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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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Woo hoo!!!

Got myself a Cobra III now, was tempted to keep my Adder but selling it allows me to pimp my ride a lot more lololol


be sure to go participate a little in the new Community Goals. those will be the easiest millions of your life.

Will trade and bounty hunt a bit more first I think but that's definitely on my list of things to do at some point in the future.

I'm mostly playing this old school just like the original game, but I'm also going to give exploring and mining a go too before I do any CG stuff.


Wow, last night I went through some mining and got a bunch of Palladium that could sell for 14k credits (for me that's still a lot!) on a station a few minutes away (same system, same planet). I will be doing this for the Community Goal, but I wonder if it would be better to only collaborate a bit on that one and then sell the rest, as it seems to sell quite high and to reach higher percentages I might have to sell A LOT of palladium.


So, I've seen post on facebook and on reddit from guys that say they can make like 20-30m credits per hour by doing Bounty.

Assuming they have the 100% Bounty Bonus (which I really doubt many of them have), it's still 10-15m per hour.

How do they do such astronomical amount of money? When I go in High ou Hazardous Ressource Site, even If I killed every ship possible I would not make over 4-5m per Hour.

Is there a trick I don't know about?


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
New combat CG at Kaushpoos just went up to replace the one that completed way too fast last night due to a bug:


The Pirates Strike Back!


I've been away from the game for a long time so excuse me if this is old but can you change your HUD color ingame yet or do you still have to mess around in the XML files for that?
I've been away from the game for a long time so excuse me if this is old but can you change your HUD color ingame yet or do you still have to mess around in the XML files for that?

You still have to edit your XML files. You can use this:


Also, might be of use:




Anyone listens to Radio Sidewinder?


I have been playing it for the last two hours while playing the game and it gets you into the universe so much more, it's pretty great. Right now I have it playing on my iphone sitting next to the thruster but I would like to be able to use a button from my HOTAS to turn the stream on and off. They have a bunch of advertising for in-universe stuff, as well as factions and things, also random jingles, public service announcements, music (usually 1 song or 2, with ads and PSAs in between) and galnet news reading. The overall quality is pretty good, but the reason I'm posting here is because we could put an ad (from 30secs to 1:30 min) for the GAF faction.


They have a few rules, but all make sense and are reasonable. What do you guys think? I think it would be pretty cool to be flying around and listening to some advertising for Neo Galactic Adventure Force! We have lots of people with nice voice here on GAF, though I don't know if any is into this game. Some nice voice, cool public domain music (or we make something that becomes public domain, anyway) and maybe a couple version of the ad (shorter and longer) and let the guy managing to decide and/or play both at different timings could be neat.

What do you guys think?


Yah you still need to tinker the XML files, but now there is a file that you can modify that will always override the color even after an update. (Before you had to do it at each updates)

Use this : http://arkku.com/elite/hud_editor/

Alright, thanks.

Not much if you've been following this week, but a new screen!


Safe to assume that's the new Cobra? :)

And a Braben Q&A/Livestream!

Continuing our On the Horizon series of livestreams, Community Manager Edward Lewis will be joined by Frontier Developments CEO David Braben for a very special live Q&A. This is a rare chance to ask David any of your burning questions about Horizons - so make sure you don't miss out.

The stream will start at 6PM GMT on Wednesday November 4 on our official YouTube channel, and David will spend one hour taking questions from the community.

Keep a close eye on our forum and social media channels for more details on how you can get your questions to us before the livestream starts.

If we're going to get answers from anyone, Braben is the one. Let's think of some good questions!


New combat CG at Kaushpoos just went up to replace the one that completed way too fast last night due to a bug:

The Pirates Strike Back!

I was wondering why it completed so quickly.

Having a blast patroling RES' and stealing kills. Very lucrative.


Not much if you've been following this week, but a new screen!


Safe to assume that's the new Cobra? :)

Not unless they've changed the model. It lacks the two "teeth" in the front and appears to have sharp edges, like the current cobra. The MkIV teaser showed those teeth in the front and a less flat profile.
So I figured I'd at least try out some bounty hunting for the CG.

