Something I ran into last night that I've never seen (and forgot to mention in my earlier post). I ran into an Imperial Clipper in supercruise that listed as wanted, well, I decided to try and kill him in my eagle. I know on paper it's a terrible terrible idea, but what the heck, I've got insurance. So I knocked him out of SC and started fighting.
So I'm dogfighting this guy for probably 5 minutes, knocked his shields out 3-4 times, had his hull down to about 65% and he's still running his mouth. I'm sitting at no damage yet and all of a sudden I start melting almost instantly. I pull back and try to get some distance between us and I see 4-5 fighters attacking me. They weren't security forces either, but I couldn't get an ID on them before I was dead, it was over real quick.
Didn't know if they called in reinforcements or what, if they crimes reported I'd think it would have been security forces coming to their aid. Even if they did, the clipper was wanted, not me and they were definitely protecting the clipper.