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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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HOTAS player here. It's extremely rare for me to lose an Interdiction battle in any of my ships including the Conda. Maybe there's a calibration issue goin on?

You don't get the issue where you're pointed at it and then it's 90 degrees away from you in an instant? Like literally the next frame has it completely on your side.


One question on the Rhino: is there any way to set it to that the vertical/"neutral" position for the Throttle is at the center of the ROM, and not at the back/bottom?

With my Thrustmaster, the middle of the throttle was "zero". So I just pulled back to reverse, and pushed forward to accelerate.

The Rhino instead has a "reverse" toggle button.

Is there a way to change this? The Rhino throttle already has a ton of drag compared to the Thrustmaster, I don't really need that entire ROM, and I feel like pulling back to reverse is more intuitive.

You can change this in-game. I forgot the exact name but it's the throttle range option under the throttle heading, you want to set it to "full range".


Tonight's the night. I've managed to smuggle, bounty hunt and assassinate my way to enough cash to afford a Vulture, some kit and insurance. Been looking forward to this for a little while. The only downside is that I'm stuck at work for another hour and a half so I'll be passing the time by researching setups!


Tonight's the night. I've managed to smuggle, bounty hunt and assassinate my way to enough cash to afford a Vulture, some kit and insurance. Been looking forward to this for a little while. The only downside is that I'm stuck at work for another hour and a half so I'll be passing the time by researching setups!
What's your budget?


Vulture looks amazing in tactical white.

Was on my lunch, but here's the recorded CQC stream.




EDIT: Some notes stolen from reddit:

Notes from the Twitch stream: (will edit and add more info as it's presented; just keep refreshing)
  • Condor looks quite maneuverable; like a smaller version of the Vulture in terms of lateral thrust.
  • Sidewinder again emphasized to be a tank in CQC. Has the same flight characteristics as in the main game.
  • Really cool audio profile for flying through tunnels; sound reverberations with ship engines, weapons firing, and explosions. It sounds really cool!
  • Tunnels seem to be significant strategic points to hold, especially in capture-the-flag-type game modes.
  • Loadouts screen to pick different ship configurations. Not shown yet.
  • Speed of Condor is around 300 m/s.
  • CQC is all about mobility. Not so much about camping. Need speed to turn and keep track of fast-moving targets.
  • CQC is meant to be very fast-paced.
  • Power-up gates require skill to fly through without ramming into the ring.
  • One power-up is a weapons damage boost.
  • Asteroid field is considered a "particularly small map" compared to others.
  • Asteroids are very much a part of the map, meant to feel integrated into the environment, providing cover and tactical advantages.
  • Key CQC feature: visual obstructions. Need to have visual contact to lock on to targets. Can lose a pursuer by dodging out of sight.
  • Destructible environment confirmed.
  • The dude appears to have just blown a hole in one of the station walls...?? (Need confirmation on that.)
  • CQC maps seem to have a boundary of some sort. Not sure how it's enforced yet.
  • Particle effects when flying through holograms. Updated rendering/shader effect as ship "disrupts" hologram projection.
  • Stream confirmed to be from Xbox One; mentioned at beginning of the stream.
  • Eagle appears the be the same as from the main game.
  • New map, possibly seen before in screenshots; station environment located above the dark side of a populated planet.
  • Asteroids present in this map as well, but not all maps feature asteroids.
  • Map features a retired "planetary outpost" (in orbit.)
  • Not showing any AI competition yet. Just PvP.
  • Blasting through obstacles to make it through tunnels.
  • Stealth power-up based on silent running but without heat build-up. Allows you to slip away from targets easier. Ship still visible, but heat signature is flattened to avoid detection.
  • Shield power-up gives "overcharged shields," makes shield rings appear gold.
  • Eagle appears to be using "OC BEAM" weapons.
  • Speed Surge power-up obviously gives increase in max speed.
  • OC BEAM = overcharged beam lasers. They put out a lot of damage but also a lot of heat. Heat damage is obtained from using them too much. Cockpit is on fire.
  • Capture the Flag and Team Deathmatch has 15 minute timer (Capture the flag might've had 10 minute timer) (thanks /u/SpyTec13!) Edit: Actually could be 15 minutes for all game modes.
  • Spectator mode not confirmed yet. No direct answer yet. A "desirable function."
  • Doors inside stations can be opened by shooting them.
  • Sound design is excellent. Stations sound like they're creaking and groaning as you fly by their structures.
  • Flight-Assist-Off confirmed for CQC.
  • Space elevator confirmed. Has "SP-ELV" decal on the side.
  • Event announcements such as countdown timer have HUD notifications as well as auditory announcements heard in the arena environment.
  • Fixed and pseudo-fixed (partial gimbal?) weapons only, as far as we can tell. (thanks /u/clarkster and /u/SpyTec13!)
I'm really happy that CQC is all about small maneuverable fighters and power ups and not so much about survivable builds, straight line speed and burst damage like it is in current PvP.