Note to other CMDR's, make sure your silent running button isn't near anything else you use during combat.

That little miss-click cost me 80% of my hull when I accidentally hit it.


So I'm back in civilization after a couple weeks of fruitful exploration. 4 galactic records: Largest A-class star, S-class star with most bodies, closest C-N star to Sol, and coldest white dwarf. First discoveries include 13 M and K giants, 3 supergiants, 9 carbon stars, 11 black holes, 11 Earth-likes, over 50 terraformable water worlds, 19 ammonia worlds, 2 Wolf-Rayets, and a partridge in a pear tree. Over $50 million for some very enjoyable sight-seeing. Not a bad deal.


Concerning records, how do you track them? Do you keep current records in mind, or check the page every jump, or aim for any particular record and write them down on paper? There is so many of them - temperature, distance from Sol and many many more.

oh and if you fancy blue, i have a new favorite that I haven't found anything better than.

Please! Share it! I experimented with blue but it is far from perfect.


So I'm back in civilization after a couple weeks of fruitful exploration. 4 galactic records: Largest A-class star, S-class star with most bodies, closest C-N star to Sol, and coldest white dwarf. First discoveries include 13 M and K giants, 3 supergiants, 9 carbon stars, 11 black holes, 11 Earth-likes, over 50 terraformable water worlds, 19 ammonia worlds, 2 Wolf-Rayets, and a partridge in a pear tree. Over $50 million for some very enjoyable sight-seeing. Not a bad deal.

Now I want to give this mining thing a shot. Any experienced miners here with recommended loadouts? My budget while being able to afford insurance would be no more than $100 million, so... Python?

ayyy lmao I'm right on time

Did you have any specific strategy in your exploration or did you just do it aimlessly?


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Did you have any specific strategy in your exploration or did you just do it aimlessly?

I don't know about Funky but the way I do exploration, I usually just pick a direction or a nebula and then "aimlessly" start working my way in that direction, deviating for anything interesting I see along the way. Perusing the galaxy map as you wander can be rewarding as I've found lots of neat little nebulas and star clusters scattered around that you never really see from a zoomed out galaxy map until you are close to them and zoomed partway in.

That said I've only been a couple thousand LY's from civilized space, I have yet to go for the core or wander really far. I do enjoy getting deep into empty space though.


Personally, I try to avoid any "landmark" locations, since those and the routes to them have already been explored. I tend to just pick a random direction and go. I probably won't be heading out again until after Horizons launches, and maybe get a few more upgrades for the Asp before I head out again (better fuel scoop and so on).

Concerning records, how do you track them? Do you keep current records in mind, or check the page every jump, or aim for any particular record and write them down on paper? There is so many of them - temperature, distance from Sol and many many more.

I usually keep the stellar and planetary quick reference pages open. I only have a few of the "major" records (size, age, temp) memorized for the star/planet types I look for most often. I've also been looking for so long that I have a good idea of the averages for those values for most object types, so if I see anything that jumps out at me as particularly high or low, I'll go check. Of course, whenever I find a new record, I put it in the notes for that system in EDDiscovery, so at the end of my trip I can just search "record" and see the list of them.

Did you have any specific strategy in your exploration or did you just do it aimlessly?
There are some methods I've discovered to search for interesting destinations within your current sector. These methods work best outside of the core.

I'll just decide on a random interesting destination within 1k LY (there's almost always at least one) and plot a course. Like Mengy, I'll deviate if I see something interesting. I always keep a close eye on the galactic background when I jump into a system. When you're close to a star within a system, its light will overpower all but the biggest and brightest stars in the sky, so every point of light you see in the sky while fuel scooping will usually be a substantial star. If you see any of these that aren't white, there's a good chance they're G, K, or M giants. Those can be some interesting systems. Carbon stars also appear from long distances away, and they're usually a dull yellow spot in the sky without much of a visible corona. The "realistic" view on the galaxy map can help you locate these big stars, because the larger/brighter stars will begin showing up at farther distances in that view than smaller/dimmer ones, so you can scrub the map and look for parallaxing.

