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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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Speaking from experience you don't need to do this and it's best not to. Just make sure the ring you're entering is pristine metal and you can drop anywhere on it. Keep in mind rings are often comprised of multiple rings, one may be depleted while the other is not. They go in order from inner -> outer ring.

They said I'd be miserable due to the slow handling and huge size of the ship--that I'd be better off in something smaller and quicker in the asteroids. I went shieldless into the ring and left with 100% hull. It's a lumbering beast for sure, but I had no issues with its size or speed. I almost felt like I could nudge the smaller rocks out of the way. :)

Good stuff, y'all. Guess I have a new goal once I make some solid money bounty-hunting...

Whoops! I'm now a wanted man with a price on his head lol. Was pirate hunting and accidentally murdered an innocent trader by mistake. His ship must have taken a good chunk of damage from the pirate that was attacking him because he was space dust after just 2 shots.

So what happens now..? In my transactions thingy I've got a new heading called Bounties with the amount of money and the system but there's a 6 day countdown. Will I be safe to return there after the countdown has ended..? I've got 31,267 in a Bounty Claim for that system and I'd quite like to collect it.

Haha, I fucked up big time and accidentally attacked a civilian ship in a Kaushpoos HAZRES...and it was a member of the faction controlling Neville Horizons.

So now, for the bounty hunting CG that has to be turned in at Neville, I have to smuggle-boost my way in :-| I'm already in the top 70% for the CG after HAZRES hunting for a day, so another easy 3 million coming my way :D
So what happens now..? In my transactions thingy I've got a new heading called Bounties with the amount of money and the system but there's a 6 day countdown. Will I be safe to return there after the countdown has ended..? I've got 31,267 in a Bounty Claim for that system and I'd quite like to collect it.
Player bounties are slightly complicated to explain, so: http://elite-dangerous.wikia.com/wiki/Bounty

Essentially, even after the bounty is no longer active, it will be added permanently to your rebuy costs should you bite the bullet in that system. I think.


I've just handed in my last bounties at Neville Horizons. Currently in the top 15 % with about 9800000 credits collected. I hope it's enough.

Just waiting for it to end now as it's nearly reached tier 5.
I've just handed in my last bounties at Neville Horizons. Currently in the top 15 % with about 9800000 credits collected. I hope it's enough.

Just waiting for it to end now as it's nearly reached tier 5.

Nice! It is actually a pretty simple goal to rank high in. I think I MAYBE turned in 1.5mil in bounties yesterday and I'm in the top 70%. That was like an hour or so of hunting in HAZRES.

If anyone wants easy money (CG should be ending today, so hurry), you should check it out. Tons of RES/HAZRES near the station and in the system.


And there we go. A nice 12 mill payout. :)

Oh shit! I hope I stayed in the 70% Tier...that 6 mil will kit my Asp out perfectly :D

EDIT: Yesss, got it :D Aaah, now I'm remembering the joys of high-end Vulture power management...


Wow. Some of these player pirates are the biggest pussies. One dude in a clipper kept interdicting my Python as I was trying to make my way to Neville Horizons. Finally had enough so I loaded up for combat and interdicted him. Was kicking his ass hard until his Anaconda friends showed up.

These losers try and interdict people that have no interest in PvP but as soon as people fight back they shit themselves and need their friends to help them.


Wow. Some of these player pirates are the biggest pussies. One dude in a clipper kept interdicting my Python as I was trying to make my way to Neville Horizons. Finally had enough so I loaded up for combat and interdicted him. Was kicking his ass hard until his Anaconda friends showed up.

These losers try and interdict people that have no interest in PvP but as soon as people fight back they shit themselves and need their friends to help them.

Did you get away from his Anaconda friends?

Not gonna lie, when doing undermining in enemy power systems, I'm in my Fer-De-Lance. I'll do it in Open so I potentially see players to interdict too. I don't think I've seen anything bigger than a player Asp to interdict though. Every single player has gone down very quickly. I usually say "Nothing personal, but you are aligned with Winters/whoever" in chat. No response.

