You glorious bastard
OK GAF, I know nothing about this game except that I used to like elite when I was a lad. I have no knowledge of any of the mechanics, systems, game modes, how /what you do when you play it or anything. I am also going to buy this and go in completely blind cause fuck it why not. Should I get a HOTAS as well? I guess so I am already going to buy a wheel for Drivecult fuck my money lets get in there.
Drivecult, that's a whole new level. What sort of initiation is there?
I'm playing with a controller/keyboard setup now. But I think I have settled on the X-55 HOTAS.
All this stuff sounds almost too good to be true. Adding anything FPS related will be a massive undertaking. That is basically a completely different game.
Landing on planets is another enormous task. What is on the planets, how different are they from one another, what do you DO on planets?
Do these sound like pipe dreams to anyone else? I know Star Citizen has demonstrated this ability, but I believe they are limiting planet landings to specific parts of planets, and they do not have the ability to manually fly around in the atmosphere of planets and land wherever they choose.
It's hard for me to imagine this stuff will not take years and years to build. Does anyone think any of these features are coming before 2016?
Shit, now I'm stuck in a system with no stations and no fuel, is there anything I can do?
All this stuff sounds almost too good to be true. Adding anything FPS related will be a massive undertaking. That is basically a completely different game.
Landing on planets is another enormous task. What is on the planets, how different are they from one another, what do you DO on planets?
Do these sound like pipe dreams to anyone else? I know Star Citizen has demonstrated this ability, but I believe they are limiting planet landings to specific parts of planets, and they do not have the ability to manually fly around in the atmosphere of planets and land wherever they choose.
It's hard for me to imagine this stuff will not take years and years to build. Does anyone think any of these features are coming before 2016?
Maybe having 1 cargo hold have some 'spare parts' or something and if your hull was at 85% out in the middle of nowhere you could do a space walk, get some screenshots and have a little mini game that repairs your hull and takes some of the 'material' in that cargo hold. So if you have 85% hull, you have 100% Hull Repair Kit and it goes down 15% while your hull goes up 15%. Cool little idea that would just be fun. Make it cheaper than a repair a station because it's taking up your cargo space + you are doing it yourself.
All this stuff sounds almost too good to be true. Adding anything FPS related will be a massive undertaking. That is basically a completely different game.
Landing on planets is another enormous task. What is on the planets, how different are they from one another, what do you DO on planets?
Do these sound like pipe dreams to anyone else? I know Star Citizen has demonstrated this ability, but I believe they are limiting planet landings to specific parts of planets, and they do not have the ability to manually fly around in the atmosphere of planets and land wherever they choose.
It's hard for me to imagine this stuff will not take years and years to build. Does anyone think any of these features are coming before 2016?
I just can't imagine. I've played for literally DAYS in a single system just flying around and killing things. Adding a whole other giant pile of depth to the game would be unbelievable.Frontier say they already have planetary landings technically working. They just want to perfect it, make it more detailed before releasing it. Planetary landings is a staple for the Elite games, so the game is built for it in mind because it has been planned from the beginning.
Ha, in VA I had the name as "R2" so I could say "R2, landing gear" ... yes, I'm a nerd. But the problem was that noticing the 'listening' commands it was 'hearing' would come out as "our too" or "are too" ... ended up going back to "computer" =(
What I really want is to be able to get out at the station, just the dock you're in when "in the station" and look around. That would be awesome, to really get a size of scale of your ship. It's like being on an airplane, you really never take in just how big it is because you never stand 'next to it'. That and space walks. Maybe having 1 cargo hold have some 'spare parts' or something and if your hull was at 85% out in the middle of nowhere you could do a space walk, get some screenshots and have a little mini game that repairs your hull and takes some of the 'material' in that cargo hold. So if you have 85% hull, you have 100% Hull Repair Kit and it goes down 15% while your hull goes up 15%. Cool little idea that would just be fun. Make it cheaper than a repair a station because it's taking up your cargo space + you are doing it yourself.
