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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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No, submitted to the interdiction. Hull repair is expensive enough on those things.

I was popping chaff like a mad man :)

Only running A4 shields as it's a trading build. That's plenty for npcs but vs 4 combat fitted human controlled ships they went poof before I could even reach for the scb.

Oh, system was 34 pegasi, just in case any of you are in the area - be warned.
Thought I'd give open play a whirl again last night.

Trade anaconda only armed enough to deal with npcs.

Got interdicted by a player clipper in a wing with 2 vultures and a fdl. No comms or anything, they just opened fire.

Managed to jump out (thank goodness the anaconda is mostly mass lock proof) with 30% hull remaining.

I'm all for legit pvp piracy, and would have been happy to drop cargo for them had they asked, but random attacks like that remind me why I stick to mobius private group.

Indiscriminate killing is neither realistic nor enjoyable. same shit happened to me when I was RES farming the other day. Apparently tired of their inability to kill any NPCs with my high damage output, they decided to attack me while I was attacking other NPCs. True cowardice. No discussion, no interaction. If that's what Open play is becoming, you guys can keep it.

Indiscriminate killing is neither realistic nor enjoyable. same shit happened to me when I was RES farming the other day. Apparently tired of their inability to kill any NPCs with my high damage output, they decided to attack me while I was attacking other NPCs. True cowardice. No discussion, no interaction. If that's what Open play is becoming, you guys can keep it.

Some players ain't men. Or they forgot how to be. Now they're just nothing. They got out to the edge of the galaxy, to that place of nothing, and that's what they became.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Got interdicted by a player clipper in a wing with 2 vultures and a fdl. No comms or anything, they just opened fire.

Managed to jump out (thank goodness the anaconda is mostly mass lock proof) with 30% hull remaining.

I'm all for legit pvp piracy, and would have been happy to drop cargo for them had they asked, but random attacks like that remind me why I stick to mobius private group.

It was a clipper with a pair of vultures that destroyed me a few weeks ago while returning from exploring. They never said anything in coms, just interdicted me and started blasting. I wasn't wanted nor pledged to a power, they just attacked. Actually the clipper kept me masslocked while the vultures tore my unarmed Asp to shreds.

Then a few days later I witnessed a hacker who was so invincible even the station couldn't destroy him.

I joined the Mobius group the next day, lol!
So you get a bounty now when a security ship crashes into you and explodes and it last 7 days? Well fuck, I guess I'm done with the Bounty Hunting CG.
yea basically. just find a new res site. they're a dime a dozen.

The problem is that it was a community goal system so I can no longer contribute to that. I reached 15% but by the time it is over I'm sure I'll be at the bottom. I'm sure in the end I'm better off because it was a bounty hunting CG without a RES. I was bounty hunting at the nav point which earns you far far less.


Dev Update July 9th

I'm not sure if I should be encouraged or discouraged by this part:

We have been looking into the cause(s) of the reported occasional stuttering when approaching planets that some people have reported, particularly on specific very high-end machine configurations, which is understandably frustrating for players experiencing it and is proving equally frustrating for us investigating it. We are continuing to dig into the issue and will update when we find a solution.

On one hand, I'm glad they aren't ignoring it and are talking about it. On the other hand, it's an issue that has been around for many months, I'm surprised it's so difficult to identify the cause of such an easily reproducible performance issue.
The problem is that it was a community goal system so I can no longer contribute to that. I reached 15% but by the time it is over I'm sure I'll be at the bottom. I'm sure in the end I'm better off because it was a bounty hunting CG without a RES. I was bounty hunting at the nav point which earns you far far less.

oh that's fucked up. sorry man :(




RIP, Arissa. A tale of greed and over-expansion leading to collapse. The age of Aisling is nearly upon us.
Holy crap, what happened with Arissa??

Fake edit, thanks reddit

ALD dropped nine places because she kept expanding despite dire warnings that she was unable to maintain the size of her empire.