Once I've made it to a particularly interesting system, I'll filter the map to show only AFGKM stars, and look around for ones with good temperatures that would be conducive to earth-likes/terraformable water worlds, and then just hop around having a look. AFGKM are the scoopable stars from hottest to coldest, and the numbers after them go 0-9 hottest to coldest. So A0 stars are very hot; M9s are very cold. You generally want to look for systems with stars whose temperatures are around the middle--err toward higher-numbered As and lower-numbered Ms, and anything around the middle for Fs, Gs, and Ks. You'll usually want them to be "V" main sequence stars (which includes VA, VB, and VAB, as the A and B are just brightness ratings). As those go, VI are near-dwarfs, IV are sub-giants, III are giants, II are even brighter giants, and IA and IA0 are supergiants. So an M2 IIIB star will be a somewhat hot M giant that's a little dimmer than usual, whereas a K2 VA would be a bright main sequence star and promising for earth-likes or terraformables. Giants and above seem less likely to have earth-likes and aren't any more valuable than normal-sized stars of their class, but they're really fun systems to visit and fun stars to scoop from. :)

So far I've made 95 million from exploring while visiting 3900 systems and never going more than 11k LY from the bubble. Relative to some other guys out there, I've only made baby steps. But knowing where to look will certainly help your profits and your enjoyment of it. Jedi's advice is also good--head in "uninteresting" directions to find more undiscovered things sooner. Make sure you also go up or down a few hundred LY to help keep you off the beaten paths.

So I've just built my first Clipper to do some mining for the first time. I was shooting for something with some legs so I could quickly make it to the outskirts of the bubble and hit up those pristine reserves. Currently at a brown dwarf just 2 jumps away from Kaushpoos with a pristine metallic ring. Pretty fun zappin' these space rocks. Going shieldless makes it much more exciting.


So I figured I'd at least try out some bounty hunting for the CG.

Note to other CMDR's, make sure your silent running button isn't near anything else you use during combat.

That little miss-click cost me 80% of my hull when I accidentally hit it.

What I would do is put your Silent Running button as a combination of two buttons, that way you can't accidentally hit it


God dammit Powerplay is a confusing mess.

I decided to use my Rating 5 and get 200 cargo for expansion from the system I was in for Lavigny-Duval.....EXCEPT THERE'S SYSTEMS IN TURMOIL AND WE CAN'T EXPAND

So the few mil I just blew on this cargo is now completely useless, and this expires at the end of the powerplay cycle for the week. Why the fuck does it let you get these in the first place when the power is in turmoil?!


I usually keep the stellar and planetary quick reference pages open. I only have a few of the "major" records (size, age, temp) memorized for the star/planet types I look for most often. I've also been looking for so long that I have a good idea of the averages for those values for most object types, so if I see anything that jumps out at me as particularly high or low, I'll go check. Of course, whenever I find a new record, I put it in the notes for that system in EDDiscovery, so at the end of my trip I can just search "record" and see the list of them.

There are some methods I've discovered to search for interesting destinations within your current sector. These methods work best outside of the core.

I'll just decide on a random interesting destination within 1k LY (there's almost always at least one) and plot a course. Like Mengy, I'll deviate if I see something interesting. I always keep a close eye on the galactic background when I jump into a system. When you're close to a star within a system, its light will overpower all but the biggest and brightest stars in the sky, so every point of light you see in the sky while fuel scooping will usually be a substantial star. If you see any of these that aren't white, there's a good chance they're G, K, or M giants. Those can be some interesting systems. Carbon stars also appear from long distances away, and they're usually a dull yellow spot in the sky without much of a visible corona. The "realistic" view on the galaxy map can help you locate these big stars, because the larger/brighter stars will begin showing up at farther distances in that view than smaller/dimmer ones, so you can scrub the map and look for parallaxing.