Hmm...I'd probably go for something like this then: http://coriolis.io/outfit/vulture/0...e6e--.Iw18AykA.EwBhrEEYsyKA?bn=budget vulture

If you're confident with using fixed weapons you could save some power there.
SCB off until you need it to save power.

A grade pp and shields would be your #1 priority upgrade.

Thank you so much for this, Shifty. Turns out I wasn't as flush as I thought, but I chose the priority upgrades and took it to the nearby Nav Beacon to start getting my cash back up so I can afford the rest of the stuff on here.

The Vulture's a beast!!
Finally got some time to get back into this properly. Last thing I did was a long exploration trip. I'm itching to take my clipper out for some trading.
However, can someone explain to me what the rage is about with Imperial slaves? Is it a temporary hike in profit, or were they always so profitable? Is it consequence of PP? And where do they usually crop up? Poor imperial worlds?
I heard tales of near 2k profit per ton, and honestly, that's almost ludicrous. Can anybody expand on this whole thing?


Finally got some time to get back into this properly. Last thing I did was a long exploration trip. I'm itching to take my clipper out for some trading.
However, can someone explain to me what the rage is about with Imperial slaves? Is it a temporary hike in profit, or were they always so profitable? Is it consequence of PP? And where do they usually crop up? Poor imperial worlds?
I heard tales of near 2k profit per ton, and honestly, that's almost ludicrous. Can anybody expand on this whole thing?
One of the Empire powers (Torval maybe?) sells them at a 20% discount.

Alternately, selling them in Archon Delaine space where they are illegal gives extra black market profit.

Either way you can make easy profit.


If only I had enough money for a clipper... Shit...

Well, guess I'll be buying the Courier then.

Edit: Holy shit, the Courier cockpit is amazing inside the Rift. The nose of the ship just extends so far front as well as the rest of the cockpit itself. Best sense of "3D" so far out of any of the ships cockpit wise. The inside looks smooth as hell too. Might sell my current parts investments in my Cobra and outfit the Courier. Just the cockpit and the sound of the ship is making me fall in love with it.

I saw screenshots of the inside of the ship, but damn screenshots do not do justice to just how amazing the cockpit really is inside the Rift.
Current Anaconda setup:


I had been running a similar setup with all turret beams in all 3 large points but decided to switch it up to see if I like this more since gimbaled beams do so much more damage. If I don't like those gimbaled beams in this setup, I'm going straight back to the beam turrets. beam turrets in the front position are just so fuckin cool to watch operate, it's hard to let them go...

...also, why the fuck is it so hard to find C3 gimbaled beams sometimes? I searched every major high-tech system in Hudson and Rui space and nothing. I ended up having to take them off of my Python after an hour of searching. Like, what the fuck? Why is this a necessary game mechanic for an item to simply become *impossible* to find or purchase?

..and why the fuck does an Anaconda have 2 small hardpoints? they're like the arms on a T-Rex. What are they for other than taking up energy you could be putting towards something else? I'm threatening to remove those multicannons entirely. They're all but useless and would give me 1.5% or so back to improve some other actually useful part.

Oh and FYI: that online config tool has been updated with the new faction modules if you want to test builds with those.


..and why the fuck does an Anaconda have 2 small hardpoints?
Missiles and railguns are the only small weapons that pack any punch. With the railguns you're stuck with fixed. With missiles you need the opponent without shields and point defense.

I guess you could use them for mining lances as well. Permanent mining capability with a side of damage.
I still admire the Warthog HOTAS on the Amazon store page from time to time. I'd own one by now if it had a twist rudder. I really like twist rudder and I do not want pedals at all.


I still admire the Warthog HOTAS on the Amazon store page from time to time. I'd own one by now if it had a twist rudder. I really like twist rudder and I do not want pedals at all.
Bleh, I hate twist sticks. The action of simultaneously twisting the stick while moving it around is so unnatural feeling. That and with twist sticks, the movement itself can impart slight twisting. There's a reason they're not used in any real life craft. Pedals don't have the linked movement issue and also provide more fine grained control. Then there's the brakes on the pedals which are rather critical for real flight sims.

This is how Elite will look when computers will be able to run 8k/16k textures...


That's high resolution, but the textures aren't anything special.


Bleh, I hate twist sticks. The action of simultaneously twisting the stick while moving it around is so unnatural feeling. That and with twist sticks, the movement itself can impart slight twisting. There's a reason they're not used in any real life craft. Pedals don't have the linked movement issue and also provide more fine grained control. Then there's the brakes on the pedals which are rather critical for real flight sims.

That's high resolution, but the textures aren't anything special.

I think it's more of a preference than him saying that twist sticks are better. I've seen the flights pedals and those are big and unwieldy and not all people have room for them.
Yeah, I know there are a lot of people who do not like it but it works very well for me and the reason I don't want pedals isn't because of functionality. It's because I don't want anymore hardware to deal with at my desk.
Missiles and railguns are the only small weapons that pack any punch. With the railguns you're stuck with fixed. With missiles you need the opponent without shields and point defense.

I guess you could use them for mining lances as well. Permanent mining capability with a side of damage.
I was thinking about missile racks just last night. I'd have to drop the rating of a couple of boosters, but it's totally doable. And I don't think many human players equip point defense at the moment. But I assume these missiles don't do much of any damage to shields, so their usefulness would be greatly limited. Then again, I'm talking about not putting anything in those slots at all, so perhaps a real utility purchase like missile racks make sense here.

As for rail guns, I know they have no damage penalty, but would a pair of class 1's really be useful on that ship? And they require a helluva lot of power. Much more than the missile racks/torpedoes require. Idk.


I think it's more of a preference than him saying that twist sticks are better. I've seen the flights pedals and those are big and unwieldy and not all people have room for them.

Yeah, I know there are a lot of people who do not like it but it works very well for me and the reason I don't want pedals isn't because of functionality. It's because I don't want anymore hardware to deal with at my desk.
They certainly take up room. HOTAS setups in general require a lot of room. They're only surpassed only by wheel setups. As far as preferences go, sure, everything is subject to personal preferences. I'd suggest anybody that has the room and means to procure pedals to give them a shot though. It's one of those things that you can't really judge until you've actually used them.

I was thinking about missile racks just last night. I'd have to drop the rating of a couple of boosters, but it's totally doable. And I don't think many human players equip point defense at the moment. But I assume these missiles don't do much of any damage to shields, so their usefulness would be greatly limited. Then again, I'm talking about not putting anything in those slots at all, so perhaps a real utility purchase like missile racks make sense here.

As for rail guns, I know they have no damage penalty, but would a pair of class 1's really be useful on that ship? And they require a helluva lot of power. Much more than the missile racks/torpedoes require. Idk.
Between the power draw and fixed nature on a not-so-nimble ship, no I don't think that the rail guns would be great for anything aside from extra damage against other large lumbering ships. They're just one of the few S1 options that makes any sense.

Missiles don't do any damage worth mentioning against shields. However, they're quite powerful against the hull. Firing a pair after shields go down will do a lot of damage for a S1. They'll also compliment the gimbal setup since you'll already be pointed in the hostile ship's direction and thus likely have lock. For smaller craft with no PD, it'll pretty much be game over and you can switch targets while the missiles chase down and destroy them.


Sorry if this has been covered before but how well does Nvidia 3D vision work with this game? Been thinking about picking up a kit for a while now, but from what I gather it is/was compatibility mode only.

Would I be better off digging out some old anaglyphic 3D specs?
On mobile but dev update is out. They say the timetable for getting CQC to all platforms should now be weeks, not months, after the X1 release.

The Imperial Eagle is more of an interceptor than the maneuverable current Eagle. Faster in a straight line plus has 1 med hardpoint in addition to 2 small.

They are working overtime/weekends to have their Gamescom announcement ready. Sounds BIG...but then again, so did Powerplay.


Sorry if this has been covered before but how well does Nvidia 3D vision work with this game? Been thinking about picking up a kit for a while now, but from what I gather it is/was compatibility mode only.

Would I be better off digging out some old anaglyphic 3D specs?
Sorry, can't help you there. I must say though, with all the VR focus of recent years, I forgot 3D gaming was even a thing.


On mobile but dev update is out. They say the timetable for getting CQC to all platforms should now be weeks, not months, after the X1 release.

The Imperial Eagle is more of an interceptor than the maneuverable current Eagle. Faster in a straight line plus has 1 med hardpoint in addition to 2 small.

They are working overtime/weekends to have their Gamescom announcement ready. Sounds BIG...but then again, so did Powerplay.

Link to the article is below, sounds awesome.



So, I'm gonna be using the Courier as a bounty ship. What are good hardpoints and I guess build for it? As much as possible I wanna stay away from multicannons.
Link to the article is below, sounds awesome.


Thanks for the link. Forgot about this stuff:

As with all of our major updates there is more than just the headline feature. There will be new ships, one of which we announced at Lavecon – the Imperial Eagle. This new ship is more of an interceptor than the original Eagle with better straight line speed and less manoeuvrability. It also sports a medium hardpoint as well as two small ones, giving it a bit more of a punch than its counterpart.

Something else that came up in conversation with fans is how vulnerable the Anaconda is to having its powerplant shot out. We’re going to change how taking out the powerplant works in the CQC update. There will still be a very small chance of powerplant destruction blowing up the ship, but it will also suffer module malfunctions like the other modules. Specifically it will lose power and will need to be rebooted. For the Anaconda we’re also making it a bit harder to hit the powerplant.

Player groups was something that came up quite a bit in conversation at Lavecon and in relation to powerplay as well. During the run up to Powerplay’s release we talked about how a player sponsored minor faction can rise to become a power. We’ve been working on the process for this and will be talking about it in more detail next week. For players already supporting a minor faction in game they will be eligible.


Says the next big update (CQC) will have new ships, plural. I don't know if the Condor is considered a part of that. Will we finally get the Corvette??

Powerplant will be harder to hit in the Anaconda and destroying it has a small chance of causing ship destruction; more likely that it will cause module malfunction and needs a reboot.

They're working on a way to make player-supported minor factions turn into Powers, as well.


Nice that they're making armor actually worth something by removing the powerplant HP = ship HP formula that exists now. I still think that armor should at least offer some protection to internal modules, but it's a step in the right direction.


Nice that they're making armor actually worth something by removing the powerplant HP = ship HP formula that exists now. I still think that armor should at least offer some protection to internal modules, but it's a step in the right direction.

Think this is both a blessing and a curse. For those that fly a Conda or Python (assuming they'll apply similar changes based on ship class) it's a more logical choice to make them feel durable but on the other side of that coin... It'll be a massive undertaking to kill these ships now, especially with the absurd battle of SCB depletion against players.
Missiles don't do any damage worth mentioning against shields. However, they're quite powerful against the hull. Firing a pair after shields go down will do a lot of damage for a S1. They'll also compliment the gimbal setup since you'll already be pointed in the hostile ship's direction and thus likely have lock. For smaller craft with no PD, it'll pretty much be game over and you can switch targets while the missiles chase down and destroy them.

sounds great. ty. I'll go with a pair of them. I'm not sure if the best approach is to power and fire one at a time or if launching a pair is better. I guess we'll find out!
Link to the article is below, sounds awesome.


The buff that the Anaconda (and every ship) desperately needed. They really do listen to the community, as the suggestion that power plant damage cause system malfunctions and require a reboot with a small change of blowing up the ship has been suggested for the last several weeks on the official forums and Reddit.