I rarely look for PvP fights, but if I am I make sure to pick my battles. If I think there's a chance it could go poorly I don't bother.
So this ALD bounty bonus is for any bounties collected in Control/Exploit systems, and returned at ALD systems? Or does it not matter where they're returned?
Oh shit! I hope I stayed in the 70% Tier...that 6 mil will kit my Asp out perfectly :D

EDIT: Yesss, got it :D Aaah, now I'm remembering the joys of high-end Vulture power management...

What's your build? Priority layouts should solve most of that with the recent changes to how power plant destruction works.

Unless you're talking about capacitor monitoring, in which case yeah, the Asp is fun for that.


So this ALD bounty bonus is for any bounties collected in Control/Exploit systems, and returned at ALD systems? Or does it not matter where they're returned?

You have to turn them in in ALD systems to get the bonus. What shows on the transactions tab is just the base value, then you get the +100%/whatever when you turn it in.
You have to turn them in in ALD systems to get the bonus. What shows on the transactions tab is just the base value, then you get the +100%/whatever when you turn it in.

I am so lost when it comes to Power Play. I am interested in both the prismatic shield item AND this bounty bonus for building up credits, but the mechanics behind all of it are poorly explained. I've tried to find good guides but I keep coming up short, or they're out of date, or something.


Did you get away from his Anaconda friends?

Not gonna lie, when doing undermining in enemy power systems, I'm in my Fer-De-Lance. I'll do it in Open so I potentially see players to interdict too. I don't think I've seen anything bigger than a player Asp to interdict though. Every single player has gone down very quickly. I usually say "Nothing personal, but you are aligned with Winters/whoever" in chat. No response.

I rarely look for PvP fights, but if I am I make sure to pick my battles. If I think there's a chance it could go poorly I don't bother.

Nah, they vaporised me almost instantly. Saw maybe 2 seconds of pulse lasers and plasma accelerator blasts flying all around me and then I died. The guy was probably on teamspeak with a ton of people because I'm pretty sure around 5 ships jumped in after like 30 seconds of me kicking his ass.
What's your build? Priority layouts should solve most of that with the recent changes to how power plant destruction works.

Unless you're talking about capacitor monitoring, in which case yeah, the Asp is fun for that.

I'll grab my build when I get back on, but I ended up just reducing the quality of some non-essentials (KWS and Interdictor) and was way back on track. I'd be happy to take any suggestions, though--I haven't used a Vulture since prior to the power plant changes.

You have to turn them in in ALD systems to get the bonus. What shows on the transactions tab is just the base value, then you get the +100%/whatever when you turn it in.

Nice, thanks!
I'll grab my build when I get back on, but I ended up just reducing the quality of some non-essentials (KWS and Interdictor) and was way back on track. I'd be happy to take any suggestions, though--I haven't used a Vulture since prior to the power plant changes.

Nice, thanks!
Power plant destruction now limits your output to 50% of normal as opposed to killing you outright. Which is ALMOST the same thing if you don't have proper priorities setup. Without it, you will end up with your ship going dead in the water. Setting it up so it's escape and survival stuff on priority 1, that takes up less than 50% of your output, and everything else on priorities 2 and beyond is a good idea.

Further, general setup ideas include put FSD into the last priority, so it auto switches off when hardpoints are deployed (since you can't jump when deployed anyway), along with anything you use exclusively in supercruise, like an interdictor or fuel scoop.

If your FSD is on super low priority, and you took a pounding to the power plant and need to haul ass, it only takes a second or so to quickly tab over to the function and manually re-enable it (and only it) to jump. You don't want thrusters to go entirely.

See my power priorities here: http://coriolis.io/outfit/asp/25A5A...4054a6v2t586b2f.Iw18WQ==.EwBhGYQRjK-h0rGSIA==

(You'll notice my life support could use tweaking considering it's size class and everything, but it's really just there because of a "why not" reason. There's no reorganizational gain to not A rating it in this particular build's case.)