Once I've made it to a particularly interesting system, I'll filter the map to show only AFGKM stars, and look around for ones with good temperatures that would be conducive to earth-likes/terraformable water worlds, and then just hop around having a look. AFGKM are the scoopable stars from hottest to coldest, and the numbers after them go 0-9 hottest to coldest. So A0 stars are very hot; M9s are very cold. You generally want to look for systems with stars whose temperatures are around the middle--err toward higher-numbered As and lower-numbered Ms, and anything around the middle for Fs, Gs, and Ks. You'll usually want them to be "V" main sequence stars (which includes VA, VB, and VAB, as the A and B are just brightness ratings). As those go, VI are near-dwarfs, IV are sub-giants, III are giants, II are even brighter giants, and IA and IA0 are supergiants. So an M2 IIIB star will be a somewhat hot M giant that's a little dimmer than usual, whereas a K2 VA would be a bright main sequence star and promising for earth-likes or terraformables. Giants and above seem less likely to have earth-likes and aren't any more valuable than normal-sized stars of their class, but they're really fun systems to visit and fun stars to scoop from. :)

So far I've made 95 million from exploring while visiting 3900 systems and never going more than 11k LY from the bubble. Relative to some other guys out there, I've only made baby steps. But knowing where to look will certainly help your profits and your enjoyment of it. Jedi's advice is also good--head in "uninteresting" directions to find more undiscovered things sooner. Make sure you also go up or down a few hundred LY to help keep you off the beaten paths.

So I've just built my first Clipper to do some mining for the first time. I was shooting for something with some legs so I could quickly make it to the outskirts of the bubble and hit up those pristine reserves. Currently at a brown dwarf just 2 jumps away from Kaushpoos with a pristine metallic ring. Pretty fun zappin' these space rocks. Going shieldless makes it much more exciting.

Thanks for the info. I'll definitely go on another trip as soon as I've finished the community goal I'm doing at the moment.
God dammit Powerplay is a confusing mess.

I decided to use my Rating 5 and get 200 cargo for expansion from the system I was in for Lavigny-Duval.....EXCEPT THERE'S SYSTEMS IN TURMOIL AND WE CAN'T EXPAND

So the few mil I just blew on this cargo is now completely useless, and this expires at the end of the powerplay cycle for the week. Why the fuck does it let you get these in the first place when the power is in turmoil?!

This goes to what we were talking about earlier with Powerplay: we need some way of interacting and coordinating with our selected Power.

Reddit is the go-to spot to get an idea of what you should (and shouldn't) be doing each Power cycle.


This goes to what we were talking about earlier with Powerplay: we need some way of interacting and coordinating with our selected Power.

Reddit is the go-to spot to get an idea of what you should (and shouldn't) be doing each Power cycle.
I just think at the very least the game shouldn't let you do something if you can't actually do it. It shouldn't let you get the expansion cargo when you can't deliver it anywhere to expand. It's not like regular trade where you have to find somewhere to sell it, because with PP you have all the information about systems right there in the PP menu. The way I understood expansion was you could take it anywhere that wasn't under control or exploit by another power. When I found a system, it said we don't have enough CC since there was a deficit. So basically the 1.5 mil I spent was a waste, and I would be better off using the cargo as target practice.


Just went on a very quick second attempt at hunting for pirates in a Resource Extraction Site. My very first attempt didn't end well, I went for a High one without realising that the pirates were pilots who flew like Han Solo with ships with Death Star equivalent weapons lol. The very first pirate practically tore my ship in half lmfao

On the second attempt in a Low one I made two kills getting me around 150,000 credits. Much better!


Just went on a very quick second attempt at hunting for pirates in a Resource Extraction Site. My very first attempt didn't end well, I went for a High one without realising that the pirates were pilots who flew like Han Solo with ships with Death Star equivalent weapons lol. The very first pirate practically tore my ship in half lmfao

On the second attempt in a Low one I made two kills getting me around 150,000 credits. Much better!
Hehe.. always start off small. I'll probably hit up a Hazardous site when I get back into the game, but I'm in a fully-kitted Vulture that can go toe-to-toe with just about anything. Took me a while to get up enough scratch to buy it, and a lot more to upgrade it. Closest thing I had to a dedicated combat ship before that was a Cobra. What are you flying now?