I got a progression mission to get some personal weapons to Hand Ring in Ho Hsi but I have no idea how I'm supposed to get them. How do I find a station that sells them? I have about 2 hours to do so :|
Yep it seems like that would be the first step in an FPS module, would be to allow walking around in already existing areas. The area is already coded, they just need to spruce it up for first person movement.
If they do allow exiting your ship in space for repairs, I hope there is some risk to it. If you come under attack, you are pretty much dead man walking at that point.
You glorious bastard
Yes you can but when you get there, there won't be anything there. The games loads the new system while you are in hypercruise.
Holy shit, be careful jumping to LHS 6309. Binary star system, the 2nd star is only 5Ls away, when you jump in it puts you in between them, you have a very small window of time to move in the correct direction or you'll be pulled out of super cruise. Almost lost everything because it caught me off guard.
Finally found my 4-D FSD in G 180-18 Hale Dock.
Would be really cool if they added a distress beacon thing, and NPC's (or players) could come and sell you some fuel or a repair a busted module. Right now, though, you're fucked =[ Self destruct.
They were likely loyal to the same faction as the wanted ship you attacked. When that happens to me I try to hug authority vessels so that any incoming stray shots hit the authority vessel and makes them wanted. That way you can fight back without worrying about fines/bounties.What the actual fuck. I was bounty hunting and 2 sidewinders started to shoot at me. Before I could take one of them out my shield was already down and hull at 65%, thrusters gone. Supercruise max. speed 30km/s. Had to selfdestruct
These sidewinders are crazy that are escorting big ships. They start shooting at you instantly if you are near them.
Would be really cool if they added a distress beacon thing, and NPC's (or players) could come and sell you some fuel or a repair a busted module. Right now, though, you're fucked =[ Self destruct.
Anarchy system btwThey were likely loyal to the same faction as the wanted ship you attacked. When that happens to me I try to hug authority vessels so that any incoming stray shots hit the authority vessel and makes them wanted. That way you can fight back without worrying about fines/bounties.
It's in the game already, it's called "report crimes against me"
Which is why when you're bounty hunting the cops keep showing up if you leave it on.
It varies. And some of the tools are bugged with where they are being sold. I would go to Hand Ring and check to see where they are imported from and start there.
Did that but the systems from the list of import systems I tried didn't sell any![]()
Did that but the systems from the list of import systems I tried didn't sell any![]()
According to Thrudd's tool, Walker Orbital in L 639-45 has some, but it was updated almost 24 hours ago.
Also in these places but less likely.
Malzberg Hub in L 639-45
H.G. Wells Hub and Robins High in Luyten 205-128
Here is a link to the tool, pretty handy.
Try Yu Tiku: McKee Station. It's 7000 ls from the beacon, but they're always there at a good price.
Registration for Thrudd's site is back up, so we can sign up and start loading our prices.
Thanks guys but the last listed station sold them and I got the last two with 10 minutes to spare.
They had one in beta that did exactly that, but it got removed for some reason.
Good, I saw that one listed, but excluded it because it was a long distance.
Really? Was it early on? Although I didn't play much in September when I first got the game.
I think you should have a choice. Send a beacon to your friends, or send an 'all alert' because distress beacons could easily become targets for other players.
Could also use them as a trap for unsuspecting players. But, that's the price you pay I say. Would be cool to have them in. Would be more awesome if you could do a voice beacon and people could listen to what you said and choose to come help you.
Fiance's voice: "nude pics for repair"
Trying to buy the game but not seeing a place to put in my credit card information. Do I do this after clicking "Place Order"?
In the Payment Information section all I see is option to checked Secure Card or Bank Payment and PayPal but nothing appears when I click either. Thanks.
Oh, it wasn't from that list, it was the last I saw in Hand Ring and was actually only two jumps away.
I'm still 50+ light years away from Ho Hsiso difficult to get there
I'm still 50+ light years away from Ho Hsiso difficult to get there
Get out of the starter Sidewinder and it really isn't. The Sidewinder has limited jump range due to it's FSD but otherwise it's super quick to get there (as long as you use Fastest Route rather than Economical).