Edit. Won the second GQC deathmatch I've played. With a broken joystick too. It's rather tricky because I can only pull the stick back maybe 2/3 the way before it thinks I'm steering fully to the left or right.

Makes the victory all the sweeter.
Look closer.

Internal Security Service at a Hazardous RES

I saw this during the CG this week. It was an eagle, though. And it immediately engaged an FDL and got eradicated.

I wonder if it's just a broken spawn table it pulls these things from or something. I was getting an identical frag cannon loadout asp with the identical NPC name three times over 20 minutes on Sunday. It was weird.


Is there something wrong with CQC matchmaking or are you supposed to wait 10-20 minutes to find a game?

I give up, 30 minutes in and not a single match played.


Is there something wrong with CQC matchmaking or are you supposed to wait 10-20 minutes to find a game?

I give up, 30 minutes in and not a single match played.

Yeah, there was a recent video from Kornelius that said it was broken, and has been ever since release. Sometimes you'll get a match quickly, sometimes you won't ever.

I have never seen a station interior like this before:



Is there something wrong with CQC matchmaking or are you supposed to wait 10-20 minutes to find a game?

I give up, 30 minutes in and not a single match played.

I can confirm that the matchmaking worked when I played it this weekend and before. Sometimes, I had to wait a bit for a match, but eventually, one was found.

When you tried it and where in the world you were might, perhaps, make a difference. I imagine there'll be fairly few people to play with in the morning on a normal week day, while there should be enough people to paly with in the evening. Unfortunately, there's no feedback on how many players are queued...

Question time! Today at 18:00 GMT here'll be a live Q&A session with David Braben. We're able to submit questions here.

I'll shamelessly beg for upvotes for my questions here (interdict and destroy me, if these questions already appeared in the list):
  • Will multicrew features, carrying fighters in ships and the commander creator announced for the Horizons season also be available to players only owning season one of E:D?
  • How will commander faces be visible to the players? Will pilot helmets have transparent visors? Will we see commander faces when communicating with others - maybe even NPCs (think Wing Commander radio chatter)? Will pilots in multicrew ships be able to chose not to wear a helmet (what if the canopy gets destroyed? :p )?
  • How will the instancing/loading of a planet's orbit and its surface work? Is orbital cruise an instanced area, similar to super cruise? Is there another separate instancing step from orbital cruise down to POIs on ground level, like signal sources in super cruise? As an example: is a player in orbital cruise in the same instance as a player in a SRV within a POI on the ground and can the first player's ship approach the other player's SRV and POI on the ground seemlessly?


Just had the most bizarre NPC interaction.

I was in my Anaconda with 450T of Power commodity. I get to the system I'm delivering it to, and this NPC in a Viper interdicts me. I submit, then boost and jump out. I have a large and 3 medium pulse lasers on my Anaconda, and could have killed him if I wanted to, but it was just a Viper and a waste of time. Five seconds later, same guy interdicts me. I do the same thing. Five seconds later, he does it AGAIN! This guy wasn't even some power affiliated ship, just a generic criminal.

Then I drop at the station and HE FUCKING DROPS WITH ME AND STARTS SHOOTING AT ME IN THE NO FIRE ZONE! Space cops disentegrate him in about five seconds. I have never ever seen an NPC do anything like that before.


Yeah, there was a recent video from Kornelius that said it was broken, and has been ever since release. Sometimes you'll get a match quickly, sometimes you won't ever.

I have never seen a station interior like this before:


Guess there's no point playing it then, I was getting into matches fairly easily when 1.4 first released but after 1.4.1 it's been next to impossible. The only reason I wanted to play it in the first place is because it requires far less time than the main game and it's really easy.


Guess there's no point playing it then, I was getting into matches fairly easily when 1.4 first released but after 1.4.1 it's been next to impossible. The only reason I wanted to play it in the first place is because it requires far less time than the main game and it's really easy.
Honestly I'm kind of disappointed in CQC just because it is so shallow. There really needs to be a class of mid-high tier ships. Maybe something with Vultures, or a class with FDLs and Pythons only. I just don't think it is very fun when basically the biggest you can get is an Eagle.