Have got a Cobra but nowhere near fully kitted out. Just got a reinforced hull at the moment but will upgrade that to a military one tomorrow morning when I start playing again. Got around 730,000 credits in the kitty. Am going to keep the Cobra because it's got a good bit of cargo space, although it's now 16 tons because I replaced the 2T with something else.

Need to replace my Beam Lasers though because they're a bit pants!


Ran a High Intensity RES that actually lived up to the name for once... taking down Dropships, Pythons, and Clippers while dodging Security ships, two of which were Anacondas. They helped out a bit.. lol. Speaking of Anacondas, I thought I read that those didn't show up at RESs anymore? There were three of them in this one over the course of an hour. The last one put a hurtin' on me, though, he had a Dropship in a wing, and I wasn't able to recharge my shields quick enough with the both of them opening up on me, and I guess the Feds didn't show up soon enough to catch their attention. I had to bug out before they blew me and my precious unclaimed bounties out of the sky. It was about 70K in repairs, but 1.9M in bounties. :) So just under 2M credits for an hour's work.

I hadn't played in a while, felt good to get back in the cockpit.


I hadn't played in a while, felt good to get back in the cockpit.

Especially if it pays out in credits. ;-) I found that one of the strongest reward mechanics in Elite is the income per hour I can achieve. While mine is nowhere near what some people are getting, a play session that didn't pay out according to what I would've hoped for feels disappointing.

Got to play quiet a bit this weekend and tried mining, because the missions have a consistently good payout and I'd finally like to advance in the federation ranks a bit. This turned into an excercise in frustration. First I had to learn that a Cobra is not a suitable mining ship - equipped with a prospector + collector limpet controller and a refinery, I had to run a shieldless build to even have 32 tons of cargo left. On my first takeoff after outfitting, an NPC Conda came in from my blind spot, rammed me and pushed me out of the station reducing my hull to 60% in the process. After turning back and repairing, I found out that the "deliver one painite" mission I had foolishly accepted was asking for a resource that only frequently occurs in pristine metallic rings. Which were of course nowhere to be found in my vincinity. In such a situation, EDs galaxy map ist practically of no use whatsoever. After a lot of frustration googling finally helped me find a suitable system some 50ly away, where I could mine painite.

A bit of stupidity, impatince and crashing my hull to 18% on an asteroid later, I left with 11 tons of painite and turned in the mission. Just to top it off, the bulletin board dangled a 270k mission in front of me which would require me to hand over 3 more tons of the painite I had in my cargo hold. Not having achieved trade rank merchant though, it seems CMDR BurnyBurns was not trustworthy enough to be trusted with the confidential task of parting with those other 3 tons of painite. >.< (I don't find rank requirements for missions bad tbh. It was just a bit ironic. ^^)

Takeaway: don't bother with mining in a Cobra and ask google for help to find things. In the end I outfitted my T6 for mining and a fine little mining machine it is. :)

The Cobra still makes for an excellent courier/smuggling ship. It has enough cargo space to run missions, it's fast, suitably nimble with upgraded thrusters (although thursters are expensive as hell...) and achieves very decent jump ranges. I've also come to like its iconic shape a lot. :3

I also gave CQC another try. It's really a lot of fun and I've been able to play it decently with mouse+keyboard. But it leaves that nagging feeling that I could be working towards my next ship in the PU when I've got a bit more time to spend on playing anyway. Still, a great way to kill half an hour in Elite.

