How is this for a Trade/Bounty Hunting Python?,5...,2-9Y9Y7_6uB6A08I,0AA0AA7UI08c08c4_w7fE05U9qI
L: 3E/G Pulse Laser
L: 3E/G Pulse Laser
L: 3C/F Beam Laser
M: 2B/F Rail Gun
M: 2B/F Rail Gun
U: 0A Shield Booster
U: 0I Chaff Launcher
U: 0I Chaff Launcher
U: 0D Kill Warrant Scanner
BH: 1I Lightweight Alloy
RB: 6A Power Plant
TM: 6A Thrusters
FH: 5A Frame Shift Drive
EC: 4D Life Support
PC: 7A Power Distributor
SS: 6D Sensors
FS: 5C Fuel Tank (Capacity: 32)
6: 6E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 64)
6: 6E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 64)
6: 6A Shield Generator
5: 5E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 32)
5: 5E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 32)
4: 4A Fuel Scoop
3: 3A Shield Cell Bank
3: 3E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 8)
2: 2A Frame Shift Drive Interdictor
Shield: 484.18 MJ
Power : 18.99 MW retracted (75%)
26.29 MW deployed (104%)
25.20 MW available
Cargo : 200 T
Fuel : 32 T
Mass : 616.9 T empty
848.9 T full
Range : 18.98 LY unladen
14.51 LY laden
Price : 128,218,642 CR
Re-Buy: 6,410,932 CR @ 95% insurance
After spending ages in my Python, I'd recommend on the hardpoints:
Setup 1
2x Large PA's
3x gimbaled Pulses
PA's to knock down shields and do damage when chaff is dropped; pulses multis do snipe PPs.
Setup 2
2x L fixed Beams
3x gimbaled pulses or 3x gimbaled multicannons
Beams to knock down shields fast; pulses cannon for sniping pp
Setup 3
2x L gimbaled Beams
3x fixed (or gimbaled) multicannons or pulses
Same as setup 2
Setup 4
2x L cannons (fixed or gimbaled)
1x L gimbaled Beam, 2x M gimbaled pulses
lasers to drop shields, cannons to murder hull
Now. You can mix in bursts if you like on the large hard points, but after extensive play I did not find them as effective as the above builds.
- Do not mix cannons of different class sizes; they have different warhead travel speeds.
- make the 2 Large hard points on top of the ship count. they are the best placed hard points on the ship.
- I personally like a combination of reliable gimbal damage and unreliable fixed damage. Makes the combat less boring for me. But you can roll all gimbaled if you prefer. That is as efficient as you image in would be and I do that a lot.
- IMPORTANT. PvE builds differ drastically from PvP builds. None of the above are recommended for PvP except maybe Setups 1 and 2. PvP is usually about fixed Beams, PA's and rail guns. You may want 3 rail guns on the mediums and L under the nose. idk. These builds are all great for PvE. I recommend you keep at least a pair of decent gimbaled lasers so that you don't have to leave a good RES site because you're out of ammo.
Lastly, have 4 sets of shield cell banks inside. A pair of 6A's and a pair of 5A's. run one of each at the same time and turn off the other 2. so at any given time you'll have a 6A + 5A on. Once the first pair is out of banks, turn them off and turn the other 2 off. Because the Python is slow, it's going to get hit a lot. Banks are a *must* if you're going to do extensive bounty hunting.
Sorry for being verbose; I think that's just a weakness of mine.