This increased her overheads (they increase non-linearly) from 4,096 CC/week to 5,425 CC/week (32% increase). Since she couldn't manage to pay 4,096 CC/week she clearly couldn't manage to pay 5,425 CC/week, and somehow people are surprised that this leads to even more turmoil?

The bigger your "empire" the bigger your overheads.

This in turn leads to a snowball effect. The most distant systems go into turmoil first (they have the highest upkeep). In this case ALD has 56 out of 57 control systems in turmoil, because her overheads eats every single CC of income and then some. And to add insult to injury - systems in turmoil produce no CC for the power either, which means that this week ALD only has the CC income from her headquarters to cover her expenses.

As for her dropping from number 1 to number 10 - that makes perfect sense. She is completely unable to project any power into other systems, because all of her systems are in turmoil. She has no preparations, because she's in turmoil. She has no expansion targets, because she had no preparation targets last cycle. All of her power has to be spent trying to right a sinking ship.
And in terms of the game mechanics, this is what the [powerplay manual] has to say:
The following elements are used to determine galactic standing:

Number of controlled and exploited systems (more is better)
Number of successful preparations and expansions (more is better)
Number of systems in turmoil (fewer is better)
Number of systems revolted (fewer is better)

She has a large number of controlled and exploited systems. She had 0 successful preparations and 4 expansions. She has 56 systems in turmoil and 2 systems revolted. That puts her at number 10 in preparations, number 10 in turmoil, number 10 in revolted and a shared 4th place with 3 other powers in expanded systems. And depending on how you count controlled and exploited systems, she's either at number 1 (with 57 control systems and 739 exploited systems) or at number 10 (with 1 control system and a dozen or so exploited systems, because the rest are in turmoil).

Interesting. It's kinda awesome that this stuff can dynamically happen, but as people in that thread have stated, what's there to stop it from happening to any/every faction? Like, how do you tell ALL members of a power "hey, stop expanding! we're going to collapse" when the only way to communicate, on a wide scale, is via the forums/reddit/etc?


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Interesting. It's kinda awesome that this stuff can dynamically happen, but as people in that thread have stated, what's there to stop it from happening to any/every faction? Like, how do you tell ALL members of a power "hey, stop expanding! we're going to collapse" when the only way to communicate, on a wide scale, is via the forums/reddit/etc?

You can't, not in game anyway. And that's the crux of the problem with Elite Dangerous right now: it's trying to be a massively multiplayer game without the default tools to do so, namely guilds, chat channels, etc.

Eventually we will end up with all of civilized space in rebellion and turmoil, which might be fun anyway, lol.
Holy crap, what happened with Arissa??

Fake edit, thanks reddit

Interesting. It's kinda awesome that this stuff can dynamically happen, but as people in that thread have stated, what's there to stop it from happening to any/every faction? Like, how do you tell ALL members of a power "hey, stop expanding! we're going to collapse" when the only way to communicate, on a wide scale, is via the forums/reddit/etc?
game needs...I don't know.

while freedom to do what thou wilt is a design goal, the overarching problem is that freedom without some measure of focus is just chaos, and PP can be fairly described as "chaos" right now. there's no real command structure; just players doing whatever...and most players in PP are motivated by grinding merits to get cash bonuses rather than choosing the correct places to expand and fortifying where needed. This may be a consequence of how rewards are being determined; making it a grind-fest where grinding can be done independently of any real value to the power has resulted predictably in people doing exactly that. Forcing expansions into space that has no value for our power (or even worse, a big negative income value) and shit like that. I like that the opportunity to do that (in essence being able to betray a power) is fantastic...but I get the distinct impression that many don't realize they're doing so.

...then again, maybe those players do know and simply don't give a shit. In which case, all is well in the game. If people want to fuck over their own power in mass, let it so be. But if that was not their intention (and it's hard for me to imagine it was with a 50% bounty bonus to enjoy...best perk in the game?), perhaps FD should look into improving communication and/or direction a bit. Or remodeling the grind elements to be less destructive and more helpful. At the moment, the most effective PP grinds (undermining) feels pretty detached after a short while. I don't know how to make it better myself, but I can certainly see where there are some gaps.