Finally, I fooled around with the stereoscopic 3D on our living room TV. The game supports outputting a side by side image, which the TV's 3D function converts to a stereoscopic 3D image using the active shutter glasses. The 3D effect is terrific, even though it has the downside of effectively reducing the resolution by half, similar to the Oculus DK 2(?). As Elite's HUD is optimized for that, the game is of course playable, but I would've expected an option to render the image at twice the usual framerate but in full resolution. Isn't that how 3D Blu-Rays are being displayed? Not that my Radeon R9280X could handle it. :p The effect was definitely cool enough to give it another try sometime and I'd recommend anyone with a 3D TV but without an Occulus to give it a go. ;)


I just bought my Anaconda. For lack of a better way to describe how flying it feels, it feels like I am flying around with a 10-foot fully erect penis at all times. I keep worrying I'm going to hit shit in front of me when flying into stations.

I must admit though, I LOVE the intercom audio on this thing. Sounds much less like it's just talking to you in the pilot seat and rather being played in the entire ship's cabin.

Anyway I'm storing this thing until Thursday, when I get my 50 mil salary to start outfitting it.


Any surviving tips for a guy returning from several months journey from middle of the galaxy? I am playing offline and have no shields or weapons (asp).


Yesterday, after three weeks and about thousand hyperspace jumps I've finally reached Sagittarius A.

I think, that was the easiest part of my journey, now I have to go back as fast as possible. Feeling tired a little already.

On my way to the core I scanned every star I jumped to, every water world (every planet looking like it), sometimes closest metal content planets or gas giants. Now I jump to the system, scan it, turn towards next target, fly close to the star to scoop while viewing system map and immediately jump to the next system if there is nothing interesting. One minute per system. Should not take much time.

Everything is going smooth so far, but I have only two heat sinks left.
I made one huge mistake when accidentally flew between close stars while scooping - 150% heat, smoke and sparks everywhere, I thought it's over. I've quickly exited SC, cooled ship with heat sink, cooled again while charging FSD and lost just 3% hull as a result.

22000 ly more and I am home in Apam Napat.

Any surviving tips for a guy returning from several months journey from middle of the galaxy? I am playing offline and have no shields or weapons (asp).

Wow, man, you are the real hero! Beware interdictions by the NPC wings. I would sell my data at the first station on my way back if I were you.


Any surviving tips for a guy returning from several months journey from middle of the galaxy? I am playing offline and have no shields or weapons (asp).

Whenever I'm needing to go from A to B without getting Interdicted I Supercruise whilst randomly pressing the A and D keys whilst rotating the ship. You should also have your hyperspace jump location targeted at all times and if you do get interdicted shift everything to your engines, put thrust to the max, thrust boost and start a hyperspace countdown. Hyperspace jumps once they've started can't be interrupted so hopefully you'll be okay until you can jump.


Especially if it pays out in credits. ;-) I found that one of the strongest reward mechanics in Elite is the income per hour I can achieve. While mine is nowhere near what some people are getting, a play session that didn't pay out according to what I would've hoped for feels disappointing.

Definition of a grinder. ;)

The most rewarding mechanic in the game is the flight model and how fun it is imo. ;)


Definition of a grinder. ;)

The most rewarding mechanic in the game is the flight model and how fun it is imo. ;)

In moment to moment play, sure. But it doesn't provide a context for itself and a sense of progression beyond its mastery (Edit: Not that I could claim to have reached the latter at all. :p). ;)
learning the mining ropes
This pretty well sums up my first mining attempts yesterday, but I was doing so in a hulking Clipper, the first large ship I've ever flown... and shieldless to max my cargo space and thus my financial returns per trip. Had more than a few close calls! The damned thing is wide, and most of that width is well behind you... had to change my flying habits completely.

Made $8m in 4 trips to the brown dwarf at HIP 43296, delivering 151 tons of palladium to Kaushpoos. The last load of palladium was 55 tons, my biggest single haul yet. Felt good to fly into port with that. I'm actually finding the mining much more enjoyable than I thought I would despite it being 100% more mindless than exploration, even. The rock-hunting scratches the same itch as hunting for highly valued celestial objects while exploring. When you find that 40%+ palladium rock, ooooo wee.

