This girl brought me to a emo karaoke night. I feel like I'm 17 again
That sounds like too much fun.
This girl brought me to a emo karaoke night. I feel like I'm 17 again
This girl brought me to a emo karaoke night. I feel like I'm 17 again
Recents releases you should also check:
Russian Circles - Afrika
White Lung - Paradise
Departures - Death Touches Us, From The Moment We Beg
Orbs - Past Life Regression
Frameworks - Smother
Yeah, I do like the first two songs, but I always seem to lose interest somewhere in the middle of the album and want to stop listening. I will give Modern Baseball another chance though since I'll probably be seeing them in February.Sometimes albums need a spin or two to sink in, so I wouldn't be too bummed about not getting down on things you thought you would. Go back to that Modern Baseball, though. I thought it kicked ass. And the first two songs on the new PUP... you might want to feel bad if you don't think those are just scorchers.
Hell yes, dude! Good Luck is one of my all time favorite bands! I've listened to both of their albums probably a hundred times. And Defiance, Ohio is another one of my all-time favorites! I knew you and I shared the same good taste!
But yeah, I was so stoked when I heard Ginger singing on a couple of the songs on the new High Dive album! I recognized her voice immediately. So good.
Since you like all of those bands, you definitely have to check out one of my other all-time favorites (I know I'm using that term a lot in my post, but these are genuinely top 10 favorite bands for me) is Nana Grizol. Both of their albums (Love It! Love It! and Ruth) are on my top 5 (or at least top 10) favorite albums of all time. They're so damn good if you're into their style.
Also, that Theo Hilton, Toby Foster, and Ryan Woods EP has some FANTASTIC songs on it. City Sidewalks is a masterpiece. Theo Hilton is the lead singer of Nana Grizol FYI (and he's in Defiance, Ohio, too, IIRC).
I feel like I might be missing one other band from that little niche that all these bands fit into... That niche is literally where all my favorite bands reside. If I think of anything else I'll let you know.
But basically, if you like all those bands, you absolutely have to check out Nana Grizol.
Also, I'm just so happy that someone else is into all these super niche bands that I'm into as well. I've literally never heard anyone talk about Good Luck. And I've also never known anyone else who's already known of High Dive. You're awesome.
Haha thanks man, one of the best nights for shows I had was back when The Gaslight Anthem were first getting big enough to headline shows and going to see their show and after it finished, running across town to see Defiance, Ohio. Such a fun night.
I actually had Nana Grizol downloaded on my computer, but I had completely forgot about it. Time to give it another listen, I've been wanting some new Defiance, Ohio so this will hopefully fill the void.
This girl brought me to a emo karaoke night. I feel like I'm 17 again
They are going to El Paso and Corpus Christi... but not Austin, Dallas or Houston..
gotta be fucking kidding me
It's just a weird tour in general. At least corpus is on a Saturday. I plan to make the trip with a friend.
New Moose Blood is out!!!
So they aren't emo but if you aren't listening to Deafheaven then you are doing something wrong with your life.
it's cool. energetic. didn't grab me though. i like their other album more
love em. what did you think of new bermuda. its good but i like s u n b a t h e r better
also MJ what do you think of self defense family. do you like em. i like em
Sunbather is a better album imo too but New Bermuda is still fucking incredible.
I need to check out Self Defense FAmily. Been meaning to for a very long time but still never have :/ so I need to get on that
kevin devine is touring with pinegrove. i think i'm gonna go to that
kevin devine is touring with pinegrove. i think i'm gonna go to that
I've been listening to High Dive's New Teeth on repeat the past few days. I'm absolutely in love with that album. The music and lyrics both hit home for me so perfectly.
Most important thing for me: who's on before The Ergs and Latterman. Because I fucking need to see them so I want to know who I'll be missingAlso, the Fest schedule goes live tomorrow. We need to brainstorm, compare and contrast... even if you aren't going!
Most important thing for me: who's on before The Ergs and Latterman. Because I fucking need to see them so I want to know who I'll be missing
Saw a Pinegrove LP on a record store but it was 26 euros... I was so tempted but damn, too expensive. There was also a Postal Service record for 44 euros!
Also, I'm slightly disappointed with the new Moose Blood record. It's good but it didn't hit me like the last one did. It's a shame because I really like the first single they put out and that's still the highlight for me.
Saw a Pinegrove LP on a record store but it was 26 euros... I was so tempted but damn, too expensive. There was also a Postal Service record for 44 euros!
Also, I'm slightly disappointed with the new Moose Blood record. It's good but it didn't hit me like the last one did. It's a shame because I really like the first single they put out and that's still the highlight for me.
Thanks for the rec, Kipp! Just listened to the album all the way through--excellent stuff.
So glad you like it!
I've still been listening to it pretty much non-stop. Just so good.
What a tour, I know it never happens but god if they brought this tour to Europe...
It would be suuuuuper shitty if they kicked you out between bands, you're good to stick around and get drinks and shitBo Didley Plaza
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM Propagandhi
7:40 PM - 8:40 PM The Ergs! (Reunion)
6:20 PM - 7:20 PM Latterman (Reunion)
5:20 PM - 6:00 PM Off With Their Heads
... Oh em gee... 4 of my top 5 in single succession. Do they make you leave shows in between and get back in line for recent Fests or can you get in and stay in?
Also, I had no idea Hard Girls was playing the Fest. They weren't on any lists I saw, so this is incredible.
Dillinger Four on Saturday is my number one, must go, can't miss situation. Not optional.