And once again, the sensible "this is already happening" post gets ignored in a thread on 'AI' when in reality modern AI really just means 'machine learning + models + vast amounts of data'. We've had models for a long time, we've also had machine learning for quite some time before it tipped over into the main computing paradigm. What nobody had before, was vast amounts of data. That is what Facebook (and others) have wrought upon human history (if it is still 'human' history that is): the explosions of data on human behavior that was previously hard to get. Now that we have it, we don't need quantum computers to extract patterns for the flimsiest trace of data, because with this amount, even a modest model would be able to get an accurate answer over a wider range than any human could ever produce.
I get that the philosophy of science isn't everybody's jam, but considering the ideas of accuracy, bandwidth, and data are not new, you should all make an effort to wrap your heads around these things. The world isn't linear, it's complex. It is vital that you understand the difference and how that affects us.
Also, there is a stunning denial in this thread about all the astroturfing operations that got us to the Trump presidency and then going "well it's not happening today...". Some of you are really, well, dense in some ways. Sorry not sorry. Who do you think would start WW3 anyway?
And while we're on this: why do you think the alt-right loves tech so much? (and will suddenly bring up 'philosophy' when declaring said term to be bullshit when talking to people who won't accept message A --hate-- but will accept message B -- popular thing is totally bullshit, man--. Think about it, that's all I ask. )