I don't think I've ever found a run that's actually the profit they have listed. Maybe I'm just having bad luck but for something that says 2974 or similar it's actually 1300.
Edit: Yeah, they're adding the profit from each leg into that figure. You're only making around 1200-1400/ton per trip, which really isn't very good.
Isn't it? I thought that was the average profit range for us traders.
Yes, that's the average. There are better hauls per ton out there, but harder to find. I'm never content with a 1200/ton amount.
$$$$/ton is a terrible metric. You need to look at $$$$ per ton, per hour, or label a timeframe to it.
4k profit per ton is still lower than 1k profit per ton if it takes you 5x the amount of time to do the trip. With my 1200k/1400k trip, I can do a roundtrip in about 15 minutes. So that's 120*2600*(60/15) = 1.25m/hour. And that's on a lazy leg, I can actually cut the roundtrip to 12 minutes if I really pay attention which nets me another run in an hour pushing that to 1.5m/hour.
That's in a DAT Asp too, so it's not really "the trading ship". Eventually will dock this and get a T7 and have both but that's a ways out as I'm getting lazy with my trading.
But you have to put a timeframe to your counts. Even spending time looking can cost precious money. If I spend 15 minutes finding a better route, I just wasted 300k, add the gas to get there (if it's far) plus learning the best planet alignment drop in (so you face the entrance on a station) or which pad will be the "medium" on a damn outpost station when it doesn't light up ... you are losing money while looking for money. And when you add the difference, let's say 1200->1500 (1500 is pretty rare, unless the roundtrip is lower) and you're seeing only a 36k increase (for a 120 cargo Asp). If you spent 30 minutes finding the route (internet or w/e), you'll need to do the run 14 times just to make up the money lost from not sticking to the other one.
I rarely leave a 2300-2600 roundtrip route unless I'm just bored. The money is too good if consistent, and you're doing yourself a disservice. If you even spend an hour looking around for a route, you have to do it almost 30 times to make up for the money you just lost on that last route. You're out a million credits trying to find a 50k increase.
But, that's the "take the trading too seriously" person in me. I usually mess around in menus, think of different weapon loadouts I may use and let all the NPC's interdict me because I can blast them in a few seconds and be on my way. I will put my nose to the grindstone for a couple hours here and there lately mainly because I'm missing one A component to have my Asp fully upgraded. Then I'm doing the Hull and probably when I get the T7 move it to Size 6 shields so it will be a tank.
For example, and this is just a guesstimate, I'd imagine these two would probably even themselves out with time spent: