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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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(sorry Burny!!!).
Haha, don't be. ;) Contacted the seller and will send the throttle back. They were very quick to send the stuff the first time, so I have hopes that they might not be too slow with a replacement either. Meanwihle (and for the next 1,5-2 months) I'll be salviating at the thought of the Crosswind rudder pedals. :D

So, looks like the current consensus is the below.

Name of group: Neo Galactic Adventure Force
Name of minor faction: Neo Galactic Adventure Force
Type: (e.g Democracy, Criminal etc) Democracy (we didn't really talk too much about this)
Location:Apam Napat

Anyone want to write up a witty description? Is everyone ok with the rest of the stuff?

I feel like burny is right and if we don't submit in the near future all the good systems might be taken.
I'm ok with all of that. As said, I'll try having a look at the system, but couldn't suggest an alternative either.

As for the description...

I was thinking that we might go for something that reflects the player group and the forums in Elite's universe. For one, we're not many players. With the likes of myself, at least on of them pretty casual even. I don't think we're aiming to overthrow the Federation - or any other factions for that matter.

I'd like to picture the in universe NeoG.A.F. as a formal association of pilots offering each other support, bound on experiencing all kinds of adventures that the galaxy has to offer. The "all" is important, because we're bound to be heterogeneous in terms of interests. Being just a bunch of forum people irl, so preference for PvP, PvE, exploration, trade, even political affiliation can vary. A group requiring members to originate from a certain home system (forums :p) that offers new pilots help during their first steps and where the more advanced pilots can find support for their ventures. The in universe group might decide to form an expedition which goes hunting for artifacts, to form a CQC team or overthrow a tyrannically lead faction.

Why the same name for faction? Maybe change Force to Federation for faction name.
The group name will be "hidden". The faction is what'll show up in the game, if I understood them correctly. As I already said, we're not a federation (how many are we again? ;) ), so I'd like to avaid that term. That is, until we earn it, e.g. by consuming a number of other player groups. Which I doubt will ever happen, but you never know.

Edit: General question to the people who want to participate in the player group: Do you know what NeoGAF stands for? Have you been in these forums from the start or did you join at some later point? I'm asking, because I didn't know until I did some light research. That would be something however, which could feed into the faction description.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Edit: General question to the people who want to participate in the player group: Do you know what NeoGAF stands for? Have you been in these forums from the start or did you join at some later point? I'm asking, because I didn't know until I did some light research. That would be something however, which could feed into the faction description.

Yeah, I've been a NeoGAF member since before it was NeoGAF. I'm not sure exactly when I joined but it was back before the Dreamcast PSO days, because we used to all play PSO together online, so I'm guessing I joined in the late 90's? probably something like '98 or so. It was just called GAF back then, which stands for Gaming Age Forums, because the forums was just a community place attached to the Gaming Age website, a video game news page that still exists today even though most forum members never look at it or even know about it, LOL. Evilore eventually changed the forums name to NeoGAF to give them their own identity separate from the GA webpage, not sure of the exact date that happened.


Don't you have to restart a group for a name change? Just curious.

Currently its setup as just 'NeoGAF', worst case scenario we leave it as that (don't think it will be an issue changing the group name tho). The faction names haven't been submitted yet.

Edit: I've been lurking NeoGAF since about 2006, always the best source for mature discussion and quick news on the industry. Just recently decided to sign up.
That whole prestige thing sounds pretty kool as well, I wonder how much of a difference is going to make it in the main game.

I love that it offers a viable alternate way to play and progress in the game, as well as a nice distraction from the "main" game. It's exactly what the game needs right now.


I love that it offers a viable alternate way to play and progress in the game, as well as a nice distraction from the "main" game. It's exactly what the game needs right now.

Get tired of trading, jump into CQC for an hour. You don't have to travel anywhere to change ships or anything.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Get tired of trading, jump into CQC for an hour. You don't have to travel anywhere to change ships or anything.

On one hand I hate how you don't have to travel to a starbase in order to compete in CQC, that just breaks the "sim" immersion for me.

On the other hand I kind of like it, because even from WAY out in deep space exploring the vast reaches of the galaxy, I can just jump into CQC for some quick dogfight action.

I think this is one of those things where I won't be able to make a true opinion until I get to play it myself.


On one hand I hate how you don't have to travel to a starbase in order to compete in CQC, that just breaks the "sim" immersion for me.