Anyway, have grinded roughly $125 mill since Sunday doing a little trading every day. My goal is another $100 million by...maybe this time next week doing zombie trading. I need to look at the new PP map to see if my trade routes have been torpedoed by expansions. Having to find a new route is tedious as putting together the route I had took more than a couple of hours of trial and error.

Hahaha, it would be pretty amusing if FD didn't step in and just let chaos happen in an "emergent" fashion.

if they don't implement some sort of meaningful way to organize in the game, it's not a matter of if, but when.


Even with guilds etc I don't see the base issue being fixed. You have a bunch of independent people more or less exploiting an NPC that has no power to control their own fate. If it were a player in power, they could theoretically cast out people that undermined their cause. "Stop expanding or I'll boot you from my faction." Expecting people to be unified without a higher force directing and keeping them in line is... a pipe dream that would require a virtual utopia. Given we haven't achieved that in the real world yet, I don't see that happening in game.
Even with guilds etc I don't see the base issue being fixed. You have a bunch of independent people more or less exploiting an NPC that has no power to control their own fate. If it were a player in power, they could theoretically cast out people that undermined their cause. "Stop expanding or I'll boot you from my faction." Expecting people to be unified without a higher force directing and keeping them in line is... a pipe dream that would require a virtual utopia. Given we haven't achieved that in the real world yet, I don't see that happening in game.

Change the bolded core mechanic, then.

Perhaps move the "merits" over to the missions bulletin board. Make a special "Power Play" section of the bulletin board separate from the regular rank/influence progression board that is strictly for those who want to impact Power Play.

Perhaps in this scenario, powers automatically expand based on player contribution? No that probably won't work because the power with the most players autowins. Or maybe a hybrid where you do PP missions in the systems you want to control and the undermining system can remain but at a lower merit value...or maybe...idunno. The start of an idea.

There has to be a way to keep the grind of doing things, but without the mindless monotony and abject aimlessness of it all as it stands. Or maybe it keeps the monotony but gains some aim that discourages afk merit farmers from farming away at bad locations. Maybe those negative value locations provide less total merits per shipment or action? That would stop people from merit farming at shit locations real quick, no?
Okay more fleshed out ideas:

  • Decrease the value of merit points given from places that would provide a negative income for the power. This would create a strong disincentive for people trying to grind a given rank and provide a subtle nudge towards better focus and being more helpful overall. Would you grind merits at a given location if it was going to give you 50% less merit points (at a negative income location) or 20% less merit points (at a mediocre merit location)? I would think not. So for example: a preparation site less than say...50CC income for the power would provide less merit points than a place above 50CC...and a negative CC income location would provide less still. It would also incentivize using the map to search for the best possible locations to expand, as it is now in your best interests to spend your time preparing a location that is good for your power (because it's now better for you than a random shithole).
  • Make a new tab on bulletin boards for PowerPlay missions to provide a good merit income option to afk undermining or afk paper shoveling while keeping you close to home if you want to make a good merit income and help fortify/expand and don't want to be bored to fucking tears by the waiting around in supercruise for defenseless NPCs to spawn or being a glorified UPS (wo)man.

Both of these can be implemented without the need to add more communication tools to the game directly, while using features already in the game (in theory requiring minimal development work compared to other ideas).

edit: hotfix coming to un-fuck ADL's situation: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=165048


Change the bolded core mechanic, then.

Perhaps move the "merits" over to the missions bulletin board. Make a special "Power Play" section of the bulletin board separate from the regular rank/influence progression board that is strictly for those who want to impact Power Play.

Perhaps in this scenario, powers automatically expand based on player contribution? No that probably won't work because the power with the most players autowins. Or maybe a hybrid where you do PP missions in the systems you want to control and the undermining system can remain but at a lower merit value...or maybe...idunno. The start of an idea.