I think they should do something like this.

Small tier - Condor, Sidewinder, Eagle, Imperial Eagle (what we have now)
Mid tier - Viper, Cobra, Diamondbacks (both), Imperial Courier
Vultures only - Vulture is kind of it's own class of agile combat ship. Wouldn't be fair to lump it into the previous categories. You might be able to make an argument to put Asps here.
Medium Ships - Fer-De-Lance, Python, Dropship, Gunship, Assault Ship

Large Tier (this one probably isn't worth doing) - Anacondas and Chippers.

That last one would hardly be fair to the Clippers unless the Anaconda's are restricted on how many of their slots they can use or something like that.


Just had the most bizarre NPC interaction.

I was in my Anaconda with 450T of Power commodity. I get to the system I'm delivering it to, and this NPC in a Viper interdicts me. I submit, then boost and jump out. I have a large and 3 medium pulse lasers on my Anaconda, and could have killed him if I wanted to, but it was just a Viper and a waste of time. Five seconds later, same guy interdicts me. I do the same thing. Five seconds later, he does it AGAIN! This guy wasn't even some power affiliated ship, just a generic criminal.

Then I drop at the station and HE FUCKING DROPS WITH ME AND STARTS SHOOTING AT ME IN THE NO FIRE ZONE! Space cops disentegrate him in about five seconds. I have never ever seen an NPC do anything like that before.

Yeah, I had a guy drop with me at a station recently (no interdiction or anything, he literally just appeared in front of me). I inadvertently boosted into him, because I really didn't expect a guy to be there when I hit the boost button, the generic "Give me your goods" text appeared and then he opened fire right next to the damn station. The git got me down to 16% hull before being blown up by station police and I had to restart my ship in order to get thrusters working again.


Honestly I'm kind of disappointed in CQC just because it is so shallow. There really needs to be a class of mid-high tier ships. Maybe something with Vultures, or a class with FDLs and Pythons only. I just don't think it is very fun when basically the biggest you can get is an Eagle.

I think they should do something like this.

Small tier - Condor, Sidewinder, Eagle, Imperial Eagle (what we have now)
Mid tier - Viper, Cobra, Diamondbacks (both), Imperial Courier
Vultures only - Vulture is kind of it's own class of agile combat ship. Wouldn't be fair to lump it into the previous categories. You might be able to make an argument to put Asps here.
Medium Ships - Fer-De-Lance, Python, Dropship, Gunship, Assault Ship

Large Tier (this one probably isn't worth doing) - Anacondas and Chippers.

That last one would hardly be fair to the Clippers unless the Anaconda's are restricted on how many of their slots they can use or something like that.

You could say that about the rest of the game though, lots of things to do but no real specialisation outside of PVE vs PVP builds. I just wanted instant gratification from CQC for those days I don't have time to grind the main game, but it doesn't work. More ships in CQC would be great but they'd need to make more bigger maps.


Yeah, I had a guy drop with me at a station recently (no interdiction or anything, he literally just appeared in front of me). I inadvertently boosted into him, because I really didn't expect a guy to be there when I hit the boost button, the generic "Give me your goods" text appeared and then he opened fire right next to the damn station. The git got me down to 16% hull before being blown up by station police and I had to restart my ship in order to get thrusters working again.
Damn, what ship were you in when that happened? What ship was the AI?

Lucky for me I was an Anaconda and a dinky little Viper wouldn't be able to do anything to me unless I just let him wail on me for 5 minutes. Then again knowing AIs he would crash into me once dropping his shields, then again blowing himself up all while my shields don't even drop or I take maybe 5% hull damage.

It is such a weird feeling in an Anaconda. Even though I'm not that armed for an Anaconda (3 Turret F rated Pulse lasers and one Large gimballed Pulse), I can still disintegrate the little guys like that even if I have a hold full of cargo.

