People check out the band Body Thief. I'll link their band camp when I get to my computer.
Yay new page!
Yay new page!
I came here and people are insulting I Will Play My Game and handcuffs.... I'm disappointed.
God, I love the Weakerthans. I think I still have my hoodie. It's about 15 years old at this point and there's no way it fits now.
"My ribs that show through T-shirts and these shoes I got for free" was, like, my life.
Now, it's closer to "My beer gut protrudes through flannel and these shoes I got on sale..."
Camp Cope getting some love on Pitchfork. Ian Cohen is the emo representative this community needs.
Goodness, has received universally positive reviews, though critics often seem to feel they need to apologize for liking it. Many appear uncomfortable using the word "emo" to describe the band, though that's clearly the music they play. Pitchfork senior editor Jillian Mapes dodged the question expertly: "At this point, however, it might not even be accurate to call them emo, so let's just have it out now: The Hotelier is a great rock band, however you classify them." A sudden onset of rhetorical fussiness about genre labels is a common way to give a great band a pass when they play a style of music that's still widely reviled
Do good scores on p4k still mean something? I know back in the day it could blow up a band overnight but it seems like a while since then.
Jank's new EP available now. Pay what you want on their bandcamp.
Home had 8.3. Which was higher but not high enough to be best new music. If the band wasn't emo I bet it would've been an 8.5.
Emo is a dirty term that isn't cool. No matter how good the music is the reviews will always have caveats like Pitchfork' "this isn't emo". It is how it is.
As much as I want the bands I love to be successful, when it comes to certain publications they will only do so by being twice as good as they normally should be and with the genre caveat.
There's a reason Bemis bitches about Pitchfork in his records. Not that it matters in the end. The Hotelier is the kind of band who doesn't give two shits about what Pitchfork thinks of them.
god the new jank is so fucking good. finally got around to listening to it
This is a song about my Bike "Ralph" and it's called "Ralph">>>>
and those harmonies on Chunks>>>>>>>>>>
Goodness is still one of the best releases all year. Will probably end up being my aoty.
Huh, this thread exists? Perfect.The Jank EP is fantastic, and Goodness is def on my aoty list.
I can't believe I've never seen this thread before.
Guys, I've been feeling a bit bummed on new music since we're over half way through the year and I have not been stoked on very many of this year's big releases at all. Modern Baseball, Jank, Cape Cope, Pup, Direct Hit, Pinegrove. I've given them all multiple listens and I'm just not feeling it.
The albums released so far this year (including other genres) that I have enjoyed are:
Brian Fallon - Painkillers (really good)
cllctyrslf - --it started shifting (loved it)
Dowsing - Okay (good)
I Love Your Lifestyle - We Go Way Back (good)
Muncie Girls - From Caplan to Belsize (really good)
Tender Defender - EP (good)
The Hotelier - Goodness
Tiny Moving Parts - Celebrate (loved it)
Actually in typing this I just discovered three!! good new albums that came out in the past couple months that I hadn't heard yet. So maybe things aren't so bad.
For Everest - We Are at Home in the Body
Suis La Lune / Shirokuma - Split
Sport (France) - Slow
Damn dude, you've listed off the biggest and best releases in the genre(s) at the top there., it's a shame you're not feeling them.
Do we talk math rock in here at all? I'm still unsure what classes as emo these daysOnly just discovered TTNG last week somehow, but I'm i love <3
Damn dude, you've listed off the biggest and best releases in the genre(s) at the top there., it's a shame you're not feeling them.
Do we talk math rock in here at all? I'm still unsure what classes as emo these daysOnly just discovered TTNG last week somehow, but I'm i love <3
Guys, I've been feeling a bit bummed on new music since we're over half way through the year and I have not been stoked on very many of this year's big releases at all. Modern Baseball, Jank, Cape Cope, Pup, Direct Hit, Pinegrove. I've given them all multiple listens and I'm just not feeling it.
The albums released so far this year (including other genres) that I have enjoyed are:
Brian Fallon - Painkillers (really good)
cllctyrslf - --it started shifting (loved it)
Dowsing - Okay (good)
I Love Your Lifestyle - We Go Way Back (good)
Muncie Girls - From Caplan to Belsize (really good)
Tender Defender - EP (good)
The Hotelier - Goodness
Tiny Moving Parts - Celebrate (loved it)
Actually in typing this I just discovered three!! good new albums that came out in the past couple months that I hadn't heard yet. So maybe things aren't so bad.