There has to be a way to keep the grind of doing things, but without the mindless monotony and abject aimlessness of it all as it stands. Or maybe it keeps the monotony but gains some aim that discourages afk merit farmers from farming away at bad locations. Maybe those negative value locations provide less total merits per shipment or action? That would stop people from merit farming at shit locations real quick, no?

Actually, heading back to the guilds idea, if guilds were implemented I suppose it would be possible to change the system from the current "everybody has a say" mentality (complete democracy) to one where the most influential guilds of a given faction have more control over the decision making processes. Create a system where a guild's contribution to a faction is weighted, and that weight is then applied to their "votes" on what to do. Random faction members would also be able to vote, but they'd be counted for significantly less. Give some bonus to the top contributing guilds (ideally something superficial) that gives them an objective reason to be in the top. Then the players would more or less self regulate.


I must admit that I've not followed Powerplay and all the involved systems at all. Didn't see much incentive while I'm casually hunting some bounties in my Viper, pretty much as a starting player.

Still, the impression I'm getting is that Frontier is desperately trying to avoid giving the economy into player hands. No player controlled stations, no crafting, no trade between players. Dropping cargo canisters doesn't count and without crafting there is no incentive for player to player trade in the first place. The reason I suspect, is that they're clinging to the notion that the game should be just like 1984's Elite with added multiplayer. No players should own control and block a certain part of space. At least that seems to be the big fear of people opposed to the notion of Elite becoming like Eve and maybe of those clamoring for an offline mode.

Yet, that seems to be at odds with the desire to have a really emergent in-universe story. Power Play seems to be an attempt to introduce a CPU controlled way for players to group together, identify themselves with some group and to give their actions a tactical direction. From my outsider's perspective though, it seems like a convuluted addition to existing game mechanics that mostly just succeeds at letting players search ways to exploit the system to generate more personal profit with the way they already play the game. I have a very hard time imagining identifying and even less coordinating with a group that offers no internal in-game communication or human interaction, but lets me only inderectly influence its strategy through regular grindy actions.

As such, I consider powerplay a failed attempt to add a layer of depth, long term motivation for very active players and opportunities tfor emergent content to the game.

I believe reconsidering their stance about player control is a much more promising way to add all this to the game. Due to the instanced nature of ED it's possible to add player control without giving players the opportunity to block chunks of the game for "single-players".

E.g. introduce guilds as subfactions to major powers, give them "control" over stations, if they fulfill certain conditions vs. other guilds or game powers. E.g. introduce instanced guild battle missions whose outcome decides over the control. But still, let jurisdiction be server controlled! No single-player should be hindered to land on a guild controlled station and do trade there. Give the guild a fixed percentage of profit generated by the stations, by all trades, ship sales etc. in solo and open. Display their guild symbol, make it clear they're controlling the station, offer them trade bonuses there and ship discounts. But have their members attacked by security and denied landing like every other player, if they've become wanted. Give the guild's leaders power to influence the legal goods in the station systems etc., in return for services they've done to their major faction, like bounty hunting. Link the kind of ships that the stations shipyards can produce to the supply of resources and how well the guild supplies the station with such ressources.


Well, at least in my head that sound so incredibly much more motivating than the current state of power play. But I'm not a game designer, so what do I know.... :p
that is a fair characterization, Burny.

There are lots of ideas floating around that I think look good on paper. Which if any FD goes with remains to be seen. There are still things they can do to "herd" people in a positive direction without spending big to improve in-game communication tools. But yes, ultimately communication options must improve, instancing must improve, and missions must improve. Among many other things.

This isn't to say I'm not having a good time, but I think a better time can be had. A more clear purpose is at the center of that hope, but clarity is probably FD's weakest link. Everything about the game is opaque, from the first first time you load up in your Sidewinder for the first time. Directions and instructions are sparse and the manual/tutorials only prepare you for maybe 20% of the game and its mechanics. Module options and explanations are often left to trial and error or becoming dependent on forums like this to help you make purchase decisions because there is no helpful information provided in the item descriptions to aid you in making an informed decision. The game is littered with examples like this where clarity is obstructed for no apparent reason.


