It would be nice if Frontier could just fix the bulletin board mechanic that allowed people to stack missions through relogging instead of limiting the occurence of the missions themselves. I'm not about to tell anyone how to spend their time, but stacking missions by relogging definitely isn't how I'd want to earn my millions. Not that I could anyway--I've been thousands of LY away for quite a while now.
On my current trip, I've finally figured out where to hunt for carbon stars and will have put my name on quite a few once I've returned. Already have 5 undiscovered ones behind me and have a queue of 8 more to go, all within about 4k LY, all likely undiscovered. The last one required me to jettison 7 small survey data caches and deplete about 2/3 of my fuel tank for the jump to it. I learned then that the fastest route planning assumes you have a full tank--even though the star was within range, the route planner would tell me there was no route available even if I was just the one jump away. Where I am now, I'll likely have to wrestle with fuel/cargo management just to make the jumps necessary to get back to denser starspace, doing a lot of manual route-planning to get by the "route unavailable" lies. Good scary times.
Speaking of scary, it finally happened--around 7.5k LY out, I made one of those gut-wrenching butthole-clenching jumps into a close binary system and was immediately dumped against the companion star. No emergency drop, but deep in fuel-scooping territory and gaining heat quickly. I made my escape, heart racing, then turned around to scan the star and my anxiety quickly faded to laughter thanks to that wonderful new touch in 1.4:
A nice reminder out in the void that it could always have been much, much worse. I paid my respects, left him with his survey data, and carried on.