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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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They are showing so little in those live-streams... it's kind of frustrating.
Can't help but think they're stretching it out and aiming for a christmas release.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
They are showing so little in those live-streams... it's kind of frustrating.
Can't help but think they're stretching it out and aiming for a christmas release.

They are either stretching it out or they still have work to do on the stuff they aren't showing yet. I'm not too concerned, what they have shown so far is very promising and looking better than I had hoped. I'm paid up and just waiting at this point, and I've got plenty of things to do in game to more than keep me busy. :D


They are showing so little in those live-streams... it's kind of frustrating.
Can't help but think they're stretching it out and aiming for a christmas release.

Well at the same time, if they show everything at once, there is no way to fuel the hype :)


I'm not too concerned, what they have shown so far is very promising and looking better than I had hoped.
Oh yeah, I agree, what they've shown looks fantastic !
But goddamn... give me more :p

I'm probably just disappointed because I was hoping for a November release date.
I think the livestreams, overall, have been fantastic. I was only really just disappointed by the latest one.

In other news, I made my way to Kaushpoos on my X1 last night and got in on that CG...which is good, because it just completed this morning, apparently! I wonder what the final payouts are. EDIT: NM, found a screen on reddit:

I'll pick up my 3 millions when I get a better FSD lol

Hahaha yeah, last night, I was about ~20 jumps from Kaushpoos. Said "fuck it" and equipped my Cobra to basically ONLY be a high cargo (for a Cobra :p), long-jumping machine and bought the most expensive FSD I can buy (I can always sell it later for full price!). Only took 10 jumps!

And with Powerplay cycling, I'll hit rank 1 with ALD and get to work on dat bounty bonus. Don't think I'm gonna go balls-out like Dreams--don't think I could manage the time to maintain or even achieve rank 5.

Interdicting ships/undermining is fun, but interdiction still feels like too much of a roll of the dice to me. I can consistently interdict Cobras, but Type 6s and other big haulers are apparently all piloted by Han fucking Solo and almost always evade me.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
In other news, I made my way to Kaushpoos on my X1 last night and got in on that CG...which is good, because it just completed this morning, apparently!

Sweet! I'll grab my 8 million when I log on tonight and head back down to Apam Napat to grind some NeoGAF faction rep.


I just dreamt that I broke the game and managed to land on a civilzed planet, where the whole game turns into a minecraft clone, blocky geometry and all. I recorded everything and stored it into a usb drive, went to a hotel to upload it but was chased down by a super pissed Frontier employee who just kept saying "give me back the data" in a very intimidating, Robert-Patrick-in-Terminator kind of way.

I think I might be playing this game too much...
Pretty cool: sounds like there will be a combat Community Goal for the Kaushpoos starport.

Pirates have begun congregating in the Kaushpoos system, preying on the traders and contractors travelling to and from the construction site. Fortunately, we anticipated such an eventuality, and set aside a cash reserve specifically for the reimbursement of bounty hunters. Experienced combat pilots are invited to come to the Kaushpoos system and help deal with these troublemakers.

EDIT: Ugh, fucking ALD fell to 4th place, of COURSE--right when I qualify for bounty bonuses. But then again, 20% isn't awful and I'll get to turn them all in at the Kaushpoos goal and reap whatever benefits I can from that.
Bump for dev update

I’m going to expand on that in this update. On the surface there are many different things to see. Different military bases, research establishments, hideouts, starports, mining complexes, crashed ships and debris to investigate, and perhaps a few other things too. We are collectively calling these things ‘points of interest’. There is essentially a scale of items on the surface from starports and settlements, down to interesting mineral finds. Points of interest cover the encounters at the lower end of that scale, so as you travel across the surface you have a chance of encountering one of these points. The nature of the encounter will vary depending on where you are, the type of planet and the local topography and geology.

So for example you could be exploring an old mining world within the human bubble and find old mine workings, or machines. You might find a crashed ship way out beyond the frontier and who knows beyond that?

