I'm still 50+ light years away from Ho Hsiso difficult to get there
Get out of the starter Sidewinder and it really isn't. The Sidewinder has limited jump range due to it's FSD but otherwise it's super quick to get there (as long as you use Fastest Route rather than Economical).
Just upgrade the starter FSD one level and make sure you're not carrying any cargo and you should be able to get there from any of the starting points I think. Don't forget to refuel at stations along the way. I made the mistake of making one jump too many into an empty system and had to self-destruct and retry. Fortunately that starter ship is free.
It's probably a good way to make the trip in solo mode too since the system has become rather PVP heavy.
A friend jumped to Ho His yesterday, he was in the sidewinder. Halfway through the trip he ran out of fuel and had to self destruct. He made it the second time, when he docked at Hand Ring he asked me what the 'stored ships' tab is because there is an Eagle listed. He went afk for a couple of minutes after I explained it to him.
Does the routing take refuelling into account or could it potentially plot a course where you end up with not enough fuel?
It'll show all routes up to about 80 LY away if you give it a minute or two to chug through the pathfinding. Locations out of your fuel range will show with dotted lines. When planning ahead, make sure that last solid line has a station or refuel at the one before it.
I've had much better results with Slopeys tool lately for some reason. Though one thing that is bugging me is Haise Dock is listed under both Balatu and Ho Hsi systems. Not sure why it's there or if it can be removed.
Oh and I finally got an invite to get a permit for Sol. Excellent!
Nice! I'm stuck at the next step after that (after midshipman). The next progression missions are always "find and kill a target in this system" and I'm not sure those are working.