I think the only real need left from a defensive point of view is addressing armor upgrades being worthless. One could argue that with PP's being a less desirable target (especially on an Anaconda who's PP is now harder to hit to boot), this is a very real buff to armor. But I'd still like to see armor making the modules they cover at least marginally tougher. Maybe 10% up to 50% resistance for modules, depending on the armor type say something like:

( thermal / kinetic)
  • Light armor (0% / 0%) - functions as we know it now.
  • Reinforced alloy (+15% / +15%)
  • Military Grade Composite (+25% / +25%)
  • Mirrored Surface Composite (+45% / -15%) - Big resistance against lasers, increased damage from kinetic weapons, just as we have now.
  • Reactive Surface Composite (-15% / +45%) - Big resistance against kinetic weapons, increased damage from laser weapons, just as we have now.

Something like that. That would be a big win for Armor, no? It would make smaller ships significantly more durable after their shields inevitably go down, and finally give people a reason to save up for armor upgrades on ships of all sizes. Maybe people would be less likely to high wake immediately upon realization that their shields are going to go down.

Think this is both a blessing and a curse. For those that fly a Conda or Python (assuming they'll apply similar changes based on ship class) it's a more logical choice to make them feel durable but on the other side of that coin... It'll be a massive undertaking to kill these ships now, especially with the absurd battle of SCB depletion against players.

I don't disagree with that. But the thing about the Conda and Python is that...once you knock down their shields, they're really down. That is to say, they won't be coming back up again for several minutes. In the case of the both the Anaconda and Python, you should just change your module target to the engines. A Conda or Python with dead engines is a dead ship.


I don't disagree with that. But the thing about the Conda and Python is that...once you knock down their shields, they're really down. That is to say, they won't be coming back up again for several minutes. In the case of the both the Anaconda and Python, you should just change your module target to the engines. A Conda or Python with dead engines is a dead ship.
Yeah that's true but getting to that point where you have the luxury of taking out the drives, on an anaconda especially is a bit of an undertaking. Not to mention the player would have jumped or logged long before this. Oh well. One step at a time I guess...just wish the steps weren't snail paced. Gamescom really needs to deliver, big time.


Think this is both a blessing and a curse. For those that fly a Conda or Python (assuming they'll apply similar changes based on ship class) it's a more logical choice to make them feel durable but on the other side of that coin... It'll be a massive undertaking to kill these ships now, especially with the absurd battle of SCB depletion against players.

They can revisit SCBs and tweak their functionality after the change. Right now SCBs have to be stupidly powerful because once shields are down, you're as good as dead. Armor is useless. With armor meaning something, SCBs won't need to be quite as strong.

Outside of that, a durable ship like the Python/'Conda should take time to kill and should have a reward in line with the effort it takes. They shouldn't just pop like pinatas like they currently do once the shields are down.


Can't wait to see what they bring to Gamescom.

I haven't been playing nearly as much, just because PowerPlay seems kind of overwhelming me plus it didn't really add any new goals.

I'm expecting it to be getting out of the ship...
They can revisit SCBs and tweak their functionality after the change. Right now SCBs have to be stupidly powerful because once shields are down, you're as good as dead. Armor is useless. With armor meaning something, SCBs won't need to be quite as strong.

Outside of that, a durable ship like the Python/'Conda should take time to kill and should have a reward in line with the effort it takes. They shouldn't just pop like pinatas like they currently do once the shields are down.
Agree on all counts. Though I'm okay with SCBs as they are, though they could stand to generate more heat. I think SCBs would feel more optional if there were more internal components that could be relevant. At the moment, if you're a combat pilot the only optional internal components that matter are SCBs and Interdictors. That's really it. If the ability to use a compartment to carry more ammo for torpedoes/missiles/cannons/railguns/pa's was an option...I could see players facing really tough choices. But right now there is no competition for the slots in a combat loadout.

But yea, nerfing SCBs without compensating for the damage that can be done to an unshielded target simply breaks the PvP game.

Yeah that's true but getting to that point where you have the luxury of taking out the drives, on an anaconda especially is a bit of an undertaking. Not to mention the player would have jumped or logged long before this. Oh well. One step at a time I guess...just wish the steps weren't snail paced. Gamescom really needs to deliver, big time.

Yea I agree with all of that. I think addressing of these issues is slow because of the XOne version. And while the XOne version and Mac version are helping them stomp some bugs out that they may have not seen otherwise, it's also obviously slowing their ability to look at and address long-standing balance issues in the game.