There are so many potentially immersion breaking things in Elite - especially where the sim aspect is concerned - that "beaming" yourself to a chamionship, which might be a simulation in the first place, is really not that bad. Elite is really not a true sim imo, starting with hull status being mesaured in some kind of health points. :p


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
There are so many potentially immersion breaking things in Elite - especially where the sim aspect is concerned - that "beaming" yourself to a chamionship, which might be a simulation in the first place, is really not that bad. Elite is really not a true sim imo, starting with hull status being mesaured in some kind of health points. :p

I guess, from a "living galaxy" simulation viewpoint, you could simply rationalize it out as the CQC stuff is all virtual and you are just "telnetting" into it from wherever you are.

Bah it's just a game, lol.

It's only a game.......
Welp, today's the day.

After resisting switching PP teams for literally months, it's time for me to make that sweet Bounty Hunting bonus money. Farewell, Princess. I may return once I'm rich beyond all reason.


Welp, today's the day.

After resisting switching PP teams for literally months, it's time for me to make that sweet Bounty Hunting bonus money. Farewell, Princess. I may return once I'm reach beyond all reason.

I was thinking of switching as well, that bonus is just a bit too good to pass up.
I was thinking of switching as well, that bonus is just a bit too good to pass up.

Yep. People making $10 mill/hour bounty hunting. TBH, BH and CZs are all I enjoy doing. So why would I not go ahead and align with the power that can give me $$$ for what I enjoy doing the most? Ez decision. I think I've been putting it off because I don't want to have to taxi 6 ships to a new home base.


Well then, I might just buy my first Elite paint job. I'm tired of looking at my old normal Asp, she could use some variety now and then.....

We should submit the orange neogaf logo burny made to the paint job competition. That would look really good on an ASP cause its kind of round looking.


We should submit the orange neogaf logo burny made to the paint job competition. That would look really good on an ASP cause its kind of round looking.

It's not finished! But I've thought about a GAF ship skin before. Just projecting that dark grey/orange combination on ships wouldn't look half bad. Assuming such an entry would even get through the competition, anybody could use it though. As it's very specific to Neogaf, chances of it getting through the competition might be rather slim in the first place.

It would be cool if player factions could have their own set of ship paints though.
These skin sales always make me sad. Not because they're on sale but because there isn't anything available for the ships I fly worth talking about.

Look at all those cool-as-shit skins for the Viper and Cobra. Hell, even the Sidewinder (the ship that people get out of after the first 2 hours in the game) has good looking skins. But:

- Imperial Courier
- Fer de Lance
- Python
- Diamondback
- Anaconda

Those are my ships. And I think there are maybe 2 skin packs available between all of them. Two! And all for the Python. And even the Pyton has nothing but basic colors and a Pirate skin. It's a bad feeling when you WANT to spend money in support of a product and can't. Where are my flag versions of the above ships? Onion head? Polar? It just feels like such a missed income opportunity I sort of get disgusted every time I think about it. They should have a dedicated team strictly tasked to create and implement new skins. And the newest ships should have skins available on day 1 because those will be the hot.
Oh boo hoo hoo, you own all these awesome expensive high end ships and have nothing to paint them with.


It's not finished! But I've thought about a GAF ship skin before. Just projecting that dark grey/orange combination on ships wouldn't look half bad. Assuming such an entry would even get through the competion, anybody could use it though. As it's very specific to Neogaf, chamces of it getting through the competition might be rather slim in the first place.

It would be cool if player factions could have their own set of ship paints though.

Alright, fuck it. I'm gonna try my hand at some GAF paint jobs over the next few days.

Any good inspirations for actual designs that y'all like? Post em.

Well then, I might just buy my first Elite paint job. I'm tired of looking at my old normal Asp, she could use some variety now and then.....

White Asps are sexy beasts. DO IT.


Spent yesterday evening reworking the logo. Didn't get to finish before the day ran out.

Now the half finished file is sitting there on the harddrive, mocking me all day long. :(


These skin sales always make me sad. Not because they're on sale but because there isn't anything available for the ships I fly worth talking about.

Look at all those cool-as-shit skins for the Viper and Cobra. Hell, even the Sidewinder (the ship that people get out of after the first 2 hours in the game) has good looking skins. But:

- Imperial Courier
- Fer de Lance
- Python
- Diamondback
- Anaconda

Those are my ships. And I think there are maybe 2 skin packs available between all of them. Two! And all for the Python. And even the Pyton has nothing but basic colors and a Pirate skin. It's a bad feeling when you WANT to spend money in support of a product and can't. Where are my flag versions of the above ships? Onion head? Polar? It just feels like such a missed income opportunity I sort of get disgusted every time I think about it. They should have a dedicated team strictly tasked to create and implement new skins. And the newest ships should have skins available on day 1 because those will be the hot.
Honestly I'm shocked the Anaconda doesn't have skins, that ship is iconic of Elite and I'm pretty sure it was always the "end game" ship on the older games.