These points of interest come in a variety of flavours broadly split into two categories: natural and constructed. Natural points of interest are things that occur naturally on the planet such as mineral deposits. These themselves come in a range of elements and compounds and these feed into the new type of resource collection that we are adding as part of the loot system. Some elements of this will be part of the planetary landing release and will allow some specific modifications to your ship and SRV – we’ll have more on this coming in the next few weeks.

As well as naturally occurring formations we also have resources that can be found that have arrived from beyond the planet, but still of natural origin. These include items like meteorites that again feed into the new resource system. These will include resources that can only be found on the ground.

Manmade constructs can also be discovered on the planet’s surface and again these come in a variety of guises ranging from crashed ships to small encampments and other devices. More familiar cargo containers or other scoopable objects can be found at these encounters, so a crashed trading vessel may well have spewed the contents of its cargo hold. Or they might have something that needs scanning or data extracting from. These will tend to be found in the human habited region, but also beyond as tales of The Missing can attest to.

It’s often wise to approach these sites with caution as they can be protected by automated systems!

There are points of interest that don’t neatly fit into those two groupings, but we can leave them for you to discover for yourselves :)

How you find these depends on your current transport. While on ships you only get a vague knowledge of whether there are points of interest nearby – this is shown as an area on your scanner. You will need to deploy your SRV and with its more specialised equipment locate whatever is there. This new equipment will form the focus for a new stream and update in the next few weeks.

As well as continued development with Horizons we’re supporting the released game and this week we deployed a server update to tackle the issue we encountered with the servers last Sunday. We are still looking into changes to address issues with the background simulation and player backed factions.


Nothing we don't already know. You can find natural resources, ship wrecks, points of interest, encampments, settlements, etc. on the surface of planets. Did you know that some of them might even be protected by automated drones?!?!
That's not all an old hat. They havn't talked about which types of POIs will be on the surface in this much detail. Meteoriteshaven't been talked about IIRC. The distinction between research facilities, military bsaes, hideouts and mining facilities hasn't been made before either. I'm hoping for the type of mining facilities similar to what has been shown in the Battlescape kickstarter or that one on rails base approach video from Star Citizen. Large machines, digging huge holes into the ground, stripping the planets of resources.

Eh, guess I was hoping for actual details. Knowing the types of settlements is fine (although a lot of those have already been mentioned), but I'm interested in how they *work*--can you access them by docking via ship AND SRV? What types of services or missions can you get? What will they look like/how are they distinguished from one another? Who owns/runs them? Can they be destroyed? etc.

Meteorites were mentioned in the "Building a World" stream--they say that you can see actual ejecta lines from meteorite impacts that spread different materials across the planet.


Hello Commanders!

Good discussion! A little info for you folk, so you know where we’re coming from.

Your ship is vulnerable to enemy fire when landed, even if you're not in it. Once you travel beyond a distance threshold (that we're still playing with) or at you're command, the ship will launch and enter a holding pattern around that location, effectively removed from threat.

There will be a delay when calling the ship back, based on your distance to the point of its departure (again, we're still looking at these numbers). It will likely never get insanely long, as ships are capable of travelling pretty quickly, but it will definitely be a consideration.

There's a couple of reasons for our choice here.

Technically, once you move far enough away from your ship, it doesn't really exist for anyone except you, so there'd be little to gain from having it stay (we will hopefully have other options for marking the location of your ship if you need to get back to it).

Because of this, having the ship leave reduces the possibility of it "popping" back into existence when other Commanders are in the vicinity as you return (this runs the gamut of being an incredibly unlikely corner case to a distinct possibility depending on where you landed).

From a design point of view, having something so precious as a ship be vulnerable when the Commander has little to no chance of rescuing it (if you parked your ship and drove off a long distance from it) seems undesirable to me. I guess I would see it as being akin to leaving your ship present in space when you left the game. My issue here is that there's no sensible player choice here, only a strong punishment and disincentive to using your SRV for any decent amount of ground travel time.