I also discovered just how profitable those mining missions can be. 172k for a couple tons of platinum?? That'd be around 4 million for my average haul of platinum if I could offload every ton at that rate. Sheesh.
This pretty well sums up my first mining attempts yesterday, but I was doing so in a hulking Clipper, the first large ship I've ever flown... and shieldless to max my cargo space and thus my financial returns per trip. Had more than a few close calls! The damned thing is wide, and most of that width is well behind you... had to change my flying habits completely.

Made $8m in 4 trips to the brown dwarf at HIP 43296, delivering 151 tons of palladium to Kaushpoos. The last load of palladium was 55 tons, my biggest single haul yet. Felt good to fly into port with that. I'm actually finding the mining much more enjoyable than I thought I would despite it being 100% more mindless than exploration, even. The rock-hunting scratches the same itch as hunting for highly valued celestial objects while exploring. When you find that 40%+ palladium rock, ooooo wee.

I also discovered just how profitable those mining missions can be. 172k for a couple tons of platinum?? That'd be around 4 million for my average haul of platinum if I could offload every ton at that rate. Sheesh.

I gave mining a shot myself the other day too and actually enjoyed it, which surprised me because I focus on combat 99% of the time. It was relaxing and, like you said, gave you a kick whenever you found a good rock to mine.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I gave mining a shot myself the other day too and actually enjoyed it, which surprised me because I focus on combat 99% of the time. It was relaxing and, like you said, gave you a kick whenever you found a good rock to mine.

I've been on a mining kick for the past week, for both of the CG's at Kaushpoos for the new station, and I've been enjoying the hell out of it. The mining missions can be very profitable but hard to find, I wish it was easier to actually get them. An Asp makes an exceptional mining ship, able to both prospect and collect while still maintaining good shields and still capable of defending itself if it has to, and still with 96T cargo space.

I'm thinking I might actually buy myself a T7 and fit it out to go mining. The only downside is that it's too large to land on platform stations. I want a T7 anyway though to get back into trading so I could always just fit it back and forth. Maybe I'll keep the Asp as my miner and fit the T7 strictly for trading...
So I'm enjoying my Asp. A lot. The DBS was great for stealth shenanigans and playing with that, but the Asp's fat butt, powersliding tendencies, and more active requirement for pip management make it far more entertaining to fly around in. Enough space to really do anything I want with it if needed, too.

However, I'm interested in a min-max question for it.

I'm looking at two options, the regular A rating shenanigans with some C2 beams and some multicannons, or the same thing with a prismatic shield generator that drops a couple of things to B rating to fit in the juice. Namely the shield cell bank and hatch breakers goes from 3A to 3B, and the shield booster goes from 0A to 0D.

The net result in this is higher shield capacity by 20 MJ. That doesn't seem like a lot, but it's also about 8% of the total shield capacity. Worth the trade off and cost? Is 20 MJ even that much in real, noticeable terms?
Well, damn. Guess I'll have to try mining after I work on my Vulture.

I really have to recommend it. Never thought I'd be into it, but I was very wrong.

In fact, tonight I traded in the Clipper I'd just bought along with my Vulture for a Mining T9. /r/EliteMiners said I'd be miserable mining in a T9. Miserable! I'm not sure what game they're playing. This is THE ship for mining. Just one run with 200 limpets, and I brought back:

95 palladium: $1.3m
102 platinum: $1.8m
34 painite: $1.0m
163 tons of various other minerals and metals: $1.7m

One haul. This my ship.

It's also boosting my trade ranking when I sell to the market, so I may never have to run trade routes to reach Elite in that, which would be awesome, as the idea of trading just puts me to sleep.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
In fact, tonight I traded in the Clipper I'd just bought along with my Vulture for a Mining T9. /r/EliteMiners said I'd be miserable mining in a T9. Miserable! I'm not sure what game they're playing. This is THE ship for mining.


It's also boosting my trade ranking when I sell to the market, so I may never have to run trade routes to reach Elite in that, which would be awesome, as the idea of trading just puts me to sleep.

