As I live vicariously through you all-
Flight Assist Off or On? What is the consensus?
The way it looks to me (obviously from an outsider perspective) is that with it On, it basically gives you the ability to fly it like a plane. With it Off, it looks like that you have to consider your momentum and apply counter forces.
How do you prefer?
As I live vicariously through you all-
Flight Assist Off or On? What is the consensus?
The way it looks to me (obviously from an outsider perspective) is that with it On, it basically gives you the ability to fly it like a plane. With it Off, it looks like that you have to consider your momentum and apply counter forces.
How do you prefer?
I have a question for everyone. I keep reading guides to making money and so many say trading is where its at. I have a cobra that can haul 36 tons but it really doesn't seem that great. I make way more money doing bounty's at an extraction site or USS.
I understand buying when the price is low and then selling where its high, but it just doesn't seem worth the time. Per hour killing wanted people yields way more. Am I doing trading wrong?
Addtionally, I want to do exploring too. Is the detailed surface scanner worth it? How much more does it yield? Right now exploring seems to yield little in terms of credits. I think the most I got was about 6k for a system.
I'm enjoying the game quite a bit, but I really hate the mission structure. If it's not a direct hauling mission, it will almost certainly be
- Jump to system
- Fly around in supercruise until you get an unidentified signal source
- Slow down and drop out of supercruise, crossing your fingers and hoping RNG rolls in your favor
- RNG probably did not roll in your favor, so recharge supercruise and start the process all over again
There's enough to make your own fun, so you don't have to exclusively do missions. But I really wish there were more variety and that they didn't all depend on USS dice rolls.
Totally. I got an interdictor hoping I'd be able to at least find some wanted NPCs in supercruise. Coulda sworn I'd seen some before when I didn't have the interdictor. For whatever reason though, after flying around for 45 min I still never saw any....
I agree and I'm sure they'd be open to ideas. I think it needs to feel more like you, as a bounty hunters, use a mix of skill and tech to actually track the guy, instead of randomly checking systems.
Yeah, im with this. If you can bind that kind of ability to a single button press then youre just...pressing a button on your keyboard. Even stuff that has keyboard shortcuts like silent running, cargo scoop, etc, I always use the on screen computer for it. Why? Cause it feels like im operating a freakin spaceship as opposed to operating a keyboard
You're just operating the keyboard within your spaceship though.
Where's the nearest black market in ho hsi?
Totally. I got an interdictor hoping I'd be able to at least find some wanted NPCs in supercruise. Coulda sworn I'd seen some before when I didn't have the interdictor. For whatever reason though, after flying around for 45 min I still never saw any.
I accidentally did a mission for Ho Hsi corp last night out of Steiner Hub,
I'm sorry everyone.![]()
As I live vicariously through you all-
Flight Assist Off or On? What is the consensus?
The way it looks to me (obviously from an outsider perspective) is that with it On, it basically gives you the ability to fly it like a plane. With it Off, it looks like that you have to consider your momentum and apply counter forces.
How do you prefer?
I accidentally did a mission for Ho Hsi corp last night out of Steiner Hub,
I'm sorry everyone.![]()
You're just operating the keyboard within your spaceship though.
1) Territory, this is already in the game...
2) Resources from territory, also in the game but...
But both are effectively unlimited. What's the use in controlling territory, when everyone can call a million star systems their own personal empire?
But both are effectively unlimited. What's the use in controlling territory, when everyone can call a million star systems their own personal empire?
I go to De Sousa Ring in Mantxe. Not one in Ho Hsi proper.
But both are effectively unlimited. What's the use in controlling territory, when everyone can call a million star systems their own personal empire?
Bah, USSs are being an utter dick. Refusing to give me pirates to kill.
USS has been slow and frustrating for me. It's usually just 1 clean ship with nothing to say or offer. I've been having better luck just sitting at a Nav beacon. I also had decent luck when I supercruised towards an asteroid belt and almost every time it dropped me out of supercruise for being too close to the belt it would give me a new spawn.
Wow, the Eagle is a huge step up from my crappy starter Sidewinder. Got lucky and managed to get 2 35-40k bounties and got a gimballed auto cannon, a new shield generator, a new power plant and a warrant scanner.
To chase other ships with supercruise I need another kind of scanner right? And interdicting them requires another gizmo? Can't do that with only one utility mount, right?
An interdictor is generally a waste of time. Just hang around extraction sites or nav beacons, you'll find plenty of prey.
An interdictor is generally a waste of time. Just hang around extraction sites or nav beacons, you'll find plenty of prey.
An interdictor is generally a waste of time. Just hang around extraction sites or nav beacons, you'll find plenty of prey.
kill warrant scanner
The Kill Warrant scanner only ensures that you get a bounty voucher right? A Clean NPC/Player won't suddenly become Wanted if you scan them?
Which would imply that Wanted status is universal but bounty vouchers are always local?
What if you attack a target that was clean in system X but wanted in system Y. Do you then become wanted in system X but not in system Y?
Wouldn't you potentially have to travel to another system where they were more wanted, though? Not sure that's worth the extra time that could just be spent hunting the next wanted ship.
For clarity, here is how the Kill Warrant scanner *should* work (leaving aside bugs for a moment):The KWS cross-references various authority records across multiple systems. The upshot is that when you complete a KWS scan, you will learn the combined value for all bounties issued against the ship.You can check this value in the contacts tab of the target panel (the panel you have to UI focus on, not the basic target panel): just select the ship and it will display the combined value.When you destroy the ship, this combined value will be split up into the individual bounty claims in your contract tab; for example, a 5000k combined value might turn into a Federal claim for 2000k and an independent system claim for 3000k.Importantly, the KWS *does not* give you authorisation to attack a ship. It merely reveals how much the ship is worthy in bounty claims, in total.It is perfectly possible to have a ship that is clean in the current location, but wanted elsewhere. Attacking a ship that is clean will result in a crime being committed, unless you are attacking in an anarchy (where no crimes are logged).On the other hand, just because you get a bounty for attacking a ship that is not wanted in the current location, you are not prevented from cashing in any bounty claim you get for destroying it. Various factions that issue bounties don't really care what laws get broken in order for the perpetrator to be brought to justice as long as their own laws are respected.The bottom line is: unless you are in an anarchy, you will be committing a crime if you attack a ship that isn't wanted, or that you have not completed a basic scan on. A KWS will allow you to potentially earn lots more money by allowing you to cash in bounty claims from systems other than the one you are currently in.
This is correct.
Okay, last question. is there a unified place where you can see your wanted/clean status among all relevant factions or do you just have to kind of wing it?
Basically is there a reputation page?
I wish this game had more spreadsheets I honestly do :x. I understand spreadsheets.
Pretty sure you can see your government status from the right Control Panel in your ship.
This is a fair point, Elite is many times bigger than EVE is and I didn't take that into account.
But it's also reasonable to say that no one wants to be in the arse end of nowhere on the other side of the galaxy by themselves, and some territory can be more valuable than others, sometimes because of their proximity to population centers.