What are the preorder goodies, is there a page with details of them since the final release is out already.
So I am in the process of ordering an EDTracker. While it's great in the Rift, I don't know the menus, still have to type on the KB for destinations and that Galaxy Map ... confusing as shit. Needs a tutorial just for that! But I still can't play in the Rift for more than an hour and I definitely spend more than an hour in this game.
Has anybody done those"Black Box" missions? I spent an hour trying to find one and ended up just wasting time! "It's in _____ Star System" ... fly to _____ Star System and .... hrm, now what? Do you just look for signals or something? I really need to get super cruise down, I overshoot shit and then I'm stuck spending like 5 minutes trying to get back to where I was ...
Now that I'm actually trying to 'do something' in the game, I'm realizing how much I ignored playing around in the Rift.
Natively or are you using an Xinput emulator (PS4Tool etc.)?
The "find illegal item XYZ" missions are kind of broken at the moment, and to be honest are not well designed in the first place.
The idea is that you fly to the specified system, look around for Unidentified Signal Sources, and then check them out, hoping to find the black box or whatever. Trouble is, it's usually just some wreckage with other items, not the thing you're looking for. I tried one of these missions, went to four USSs, found nothing and gave up. People who have found them have also not been able to turn them in to complete the mission.
Not only are they not working, it's also not good game design. I want to track the object down, not hope that it gets randomly generated.
Minor complaint though, does nothing to derail this from being my GOTY 2014.
I haven't had any issues with these missions. Sometimes I may have to look at more than one source but that doesnt' happen often. I've never had an issue with turning them in either. Although I do get issues with missions where it will say #destinationstationname instead of the actual place. I usually don't take those though.
So I am in the process of ordering an EDTracker. While it's great in the Rift, I don't know the menus, still have to type on the KB for destinations and that Galaxy Map ... confusing as shit. Needs a tutorial just for that! But I still can't play in the Rift for more than an hour and I definitely spend more than an hour in this game.
Has anybody done those"Black Box" missions? I spent an hour trying to find one and ended up just wasting time! "It's in _____ Star System" ... fly to _____ Star System and .... hrm, now what? Do you just look for signals or something? I really need to get super cruise down, I overshoot shit and then I'm stuck spending like 5 minutes trying to get back to where I was ...
Now that I'm actually trying to 'do something' in the game, I'm realizing how much I ignored playing around in the Rift.
What's funny is that if say, someone else is playing, and you're looking at the mirror on the screen, you realize that what's being shown on the Rift at any given point I actually even more claustrophobic than just the regular monitor, but the rift makes it feel soooo huge and open.Is it a framerate issue for you in the rift, or are you just susceptible to motion sickness? I have a rock solid 75fps in 99% of this game (stutters a bit when looking downwards in some stations for some reason) and I'm regularly having 4-6 hour stints in the rift. Typing can suck, but my touch typing skills have gone up dramatically since using it.
I tried using my monitor (32'' 1440p) and a trackIR when they broke rift support back in one of the beta patches, and I only lasted 5 minutes before getting frustrated. Everything's so tiny and your view is so restricted! No way can I go back to a monitor for this game now, but I understand if you're not hitting 75fps it would be nasty.
Anyone know if there is anything to do with unexplored planets and stuff or can you not "explore" them yet?
Can you jack ships and use them?
You scan them to varying degrees, based on how nice of a scanner you've purchased. You can then sell this data to cartographic companies that want this data. The deeper the scan, the more money you get.
I thought that might be it. I knew you could sell info to places. I'll have to get a better scanner later on then
I thought that might be it. I knew you could sell info to places. I'll have to get a better scanner later on then
I have a friend who backed this game and I'm considering getting it for some co-op fun. How easy is it to do that and is there some group activity to be done? There has to be some upside for that removal of the offline mode, right?
No grouping mechanics until Q1 2015.
Meh. I guess getting out of early access these days means nothing since you can just add features in later builds as extras. The idea of a 'complete' game at launch keeps getting more dead.
I'd still rather play ED in its current state than wait 4 more years for SC.
Meh. I guess getting out of early access these days means nothing since you can just add features in later builds as extras. The idea of a 'complete' game at launch keeps getting more dead.
No grouping mechanics until Q1 2015.
You can still group up just fine. There just isn't a "join as group" option yet. There's a friends list and a group list, but if you want to play with someone in the same area you just have to actually meet up.