I have to wonder, how is the Anaconda not OP for trading? Nobody can mass lock you unless they bring a wing of Anacondas or FDLs, they certainly won't be killing you quickly. I mean if you were to pirate an Anaconda, you either need an Anaconda or fully outfitted FDL yourself, or you need strength in numbers. I'm sure 5 Vultures could do it, but still that is a ton just to bring down an Anaconda.


Honestly I'm kind of disappointed in CQC just because it is so shallow. There really needs to be a class of mid-high tier ships. Maybe something with Vultures, or a class with FDLs and Pythons only. I just don't think it is very fun when basically the biggest you can get is an Eagle.

Small tier - Condor, Sidewinder, Eagle, Imperial Eagle (what we have now)
Mid tier - Viper, Cobra, Diamondbacks (both), Imperial Courier
Vultures only - Vulture is kind of it's own class of agile combat ship. Wouldn't be fair to lump it into the previous categories. You might be able to make an argument to put Asps here.
Medium Ships - Fer-De-Lance, Python, Dropship, Gunship, Assault Ship

Large Tier (this one probably isn't worth doing) - Anacondas and Chippers.

That last one would hardly be fair to the Clippers unless the Anaconda's are restricted on how many of their slots they can use or something like that.

What would be the attraction of a deathmatch between the larger ships? They aren't nearly as nimble as small fighters, but a lot more rersilient..Tight arenas would hence be out of question and dogfights would result in opponents slowly wearing down their shields/hulls and circling each other endlessly. They'd also multiply the balancing effort involved.

I see no need for any other classes in CQC tbh.. Nor how its particularily shallow (any more than the rest of the game or other classic arena deathmatch games - Quake?). Atm. it's a nice little deathmatch mode, but adding all the ships, designing maps for them and balancing them for arena PvP would probably turn CQC into its own War Thunder-like game.


What would be the attraction of a deathmatch between the larger ships? They aren't nearly as nimble as small fighters, but a lot more rersilient..Tight arenas would hence be out of question and dogfights would result in opponents slowly wearing down their shields/hulls and circling each other endlessly. They'd also multiply the balancing effort involved.

I see no need for any other classes in CQC tbh.. Nor how its particularily shallow (any more than the rest of the game or other classic arena deathmatch games - Quake?). Atm. it's a nice little deathmatch mode, but adding all the ships, designing maps for them and balancing them for arena PvP would probably turn CQC into its own War Thunder-like game.
Like I said, Clipper and Anaconda probably wouldn't work, but I think at the very least it should include up to Vultures. Vultures would be prefect for CQC, and would do well in the small environments. If they want kills to be more frequent, then the shields can be weak and hull can be weaker than in the normal game. It's just a huge missed opportunity that the ships right above the Eagle are not included in CQC, when it feels like they belong there somehow.


It's just a huge missed opportunity that the ships right above the Eagle are not included in CQC, when it feels like they belong there somehow.

Personally, I never felt that they were missing or that CQC would gain anything from bigger ships.Nor could I understand the complaints I've read somewhere that people can't bring in their PU ships. ;-)

For me the whole point in CQC is the focus on the small ships, which have little to no use in on their own in the PU's meta. The only ship I was missing, was the imperial equivalent of the Condor, which will be added in 1.5.

Granted, I've only played CQC up to rank 11.


Personally, I never felt that they were missing or that CQC would gain anything from bigger ships.Nor could I understand the complaints I've read somewhere that people can't bring in their PU ships. ;-)

For me the whole point in CQC is the focus on the small ships, which have little to no use in on their own in the PU's meta. The only ship I was missing, was the imperial equivalent of the Condor, which will be added in 1.5.

Granted, I've only played CQC up to rank 11.
The other problem I have with it is that gimballed weapons are in, and default, making chaff effectively a "get out of jail free" card. On top of that this is a skill based arena, gimballed weapons have no place here, it should be fixed only.


