I've not listened to Rosenstock despite him popping up on recommended a lot. Super feeling this new album, I'll go listen to the older stuff after I've gone through this a couple more times and feel ashamed of myself.
Does this mean you haven't listened to Bomb the Music Industry either then?
Fuck dood, you got some catching up to do
I'm gonna go cry alone in my room.
Never, I'll add it to the library now to remind myself for later.
Oh and my shame is plastered all over the top of a new thread.
I'm gonna go cry alone in my room.
Put me in the bucket of fools that are new to Jeff Rosenstock.
Listened to his first two albums earlier this week, got hooked immediately. Looking forward to listening to the new one today.
After new Conor Oberst and Crying.
BTMI! gets into soul and folk, too. Basically, he throws a fuckton of spaghetti against the wall and it's remarkable that it all seems to stick.
Total random unfounded theory: BTMI! will be one of the mystery bands at the Fest this year. My other guess (hope) is that Jesse Michaels comes down to hype up his film, and joins with Hard Girls to reform Classics of Love.
...And I was hyped all week for the release of the new Rosenstock and then promptly forgot to go check it out this morning. Starting now.
As someone who passed up the opportunity to see BtMI full band before I really knew about them because I'm an idiot, I would love this so fucking much
Cool!they said that they are playing d&g front to back during the tour so the first half of the set list sounds right
they played most of the bottom ones when I went to see them in Berkeley.
I'm seeing them on Halloween
Sorority Noise and Turnover tonight!
Fucking incredible. Apart from the bit when they played 20 seconds of Good Things by The Menzingers to remind me that I can't be in two places at once (Menzos were playing Leeds yesterday which I hadn't realised clashed and was planning on going to)How were Sorority Noise? I'm a big convert after never hearing them before this thread.
Hang on
...are you secretly Chris Farren?
Speaking of Chris Farren this is my new favourite thing
From Bang On The Door until the end, the way Rosenstock connects all those songs and jumps trough different punk genres so seamlessly is one of the most genius moments I've ever heard on a record.
I knew the album would be good but damn, this is too much. Going from punk rock to ska to hardcore in one seamless move is genius. I'm still not over it.
The first half of the record is where the strongest individual songs are but the second half is a crazy journey.
Speaking of Chris Farren this is my new favourite thing
Omg that's fucking hotttttt. Is that an exclusive color
Exactly how I feel about it. The first half has the best stand outs, but that second half is like a punk rock buffet table.
Yeah, I saw them over the summer and I'm going again next month. Regardless of how much you listen to them now you won't regret it – they always go nuts and put on an amazing show.also not emo at all but i just got tickets to see the dillinger escape plan friday and i'm so goddamn excited. they were one of my favorite bands growing up and i've never gotten to see them til now on their last tour ever.
Yeah, I saw them over the summer and I'm going again next month. Regardless of how much you listen to them now you won't regret it – they always go nuts and put on an amazing show.
Case in point, this classic video.
Crooks released a new song.
It's really good for the different style.
I have been plugging them in here every so often but none of yall ever care![]()
sry bb i'll check em out like right now swears
listen to their Nevermore EP then Are We All the Same Distance Apart first.
if you like TA and PBTT then you will like them a lot but the dude has a great voice
i'm listening to Are We All right now and this is ain't bad at all
Fantano gave ato the new American Football LP5/10