Yeah, I noticed that only after I had ranked up my trading rating from merchant to broker solely on sales of mining ores. I'm still guessing that pure trading will get you both credits and rating faster than mining, but mining is easily more fun than pure trading.

I'm thinking of storing my Asp Miner and buying a T7 to fit out for mining. More cargo space and more drones are tempting me hard right now.
I really have to recommend it. Never thought I'd be into it, but I was very wrong.

In fact, tonight I traded in the Clipper I'd just bought along with my Vulture for a Mining T9. /r/EliteMiners said I'd be miserable mining in a T9. Miserable! I'm not sure what game they're playing. This is THE ship for mining. Just one run with 200 limpets, and I brought back:

95 palladium: $1.3m
102 platinum: $1.8m
34 painite: $1.0m
163 tons of various other minerals and metals: $1.7m

One haul. This my ship.

It's also boosting my trade ranking when I sell to the market, so I may never have to run trade routes to reach Elite in that, which would be awesome, as the idea of trading just puts me to sleep.

Why did they think a T9 would be miserable? I'm not refuting their opinion, I just don't know anything about the good mining ships. I was thinking about trying out an Asp as my beginner mining ship.

And when you say you got all that from one haul, do you mean a single visit to a single RES?


Why did they think a T9 would be miserable? I'm not refuting their opinion, I just don't know anything about the good mining ships. I was thinking about trying out an Asp as my beginner mining ship.

And when you say you got all that from one haul, do you mean a single visit to a single RES?

Speaking from experience you don't need to do this and it's best not to. Just make sure the ring you're entering is pristine metal and you can drop anywhere on it. Keep in mind rings are often comprised of multiple rings, one may be depleted while the other is not. They go in order from inner -> outer ring.
Why did they think a T9 would be miserable? I'm not refuting their opinion, I just don't know anything about the good mining ships. I was thinking about trying out an Asp as my beginner mining ship.

And when you say you got all that from one haul, do you mean a single visit to a single RES?
They said I'd be miserable due to the slow handling and huge size of the ship--that I'd be better off in something smaller and quicker in the asteroids. I went shieldless into the ring and left with 100% hull. It's a lumbering beast for sure, but I had no issues with its size or speed. I almost felt like I could nudge the smaller rocks out of the way. :)

And yep, that's just one visit to a single ring with 200 limpets. Like DrBo said, I've been avoiding RESs and just dropping into other parts of the ring itself. Less traffic--only saw a couple NPC miners using this method, no pirates, and the rocks provided plenty of goods. I had two 5A collector controllers, and the six collectors couldn't keep up with my lasers. I'd have to sit at the rock for a minute or so after depleting it, just waiting for them to gather all the remaining chunks. Took just shy of 3 hours to use up all 200 limpets. I'm going to add more collectors and leave port next time with 250 limpets --should cut my mining time by half an hour at least.

This will be my updated/optimized loadout for tonight. 50% more collectors than I had before and 48 tons more cargo space. Still under $100m with Li's discount. My previous setup was a bit gimped and made more expensive by its 4A fuel scoop, but now I'm (fairly) certain I can make the round trip on a single tank. Should fill the cargo space even faster than before despite the 12% increase. I'll see if I can finish off my limpets in 2.5 hours this time.

I'm thinking of storing my Asp Miner and buying a T7 to fit out for mining. More cargo space and more drones are tempting me hard right now.
Do it! It's really nice having the extra cargo space to play with. You won't have to be nearly as picky.


Whoops! I'm now a wanted man with a price on his head lol. Was pirate hunting and accidentally murdered an innocent trader by mistake. His ship must have taken a good chunk of damage from the pirate that was attacking him because he was space dust after just 2 shots.

So what happens now..? In my transactions thingy I've got a new heading called Bounties with the amount of money and the system but there's a 6 day countdown. Will I be safe to return there after the countdown has ended..? I've got 31,267 in a Bounty Claim for that system and I'd quite like to collect it.
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