Also you got an Anaconda?! That was fast! I need to get to it and play for longer stretches so I can get the FDL.


This is a really dumb question, but is using post process injectors like SweetFX and the like bannable in Elite? I'm trying to find a way to get better AA into the game since AMD are useless and don't have a Crossfire profile for the game so I can't supersample with just one active card.
It's official. Moved my ships to the new home out of Cubeo and left my power. Will re-enlist tomorrow for Arissa or Hudson. Time to make that real BH paper.

This is a really dumb question, but is using post process injectors like SweetFX and the like bannable in Elite? I'm trying to find a way to get better AA into the game since AMD are useless and don't have a Crossfire profile for the game so I can't supersample with just one active card.
Not bannable, no.


This is a really dumb question, but is using post process injectors like SweetFX and the like bannable in Elite? I'm trying to find a way to get better AA into the game since AMD are useless and don't have a Crossfire profile for the game so I can't supersample with just one active card.

SweetFX is fine with them, search the official FD forums if you want confirmation.

They won't help you if you have bugs though...


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So holy shit, I finally managed to tear myself away from Flight Simulator last night and tested my new CH setup in Elite Dangerous. So I'm sitting there in my Asp in a hangar in Goldstein Port, Lembava, I had just rebinded the basics of flight control all over again from scratch in the menu and I was about to click the undock button when a thought occured to me: "the insurance on my Asp is 2 million, maybe this isn't the best ship to go flight testing controls?". So I promptly went to the shipyard and bought myself a stock Sidewinder to go flight testing in. Opened the hangar doors, undocked, and proceeded to spin out of control all over the interior of Goldstein Port, crashing into any and everything, my gf watching and laughing uncontrollably the entire time. It was quite the spectacle, and yeah it resulted in one exploded Sidewinder!!!

Went back into the menus, fixed a few mistakes I'd made, inverted a few axes, undocked again and things went much smoother. I managed to get myself out of the letterbox and into open space where I had the freedom to fly around and test everything without grinding hull away. After an hour of rebindng controls and figuring things out, I have to admit that this CH full setup is incredible to fly in Elite with. I barely have to touch the keyboard for anything, and if I tried hard enough I probably wouldn't need to. And the pedals for yaw are AWESOME. What a difference. My God was that X45 holding me back and ruining things for me. It's a whole new game now. I can easily evade interdictions now where before I always just submitted because it was just easier. Flying with flight assist off is actually viable now, like full time, it's actually quite fun! And I don't think I'll need gimballed weapons anymore on my Vulture, with the CH stick I can now place the fixed weapons accurately enough to kill things.

Man, I am so happy with my purchase here. Money so well spent.


I'm thinking about picking this up on Xbox one since I don't have a PC. I'm probably more of a exploration guy and I know it a simulation of our Galaxy. But can I really check out planets in our solar system or the new exoplanet that's the closest to an Earth that we have found?


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Glad you're happy with the setup. :)

Did it occur to you at any point though, that the bio waste container training mission might have been a more convenient place for control experiments? ;)

Um.....no, actually, LOL. That's honestly would have been a good idea!
Newsletter is out! Peak of the week: in-game screen from a planet's surface!


EDIT: Brightened a bit:


Not much to see but nice to see something in-game, at least.
It's going to be in first person so I don't think the control problems with the Mako will show up here. Also the terrain of in Mass Effect uncharted planets was usually ridiculously vertical, which exacerbated the issue.


Updated the logo a bit:

Might try to simplify the somewhat unnecessarily complex shape of the "N", when I can spare the time.

Edit: It's already visible in the original image, but the brightening pronounces it to really grating levels: color banding. Is this caused by the jpeg compression or does this come from the game? o_O

EDIT: Brightened a bit:


Not much to see but nice to see something in-game, at least.


Updated the logo a bit:

Might try to simplify the somewhat unnecessarily complex shape of the "N", when I can spare the time.

Edit: It's already visible in the original image, but the brightening pronounces it to really grating levels: color banding. Is this caused by the jpeg compression or does this come from the game? o_O

See that didn't jump out as much to me, NY eyes were drawn to the bump mapping on the moon.
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