Things I want from Elite:
Stop slowing down to a crawl in supercruise in some systems. 8FPS is unplayable to anyone, especially with a Rift on.
Stop slapping bounty on me for a dude flying in front of my bullets.
Stop forgetting my HUD color settings.
That's it. I'm happy otherwise.
Which system does that happen in? I very rarely get slowdown and its typically only when transitioning from the different flight modes.
Speaking of, I do really hope they continue to work on the transitions between regular flight, supercruise, and hyperspace. It would go a long way towards the immersion--now, sometimes it's very much a "aaaand now we've loaded in the planet/meteor belt/etc." situation.
Otherwise, I agree, especially on the unforgiving bounty system. On one hand, I do really like the impetus to control your fire as another vehicle crosses close to your target. On the other hand, when you're close to the target and the other vehicle just flies right in front of you, you never really have a chance to know and disengage.
On one hand I agree, the game is barebones and lacking in many ways. And yet, I'm in serious love with it. The feeling of flying around space is incredible, the sounds of this game are alluring, and I'm having an absolute blast with this foundation of a game. So, I agree an 8 is generous, yet I'm enjoying this less than 8 of a game more than many other games I've played this year. It's hard to quantify.
I don't know that there IS an endgame to ED, but I love that all the side missions, all the "fetch quests", actually have repercussions. Not just with the individual factions (where you gain rep, much like Destiny) but in the universe as a whole (our whole campaign against the Ho Hsi), and then of course you have the smaller impacts to trade, economy, etc.
I REALLY want to check out the slave rebellion and see some Capital ships, too! I assume we'd fight against them, since we're Federalists?
I played this game all weekend, I didn't play anything else, I'm seriously hooked.
Yeah, same. I just kept coming back to it. Didn't get much work done, ahah.