The other problem I have with it is that gimballed weapons are in, and default, making chaff effectively a "get out of jail free" card. On top of that this is a skill based arena, gimballed weapons have no place here, it should be fixed only.

Eh, that's another, very personal, view on the matter. The gimbals effectively make the game playable to anything that isn't a joystick without putting joystick users at a disadvantage. A mouse/keaboard might work as well or better than a joystick for targeting, if you can put up with the less precise ship controls, but gamepad players wouldn't be able to compete if they weapons were entirely fixed.

As for chaff being very effective. Yes, it is excellent (imho)!.

If it was all fixed weapons and no artifical throwing off the targetting due to chaff, experienced players would just keep pointing and firing the lasers at the targets. Those would have precious little defense against an attacker from behind other than getting behind cover, which is often further away than a Condor's hull would last anyway. The way it is, players who are being jumped from behind still have a chance to survive if they have the skill and sense to hit chaff, get into cover and turn on their attackers or throw them off by sneaking away. On the other end, the attacking player can deselect the target and continue their attack with fixed weapons if they have the skill.


Damn, what ship were you in when that happened? What ship was the AI?

I was in an Asp doing a spot of trading. The AI was in a Python. Ramming him as he dropped took my shields out completely and then he just pounded me until he was destroyed. Was one of the oddest things I've encountered especially since there was no text whilst in SC and definitely no interdiction attempt.
Question time! Today at 18:00 GMT here'll be a live Q&A session with David Braben. We're able to submit questions here.

I'll shamelessly beg for upvotes for my questions here (interdict and destroy me, if these questions already appeared in the list):
  • Will multicrew features, carrying fighters in ships and the commander creator announced for the Horizons season also be available to players only owning season one of E:D?
  • How will commander faces be visible to the players? Will pilot helmets have transparent visors? Will we see commander faces when communicating with others - maybe even NPCs (think Wing Commander radio chatter)? Will pilots in multicrew ships be able to chose not to wear a helmet (what if the canopy gets destroyed? :p )?
  • How will the instancing/loading of a planet's orbit and its surface work? Is orbital cruise an instanced area, similar to super cruise? Is there another separate instancing step from orbital cruise down to POIs on ground level, like signal sources in super cruise? As an example: is a player in orbital cruise in the same instance as a player in a SRV within a POI on the ground and can the first player's ship approach the other player's SRV and POI on the ground seemlessly?

Just tossed you a bunch of votes!

Then I drop at the station and HE FUCKING DROPS WITH ME AND STARTS SHOOTING AT ME IN THE NO FIRE ZONE! Space cops disentegrate him in about five seconds. I have never ever seen an NPC do anything like that before.

In one of the patches over the past few months, they said that specific NPC bounty hunters can be sent after you. This might ONLY be if you defected from your Power at a high rank, though--I can't remember.


Just tossed you a bunch of votes!

Thanks! Much appreciated. =)

The first question is actually something I really want to know (my priority would be: 1,3,2). My feeling is that yes, all those features should be available to season one players, simply because there are already seats for multi-crews in the current ships and it feels somewhat wrong to taunt them by not letting them use them when the feature gets finally added. I only realized later, that in terms of multi-crew ships there may be even balancing issues if multi-crew were not available to season one players.

Say a multi-crew were to give you an advantage, e.g. with turret targeting. Not making that feature available to season one players might create a pay to win scenario. Unless this is balanced in some way, season one players faced with Horizons players would be at a disadvantage in that case, given the same multi-crew ships that were present in the game from day one. Having to balance a scenario where players have different capabilities though is a very delicate matter. Simply making multi-crew available to season one players would be a simple and perfect solution, as it would put everybody on the same ground.


You should probably expect those imbalances, to be honest. It is very likely that you'll be able to have fun without Horizons but I wouldn't expect to stay competitive. Imagine skipping the latest WoW or Destiny expansion, for example.


You should probably expect those imbalances, to be honest. It is very likely that you'll be able to have fun without Horizons but I wouldn't expect to stay competitive. Imagine skipping the latest WoW or Destiny expansion, for example.