The same logic applies to making the ship use fuel when waiting. Currently, it doesn’t, which I could argue contextually is because it’s running in emergency power mode, but which I’m just as happy saying that I don’t think the extra punishment of having the ship run out of fuel is worth the consistency gained by doing it in this instance.

I'm not saying that this sort of persistence isn't valid (some games do use mechanics to this effect, more or less), just that I'm not a big fan in this particular case, for the reasons above.

Hope this info helps a little.




Like this isn't a concerted marketing move. The Frontier CEO (?) releasing a short teaser at the end of each week, leading up to the release of Horizons. :p

Still, the video shows what I was hoping to see in the livestream: a base up close. ;)


Well, as someone who can only play about 4-5 hours of Elite a week I've come to the conclusion it's best to just ignore Power Play all together.

Unless I am missing something.
Well, as someone who can only play about 4-5 hours of Elite a week I've come to the conclusion it's best to just ignore Power Play all together.

Unless I am missing something.

You can easily get the minimum required for ALDs bounty bonuses. You just need 100 merits, and every ship you interdict/destroy during Undermining is worth 30. So you can literally just kill 4 enemy ships and you quality for bounty bonuses, and to maintain that, all you need to do is interdict/kill 2 enemy ships a week.

OR you could go all out, reach rank 5, and get the 100% bounty bonus, but that naturally takes more time.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I haven't played since Powerplay first launched and it was completely 100% pointless back then. What did they change?
I haven't played since Powerplay first launched and it was completely 100% pointless back then. What did they change?

I don't know that they changed much; rather, the community started to understand it and how profitable it can be.

Plus, I have to admit, sometimes it's fun to stick to your Power's reddit and participate in goals/strategy that the community came up with themselves.

We REALLY need that kind of interaction in-game though. I don't care if it's the equivalent of reddit on a space computer, but there aren't enough in-game tools currently to help with coordinating these large efforts.


We REALLY need that kind of interaction in-game though. I don't care if it's the equivalent of reddit on a space computer, but there aren't enough in-game tools currently to help with coordinating these large efforts.

Honestly I am surprised this isn't one of their priorities. Hopefully they do something in one of the future updates to remedy this.

Getting rating 5 with Lavigny-Duval is the most profitable thing in the game right now. Yeah, for once combat is most profitable.

You can easily get the minimum required for ALDs bounty bonuses. You just need 100 merits, and every ship you interdict/destroy during Undermining is worth 30. So you can literally just kill 4 enemy ships and you quality for bounty bonuses, and to maintain that, all you need to do is interdict/kill 2 enemy ships a week.

OR you could go all out, reach rank 5, and get the 100% bounty bonus, but that naturally takes more time.
My issue is I'm not very good at combat.
My issue is I'm not very good at combat.

When you're undermining, you're mostly interdicting and destroying cargo ships.

Honestly I am surprised this isn't one of their priorities. Hopefully they do something in one of the future updates to remedy this.

Yeah, agreed. Powerplay is already so...inorganic. It shouldn't be made less so by a complete lack of communication options other than in-game chat.
So I'm back in civilization after a couple weeks of fruitful exploration. 4 galactic records: Largest A-class star, S-class star with most bodies, closest C-N star to Sol, and coldest white dwarf. First discoveries include 13 M and K giants, 3 supergiants, 9 carbon stars, 11 black holes, 11 Earth-likes, over 50 terraformable water worlds, 19 ammonia worlds, 2 Wolf-Rayets, and a partridge in a pear tree. Over $50 million for some very enjoyable sight-seeing. Not a bad deal.

Now I want to give this mining thing a shot. Any experienced miners here with recommended loadouts? My budget while being able to afford insurance would be no more than $100 million, so... Python?

A mining CG!!!!
ayyy lmao I'm right on time
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