For Everest - We Are at Home in the Body
Suis La Lune / Shirokuma - Split
Sport (France) - Slow
TTNG are pretty good, will be watching them at Arctangent festival in a few weeks with other bands such as American Football, Mono, GYBE, La Dispute, Owen, Caspian, Toe, mewithoutyou... and one of the best bands from the screamo-scene in Spain, Viva Belgrado, you SHOULD listen to them, they're awesome:
talking about math-rock (not math-core..) there are a lot of awesome bands most people never realized they're very influenced in math-rock: Minus the Bear, Foals, Battles, Floating Points, Slint, Damiera..
Oh man, super stoked on seeing Muncie Girls in there. Been following them since pretty early and it's great to see them making waves, especially as they're all super nice peopleGuys, I've been feeling a bit bummed on new music since we're over half way through the year and I have not been stoked on very many of this year's big releases at all. Modern Baseball, Jank, Cape Cope, Pup, Direct Hit, Pinegrove. I've given them all multiple listens and I'm just not feeling it.
The albums released so far this year (including other genres) that I have enjoyed are:
Brian Fallon - Painkillers (really good)
cllctyrslf - --it started shifting (loved it)
Dowsing - Okay (good)
I Love Your Lifestyle - We Go Way Back (good)
Muncie Girls - From Caplan to Belsize (really good)
Tender Defender - EP (good)
The Hotelier - Goodness
Tiny Moving Parts - Celebrate (loved it)
Actually in typing this I just discovered three!! good new albums that came out in the past couple months that I hadn't heard yet. So maybe things aren't so bad.
For Everest - We Are at Home in the Body
Suis La Lune / Shirokuma - Split
Sport (France) - Slow
Sometimes albums need a spin or two to sink in, so I wouldn't be too bummed about not getting down on things you thought you would. Go back to that Modern Baseball, though. I thought it kicked ass. And the first two songs* on the new PUP... you might want to feel bad if you don't think those are just scorchers.
Speaking of, it looks like PUP is stopping in my town the day before the Fest, so I might see them twice that weekend. Any input on how they are live?
And here's Mikey Erg doing a Wings cover:
Oh shit it's Lou from Caves and Messenger Bag from The Chris Gethard ShowSometimes albums need a spin or two to sink in, so I wouldn't be too bummed about not getting down on things you thought you would. Go back to that Modern Baseball, though. I thought it kicked ass. And the first two songs on the new PUP... you might want to feel bad if you don't think those are just scorchers.
Speaking of, it looks like PUP is stopping in my town the day before the Fest, so I might see them twice that weekend. Any input on how they are live?
And here's Mikey Erg doing a Wings cover:
If they're anything like this studio session it should be incredible.
* My Life Is Over And I Couldnt Be Happier is also a certified banger.
Guys, I've been feeling a bit bummed on new music since we're over half way through the year and I have not been stoked on very many of this year's big releases at all. Modern Baseball, Jank, Cape Cope, Pup, Direct Hit, Pinegrove. I've given them all multiple listens and I'm just not feeling it.
The albums released so far this year (including other genres) that I have enjoyed are:
Brian Fallon - Painkillers (really good)
cllctyrslf - --it started shifting (loved it)
Dowsing - Okay (good)
I Love Your Lifestyle - We Go Way Back (good)
Muncie Girls - From Caplan to Belsize (really good)
Tender Defender - EP (good)
The Hotelier - Goodness
Tiny Moving Parts - Celebrate (loved it)
Actually in typing this I just discovered three!! good new albums that came out in the past couple months that I hadn't heard yet. So maybe things aren't so bad.
For Everest - We Are at Home in the Body
Suis La Lune / Shirokuma - Split
Sport (France) - Slow
I always think the lead singer is Kyle Bosman at first.
All of the stuff on both your likes and dislikes lists that I've listened to, I completely agree with your opinion, so we clearly have very similar taste. WIth that in mind, I figured I ought to check out the stuff on your likes list that I haven't heard yet. I'm listening to cllctyrslf right now and I'm really, really digging it! Looking forward to checking out the other stuff as well. Thanks for the suggestions!
Edit: Just figured out who cllctyrslf really reminds me of! Toby Foster and High Dive (which is Toby Foster's band). Definitely give them a listen!
Second Edit: Didn't realize High Dive had a new album out (called New Teeth)! I'm halfway through listening to it right now and so far it is absolutely fantastic. I'd highly recommend everyone checking it out.
My man! High Five! I'm glad you are checking out cllctyrslf. It really came out of nowhere for me, but I haven't heard anyone else talking about it.
I listened to the High Dive album a few times last year but then I just ended up listening to Coffee and Ice Water on repeat and it ended up being one of my favorite songs of the year. So good. Ginger from Good Luck sings and I love her voice. Also, other members are in Defiance, Ohio which is another band I love a lot. I'm checking out the Toby Foster album now, good stuff.
Keep me posted if you have any other recommendations.
Good Luck are rad as hell, and I need to listen to High Dive more
West Wind Ride and Novel Figure are amazing songs