Depends quiet a bit on the time frame and on how this is handled. If an addon after two years throws the balance around a bit, I don't think its that bad. If an addon comes out after a mere year and changes the balance in a way that nearly obliges players to buy it in order to still be able to play the game decently, that feels a lot more dubious.

I don't think that multi-crew might throw Elite's PvP balance off that much, but the potential is still there. Especially in case of multi crew though, I feel like charging players to be able to use it, when the previously available ships were already very obviously designed to support it due to multiple seats in the cockpit, seems a bit off to me. Not that I could understand why any Elite player who regularily plays and enjoys the game would not buy Horizon when it releases. :p The character creator is a similar scenario imo. "You aren't allowed to create a face for your avatar, because we didn't manage to implement this in the first season", sounds a bit silly for something that is a very basic feature for games with player avatars.

In either case, I'd like to know how Frontier is going to handle this. Will they just give the option to all players and if not, how will they keep that separate without feeling awkward?
Damn, forgot that the Kaushpoos mining CG has actual functionality/rewards tied to tiers.

Help us improve the new Pleides space station by mining ore for the community goal. We are almost at tier 5, which gives the new station services and systems a 50% stats increase. And the final tier will give a tremendous boost to that, for a total of 75% increase in station stats (that's half-again more than the 50% !). The CG will end Thursday morning. And the top 99% of the contributors (i.e. almost all) will get at least a 2.5 mil credit global CG award !

I've already traveled to ALD jurisdiction and am hunting bounties in my Vulture before the cycle ends :( If you can mine, get to Kaushpoos and help out! I'm considering just saying "fuck it" and temporarily swapping out my Vulture for even an Asp if I can help out.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
What stream? What starport?? Thargoids???? What are you two talking about???!!!! :)
God DAMMIT, daylight savings time! Missed the stream :-\ But, some info compiled from reddit:

EDIT: Summary here: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/3rircw/braben_qa_summary/