Still not sure if this is worth picking up yet or not. Does it feel finished and ready? And does it have a hard learning curve?
The "find illegal item XYZ" missions are kind of broken at the moment, and to be honest are not well designed in the first place.
The idea is that you fly to the specified system, look around for Unidentified Signal Sources, and then check them out, hoping to find the black box or whatever. Trouble is, it's usually just some wreckage with other items, not the thing you're looking for. I tried one of these missions, went to four USSs, found stuff I wasn't looking for, and gave up. People who have found them have also not been able to turn them in to complete the mission.
Not only are they not working, it's also not good game design. I want to track the object down, not hope that it gets randomly generated.
Minor complaint though, does nothing to derail this from being my GOTY 2014.
I haven't had any issues with these missions. Sometimes I may have to look at more than one source but that doesnt' happen often. I've never had an issue with turning them in either. Although I do get issues with missions where it will say #destinationstationname instead of the actual place. I usually don't take those though.
Is it a framerate issue for you in the rift, or are you just susceptible to motion sickness? I have a rock solid 75fps in 99% of this game (stutters a bit when looking downwards in some stations for some reason) and I'm regularly having 4-6 hour stints in the rift. Typing can suck, but my touch typing skills have gone up dramatically since using it.
I tried using my monitor (32'' 1440p) and a trackIR when they broke rift support back in one of the beta patches, and I only lasted 5 minutes before getting frustrated. Everything's so tiny and your view is so restricted! No way can I go back to a monitor for this game now, but I understand if you're not hitting 75fps it would be nasty.
Oh I have tons more faith in Elite than in Star Citizen. The latter is theoretically my dream game but it sounds more and more like a monster that's escaped from the control of its makers.
this space mmo has no gorup mechanics? at all? thats insanewhats with these games that take the worst parts of mmo's and drop the only good ones (like destiny although i guess you could at least play with friends in that).
You can't join a friend at all? there is no list? what exactly?
are there dope huge planets to fly around? Sell me on this!
Pretty pictures is all it takes lol.
There seems to be a big list of features upcoming. Are they all going to be free?
3570k gtx 780 16gb enough to run this at a decent clip at 1440p?
How is the mouse and keyboard control? Those seem to be my preferable way to play space sims.
What does this game offer differently from other space trading games of the last decade like darkstar one besides the visual bump?
I wish they never would have mentioned the MMO word, it's going to confuse and disappoint many people I'm afraid.
Is the game massive? Yes. Can you see 31 other players at any given time? Yes. Ok, welp, we got ourselves an MMO.
There are more "MMO-esque" mechanics coming in the first expansion, like player to player ship docking, trading, etc. They've always said these things were coming, just not at launch.
Isn't Elite being extremely ambitious with its planned expansions as well?Sums up my feelings exactly. SC was my dream game too, but looking at it now, I'm pretty suspicious of it. It's a very, very good thing Elite came along.
Highly cautious of both of these games in the long run.
We have had 32 player multiplayer games for a long ass time now.
What does this game offer differently from other space trading games of the last decade like darkstar one besides the visual bump?
This game captures the 'feel' of flying a starship better then any game I've ever played in my life. It's incredibly immersive. Bullet points and feature lists aside, this is what makes ED stand out.
I'm not that clued in.. Does the game have a SP campaign and story?
Is the game massive? Yes. Can you see 31 other players at any given time? Yes. Ok, welp, we got ourselves an MMO.
There are more "MMO-esque" mechanics coming in the first expansion, like player to player ship docking, trading, etc. They've always said these things were coming, just not at launch.
Is there a list with the updates (if any) from Gamma 2.0 to release 1.00?
Not much...Is there a list with the updates (if any) from Gamma 2.0 to release 1.00?
Change log for those updating from Gamma:
- Prevent missions softlocks when switching servers from A->B->A without disconnecting from A
- Check if we should use the neutron star's version of the bolometric luminosity first to prevent soft lock
- Avoid crash in creating a location object when it hits a rare window
- Sky box view distance to reduce hyperspace times to some galaxy areas, sparser sky in distant arm regions, but most importantly no more out of memory problems
This game captures the 'feel' of flying a starship better then any game I've ever played in my life. It's incredibly immersive. Bullet points and feature lists aside, this is what makes ED stand out.