I'm honestly not sure whether they're in a schizophrenic state where they simultaneously want to give players influence and yet restrict their ability to control things, or whether the lack of players being able to have real control is a side effect of where their nearly non-existent social tools in game is preventing them from implementing the features in the first place.
Yeah, their "no, that isn't what Elite is about--this is what Elite is about" excuse feels thinner and thinner with the addition of Powerplay and CQC.

I hope they reconcile their weird design philosophy contradictions and soon.

Welp, all I know is I'm ~$100 million away from finishing the builds for all of my ships (armor notwithstanding. $20 million a day of trading should do the trick. After that, any other income will be obtained by bounty hunting...which is what I bought the game to do in the first place.


I haven't played Elite since before the Wings update. Is there a summary/manual somewhere on the mechanics introduced in all those recent patches?


So this is somewhat related to Elite, but I'm wondering if anyone has ever experienced this before. I have a Saitek X-52, and my new desk has built-in USB ports, so now I can leave my X-52 plugged in all the time because there is room on my desk now. However I noticed sometimes randomly my mouse cursor jittered up and down. At first I thought it was my mouse freaking out on me, and rebooting my computer seemed to fix it for a matter of hours.

Then it happened again today and I tried unplugging my mouse briefly. Watched the cursor, still doing it. I was glad I eliminated the mouse from the problem, but then I had to figure out what was causing it. I thought about it and realized it: It was the mouse stick on my X-52 causing it somehow, but why only sometimes? I hadn't touched it, unless my cat did while I wasn't looking. Anyway, I went ahead and uninstalled all other mice from the Device Manager except my real mouse, so now it doesn't do it anymore, however the little mouse stick doesn't function on my X-52 anymore. Obviously it's pretty easy to make it function again, but I'm curious if anyone has ever ran into an issue like this and found a way to make it not jitter like that.
sounds like a USB power issue, which Saitek sticks are known to have. might not be able to use the desktop ports. may not be delivering enough power for the sticks to properly function.


The more I think about it, the more I believe that not allowing players to form groups (guilds) and having some direct responsibilities over stations (upkeep and development, NOT allowing or denying others to dock and trade!) is hurting the game's world.

While I'm enjoying myself, Elite Dangerous' world's doctrine is one of "Look - don't touch!" The world is never going to feel alive, unless players or player groups are given direct responsibility and control over stations. Automated systems won't make the world feel alive.

As a result, the game world is giving me the feeling of a static artificial backdrop, when I take it as a whole. Yet, approaching that topic in the Frontier Forums results in a lot of angst towards Elite becoming like Eve or evolving into something more dynamic than 1984's Elite with added multiplayer. >.<
Angst towards Elite becoming like Eve? How odd, because sometimes playing Elite makes me want to play Eve instead.

Honestly: Mixing the flight model and universe of Elite with Eve's player agency? Yeah that sounds pretty great.


Angst towards Elite becoming like Eve? How odd, because sometimes playing Elite makes me want to play Eve instead.

Honestly: Mixing the flight model and universe of Elite with Eve's player agency? Yeah that sounds pretty great.

Yeah, pretty much. The reluctance to go that route is super frustrating. FD's NPC backdrop of a universe is very underwhelming so far and limiting player control is just going to make it more dull.


The more I think about it, the more I believe that not allowing players to form groups (guilds) and having some direct responsibilities over stations (upkeep and development, NOT allowing or denying others to dock and trade!) is hurting the game's world.

While I'm enjoying myself, Elite Dangerous' world's doctrine is one of "Look - don't touch!" The world is never going to feel alive, unless players or player groups are given direct responsibility and control over stations. Automated systems won't make the world feel alive.

As a result, the game world is giving me the feeling of a static artificial backdrop, when I take it as a whole. Yet, approaching that topic in the Frontier Forums results in a lot of angst towards Elite becoming like Eve or evolving into something more dynamic than 1984's Elite with added multiplayer. >.<

They do have to expand player agency more. The Elite of 1984 w/ multiplayer isn't enough in this day and age.