  • Beta will come in two stages: 1.5 launches on Nov 9th, and Horizons 2.0 on Nov 24th
  • Want to do NPC Wingmates & Crew. Planned, but no timescale.
  • Schematic map for use on planets coming soon
  • Rings will cast shadows on planet's surface, but no timescale.
  • Orrery map still planned, but no timescale. Will be at back end of Season 2 if it makes it in.
  • Player groups functionality in game. 'Yes, but...' recognising player groups as sub-factions is the start, but it won't be exactly like other game's mechanics.
  • Loot/Crafting: Simple bits will be in 2.0
  • Tier 2 persistent NPCs: Won't be in the sense that you can kill off all NPCs in galaxy, but small additions will come sequentially. No timeframe.
  • Played it on Vive today. 'It's awesome'. Buggies didn't make him feel sick. Getting excessively tumbled did make another player who was more prone to motion sickness feel that way.
  • Shark-tooth skin for the Python? Would love it, and they're looking into it, but no promises.
  • Asp scout? Not military version, another variant. More like the Asp out of Frontier. Slightly more budget.
  • When will we see significant updates to the base game? DB counters that piracy forms & bounty hunting, and new professions (mining) are significant improvements. 'It's getting better by degrees'. Says bounty hunting in particular will change more and more through Season 2.
  • Turret with Hotas? You can configure as you like. Hat button etc.
  • Plans to expand astronomical phenomenon? Accretion discs etc? Would love to do it. On the list. Comets are in the simulation, but getting them to look good and interact well with gameplay still need to be got right. You will be able to see medium-sized 'potato' asteroids even if you don't have Horizons.
  • Is Elite and MMORPG? By almost all measures, but suggests quality / connection limits means it can still improve over time.
  • Did he ever imagine in '84 Elite could look like this? Imagine yes :). Talks about under-promise, over-deliver in terms of creating impressive modern content.
  • Vid of buggy driving into settlement with Corvette nearby :)
  • How settlements work with single-player? Use deep ravines to approach 'under the guns' etc. The big guns don't decline etc. Only have to deal with the lighter skimmers. Could take out a generator, and both the lights and the big guns go down. Then call your ship in (if you've got all the generators). There are lots of bases, and they're varied.
  • NICE! SRV being lowered out of a Cobra, internal view as you exit. Animation looks good. Drives to large base. Hexagonal heat radiators.
  • Plans to reduce current transition phases? Yes, and they're constantly being worked on. (Some regions, and some connections, have excessive transitions now, and they're working on them)
  • Character creator will be used for NPCS? Yes, and planned. But not straight away.
  • Keelback? Lakon ship. You'll see in a week. Based on Type 6, but better, with more weaponry.
  • How are the DDF 'near God-like powers' re background sim coming? Straight apology on slow progress. At some point there will be something to address that, but not for now.
  • Buggy too jerky in streams? Some were filmed with TrackIR, which can be less pleasurable for viewer than player, maybe the cause of concern.
  • High end FerDeLance? Not sure where this rumour came from. Not ready to talk about that yet.
  • Thargoids? Well.... He was impressed by Cmdr who decoded the signals. There's more exciting stuff to come.
  • Will capital ships be improved to be more fun to play with/against? Yes, there's more to come.
  • Asteroid stations? You can sort of see the first vestiges them in CQC. They will come. Don't have a timeframe. Hopefully back-end of Season 2.
  • More CGs to expand the human bubble? Yes, he thinks they're wonderful. Absolutely yes.
  • Are you going to play SC? Yes, looking forward to playing it.
  • Can you conquer planetary bases? Can attack, but can't have your own one. Not yet anyway.
  • NPCs in Horizons? NPCs driving skimmers already. NPCs driving buggies [?] unlikely in Season 2. Planetary ships, yes.
  • Game API? Looking at, in pipeline.
  • Transfer creds after certain rank? Suggest the cargo transfer, so not seen as a priority. Has air of exploit if done on large scale. (Says big cheaters are being banned).
  • Expand 32 player cap? Could, but experience would suffer. Continually reviewing.
  • Jettison all cargo? Why?? You don't have to do it ;). Makes your ship lighter. And it's a surprise.
  • Passengers? Planned, but can't remember exact timescale.
  • Cutter / Corvette? Both slightly bigger/longer than Anaconda, and have bigger hardpoints. And fit through the slot.
  • What will you see 20k from Sol? You will see more exotic things, there will be things to find, but doesn't want to spoil
  • [Missed question] - Looking at how Horizons and non-Horizons Wings perform missions together.
  • Planetary approach suite fits in every ship. SRV takes up 4t of cargo space. Doesn't take up compartment.
  • Multi-sourced lighting? On the list. Might only come in High and Ultra settings. No promises.
  • Will we see Cmdr faces through visors etc / when communicating? Yes face normally clear because ship pressurised.
  • More difference between stations? It's coming, not sure when. Probably not in 2.0
  • Vessels over Season 2? First variants will be similar to the SRV, then more down the line. Handle differently and do different things.
  • Ship naming? (Did we promised that? :)). He wants it. Says we will do it. I'll talk to the team tomorrow.
  • Systems visited bookmarks? Doesn't know.
  • Models or kits coming? Models yes, not kits that he knows of.
  • Publishing the lore? Wants to. And bringing story more to fore.
  • Large cities? Ever bigger settlements coming. Big cities not in 2.0, but will come over the Season.
  • SRV inside stations? Currently no, and probably not. Will look if worth doing.
  • Is orbital cruise and instanced area? At the moment pretty seamless. Isn't sure on details on where the transition is. There is instancing on the surface.
  • They have rough ship layouts, but no walking etc in Season 2
  • Are there none Thargoid species? YES :D
  • [Mumbled] If you're in a wing should be able to share exploration data. Will look into it.
  • More CQC maps in 1.5, then more after.
  • Supercruise bug? He will ask after this stream.

Since Beta dates have been announced, along with a bunch of other info, I'll create a thread.
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