Is my nav computer drunk?
The Cobra Mk 3. I've got my eye on one too. I normally go Sidewinder -> Hauler -> Cobra when I was starting fresh in the Beta.
My god.
It's full of stars.
So far, this is wonderful. I have no idea what I'm doing, but man does this nail the feeling of being a dashing fish delivery guy. Now, if only I can find some fish. The landing seems a bit too finicky, IMO. I'm at a dead stop, lined up almost pixel perfect and the landing tracker beeping like crazy, nothing. I loop back around, try again and then it works. Nothing changed that I can figure out. *shrug*
My god.
It's full of stars.
So far, this is wonderful. I have no idea what I'm doing, but man does this nail the feeling of being a dashing fish delivery guy. Now, if only I can find some fish. The landing seems a bit too finicky, IMO. I'm at a dead stop, lined up almost pixel perfect and the landing tracker beeping like crazy, nothing. I loop back around, try again and then it works. Nothing changed that I can figure out. *shrug*
New Nvidia Beta driver with Elite Dangerous optimizations out now.
Maybe I'm lazy from having played Frontier all the time, but is there any way to get an autopilot to do the landing? It looks awesome in tutorials but it seems like a nervewracking thing to do if you barely just survived a dogfight and need to go home for repairs.
There is an autodocking module, yes. It does get confused occasionally though.
still cant download the damn thing. Loads of people on the elite forums with the same issue, downloader stops at 30% and stays there. Great.
Pfft Autodocking is for lame-o's.
Though the music easter egg you get when you turn it on is worth hearing at least once.
Are there grades of Autodock systems?
Soooo... Don't install the Nvidia Beta drivers if you have a DK2.. VR mode is broken now. I guess they are called Beta drivers for a reason, sigh..
already warned you guys earlier in the thread.
I am going to be streaming a bit later on and it would be sweet to have some people watch. I think I can show off the game quite well.
Is there a roadmap on what they are planning?
I'm getting the X52 although admittedly for free through a reward program at work. Looks to be awesome though.
OP has a section to check in the first post on sticks and prices.
I think he missed the CH throttle and stick, which I've heard good things about but haven't used myself. Someone posted a shot of theirs earlier in the thread.
Looks like it's set to economical route rather than fastest in the galaxy map options. I'm guessing economical jumps you to stars you can scoop from.
What module actually allow you to shot more before your laser goes into thermal overload ?
I dunno, but you could direct more power to the Weapon systems with the Right Arrow key.
What module actually allow you to shot more before your laser goes into thermal overload ?
It's rough on my eyes, however, so I might change it up in a bit.
Welp, just flew around the galaxy a bit. Did two missions, and now it's time to go eat.
SUUUUPER noob question: How do I buy stuff?
Should it be this difficult finding pirates without an interdictor module? I can scan down a lot of wanted guys but as long as they're in Supercruise I don't think I can touch them.
Is my only choice to play the Unidentified Signal Source roulette?
USS and Nav Beacons. I usually find there's more ships at Nav Beacons.
I wish that if you were the first to find something that you could name it.