The game should be evolving from that. I love that idea of having upkeep of stations and such.

PP seems to be them trying to give the player more ability to affect the world, but it's not enough. In the end, all you're seeing are prices fluctuating and blobs in a map changing. There has to be something more tangible in the universe that players can have an effect on.


No idea how everyone is able to get money so fast. Trying to get back into the game and I can't complete the easiest of missions.

Last one I tried involved going to a system to kill pirates, but had no idea where in the system to go.


No idea how everyone is able to get money so fast. Trying to get back into the game and I can't complete the easiest of missions.

Last one I tried involved going to a system to kill pirates, but had no idea where in the system to go.

You should find the pirates at USS markers, nav beacons, and supposedly even in SC now. As for the money, you can always go trade if combat is too hard.
No idea how everyone is able to get money so fast. Trying to get back into the game and I can't complete the easiest of missions.

Last one I tried involved going to a system to kill pirates, but had no idea where in the system to go.

What are you flying and what equipment do you have on it?

As for killing pirates, you can go to unidentified signal sources or RES sites. Anyone that scans as wanted is a pirate. You could also check Strong Signal Sources but those tend to be a fair bit tougher.
What are you flying and what equipment do you have on it?

As for killing pirates, you can go to unidentified signal sources or RES sites. Anyone that scans as wanted is a pirate. You could also check Strong Signal Sources but those tend to be a fair bit tougher.

I tried a strong signal the other night. Two Anacondas and a FDL. Nope, jumped as fast as I could. My Cobra isn't up for that.
I tried a strong signal the other night. Two Anacondas and a FDL. Nope, jumped as fast as I could. My Cobra isn't up for that.


yea...SSS can be...quite the load. Ass-clenching is quite common in those. Even decent end-game setups don't want a piece of dual condas and an FdL if there is no support.



yea...SSS can be...quite the load. Ass-clenching is quite common in those. Even decent end-game setups don't want a piece of dual condas and an FdL if there is no support.

One of my SSS visits when looking for pirates in a naval ascension quest had 3 condas. Pretty sure there was more than that too, but I can't remember the exact details. I couldn't "nope" out of there fast enough.


Honestly: Mixing the flight model and universe of Elite with Eve's player agency? Yeah that sounds pretty great.

It doesn't imo. Players controlling access to parts of the game world? Nope, I can do without that.

But players being allowed to take responsibility for stations, their maintenance costs and in return receiving parts of the stations profits and ship discounts? Sure, sounds great to me. That would also finally give a meaning to supplies like "food". >.<


It doesn't imo. Players controlling access to parts of the game world? Nope, I can do without that.

But players being allowed to take responsibility for stations, their maintenance costs and in return receiving parts of the stations profits and ship discounts? Sure, sounds great to me. That would also finally give a meaning to supplies like "food". >.<

I can see that working even w/ a reputation system for things like if a station refuses to receive slaves. That would be awesome.
It doesn't imo. Players controlling access to parts of the game world? Nope, I can do without that.

But players being allowed to take responsibility for stations, their maintenance costs and in return receiving parts of the stations profits and ship discounts? Sure, sounds great to me. That would also finally give a meaning to supplies like "food". >.<

There are 400 billion stars. If someone claims an area you can go somewhere else.

I can see that working even w/ a reputation system for things like if a station refuses to receive slaves. That would be awesome.

I'm gonna start a group with confederate flag decals and blow up any station that prohibits slave trading.


There are 400 billion stars. If someone claims an area you can go somewhere else.

I'm gonna start a group with confederate flag decals and blow up any station that prohibits slave trading.

The union will form once again, and the Abraham Lincoln will be our headquarters... lol

Only problem I see with this is that the Federations supports the slave trade. lol


There are 400 billion stars. If someone claims an area you can go somewhere else.

Well that attitude is exactly what causes the antagonization of guilds in Elite. Luckily the game is instanced and has a solo mode, so everybody goes where they want to unharrassed by players if they feel like it.

And yet, there is still a lot of room for guild features.
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