Ultimately, I don't know if there *is* a solution for logging, and High Waking is essentially the exact same thing just given an official seal of approval. And yea, if you're going to spend $150,000,000 on armor for an Anaconda, you should be paying for the ability to high wake out without having to worry too much. And if you're spending $10 million for mirrored composite on a Courier, you should be able to tank some beams until your shields pop back up. The premise of the investment should be exactly that. Otherwise, I don't know what the purpose of armor serves at all. Unless the hope is that people stick around and fight to the death in ships that would cost them $5 million - $25 mill rebuys on. I think the P2P design of the game makes that mostly impossible.

I think they only way the get people to NOT want to high wake or combat log on instinct/reaction is if they increase the value/bounty of killing another human pilot such that the very real risk is worth that potential reward. Would you instantly high wake in your Courier (with the $500k rebuy) if you knew the enemy ship's shields were also down and came with a $800k-$1.2 million bounty and +5% to your Combat Rank? I bet I'd stick around.

They need to come up with a way to incentivize fighting until the finish. Otherwise, high waking/logging/waiting 15 seconds will continue to be popular.

That said, check out this fight. FdL vs a Conda popping SCBs like skittles. To me it's a reminder that skill trumps SCBs...we've just gotta spend some time learning how to play the matchups.


Honestly, it may have been the single greatest display of combat pilot decision-making and play I've seen. For the uninitiated:

1.) kinetic weapons have a longer range than lasers. If you can maintain your distance, you can put damage on a target for free.

2.) Fixed weapons have a longer range than gimbaled/turreted weapons, giving you a further advantage if you can kite.

3.) Heat sinks are more valuable than shield cell boosters on most medum and small ships because they make you impossible to see on radar. They may be able to eyeball you, but it's hard as hell to do if you're in a small/medium ship at a good distance, let alone actually hitting you in a ship with no fixed weapons. Small and medium ships are already really hard to hit. Try doing it with gimbaled weapons that you've had to de-lock the target on because they can't target them anymore.

Again, it's about understanding the enemy loadout and matchups rather than just sort of stupidly engaging every foe the same way.

Because of this single video, I don't leave the port on any of my small ships without a heat sink launcher and a pair of chaff. They're better than Sheild boosters on those ships by a country mile. Save your boosters for larger ships.
Newsletter is out! Shots of blue team Condor.

They also note they updated Pluto based on New Horizons photos.

EDIT: Actually, they specifically say they haven't updated Pluto, but that they're pleased with how their simulation mapped the look of Pluto (for the year 3301, of course). They specifically say they didn't just "repaint" Pluto because the background planetary simulation system is complex and designed to accommodate planetary landings...


EDIT: Actually, they specifically say they haven't updated Pluto, but that they're pleased with how their simulation mapped the look of Pluto (for the year 3301, of course).
Given 1300 years is a veritable eye blink in planetary terms, I'm pretty sure there isn't going to be any drastic change in that time frame.


With the Emperor waking up and Michael talking about how they've been building up to the major Gamescom reveal, there's only one outcome for me: Thargoids.

Think only when CQC and Thargoids are done will they work on EVA and landings. Team has been too small to accomplish it until now.


I haven't played Elite for a while. Currently I am sitting in a Type-6 with about 4 million in the bank. But honestly, I am not really a passionate trader. I started before the bounties were raised because I wanted the money to outfit an Asp for exploration. Can I buy and outfit a combat ship (which nets comparable income to the Type-6) with my current money? Any suggestions?
I haven't played Elite for a while. Currently I am sitting in a Type-6 with about 4 million in the bank. But honestly, I am not really a passionate trader. I started before the bounties were raised because I wanted the money to outfit an Asp for exploration. Can I buy and outfit a combat ship (which nets comparable income to the Type-6) with my current money? Any suggestions?

It sounds like trading is still the most profitable venture, so "comparable income" probably isn't realistic when it comes to combat.

However, with a little bit more money, you can get yourself a Vulture, which is probably the best dedicated combat ship in the game. You'd probably want a few million more to properly outfit it, though.

The Imperial Courier is 2mil but I don't know much about it, as a combat ship.
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