Have you guys really had that many issues with other players to avoid solo mode? I've had nothing but good experiences and enjoy chatting with random commanders. Unlike say eve online, where I felt that I was cut off from going to any kind of insecure space by other players
I do wish players would enter the docking bay on the correct side though, I'm going to get pasted one of these days... So maybe that's reason enough to switch to solo!!
Honestly I don't think it's even a risk. I've never had an issue with other players at all and I've been playing in Open Play constantly doing trading. It's possible I'm just lucky, and I'm sure griefers exist, but it for the most part seems like this community is actually fairly great currently.
It's obviously your prerogative to play how you like, don't matter to me. Personally I wish more players were around as I keep hearing stories about people getting interdicted and giving up some of their cargo to the pirate and it sounds sorta fun to me and adds to the immersion.
Nope. Killed the player the one time I got Interdicted and got away the next. That was in the Cobra. I'm now in a type 6 with no weapons to do a heavy grind. It's just not worth that 1/1000 chance. Because that 1/1000 chance can set me back hours and hours.
Once I can defend myself in an ASP? Sure, I'll jump in. I just barely had enough time with xmas break and now that the "holidays" are over it's back to regular work schedule and the time to play this game will be like most other games ... I'll talk about it more than I'm able to play it.
Since early September I've only played Open and just started "Solo" the past 4 or so days. It really comes down to this:
Choice 1) Here is a really fun game, enjoy it.
Choice 2) Here is a really fun game, enjoy it, oh, and you may get killed by some random dude.
For now, the "risk" and the "immersion" just isn't a good enough argument for me to risk hours of my personal time. My time is more important than anything, and to give the chance to some random player to take that away just doesn't seem "fun" at this point in the game for me.
I'm not against PVP, played WoW, Aion, Warhammer, etc when they launched. But the penalty is too severe for me to leave that all up to other players. And it could be completely unfair. There could 4 Vipers waiting at a jump point and you're dead before you even try anything. It's not that it "has" happened, it's that it "could" happen and take away tons of hours I've invested.
I'm old, I'm not hardcore, I just like to fly around in space and maybe shoot some shit every now and then. If true PVP is what you crave, there are games for that. This game isn't even really designed around it. It's just an option.