million around and I'm just happy I broke my first 4! One day, that Vulture will be mine!


Here's all you chaps talking about having a spare 40 million around and I'm just happy I broke my first 4! One day, that Vulture will be mine!
In the beginning, extra money allows for extra profit. More money equals better ships equals more profit per hour. 4 million at the beginning of the game is an achievement. That same 4 million at the end of the game is less than an hour's worth of effort.

40 million, however, is never going to be a quick haul. The only reason it ends up being spare is because you'll eventually run out of things to spend money on. In the case of trading, it's exacerbated by the fact that getting Elite ranking requires having made over a billion.

This doesn't solve the expensive penalty on death for PVP though. You're still talking potentially losing your ship in 5 minutes where it'll take 5 hours to earn back the buy back cost. So even people that have a lot in the bank aren't going to be super willing to fight to the death. Can get yourself in a hole rather quickly.
Here's all you chaps talking about having a spare 40 million around and I'm just happy I broke my first 4! One day, that Vulture will be mine!

Soon, my friend. Soon.

The universe shall be yours one day my son, but for now... get your ass back in that Hauler.

In the beginning, extra money allows for extra profit. More money equals better ships equals more profit per hour. 4 million at the beginning of the game is an achievement. That same 4 million at the end of the game is less than an hour's worth of effort.

40 million, however, is never going to be a quick haul. The only reason it ends up being spare is because you'll eventually run out of things to spend money on. In the case of trading, it's exacerbated by the fact that getting Elite ranking requires having made over a billion.

This doesn't solve the expensive penalty on death for PVP though. You're still talking potentially losing your ship in 5 minutes where it'll take 5 hours to earn back the buy back cost. So even people that have a lot in the bank aren't going to be super willing to fight to the death. Can get yourself in a hole rather quickly.
I imagine that once I have too much money to reasonably spend on anything, I'll be doing endless PvP in small ships like the Courier, where losing one will feel bad, but won't make me feel like shit.


Yeah, looks like it's back to the grind of trading for me. I didn't mind it when I started so I doubt I'll mind it now, although I am loving the shooty-shooty bounty hunting. It's a shame it doesn't pay me as much as I wanted it to (although I did manage 500k in about 45 minutes the other day. Must have been dumb luck).


When I said profit, I meant it in a generic sense and not just in reference to trading. Better ships allow faster, more efficient bounty hunting which will bring in more per hour. Of course trading will bring in more on average, but it's also less exciting.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Is there any known fix for the stutter when approaching planets and space stations? Just got the game a few weeks ago and this is driving me crazy. I have turned the settings down and it still happens so I don't think its my pc. For reference I have a FX-8320 @4.4 and a GTX 780ti with win 8.1 and 16 gigs of ddr3. any incite into this would be very helpful.

Nope, no known fix. It's worse for some people than others, but it happens to everyone. It is much better than it used to be as several patches have improved it, but it's a long term bug that FDev has not been able to eradicate yet. To me it seems like it isn't consistent either, some days it doesn't seem to bad but other days it's very bad.
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